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[Origin] Aetheric Beam Cannon Array


Retired Staff
Inactive Member

Origin's first Aether weapon, This is a piece of a larger project I've been working on that leads to a plot revamp sometime in the future.

Wes has agreed to let Origin have Aether weaponry with the provision that SAoY personnel must be aboard said ship, and they must be registered with Yamatai, as opposed to a General or corporate registration like most of Origin's ships have.

Comments? Concerns?
Aetheric Energy, in this setting, can really only be described as an amount, not a form of energy as aether is a place and not really a thing.

For example:

Aether shock cannons work by firing a scalar pulse which triggers a release of energy (heat, light, radiations, particles, ect) as it travels.

Other weapons use an aether exposition to funnel energy (aether rifle) and that energy is in the form of intense radiation, particles, ect.

So is this in the first category, 'Aether Shock Cannon', or the second category, 'Aether Laser'?

Finally, I think you mean 50 meter WIDE beam, not 50 meter LONG beam.
I mean 50 Meters long, as in, the weapon only actually fires for enough time for a 'beam' to be 50 meters long.

Also, this works along the same principles as an Aether shock cannon, but in a much more controlled manner, producing a beam instead of a cone of death. It is supposed to be a more precise method of using Aether, rather than simply ripping a giant hole in the universe as it has been described a normal Aether shock cannon will do.
Kai said:
Upon contact with a target, all the Energy potential of any part the beams touch is released, causing an immense discharge of energy, often in the form of a large explosion.
Based on this, if a ship has shields this weapon is completely useless because the beams won't touch any part of the ship triggering your discharge.

Aether energy in other weapons, such as the Aether cannon does not have the disruptive force you want this beam to have.
I'm not sure I agree with you there, Nashoba. This sounds like the very same thing the Aether shock cannon Plumeria-class gunships have do to their targets.

If this weapon wouldn't work, but the Plumerias' main cannons would... well, that'd feel like a double-standard to me.
This is really just the UCHUU SENKAN YAMATO's Beam Cannon Turrets, but with less spinning.

I don't see a problem, the tech description is just fluff.
Actually an ASC release energy from the aether as the shock wave moves.

all the Energy potential of any part the beams touch is released, causing an immense discharge of energy, often in the form of a large explosion.

Is not how aether, or the ASC, works in this setting. As the wave does not magically explode whenever it touches something.

This would also imply the beam would explode the moment it hits interstellar dust as well.

You could also just say the beam fires for 1/300,000,000th of a second instead of 50 meters long. The beam length is a really bad stat as it doesn't describe anything useful for anyone.
Fred said:
I'm not sure I agree with you there, Nashoba. This sounds like the very same thing the Aether shock cannon Plumeria-class gunships have do to their targets.

If this weapon wouldn't work, but the Plumerias' main cannons would... well, that'd feel like a double-standard to me.
Actually there is no double standard Fred. The descriptions of the weapons are different.

The ABC array
The ABC-Array fires 2 50-meter long beams of Aetheric energy, travelling at the Speed of light
Typo by the way.

The Main Weapon array
An aether shock array works by releasing an incredibly intense scalar interference pulse that causes a tear in the fabric of space-time.
The ABC fires a beam of aether which makes it more like the Aether beam weaponry.

The Main Weapon array, draws upon Aether to create a massive scalar pulse. Not the same at all.
Alright, It looks like through my research, I managed to categorize and oversimplify everything in my mind. What I have written down is the beam's effect on solid matter, and not how it actually works.

Also, I think I'll just change it to a solid beam if having a short beam shaped pulse isn't the right way to go.

So, I'll try to do a revamp as well as I can very soon, hopefully with Less typos.
The Serendipity was indeed influenced extremely heavily by the Gekkostate. The Gekko is just so cool, but their layouts, capabilities, and real appearance are quite different.
Reading the Serendipity page, I have this to say: I feel so fail.

Still, you could make a variant of what you originally designed for a much smaller ship, namely a fighter.
Of course, we're talking about the gun here, not the ship, so please refrain from derailing this topic any more. Discussion of the Serendipity can happen when I submit it for review.
Unless there are any objections, I intend to approve this submission on Saturday.

The blatant rip-off design is another story.
Wes said:
Unless there are any objections, I intend to approve this submission on Saturday.

The blatant rip-off design is another story.

It isn't a rip-off, its a homage.

there is a distinct difference, and I'll be glad to look up the legal definition.
Homage: From Merriam Webster Dictionary
1 a : a feudal ceremony by which a man acknowledges himself the vassal of a lord b : the relationship between a feudal lord and his vassal c : an act done or payment made in meeting the obligations of vassalage

2 a : expression of high regard : respect —often used with pay b : something that shows respect or attests to the worth or influence of another : tribute

While it may be meant as 'homage' it skirts awfully close to Copyright Infringment. However, that is an issue for when Serendipity is submitted and not relevant to the cannon itself.
If you intend to strike hard on the 'homage/tribute' issue, you might want to examine other factors such as the Irim gunship being descended from the Meltrandi Gunship (Macross) and the NH-28 NIWS being portrayed closely in-roleplay to KOS-MOS (Xenosaga).

I see alarming double-standards here, again. Nashoba and Wes, I see you both as being overly picky to the point of being unfair. Why not push that on to saying that Uso's ships look too much like rockets and the Himiko-class looking too much like a Miranda-class light cruiser while we're at it? Or with the Daisy power armor looking too much like a Bubblegum Crisis hardsuit?

We're heavily anime influenced. What did you expect?

Besides, a long neck with wings is a long neck with wings. A ship capable of fighting has guns - guns that likely would go around the centerpoint, below the wings, to the tip of the wings and clustered around the beak portion. If you want a ship with the swan-style look, it's rather likely you'll end up having it look like the hundred of other ships that have the swan look.

Suggestion to Kai: remove the 'teeth' on the back of the wings. It's really the one point where both ships seem identical.
It has nothing to do with being overly picky. As I said it skirts close to copyright infringement. Not just because of the swan shape, but the color scheme and everything.

Kai even admitted that the Serendipity design was 'heavily' influenced by the Gekkostate.

The only reason I am bringing the matter up is to protect the SARP. While I was in STARFLEET for 17 years, I saw Paramount shut down a number of fan sites because of use of their 'intellectual property'.

That said there are ways to avoid situations like that, in this case a fairly simple on. Kai can add a footnote to his Serendipity page, stating something along these lines, that he created the design for SARP as an homage to the Gekkostate. And that the Gekkostate is a product and trademark of <company>. All rights reserved.

Then he has clearly stated that his not stealing their design.