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[Origin] Anti-Armor Rifle

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What is the firing mechanism? how is it attached to the armor exactly? is it a shoulder mounted weapon? what are the dimensions of the weapon itself?
A few nitpicks.

1: You'd need massive energy to accelerate something out of the barrel, that fast, a hand-held weapon simply can't provide the necessary energy. Let alone the range you have listed, it is quite overkill.

2:The nuke, while promising the Lorath themselves possess nuclear warheads, a mini missile, only capable of ADR2. And solid munitions being in the range of 41mm-89mm for a small scale tactical nuclear warhead.

3: A 100 Ton Explosion is around this. A megaton explosion, much much bigger.
Uh, soresu. The Frame this is meant for is, to put it frankly, huge compared to other armors. It gets power through a cable linked to the frame itself. This Gun is huge.

And the damage rating says that Tactical Nukes do ADR 5 damage
Most power armors have enough energy to not only reach space from the surface of a planet but to use FTL drives as well. Most can also accelerate themselves to a decent fraction of the speed of light.

In comparison operating this weapon should only require a fraction of that energy.

Also how big is this weapon? Assuming the Ashigaru is that giant-robot thing (didn't bother to check on the wiki) and this being a hand held weapon for that, I would think ADR5 is closer to what would be expected than ADR2.
And the arguments spill out again. I was giving him size comparisons and examples of explosions Uso. Nothing more, nothing less, and even explained as such on the IRC. Your question of the weapon itself was also tiny bit redundant as Kai already asked that.
Soresu said:
And the arguments spill out again. I was giving him size comparisons and examples of explosions Uso. Nothing more, nothing less, and even explained as such on the IRC.

Oh Hell no.

We are not turning my thread into a bitchfest.
We're not. I agree, as you and I discussed this, along with some others on the IRC earlier and was telling him before hand so nothing starts. So chill, man, s'all gewd.
I think anything dealing with kilotons is a bit overpowered for anything besides tactical weapons or starships.
Devinslevin said:
I think anything dealing with kilotons is a bit overpowered for anything besides tactical weapons or starships.

Words cannot express how hard I am facepalming right now.
I am not trying to be rude, and I am referring to a REAL tactical weapon, not something you can easily fit onto something as small as a suit of armor (whether or not you consider them small, they are not large in the long run.)

Also...I meant to say strategic, not tactical. My fault, a typo. The bombs dropped on Japan were more than a few kilotons, but not so much substantially more than what was vaguely described in the weapon description. That weapon was more than sufficient to destroy all buildings in a 2 mile radius.

In short, nothing called a tactical weapon should be that powerful, and nothing above tactical should be be on a suit of armor.

Let me put it this way.

You're new to SARP. You don't know what you're talking about. You really don't know what you're talking about in relation to other things in SARP.
I am just giving my opinion. I know I am new, and most certainly not the most well versed of people here, but please dont insult me. If I wanted to be rude I would have said the idea sucked (it doesnt though). I have read on some of the things on the site though, so its not like I am slacking off or some such.
Dev, become acquainted with the typical equipment used in the SARP. It is a bit much but I imagine the weapon is excessively large and unwieldy on a conventional armor but usable on a frame and in some way docks physically to the frame for its charge - Perhaps in the form of a cable which slots into a wrist or palm connector that locks the thing in place and swaps telemetry and sensor data of the device with the frame to get a better aim.

I also imagine that because of the sheer performance, it's a disposable weapon, firing so many shots (50/60 full charge shots?) then that entire rifle assembly being so badly damaged that it's cheaper to build a new one than it is to fix the old one.

It would also encourage pilots to be quite reserved with it, picking and choosing their targets.
It also means that when it's out of ammunition, you're encouraged to drop it and move on. I think it's pretty feasible that the armor could carry two of these and dock them some how to a support or behind the shoulders so it can use hand-held weapons for mobile combat then holster the standard rifle and take aim with one of these.

Really it's an Armor Assault weapon. Not designed for a prolonged fight and quite heavy but it gets the job done quickly and it's ideal for mopping up. If you're looking to strap as much crap on your armor as possible and kick as much ass in as shorter time as you can (think the Kampfer in 08th ms team and the ass that sucker kicked)... Well... The ballistics velocity on this baby makes dodging it a pain: the round misses or hits you before your armor can warn you so if you all keep hush and aim at seperate armors (say there's 8 of you and 8 of them) you can on average blow away seven of them.

First sight, first kill, just like the F22: a force multiplier. This baby is your ticket to some serious rape but boy, it's as much a pain as it is a blessing.

At least that's my take. Me and Five will talk about it.
Also, the fact that the armor it is designed for is 30 ish feet tall, it's not really that small comparatively.
I know I am new, but I've read up on most of the armors and weapons that go along with their outfit and I must say that in comparison, this weapon seems entirely feasable. My interpretation of it is much along the lines of OsakanOne's.

The weapon, though not a multi-use weapon, is meant to be the equivalent of a modern day strike-aircraft. Think of the Apache. It is a quick assault and strike aircraft used to change the tide of battle, but it purposely moves the heck out of the way afterwards. If it is caught alone, versus a more advanced aircraft, it is useless. That is what I see in this weapon mounted on an armor.

"Get in, one kill, get out."
Devin, it's worth noting that SARP-contemporary armor materials are hundreds of times better than that exists today.

It is a basic requirement that a fighter is able to survive the blast and shockwave of a basic nuclear weapon and that a heavy fighter's barrier kit be able to survive the core blast, even if the fighter is no longer airworthy afterwards.

This mostly comes down to the fact we use particle weapons and kinetic energy penetrators. Explosives aren't effective in space -- The shrapnel almost always does more damage than the blast.
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