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[Origin] Ashigaru


It may not be something I will use, but I have to say, Good Job. The article shows the amount of time and energy. Great images too.

It looks pretty good to me. quite a few of the original versions were very iffy and I know I balked at a lot of your ideas, but I'm happy with how this thing turned out. you did a pretty good job on this thing.
First, I would like to say that it a very, very nice render of it. Great job.

However, there are some problems with the submission itself that need to be addressed.

1) The STL speed seems pretty high. Most things with that speed are either much lighter (and have much larger engines relative to their size) or are much, much smaller (such as PA). I did find some precedent in other large armors (particularly the VANDR) so, while I still think it is too high, there is a precedent for it.

2) What is the difference between “Ground Speed (Hover)” and “Air Speed”? Aren’t you flying in both? I can see it if you are saying the hover speed includes problems with dodging obstacles and such, but that seems more of a RP thing than something that is part of a write-up.

3) The hull, specifically the damage reduction. It seems pretty high, particularly since it is effective against the majority of weapons. If this is from a EM field the armor is generating it would be a much smaller list of things it is effective against. It would be effective against charged particle weapons (including plasma weapons) and to a lesser degree against magnetically accelerated projectile weaponry. It would not provide any meaningful protection against neutral particle weapons (neutron beams and such) or against lasers.

4) The shield. I think you are misunderstanding how things interact. Also, what do you mean by a ‘Beam’ attack?
----a) EM Shield: As stated above this is effective against charged particle and MAP weapons. It would provide no protection against lasers.
----b) Gravimetric Shield: Generate a gravity field around the armor which warps space-time. This warping causes incoming attacks to bend around the armor, decreasing the likely hood of a attack missing completely or being a glancing blow if it does connect. They are effective against more or less any attack. Within the SARP these fields are usually subspace based to avoid the problems with the shield having a very high mass, being difficult to manipulate (i.e. shoot through), and easy to erect or shut off. As a note, they should be of essentially no use against gravimetric attacks, but this is ignored in the setting.

That is all,
Vesper said:
First, I would like to say that it a very, very nice render of it. Great job.

However, there are some problems with the submission itself that need to be addressed.

1) The STL speed seems pretty high. Most things with that speed are either much lighter (and have much larger engines relative to their size) or are much, much smaller (such as PA). I did find some precedent in other large armors (particularly the VANDR) so, while I still think it is too high, there is a precedent for it.

2) What is the difference between “Ground Speed (Hover)” and “Air Speed”? Aren’t you flying in both? I can see it if you are saying the hover speed includes problems with dodging obstacles and such, but that seems more of a RP thing than something that is part of a write-up.

3) The hull, specifically the damage reduction. It seems pretty high, particularly since it is effective against the majority of weapons. If this is from a EM field the armor is generating it would be a much smaller list of things it is effective against. It would be effective against charged particle weapons (including plasma weapons) and to a lesser degree against magnetically accelerated projectile weaponry. It would not provide any meaningful protection against neutral particle weapons (neutron beams and such) or against lasers.

4) The shield. I think you are misunderstanding how things interact. Also, what do you mean by a ‘Beam’ attack?
----a) EM Shield: As stated above this is effective against charged particle and MAP weapons. It would provide no protection against lasers.
----b) Gravimetric Shield: Generate a gravity field around the armor which warps space-time. This warping causes incoming attacks to bend around the armor, decreasing the likely hood of a attack missing completely or being a glancing blow if it does connect. They are effective against more or less any attack. Within the SARP these fields are usually subspace based to avoid the problems with the shield having a very high mass, being difficult to manipulate (i.e. shoot through), and easy to erect or shut off. As a note, they should be of essentially no use against gravimetric attacks, but this is ignored in the setting.

That is all,

1: In space, the more thrust you have, the faster you'll go.

2: If it's hovering, that means it's just hovering a little bit above the ground. The Ashigaru can't fly, but it can pull off a pretty nice Dom, or jump around pretty cool.

3: The hull and the DR is a compromise from the earlier model having 32 SP. Exhack and Soresu both assured me that having the damage reduction would still achieve my aim that I had originally set out to do with this having 32 SP. I think a little bit of technobabble is suitable for SARP. Not overloading it to the point where it doesnt make any sense, but a little.'

4: I used the explanation on this page https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=sh ... eld_system for how the Gravimetric and Electromagnetic shields work.
1- As I said, there is a precedent (and that seems to mean everything here) for such a speed on a similarly sized armor, so I can't really stop you from using it. It just seems stupidly fast for a armor.

2- If it can't fly why does it have a atmospheric speed and how is it transatmospheric? You have to fly (however ungracefully) to get to orbit after all.

3 & 4- I can't speak for whomever but that page up, but it is terribly inaccurate as I said in my first post. I believe it was based more on movies and anime than by a sensible approach to how the various shield technologies function.

As I said, there are 3 fundamental shield technologies (there are a few others but these are the big three):

---1) Pure Electromagnetic Field (Type 1): These generate a powerful EM field around the ship/armor/etc. that slows down and bends incoming electrically or magnetically charged objects around the object the shield is defending.
====They are effective against:
====--Charged Particle Weapons (including Positron weaponry)
====--Plasma Weapons
====--Magnetically Accelerated Projectile weapons (to a lesser degree)

====They are not effective against:
====--Neutral Particle Weapons (i.e. neutron beams and the like)
====--Gravimetric and Electrogravimetric (Scalar) Weapons
====--Aether Weapons

---2) Particle Shield/ Plasma Shield (Type 2): These are related to Type 1 (Pure EM) shields in that their defensive characteristics stem from a powerful EM field around the generator. Instead of relying on the field alone, however, they incorporate charged matter (plasma) in to the shield. This matter absorbs energy that strikes the shield allowing it to defend against a wider range of threats than Type 1 shields. Unfortunately the shield plasma is depleted each time it is struck, making it less sustainable than a Type 1 shield.
====They are effective against:
====--Charged Particle Weapons (including Positron weapons)
====--Neutral Particle Weapons (to a lesser degree than Charged versions)
====--Plasma Weaponry
====--MAP Weaponry
====--Aether Weaponry (though their energy output generally lets them burn through it easily)

====They are not effective against:
====--Gravimetric and Electrogravimetric (Scalar) Weaponry)

---3) Gravimetric/ Space Compression/ Warp Shielding (Type 3): These shields opperate on entirely different principles than the Type 1 and 2 shields but the goal is the same: to blut or deflect a attack. Type 3 shields generate a field of gravity around the generator that slows down, absorbs, or deflects incoming attacks. This field is generally created using subspace technology to generate 'pseudogravity' to create a short lived, short range gravity-like warpage of space-time. The reasons for using the (more unstable) subspace technology are three-fold:
--A) Ease of Use: Subspace-based Type 3 shields can be activated and deactivated with the flick of a switch with little to no concern for how the shield will collapse (it will simply disappear).
--B) Flexibility: The field generated by a subspace-based Type 3 generator is much easier to manipulate. This makes it easier for the protected object to attack through the shield and otherwise act on the world outside of the shield.
--C) Side Effects: The pseudogravity upon which subspace-based Type 3 shields operates drops off in intensity hugely faster (by many orders of magnitude faster) than a true gravimetric shield would, allowing a armor or vehicle so shielded to operate in or around buildings and ships without causing collateral damage.
--D) Power Demands: Subspace generators require far less power than true gravity generators to create a similar-strength field.

====They are effective against:
====--Charged Particle Weapons (including Positron weapons)
====--Neutral Particle Weapons (to a lesser degree than Charged versions)
====--Plasma Weaponry
====--MAP Weaponry
====--Aether Weaponry (though their energy output generally lets them burn through it easily)
====--Electrogravitic (Scalar) Weaponry

====They are not effective against:
====--Gravimetric Weaponry (they should be ineffective against these, but it is generally ignored in the setting).

This does not have anything to do with whether or not the techno babble is correct. The technobabble comes in the operation of the shield (i.e. how it makes its field), not what it does. A EM shield would provide no protection whatsoever against a laser.

For the damage reduction, I comment on it because it seems pretty high. Even if it *is* approved as a -2 modifier, the things against which it would defend would much smaller. See the Type 1 shield description above for what it would defend against (since it is effectively a shield).
Changed the Damage Reduction around. Added Anti-Heat Coat.

Made it Intercontinental instead.

May have to make a version in the future which is an Intercontinental Ballistic Assault Frame.
This review is for: Origin Industries M1 Ashigaru

The submitted article is/has…
[+] A general topic sentence under the title header
[+] Artwork (illustrations are strongly encouraged for all spacecraft and handheld items)
[+] Needed and/or useful to the setting
[+] In the proper format/template
[+] Proofread for spelling and grammar
[+] Easy to read and understand (not a lengthy mass of technobabble)
[+] Wikified (terms that could be a link should be a link)
[+] Reasonably scientifically plausible
[+] Reasonably neutral point of view

The submitted article is/does not…
[+] Overpowered (or cutting tech for a faction with little or no roleplay)
[-] Obtusely redundant
[-] Contain copy pasta descriptions of systems or interior compartments
[-] Unauthorized by faction managers or player-controlled corporation
[-] Contain references to IC events that have not occurred (SM must authorize retcons)
[-] Use second-person language (“you” or “your”) unless it is an instructional guide aimed at players.
[-] Use bombastic language (“virtually immune,” “nearly indestructible,” “insanely powerful,” “horrible effects”)
[-] Use an unbalanced header/text ratio (many headers but sections are one-liners)
[-] Use major unapproved sub-articles that should be submitted separately
[-] Lacking Detail

The article has…
[*] Speeds in compliance with the Starship Speed Standard, if applicable
[+] Damage Capacity and Damage Ratings in compliance with the DR Guidelines
[+] The in-character year of creation/manufacture. (Should be current year. Future years not allowed).
[+] The Standard Product Nomenclature System, if applicable.

Two items on the checklist are not satisfied and will hold up approval.
** Modifier armor against incoming damage too high/ affects too large a range of attacks. See Notes
** Speed is very high. See notes.

Status: Pending resolution of above issues.

1) I still think that the magnitude of the modifier on the armor is excessive, considering the wide range of things it effects. I would suggest the following compromise:

**Resistant: -2 (charged particle and plasma weaponry)
**Resistant: -2/-1 (charged direct AM weaponry, such as positron railguns. -2 ADR in vacuum,-1 ADR in atmosphere)
**Resistant: -1 (Magnetically Accelerate Projectile weaponry, such as railguns, and Lasers. Does not stack with the above)

You can word it differently if you like, but I think it arrives at what you want (more resiliency) and what I would like to see (less broad coverage).

2) As I addressed prior, I feel the speed for it is to high. The VANDR (as mentioned earlier) has a similar speed but upon careful inspection of said writeup I noticed that it is notably lighter (both in terms of armor and overall mass). I would like you to at least lower the Ashigaru's STL speed to 0.3c to put it more in line with the VANDR.

That is all,