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[Origin] Frame Spear

Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

I wouldn't have made it, but there's nothing wrong with it, and no real reason not to have it, so I guess it's okay with me.
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

I do however. Nothing indicates what the 'command' to activate it is (audio, electric, button, what?), you used NERIMIUM which is the equivelent of SHIP GRADE ARMOR and thus appropriately heavy. This spear will not work. The tip is literaly hundreds of times the weight of the rest of the body, anything using that spear without extending it will have a hard time effectively using it in combat, even if they have the strength to wield it the spear is unbalanced and could snap under its own weight if held any further down than 2/3. It's going to be near impossible as the shaft (which isn't made of equally heavy materials nor has any support listed in the article) extends which if the user is lucky will force the spear to bow considerably if not break it all out.
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

And, also;

It's a melee weapon.

This technological level makes melee weapons silly, especially if the craft in question could already manuver in such away to attack with it's structure. Thus, making the melee weapon more powerful then the craft would mean it would have to have some sort of additional energy or such (Which it might have, as I am lazy and only got the brief over zee IRC)... Regardless, the craft could easily have this on it, too, and not waste the space while actually getting a stronger weapon, as the craft can use weight, inertia and integrity (As, logically, the craft's armor would be stronger/tougher/whatever then the weapon) to its advantage over a spear.

This is all assuming, of course, that the melee weapon is ever used in the first place. From a tactical, mindful view it really probably shouldn't, though I know SARP and its tendency to use the rule of cool...
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

Why have melee weapons?




And you ask why we need melee weapons?

We don't need it, we just want it.
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

mizunoyoroko said:
I do however. Nothing indicates what the 'command' to activate it is (audio, electric, button, what?), you used NERIMIUM which is the equivelent of SHIP GRADE ARMOR and thus appropriately heavy. This spear will not work. The tip is literaly hundreds of times the weight of the rest of the body, anything using that spear without extending it will have a hard time effectively using it in combat, even if they have the strength to wield it the spear is unbalanced and could snap under its own weight if held any further down than 2/3. It's going to be near impossible as the shaft (which isn't made of equally heavy materials nor has any support listed in the article) extends which if the user is lucky will force the spear to bow considerably if not break it all out.

Ah, thank you Yoroko, i'll get right on that.
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

FiveMarks said:
Why have melee weapons?




And you ask why we need melee weapons?

We don't need it, we just want it.



We do still want a degree of realism, otherwise we look like 13 year olds who watch to much anime making a Arr-pee site where all we do is fight in battles.

I'm just saying my opinion on the matter and what seems tactically sound in the universe of IC.
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

Gamerofthegame said:
FiveMarks said:
Why have melee weapons?




And you ask why we need melee weapons?

We don't need it, we just want it.



We do still want a degree of realism, otherwise we look like 13 year olds who watch to much anime making a Arr-pee site where all we do is fight in battles.

I'm just saying my opinion on the matter and what seems tactically sound in the universe of IC.

There's realism.

Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

To be fair, both of those are constructed things that aren't of natural being at all, thus a leeway on the realism there can be given~.
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

Gamerofthegame said:
To be fair, both of those are constructed things that aren't of natural being at all, thus a leeway on the realism there can be given~.

How come catgirls get a leeway but not giant melee weapons?
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

I am going to make another point. First let's keep the lesbian catgirls out of it, or at least the lesbian. If you can have catgirls the former isn't a stretch. After all, Neplolzia has horny gay men that are all stim'd up. ((just playing to stereotypes)) Anyway, onto the submission. It contains an nerimium shaft (however it's spelled) right? It launches it right? What's the range of the shot? The DR? Why the heck would somebody field this? Let's keep in mind that Nerimium is battleship grade material, thus it is quite pricey. It makes no sense to equip a unit with nerimium spikes when better alternatives are available and at a much lower cost.
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

Criticizing this for being a melee weapon isn't a valid complaint. Judge it on its content and balance, not its form. Just because close combat doesn't float your boat doesn't mean it shouldn't be considered as a piece of technology.
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

mizunoyoroko said:
I am going to make another point. First let's keep the lesbian catgirls out of it, or at least the lesbian. If you can have catgirls the former isn't a stretch. After all, Neplolzia has horny gay men that are all stim'd up. ((just playing to stereotypes)) Anyway, onto the submission. It contains an nerimium shaft (however it's spelled) right? It launches it right? What's the range of the shot? The DR? Why the heck would somebody field this? Let's keep in mind that Nerimium is battleship grade material, thus it is quite pricey. It makes no sense to equip a unit with nerimium spikes when better alternatives are available and at a much lower cost.

The unit the spear is for has Nerimium armor.
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

Good for it. That doesn't answer the question to why a military force would make a weapon that launches VERY EXPENSIVE materials at the enemy when there are MUCH CHEAPER BUT STILL AS DEADLY alternatives. Alternatives that don't require special production methods, whose materials are considerably cheaper, most likely even the time of production is again...considerably shorter.
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

(Because, five, they aren't something natural and are created as a side bonus to them being warmachines. Well, neko at least, Mishhu are war machines all through.)

I am more criticizing the actual use of the weapon, and it's development, IC due to the factors mentioned.

That said...

How does a overall society who is thrust into a advanced age, having no memories or history of whatever it was they came from (IE: We'll assume Earth) save for just a faded legend know what a spear is?
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

Gamerofthegame said:
(Because, five, they aren't something natural and are created as a side bonus to them being warmachines. Well, neko at least, Mishhu are war machines all through.)

I am more criticizing the actual use of the weapon, and it's development, IC due to the factors mentioned.

That said...

How does a overall society who is thrust into a advanced age, having no memories or history of whatever it was they came from (IE: We'll assume Earth) save for just a faded legend know what a spear is?

Because it's awesome.

Because Kohana and Neo Kohana
Because we still have Samurai
Because I said "It'd be cool to have a frame with a spear"
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

I want a tazer attachment with Durandium tipped sword!

Seriously though, melee weapons have their own section, I don't see why this spear has to be special.
Re: [Origin] Pilebunker Spear

Scot said:
I want a tazer attachment with Durandium tipped sword!

Seriously though, melee weapons have their own section, I don't see why this spear has to be special.

Because it's big.

Very. Very. Big.
Changed the make up of the spear, took out the controversial pilebunker, simplified it.

Anyone got any problems with it now, other than Gamer and Chris who will continue on about it's uselessness in combat?