Star Army

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Origin Industries Adoption

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Banned Member
May I adopt Origin Industries, @Kai and @Wes? It’s for the same reason I adopted the Children of the Aether - I’d like to prevent the corporation from falling into obscurity by indirectly (and, later on, directly) using them as antagonists in Ascension and in future Elysian plots.

The “adoption” would occur in-character via the Kuvexians acquiring a controlling stake (through means both legitimate and illicit) in Origin and utilizing said stake to replace high-level employees (such as the CEO) in each of Origin’s corporate divisions with loyal “figureheads.”

To qualm any fears about this being a “power grab” or anything similar, should this be request be approved here’s what I would not do...
  • I would not be bar individuals, factions, or organizations from utilizing Origin products and/or services. This is because, well, every transaction is more profit - and it would make no IC sense for a corporation to do anything that would deprive it of potential revenue.
  • I would not have Origin sabotage or alter its products. Although there’s plenty of IC justification for a Kuvexian-controlled Origin to sabotage (plant hidden bombs/computer viruses/etc.) the equipment it sells to other factions (like the Star Army, for example), I would not do such a thing, as, well, I don’t believe in those kinds of immature drama-inciting tactics.
  • I would not terminate any Origin employees besides those listed above. The reason for this is simple: there’s literally no IC reason for a Kuvexian-controlled Origin to fire the majority of its workforce, as such an act would only attract suspicion.
...and here’s what I would do:
  • I would serve as a “caretaker” for pre-existing Origin articles. This would involve going through each article in the Origin namespace and fixing grammatical/spelling typos, performing DRv3 conversions (after said conversion is approved, of course), removing emoji, and so on.
  • I would support content creators and Game Masters interested in working with Origin Industries. Origin, after all, still has quite a bit of room to grow in terms of equipment - and what better plot concept is there than “taking back” a company from its evil controllers? Origin is a corporation that truly lives up to the phrase “created by the people, for the people” - and I have no intention whatsoever of changing that.
  • I would have Origin continue providing its pre-existing goods and services. “Rocking the boat” by abruptly ceasing operations would only reduce profits and attract suspicion - neither of which the Kuvexians desire.
  • I would create a “secret” Origin subsidiary named the Asset Protection Group. It is through this subsidiary - which would have no (known) connections with or to Origin - that I would be initially be utilizing as antagonists, with Origin’s involvement in creating, supplying, and funding the subsidiary something that would be revealed later on ICly.

Apologies for the abrupt ending, but work starts soon. >.<

The only other thing I’d like to add is that this - barring any unforeseen circumstances/events/etc. - will be the last adoption request I make for a long time.
No. You may not. I do not and will not approve of any of these things being done with Origin.

Additionally, please do not disrespect @CadetNewb . He is my right hand man here, and I have given him my trust and confidence as well as a major say in what goes on with and about Origin Industries. If you had asked nicely, I may have thought about it, and come up with a compromise, but since you disrespected my second in command, it's an absolute no.

I have some other plans for Origin that I won't be discussing right now, but, until such time as I have enough time to implement them, CadetNewb shall be in charge of Origin, however passively that may be.
Anyhoo, I will be creating the Kuvexian-backed "Asset Protection Group," and I intend for it to exclusively utilize commercially-available Origin equipment. I'll be sending a purchase order to @CadetNewb via the Transmissions & Communications sub-forum once the corporation mentioned above has been approved by the NTSE.

Edit: I'll also be creating an Origin DRv3 conversion article soon-ish, as I prefer for the stuff I utilize in my plots to have a consistent DR version - it makes things vastly simpler for my players and for myself.

(Apologies for the double-post - I only did it so that tags would function properly >.<)
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Hey, just wanted to give everyone an update. I spoke with Kai today about Origin's future and he asked that we just basically leave it alone so it's there for him when he gets more time (remember he joined the Air Force and had to be shipped off to training, etc).

I plan to respect his wishes as creator and do just that!

Due to this I don't want Origin to be actively run by anyone. Kai may choose an active helper to run Origin in the future but in the meantime we'll just keep it as a background element.

Thanks everyone.
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