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Origin Industries (new Civvie Corporation)


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Origin Industries

I've had this thing cooking on the Wiki for about a month now... the reason it doesn't seem to make anything yet is because I won't submit most of it's products for approval until after It is approved. i just figured clothes don't need approval if they're just normal clothes.

I would enjoy feedback. Thank you.
I don't buy the thing about all these company submissions for "clothes and spaceships." We just went through this discussion in the chat. It's not realistic. Clothing and spaceships have basically nothing to do with each other. It makes no sense.

Basically, I want your corp to have at least some semblance of specialty or focus.
Well, it's four divisions that act as one entitiy, each headed by an NPC who specializes in the field that their brach specializes in. The spaceship designers don't do anything with the clothing designers, unless they possibly worked together in building an EVA suit or the like. the NPC's all come from different backgrounds and each bring different skills, allowing the corporation at large to perform more functions.
So basically what we have here is one main corporation investing in 4 smaller subsidiary companies to make different products. Kinda like Johnson and Johnson own 230 smaller companies. "Johnson & Johnson's brands include numerous household names of medications and first aid supplies. Among its well-known consumer products are the Band-Aid Brand line of bandages, Tylenol medications, Johnson's baby products, Neutrogena skin and beauty products, Clean & Clear facial wash and Acuvue contact lenses."

Berkley & Jensen is another good example they have household brands from automobile wiper fluid to baby food to cat food to floor mats to milk.

I guess these are things to keep in mind in the future. =)
Yeah, I was thinking something like that. Also, after talking with Kim over IRC, I removed the OI Clothing section, seeing as it didn't really fit well with the rest of the submission.
This seems to be fine now with the subtraction of the Clothing section. I'm looking forward to seeing what stuff you come up with. =)

Why Thank you, I already have several designs in the works, including one that's almost ready for submission.
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