Star Army

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RP [Origin Industries] OIF Reaper- Pre Recovery


Retired Staff
RP Date
Mid YE 40
RP Location
Dawn Station
It was business as usual on Dawn Station- the bustling city in the heavens went about its day, as it had for nearly a decade. Finally maturing, the city, and all of Origin' industrial sectors surrounding it, was the literal heartbeat of the company. And through that heartbeat, the pulse of the company was deployed about the Kikyo sector, allowing the company to continue serving nearly every citizen of the sector in its course.

Although today was normal, it was also different. In one particular hangar, sat one of the most unusual versions of Origin's most mundane of products- a Courier 2C Collector, specialized for salvage operations, Origin had decided to pilot a new service using one of these crafts- a high risk Recovery, Repair, and Salvage operation. They had their first job lined up for them- getting something unstuck from somewhere for someone.

The ship's captain and crew were already aboard, getting the ship ready for it's first voyage in its new role, with a single person waiting on the ramp for the recovery team to arrive. A towering monolith, the Nepleslian-born Yamataian that was Trey Penton waited for the three individuals assigned to him, mostly new hires whom held skillsets that would be useful to the operation. Former military, the blonde man didn't exactly seem the part, as he was leaning against one of the hydraulic struts that helped open and close the ramp, his appearance, though neat and tidy, was not as professional as one might expect. He was currently reading the news on an AwesomeCorp Datajockey, a scratched and weathered device with the remains of a Nepleslian flag edged onto the case, an old holdover from his stay in the Nepleslian Marine corps.
First to arrive was Raffaele Aldermayn, a midget among Nepleslians who's fiery temper and angry outbursts in combat more than made up for his lack of height. As the man approached the ship he noticed the tower giant of a man who he'd been briefed on before arriving, although he never expected him to be a giant and felt the envious twitch in his left eye.

"Good morning Sir, Raffaele Aldermayn. I believe we spoke earlier when I made contact with the captain, good to put a face to the name." He said politely, trying to at least make a decent first impression anf get onto the ship before getting into a fight he couldn't win as he had done so many times. "Are we still waiting for any others?"
Second to arrive was an elven-eared, red-headed Minkan woman of rather average height with a worn out duffle bag slung across her back, a helmet in one hand and a half-eaten sandwich in the other. Casual yet purposeful steps carried her to where the ship was supposed to be or at least where she had been told it would be.

The rest of the sandwich was hastily downed and any crumbs were wiped away with the back of a gloved hand as the small meeting came into view, the woman changed direction slightly so that she was now walking towards it rather than past it. "Ah good to know I'm not late, Ventriss - Just Ventriss - at your service" she said, giving a little two fingered salute to the two men that for some reason felt like the natural thing to do.
Finally, the last of the group waltzed up to the interesting-looking ship in question. Giada Nuñez, a kitsune of unique appearance strode towards the others, a smirk turning up the corners of her mouth as she did. Her generously-sized fox ears wiggled a little in the passing breeze, a deep chocolate shade with tufts of white visible inside. Giada's amber-orange glistened in the sun's distant light, a knowing look within, more than a little self-confidence.

A black tanktop and scarlet shorts sported her figure, a crimson baseball cap with two large holes in - for her ears - sat atop her flowing brown hair. Behind her a large chestnut-toned tail trailed freely just above the ground, curling and uncurling around her left thigh. Surprisingly, it seemed Giada was carrying nothing more than a bulky leather tool belt around her waist, a wrench and various tools tightly affixed.

"Ah.." The kitsune began, her voice incredibly smooth as she drew up to the group. She regarded the other three with a politely interested gaze, "This must be my new posting, mhm..?" Giada stood, leaning on one leg as she slipped a hand into her right side pocket, raising the other in a open-palmed greeting.
The short Nepleslian regarded the two newcomers with a disapproving gaze, he wasn't sexist by any means and knew what some women were capable of, but these two didn't give off that same impression. "Is this seriously it? Please tell me there's at least a half IDSOL coming, or at the least another person who's actually fought a battle to the death before. These two look fresh out of god damned daycare, only thing they're good for is going on pinups just by looking at them."

Raffaele turned away from them and moved to enter the ship, it was bad enough he was always the shortest but now they were hiring little girls who looked way too excited just showing up to be any use in a fight. "A fucking fox and an elf, what is this some kind of twisted joke fantasy? I stop doing merc work to find a proper job and get paired with these two." He muttered to himself under his breath, casting a glare at the two every now and then.
The Minkan woman arched an eyebrow at the angry, waist-high man as the mostly featureless helmet was lifted up from her side and lowered into her head - hissing slightly as the neck-piece tightened. Where the kitsune was clad in fairly civilian clothing, Ventriss was wearing the rather androjynous set of Styrling Muur armour she carried around and the helmet fitted in nicely.

"Hell I'd take it over somebody who needs a ladder to reach the bottom shelf any day, fucker" Ventriss' voice filtered out of her helmet speaker system as she raised an arm and coaxed the Nepper toward her with a few flexes of her hand. "Normally I'd threaten to drop you, but it's not much of a fall for you now is it?" she said with a smirk from behind the helmet's faceplate.
"Now, now.." Giada hummed in her honeyed tone, "Let's not whip out our dicks, shall we?" She spoke with an almost aloof tone, looking between the two even as the shortest of them all disappeared. They knew nothing of each other and even less about their abilities and attributes. "No matter how tiny or non-existent they happen to be.

Pacing over to the upwards ramp in her own time, Giada made her way three-quarters of the way up, "After you, honey. Ventriss.." She contemplated the name and nodded, it suited the woman before her. If the other woman made her way in, the kitsune would follow.
Trey eyed the trio who showed up one after the other, and simply watched as they already began to butt heads. The smallest man he had ever seen, a woman whom was mostly hidden by her OriSec-issued armor suit, and a fox girl whom seemed to forget that there was a uniform and a dress code. He perused his datajockey and looked up their information, putting names to faces quickly as they began to board the ship.

"Now, now, you three," the father began, seeing the newcomers almost like children, but with much filthier mouths, "Be nice to each other. you'll have to get along for work anyhow. Also, from now on, if you're on duty and not on mission, you should be wearing either the OriSec uniform or the corporate uniform, so make sure to get ready before we disembark."

Shaking his head, the tall man ushered everyone aboard and then had them stand by as the dock workers finished loading the last of the supplies.

"Okay, now that we're all here, let's get this started. I'll be your commander, I am Master Sergeant Trey Penton, former Nepleslian Marine, as well as a technician. I served in both Mishhu wars as well as against the Reds in Kennewes. I have plenty of experience fixing damaged equipment and jury-rigging things to work when they really shouldn't. While the rest of you may not have my former experience, you do all have skills similar to the latter. Instead of boring you with stuff about missions or how important this is, I'm going to get down to the important stuff. Your bunk assignments. Giada and Ventriss will have to share a room, and Raffaele you will be bunked with one of the bridge crew. there's only one empty room on the port side so that's where the girls will go, Raffaele, you'll be on the starboard side so find whichever cabin is unlocked that has an empty bed."

Trey scrolled through a few more pages on his datajockey before getting back to the group. "Any questions?"
"You think my size makes me any less able to tear your arms off and beat you with them bitch?" Raffaele retorted to Ventriss' taunt, when the fox girl spoke he whipped his head towards them. "And look at you, fresh out of your cozy day job, you ever even been in a fight before?" The Nepleslian was definitely not happy with having paired with these two, Ventriss at least seemed competent enough to fight and he made a note to spar with her later. While he doubted either had the same experience fighting that he did, both were definitely from Yamatai which secretly he was glad for. It meant their base physical statistics would far exceed his own and with all his training and experience they should be nicely matched up, to some degree.

As commander Trey spoke Raffaele focused his full attention on the man, a former marine huh. That was something Raff himself had always wanted to do but never had the guts to go through with it, assuming he'd be turned down instantly for his size as usual. When the man had finished the short Nepleslian shook his head, "No sir, no questions here. I'll go and get acquainted with the ship unless you need me for anything else."
Ventriss adopted a slightly less agressive stance as Giada spoke, it probably wouldn't be the best thing to get into a fist fight on the first day of work - that half-man probably had some skill that would be wasted if he was bound to the med bay. "at least she's not a dwarf" The redhead said under her breath before forcefully clearing her throat and popping open her helmet's faceplate. "I assume it's pretty standard stuff, sir, so no questions here" she spoke as she began walking up the ramp to the ship, giving the Kitsune a playful yet firm swat on the rear as she walked past.

"Come on cutie, let's get settled in" she said with a wink, her bag continuing to clank towards the room she had been assigned to.
Giada raised a sculpted eyebrow as the armor-clad woman gave her a quick hand to the the butt, seeming to not react otherwise. "Interesting.." The kitsune muttered in that buttery voice once more at the action, calmly, continuing up the ramp after her apparent roommate. "Very well Master Sergeant, I should have one such uniform with me."

Despite her words, there was nothing but her toolbelt to note, which in itself seemed like a mundane leather toolbelt. "No questions here." Giada added with a nod as she passed the Captain, following the other woman into the room she had entered.
"Just don't take too long looking around. We depart in ten, so just be ready for the ship to start moving around then," Trey warned the trio as they took off. For his part, the tall man stuffed his Datajockey in a pocket, and then made his way through the cargo bay, looking at the supplies they were bringing for this first recovery mission. There were four very large pallets strapped down in the middle of the bay, two large pieces of equipment which had equally large tanks attached to them, and then two pallets that had enormous cables and hoses wrapped around some sort of junction box. making sure everything was secure, he made his way up to the hangar deck, which had a makeshift Power Armor 'bay' that was just a section of floor space marked off with caution tape on the floor. It had 6 Impulse Power armors on racks contained within, as well as a small work area with supplies for repairs and modifications.

As the three newcomers made their way around the ship, they would notice a few crew members hustling about as the final preparations for launch were made, checking stations here and there, ensuring that cargo was tied down, Raffaele would notice one man in a towel running from the bathrooms to one of the crew cabins- a quick peek inside would confirm it was the cabin with only a single occupant that Trey had mentioned before. A small plaque on the door (with an empty slot below it) read 'H. Fuglynaim, Primary Pilot'.

Ventriss and Giada, upon reaching the port hallway on deck two, would find that most of the female crew were in fact not present, although at the opposite end of the hallway there was a brown-haired woman staring at the elevator doors which lead up to deck one. These elevators had doors on both sides and served as a pass-through to get to the wardroom, lounge, and mess hall, as well. From the indicator light above the Elevator door, however, one could tell that she was likely simply waiting for the elevator to arrive from the deck above.
Raising an eyebrow the short man followed the pilot to the room and strolled in casually looking around, "So this is where I'm crashing huh? Nice to meet you, Raffaele Aldermayn, I'd shake your hand but it seems you need it more than I do at the moment." He remarked looking around and making his way to the spare bunk and hopping in as though he'd lived here for years. "So you're the pilot right? Shouldn't you be in the bridge getting ready for takeoff or did they tell you last-minute as well."

Raff briefly considered trying to find the two girls he would be working with but quickly realised that would be a waste of time, he'd gotten all hot headed before even setting foot on the ship and if he tried to talk game plan they wouldn't take him seriously. This temper really was annoying, really should get something done about it he thought to himself for the infinite time. Never the less they would have to come face to face again soon and he'd either have to fake anger at them again or admit he was being an asshole and appologise, he knew which was the best option but couldn't help getting mad thinking of how Ventriss was likely to tease him over it.

Guess he'd just have to endure it since he really did draw the short straw in life.
Ventriss strolled into the room with her kitsune bunk-buddy in tow, first thing she did after crossing the threshold was take the worn out duffle bag off of her back and dump it on the nearest bunk before she took the helmet off too and sat it on the edge of the bed. "So you there at the elevator," she began to call out to the brown haired woman as the redhead began undoing her armour's collar slightly to expose the neckline of her white crop top underneath - no point in being uncomfortable the whole time. "Are you waiting to go up or for somebody to come down?" she finished her question, unzipping the duffle bag as she did so.

A heavily modified GP-1 assault rifle was taken out and checked for any transit damage before the minkan slung it over her shoulder and the pistol she had gotten just for signing up was strapped to her hip, a button inside the helmet's collar was pressed and the faceplate closed up before it was strapped to her other hip. "I mean either way you're waiting so might as well pass the time somehow right? I'm Ventriss if you didn't already have that info."

The Minkan pulled a few more small items out of her duffle bag and stowed them in her vest before the bag was shut and pushed to the far side of the bunk, she turned around with her hands casually on her hips as she awaited a response.
Giada almost glided into the shared bedroom, taking her time to survey it from top to bottom, that slight smirk still touching the corners of her lips. "I suppose this will do." She breezed around, checking the desk therein, placing a shoed foot on the bottom rung of their bunk ladder and levering herself up. The engineer's amber eyes slid across bedspread, surprised by how nice it actually was.

Shrugging something from her shoulders, the kitsune plonked it onto her mattress out of view. Whatever it was caused the mattress to sag a little, Giada fumbling a little with something as she tried to close her fingers on something invisible. Finally, she gave it a little tug, a zip running free as if she had made a literal hole in space. Inside was everything she needed, clothes, pistol, more. Quite a nifty thing she had chucked together with the help of a certain pink-haired smol she had run into on her travels.
Starboard cabins

The taller Nepleslian man eyed Raffaele, somewhat awkardly holding his towel as the small man sat on the previously unoccupied bunk in the room. "Uhhh, well, I was juss' takin a shower before takeoff, yannow?" he responded, after the multitude of words that came out of the other man's mouth. "Just, yannow, don' mind me an' all, try'na get changed an shit." He seemed to be somewhat embarassed, not that he typically cared about people seeing him naked- He did believe himself to be an attractive man after all- it was just that the situation had made itself immediately awkward with the sudden appearance of another man in his room. Shaking his head, the man turned to one of the dressers and started pulling out clothes, slipping on some underpants and an undershirt before he dropped the towel and then began to put on his uniform. "Th' Name's Hurgh, 'an you can jess call me that an' I'll be fine with it, but unfortunately I ain't got time fer much convo, since as you've pointed out we're going to be departin' in a couple minutes..."

Port Cabins and Hallway

The woman seemed to ignore Ventriss' shouts, continuing to stare at the elevator, though her foot did begin to tap slowly as she waited. The Elevator showed no indication of moving. Though she may not have necessarily been familiar with Origin uniforms, Ventris would notice that the woman's uniform was a little bit different than most- Her jacket was of a noticeably different cut, and there was a secondary, longer skirt that only covered about three quarters of the circumference of the woman's body, revealing a standard-length skirt underneath that was only really visible from the front and sometimes the sides.

"Don't worry about her," a man's voice suddenly notified the woman, coming from seemingly nowhere, as there was nobody else visible in the hallways. "She won't talk to you unless she needs to, However, I would like to welcome you to the ship." The disembodied voice seemed rather cordial, though there was a hint of mischief in some of what he said. "The name's Ged, and I am the ship's computer. I'll be happy to help you if need be- and don't worry, I don't have any sensors in your rooms so I won't be able to peek in on you like those nasty MEGAMI on Star Army ships do."
Ventriss was just about to look out into the hallway to find the guy who was creeping around the lady's bunks when the voice went and informed her of it's situation, the minkan stuffed her hands into the pockets of her armour as she began casually speaking to the disembodied voice as if it were just another crew member. "Well she's not going to say much but It's nice to meet you Ged," The redhead spoke as she pointed to the so-far silent brunette, shooting a curious sideways glance to Giada as the Kitsune began pulling things out of thin air.

"Well uh, lets hope what you say about sensors is true - otherwise I might have to put my fist to a few jaws of the peeping toms, and shit do I need this job so uhm... yeah." Ventriss gave a crooked smirk as she finished her bit, having an odd feeling of Dejavu as the word MEGAMI floated past her pointed ears - she felt she knew what they were capable of but dismissed it immediately and instead began fiddling with a bullet casing she felt floating around in a pocket, finding comfort in the familiar shape.
Giada was busy kicking back on her bunk, wiggling off her strong boots with a little bit of a struggle. With her paws finally free, the Kitsune sighed, lifting her feet into the air and wiggling them in the cool breeze. Her toes themselves were very lengthy and fuzzy, definitely a paw and not a foot. It must have been somewhat uncomfortable to be in those shoes.

The golden-eyed woman's large ears swayed from left to right as she leaned her head up a fraction. Ventriss seemed occupied, now was her chance, not that she cared if the other woman saw. Gripping the seams of her top, Giada worked the tight shirt free, letting it settle to one side of her as she began to shrug on the Origin uniform she had packed in that odd invisible bag of hers.
Raff nodded at the mans words, he seemed like an interesting fellow so far and the short man was glad his roommate wasn't the stuck up type, noth that a brawl wouldn't be fun.

Deciding to make himself useful Raff made his way back down to the cargo bay after also slipping on his own uniform, maybe they'd let him help load up otherwise he'd simply watch and ensure no funny business took place. Making his way through the ship, Raff decided to poke his head round the corner of the hall running by the girls cabins to see if they were about. With no one to see he shrugged and continued towards the cargo bay.
Starboard cabins

Hurgh breathed a sigh of relief as Raffaele finally exited the cabin. He finished dressing himself muttering "Oh man, this's gonna be a fun one, innit?" shaking his head, the tall dark and handsome Nepleslian man realized his hair was still wet, and went about drying it a bit before styling it, and then he made haste to get to the bridge so he could do his job.

Port Cabins

Ventriss would watch as the woman by the elevator continued to do nothing- and then as soon as her focus was elsewhere she heard a Ding from the elevator and something that could be booted feet moving rapidly. From the corner of the eye she could have sworn she saw movement but by the time she got a better look there was nothing but the elevator doors silently closing together.

"Feel free to put people in their place- Just know, they are liable to put you in yours, so, I'd take caution," The computer advised, with a bit of a chuckle. "Either way, this crew isn't nearly as rowdy as the crew of the last ship I was installed in. at least not yet. You three newbies seem like fun though..." A volumetric thumbs up would appear in the hallway, before disappearing.

Cargo Bay

Raffaele would find that there wasn't really anything left to help with once he got to the cargo bay, as everything had been finished up while he had gotten himself settled in his new cabin. Luckily, he was able to catch the Master Sergeant Trey coming down from one of the floors above. The tall blonde man made his way over to the very short man, looking downward at him (though not looking down on him).

"Can I help you with anything, Raffaele? Looking to know more about our current mission?"