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[Origin] Inline Aether to Plasma Drive


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Inactive Member
The IAPD is Origin Industries' Civilian answer to the SAoY's Turbo Aether plasma drives. Probably an old method of STL propulsion, it's done in a new way and finally designed on the Wiki so I can use it in upcoming projects.

Inline Aether to Plasma Drive
I see nothing wrong with it though you should be using the power you derive from the aether to create the matter, not aether itself - otherwise we'll be turning aether beams into solid objects with this sort of technology.
I was under the impression that Aether is energy, but, the matter conversion unit is a self contained unit that uses the energy from Aether to create the matter.
that doesn't change the fact that it isn't the issue; the issue at hand is the STL drive setup, which has had no complaints. I don't need you in here making stupid comments about non-issues, and acting like you're better than everyone else because you know how to copy and paste.
OsakanOne said:
I see nothing wrong with it though you should be using the power you derive from the aether to create the matter, not aether itself - otherwise we'll be turning aether beams into solid objects with this sort of technology.

That was the issue that Osakan brought up.
This operates on the same principle as the Turbo Aether Plasma.

It uses the Energy from Aether to make Plasma.
Actually, it uses the energy from Aether to make a high-energy fuel which is then turned into plasma.
I would like to remind everyone that we have guidelines for submission review that you must follow if you're going to post in a technology review thread.
Uso said:
Aether is a place, not a thing.
Short, drive by posts like this are not acceptable. You're supposed be constructive and helpful.
Thank you Wes.

Any comments or constructive criticism on this article? are there any missing parts a tech mod would like me to add? I would like to get this thing (or something similar) approved very soon so a project of mine can move forward.
From a checklist point of view, you should have a entry that states when these became available. eg, They became avaialble for designs in YE 31.

Plasma drives do not burn fuel per say. They do not use combustion, instead they typically heat up the fuel, and then vent it. So you might want to reword that portion.

Also does the engine have a single nozzle for venting the plasma? Or does it have multiple, are the nozzels able to gimbal (swivel) to all changing thrust vectors?
Added the year.

Changed "burns" to "Consumes"

and hopefully made it clearer that the assembly relies on the large single thruster and that the smaller thrusters very by what they are put on, in some cases not even being present.
From the Bypass Section said:
and being used as an air intake within an atmosphere.

What is the purpose of the air intake? Plasma engine wouldn't get any benefit from adding atmosphere, in fact it would probably reduce the efficiency since the air is so cold compared to the plasma.

Reaction mass or something.
It already creates its reaction mass. In the Aether-Matter module.
Oh, right. that part is for Atmospheric use, to help cool the Aether generator and keep it from overheating. In space the Excess heat is vented with the plasma. Besides, it's good to be a slight amount slower in atmosphere, otherwise friction could cause your ship to start breaking up.

If you need me to, I can clarify that in the article.
Yeah, if you could put that in it would avoid anyone else having any confusion on the matter.
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