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[Origin] Jinkan Class Scout/Escort


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Inactive Member
The Jinkan-class Scout/Escort

This is a little something I've been working on. A compact, well rounded ship that is an ideal size for use as a small plotship, or some other similar application.

Comments and critiques welcome, but this is really nothing new, so I don't see too much in the way of opposition to it.
Where's its skin? A texture on the 3D model would go a long way, IMO.

Also, what's with the random capitalization?

The original designs and Prototype of the Jinkan Class Escort were Designed by Jinkan Tatst(deceased) As a personal project. Partway through a routine check of engine capability before the prototype ever got off the ground, however, the Aether containment field in the Aether generator running the original ship collapsed, causing the ship, and its builder to be destroyed, as well as nearly killing Jinkan's Daughter, [[character:Aerin Tatst]], Who would later go on the found the company [[origin:Origin Industries]], and finally complete her father's dream by finishing the design of his ship and bringing it to the world to help safeguard people. [[character:Aerin Tatst|Aerin]] Named the Ship after her father, in honor of his memory.
The capitalization is sort of a problem I have in writing. When I feel a word is more important or needs more impact, I often add capitalization to it without meaning to, or even noticing. Firefox's spellchecker doesn't pick up on it, so I never know. I've been trying to work on it.

With the submission, however, I noticed a few things I left out, so i'll be doing some minor editing, adding what I had forgotten (a docking ring on the ventral surface) and updating the Art. What do you use for the lines on KFY models, Wes? I can't seem to find it in the L3 texture files.
You can make textures in an image editor and then use them through the "user textures" area...that's what I do (also how I put the Star Army logos and hull numbers on the ships).
I made some edits.

I'm not quite sure it's ready yet (although it's close). Let me look it over another day or two.
I think I have everything explained fairly well, aside from the Gravimetric engines, which I cannot find wiki articles for, aside from a UOC article that just states their statistics.
Simple description of the engines added. I think this submission is ready for final review.