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[Origin] Jinkan Class Scout/Escort


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Inactive Member
The Jinkan-class Scout/Escort

This is a little something I've been working on. A compact, well rounded ship that is an ideal size for use as a small plotship, or some other similar application.

Comments and critiques welcome, but this is really nothing new, so I don't see too much in the way of opposition to it.
Where's its skin? A texture on the 3D model would go a long way, IMO.

Also, what's with the random capitalization?

The capitalization is sort of a problem I have in writing. When I feel a word is more important or needs more impact, I often add capitalization to it without meaning to, or even noticing. Firefox's spellchecker doesn't pick up on it, so I never know. I've been trying to work on it.

With the submission, however, I noticed a few things I left out, so i'll be doing some minor editing, adding what I had forgotten (a docking ring on the ventral surface) and updating the Art. What do you use for the lines on KFY models, Wes? I can't seem to find it in the L3 texture files.
You can make textures in an image editor and then use them through the "user textures" area...that's what I do (also how I put the Star Army logos and hull numbers on the ships).
Awesome. Well, I've updated it, so it should be ready to go.
I made some edits.

I'm not quite sure it's ready yet (although it's close). Let me look it over another day or two.
I think I have everything explained fairly well, aside from the Gravimetric engines, which I cannot find wiki articles for, aside from a UOC article that just states their statistics.
Simple description of the engines added. I think this submission is ready for final review.
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