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Origin: Plasma Pistol/Saber

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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In order to clear up some confusion, let me make this clear.

People seem to think this is for a human-sized Powered Armor. It's not. It's for a series of 8.5 Meter tall Powered Frames.
Given what it is, and technology precedents in the setting, I see nothing wrong with this (except for maybe the part about clashing with similar type weapons) but beyond that, it seems fine. a Melee weapon/sidearm for Mecha, which has specific limitations and is not uber powerful.
Looks fine. Nothing unconventional or unusual about it. I like it.

In response to Kai:

  • The magnetic confinement of a plasma system has projectors and the whole assembly has an electromagnetic resonance. The resonance pushes and attracts so many times a second. Any two systems will either mix into eachother like still lumpy oil in water or they will refuse to penetrate one another unless sufficient force is exerted.

    Given that it is unlikely to clash or meet with the same device and the same projector, it will meet something with a different alternating magnetic resonance and therefor the beams will clash and rebound.

Just looked at the dates... Submission rot much?
If this worked like OsakanOne suggested, with the system pushing and attracting in waves, the confinement would pretty much be assured to fall apart.

OsakanOne is also wrong about how magnetism works. Confined plasma will not clash and end up merely passing through one another. Magnetism is a very weak force at a distance and sense the only thing holding the plasma together is a magnetic field the beam will act more like a cutting torch than a saber (this technology is used in some arc wielding devices today and they most certainly do not 'clash' against eachother).

If you want to make a light saber, just go ahead and add in an 'electrostatic shield' or a physical component.
Uso said:
If this worked like OsakanOne suggested, with the system pushing and attracting in waves, the confinement would pretty much be assured to fall apart.

OsakanOne is also wrong about how magnetism works. Confined plasma will not clash and end up merely passing through one another. Magnetism is a very weak force at a distance and sense the only thing holding the plasma together is a magnetic field the beam will act more like a cutting torch than a saber (this technology is used in some arc wielding devices today and they most certainly do not 'clash' against eachother).

If you want to make a light saber, just go ahead and add in an 'electrostatic shield' or a physical component.

This uses SARP Magnetic Fields. They work like that.
Why would you want to have something that is wrong in your submission instead of correcting it?
Uso said:
Why would you want to have something that is wrong in your submission instead of correcting it?

Uso, I'd rather be wrong in your messed up view of how SARP should be a hard sci-fi universe and have fun playing in it, than be right and have everything be hard sci-fi and boring.

And for the record, I don't appreciate you attacking origin anywhere, IC or OOC
Submission approved.
Of course, we need to keep in mind that you come from a world where magnetism isn't strong enough to hold a beam confinement together. How else do you propose we form a plasma blade?

The only way to properly manage such a high energy without out it having adverse effects is to alternate the charge and that's where the resonance effect arises that leads to similar resonance to pass through eachother and different resonance to bounce off eachother and it's the heat of the plasma being pulled along that does the damage.

Gundam and Starwars do it the same way.

Uso, If you had your way, the SARP would be Space 2001 if your flavor of unused submission is anything to go by.

All we players would hear is "I'm afraid you can't do that, player"

Lay off Five. If we've learned anything, fun comes first.
The science exists so we don't end up turning the SARP into X-men or some weird cheesiness like that.
Actually, magnetism is used to hold plasma together IRL. It is used for this purpose because plasma is more sensitive to magnetism than other forms of matter.

Of course because it is magnetism, the fields will just pass through each other because magnetism can only really push against other magnetic fields at point blank range (where the magnet is, and even then we're talking about millimeters away).

There were Stararmy approved methods of making the beam 'clash' but those were ignored.

Really, copying from starwars shouldn't be used in place of creativity.
Uso, please stop complaining about an approved submission. Osaka is right in this situation, whether or not this was true in the 50's, it is true in SARP. Wes approved this, so please stop being a nuisance.
Osaka is actually wrong and demonstrateably so. People shouldn't confuse 'approved' and 'correct'.

After all, previously approved submissions have been unapproved because of their errors. Approval doesn't make things correct and not bothering to fix an obvious mistake which you have a quick, already suspension of disbelieved method, of fixing it (adding an electrostatic shield) is just lazy.
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