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[Origin] Point defense weapons

A few minor points.

PDWs (using the Honor Harrington, yes I love that book series) are usually only a DR 1 weapon, just enough to set off warhead on incoming missiles, above that they are pretty much useless. They should fire at a faster rate although, being required to act as a defensive weapon system, they need to fire and destroy them at a higher rate of fire than incoming weapons.

A DR 5 weapon would be more accustomed to a ship designed to fight against smaller attack craft (IE the Battlestar Galactica).
Actually DR5 is appropriate. Most Torpedo's in this setting use Durandium which is DR 5 if I recall correctly, so it needs to be able to break through that armor. Also, the LASR which is an anti-PA rifle has a DR of 4.

The only things I am not sure about are the range and rate of fire.

Range: I think it might be too much for Point Defense, but I don't actually know anything about Space Combat Ranges.

Rate of Fire: 3 pulses every second? This seems a bit high to me, but again I am unsure about my actual knowledge about these things.
This wouldn't be the first point-defense weapon ever, but it is the first one I've seen that's been submitted as a separate piece of technology rather than mentioned in the whole package.
35,000 miles sounds way too far especially for a point defense weapon. PDWs are generally used as defense against small to medium sized fast and slow moving targets at point black range such as fighters or incoming guided missiles. Also Silverthorne is right, these weapons also need to have a really high rate of fire in order to be effective even if this does make them somewhat inaccurate. Here is a really cool flash animation of a space battle that shows PDWs in action. When I think of point defense I think of something like the US Navy's Mk.15 Phalanx CIWS or in sci-fi sense: point defense lasers.
I actually based this off of the DD4's point defense cannons. Seeing as my company is fairly new, i toened the weapons down from DR6 to 5, dropped the range by 15,000 miles, and slowed the rate of fire.

Another thing is they may shoot that far, but that doesn't make them necesarily accurate against quick moving things from that distance.

Also, Wes is requiring systems and things to be seperate articles, so I figured i'd get them approved before the ship does. makes the ship it'self get approved faster.
That still sounds way too far too me. Personal defense weapons are usually a ships last line of defense against fighters and missiles and maybe in SARPs case Power Armor units. If you ask me the effective range should be no more then 10 to 20 km and you need to increase the rate of fire. Also I read about those DD4's point defense cannons they were based on and frankly I think that thing needs to be reviewed, it sounds like point defense for mush larger targets like fast moving corvettes or frigates and it really shouldn't even be considered point defense.
The only problem with that, master, is that 99.9% of the weapons used in space, if not all, have bigger ranges than that. So if you shorten the ranges too much, with the speed of the weapons we have, you wont be able to knock the attacks out. Also, a large part of the range of point defense systems is the part where they are simply tracking and getting a lock on the target, not actually firing. So if you consider that, and the speed and ranges of the other weapons, I think the range is perfectly reasonable.
Well with that said I took another look at ship weaponry from that and other ships and didn't notice that. There is too much to read after all. I didn't know SARP used the long range artillery dual style of starship combat so with taking that into account, I suppose 15,000 miles sounds adequte enough for point defense compared to the other weapon ranges I've seen so far though I still think you need to increase rate of fire.
kai said:
Seeing as my company is fairly new
What company exactly were you referring too? Just curious.
mizunoyoroko said:
Actually DR5 is appropriate. Most Torpedo's in this setting use Durandium which is DR 5 if I recall correctly, so it needs to be able to break through that armor. Also, the LASR which is an anti-PA rifle has a DR of 4.

The only things I am not sure about are the range and rate of fire.

Range: I think it might be too much for Point Defense, but I don't actually know anything about Space Combat Ranges.

Rate of Fire: 3 pulses every second? This seems a bit high to me, but again I am unsure about my actual knowledge about these things.

Most torpedoes use Titanium carbide, with zanarium. And come equipped with shields. I know most if not all KFY torpedoes use what I just said.

Also Kai, try having the range reduced just a bit. Not too much, just too around 30,000 miles or so.
Master, My company is Origin Industries, go look it up on the wiki if you wish to know more.

I wouldn't be against shortening the ranges, and 30,000 seems reasonable enough to me, I'll go edit the article.

(Also, it's To not Too)
I apologize for the confusion, when I first wrote my post I was not trying to make any kind of distinction between the two. Perhaps I was being a little too elaborate.
A PDW would not be very effective against fighters. Designed to take down incoming missiles (a slow weapon), or deflect lasers (fast weapon). Fighters, mechs, so on would fall under short range weaponry as a defense.

weapon ranges as I see them.
Out of Range, Launch fighters, bring up defenses.
Extreme, missiles launched and you wait to see what kind of dispersal pattern works.
Long, more missiles launched less of a wiat time, but the possiblity of heavy energy weapons accuracy builds up a little.
Medium, less missiles more interaction between ships, fighters start heading in to do damage.
Short, Fighters and Mechs heading in, large ships throw beam weapons and defend themselves against heavy weapons attack.
Point blank, Fighters and mechs going at it, ship weapons usually too large to fire at small targets. Usually this would be the point for boarding actions.

But this is just my idea.
I would appreciate if we only talked of the weapon itself, rather than uses and tactics, in this thread. If you guys are really interested in discussing the theories of PDW's in general, please start another thread somewhere else. This saves useless clutter and avoids any annoyances that may get the thread wrongfully locked.
There's nothing wrong with this weapon.

In all actuality, a point-defense weapon should be able to engage anything that gets within at least half a light-second of a warship to be truly effective.
As it stands Kai is right Silverthorne, please make a different thread for this, I'd suggest the questions forum where your idea could be properly discussed.

This submission is pending for more detail.

My only real issue with this Kai is the lack of detail, if you could throw a little more in I'd be more then happy to proceed further.
This submission is approved for IC Usage.

I assume Origin is a company yes? If so, then your submission on the wiki should reflect that as in, This is Origin's first PDW system etc etc or something. If not, then hey no worries. :)

As always, I leave this open for my fellow Techmods and admins to overturn my ruling if they see fit.