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Origin Security


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Origin Security. Otherwise known as OriSec.

It's a new branch of Origin, made for, well, Security. Most of what it is is a bunch of token forces near places that Origin does business, generally they are based around a starbase or such.

I have spoken to Matt about the Abwehran group, and he says it is fine that they are there. I'm fairly certain Wes is okay with a couple of ships at Origin's base in the KMS, but I do need some input from a Nepleslian GM about the small group that would be in their space.

Any comments and concerns are welcome, I would be happy to address them and fix this article to fit better in the setting.

Keep in mind, this is NOT a military, and I made sure it complies with the YE 28 Military centralization act.
Doesn't Paramilitary mean based on a military force or potential auxiliary military force?
I thought it meant something along the lines of 'Not a military but structured like one'

I could be wrong, though. perhaps someone could give me a better term to use?
A paramilitary is a force whose function and organization are similar to those of a professional military force, but which is not regarded as having the same status, they are essentially civilians organized to act like a military force.

The term is subjective though, back in WWII Nazi Germany Considered Boy Scouts to be paramilitary and would not let them operate.

It would really depend on their role. If they are only there to protect Origin ships and assets then it would be fine. They go planning attacks, then they cross the line.
I changed the status of a good number of the Kouken-class ships from 'Standby' to 'Under construction' as the class is brand-new, and I haven't heard anything from the Nep GM's, which is the kind of area I wanted some of the new ships to be located.
I have word from Nepleslian GM's that it is Okay for Origin security to run ships within Nepleslian space, so that's an okay from every faction.

Any further comments, concerns, or critiques?
Thank you.

The plot advertising will now commence since my pieces are all in place.
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