Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Origin [Origin] Stargaze Dreamers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
  • Start date Start date


The OIF Caruso, a Courier-2 class freighter modified by Origin Fleet Yards for bulk transport of frames to Daichi, was headed on it's way to the headquarters of the Second Expeditionary Fleet along with the OIF Vibe, Monolith, and Salinas.

Javier Feyete, however, was not on that ship. He, along with the initial load of Origin Employees he had chosen, including one Sierra Merkur, were onboard the Luxury Yacht "Stargazer". Javier himself was in the Stargazer's Lounge, looking out into hyperspace.

Sierra Merkur reclined in the lounge's armchair, revelling in the comfort of the plush piece of furniture. Normally seats on starships were cramped, poorly cusioned, or just plain uncomfortable. Here it was like floating on a cloud. The fact that the Ship's gravity was set below 1.0 also made it seem even more dreamy, and the redhead was enjoying the journey in comfort and style aboard one of Origin's luxury Yachts.

The Nepleslian woman briefly glanced over at Javier, whom was lost in thought it seemed, staring out the window at the odd visualizations that came with hyperspace, which were not even the slightest bit of what Hyperspace actually was, but were as much as the eyes and mind could comprehend. She smiled, leaning back into her reverie and closing her eyes, about to take a nap.

Javier, still looking out the window, spoke up. "Hey, Sierra. Still having misgivings about coming with me to Daichi?" The Kennewsian turned to Sierra, smiling. Somehow, the redhead had managed to convince him to wear something other than an Origin Uniform, and was wearing a business suit, his blond hair straight and combed back. "I'm actually looking forward to it."

Sierra smiled once more, not moving from her comfortable spot. She had Gotten Javier to wear a much more tasteful outfit, although she knew he would have to change back into his uniform once they arrived. However, for now, he was as she wanted him. "Well, I figure, we're taking a yacht, to a colony, that's protected by the best military in the galaxy, right?" the redhead answered. "I might as well take this as a little vacation and enjoy myself. It's not like we're going to war. Just training other people how to use the equipment, right?"

"... Did I really have to wear this suit, Sierra? I mean, I know I have to look good and all, but can't I just put it on before we arrive at Daichi instead of wearing it the entire time?"Javier pulled at the suit's collar, loosening it. "I think I put it on wrong."

"You've put it on correctly. I helped you, remember?" Sierra chided, still unmoving in her seat. She was comfortable, and talking didn't change that. "You actually need to take it off when we get there. You're supposed to be in your uniform- The Clean one- when we meet our clients." Sierra stretched a little bit, moving around in her recliner to find a more comfortable spot. She was missing one important thing; and that was warmth. She needed to find a blanket, but was too lazy to get up.

Javier cocked an eyebrow at Sierra. "Eh, what's wrong Sierra? Is the Stargazer not comfortable enough for you?" The blonde turned to look at the redhead, intently studying her with a worried gaze. "What, is your uniform too tight?"

"It's a little chilly." Sierra answered, simply, Scrunching up into a near-fetal position on her side, trying to use the recliner itself as some form of insulation. Why Sierra claimed this, Javier would not know. The combination of the mild temperatures and his suit would make him feel a bit more than chilly, just on the south side of hot. It would be assumed that Sierra, in similar attire, would feel the same.

But she wasn't. She was cold.

"... Sierra.." The Nepleslian got up from his seat, walking over to the girl, putting his hand to her forehead. Whatever was wrong with her, Javier was worried for her. Sierra, for all of her eccentricities, was important to him, and Aerin would kill him if an electrician of her caliber got sick because of him.Sierra, however, felt perfectly warm to Javier. No cold, no fever. Her temperature was spot-on where it should have been. Confused and worried, he did the first rational thing the popped into his head. Blushing, he sat down next to her. "What's wrong?"

When Javier sat down, Sierra immediately felt better. there was warmth radiating from the figure who was seated right at about her knees. "Nothing's wrong. I'm just cold. And you're warm." Absentmindedly, Sierra stretched her arms out and grabbed javier, pulling him closer and hugging him as if he were a giant teddy bear of some sort.

Javier responded, almost on automatic, wrapping his arms around the redhead's body to warm her up. "Sierra, If you're cold, I'll just warm you up, okay?" The Origin manager was visibly blushing, his face turning red. He hadn't expect Sierra to just hug him like that, and not add in any teasing with it.

"Okay." Sierra responded, somewhat dreamily. She felt comfortable again, with the radiant heat coming off of her superior/significant other, she was plenty warmed. Though, admittedly, a blanket to cover the parts he didn't warm would have been nice also. But she would take what she could, and this more than worked, for now.

Javier rubbed Sierra's back, still blushing from the entire situation. "This isn't really all that bad, Sierra. I can't think of a more beautiful woman to keep warm like this." Unsuprisingly, Javier was being completely honest. He couldn't think of anyone he'd rather be with at this moment. Even if it was just him being under her thumb, he was fine with it.

"You're just saying that because I'm letting you touch me..." Sierra muttered, her face buried into the man's chest, her glasses pressing into him. The motions of his hands on her back were rather nice, and she was being gently assuaged into sleep.

"Well, That is true. But you are beautiful." The Nepleslian continued to rub at the redhead's back, still a bit suprised by her lack of teasing. "Were you lying about being cold Sierra, and just wanted to get close to me?"

All that Javier would be greeted with was very light snoring, as Sierra had dozed off and wasn't hearing a word that Javier had said. She would have probably be offended that he had thought her to be lying, but that was another matter entirely. For now, she simply slept, comfortably, Not wanting to be bothered by anything. She cuddled her 'teddy bear' closer, to steal some more of its warmth.

Javier, unable or unwilling to get up and leave Sierra alone, simply sat there, content with his place in life.