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[Origin] Starship Weaponry

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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If snide retorts are all you can manage to an observation, Fiver, I think you'll see this topic will quickly end up in perpetual submission rot.

If I were you, and was in a position to answer to OsakanOne, I would have phrased it as - for example - either "This is as designed, seeing some of this is for arming civilian warships" or I would ask for his suggestions as to how to make these more competitive in the context of this setting.

There are right ways, and wrong ways to address people. We're a community made stronger by the diversity of our opinions, so please try to show more tolerance and open mindedness, even if it's sometimes hard. If you make the effort, odds are more people in turn will take the pains to.
Me and Osaka went over this in IRC.

Furthermore, I don't think the tech forums should be based around opinions of tech, and denying something because it isn't up to military snuff. It should be around one thing: Whether or not tech fits into the setting.

And I'll admit, I get snippy when people make, opinionated posts about my tech. That is a failing.
I want to know the purpose of the weapon. The situation it is intended for.

It doesn't look well setup for ship to ship combat so I want to know if you have a speciality in mind.
OsakanOne said:
I want to know the purpose of the weapon. The situation it is intended for.

It doesn't look well setup for ship to ship combat so I want to know if you have a speciality in mind.

It says the purpose right there in the article.
An animal is a well adapted biological machine. If an animal cannot change to suit its environment, it doesn't survive. Adaptation is the biggest strength of life. It must continue to evolve to survive.

If machines of war cannot change to suit the ongoing challenges of combat, they don't survive. They must continue to evolve.

Therefore the design challenges of a machine are like those of an animal. Take into account the world around you: How do these adaptations serve the parent creature?

In what situations do these adaptations excel and what has brought them about?

Anti-Air Missile is an AI guided missile with a large proximity warhead designed to be used for anti-missile work
So it uses a flak effect ... a sort of Phalanx CIWS style weapon using debris and compressed plasma to detonate the warheads?

Please clarify and indicate the intended role of your other weapons and the gaps they fill. It may also help to indicate what it is they are to be mounted to.

Let's not let this submission rot.
These roles are clarified, you are simply overcomplicating things that are already clear.
I believe these are all satisfactorily explained, and make sense. The Plasma Flak is very obviously a close-in Point Defense weapon, the Gamma Ray lasing heads clearly state they are missile submunitions, and the Z3D Is a short ranged anti-missile missile. My only problem is what is the Z3D's atmospheric speed and range?
kai said:
I believe these are all satisfactorily explained, and make sense. The Plasma Flak is very obviously a close-in Point Defense weapon, the Gamma Ray lasing heads clearly state they are missile submunitions, and the Z3D Is a short ranged anti-missile missile. My only problem is what is the Z3D's atmospheric speed and range?

Edited it in.
OI-Z3D Anti-Air Missile - Approved

Plasma Flak Cannon - Pending
- Missing nomenclature
- SDR 1 and capable of 14 shots a second, is the SDR 1 a result of 14 shots hitting, or are you saying it can do 14 SDR 1 hits a second. Seems way too powerful for a point defense cannon.

Bomb Pumped Gamma Ray Lasing Rod - Pending
- Missing nomenclature
- SDR 4 would make this Gamma Laser on par with an anti-matter but in a fraction of the space, seems a tad bit high
Nashoba said:
OI-Z3D Anti-Air Missile - Approved

Plasma Flak Cannon - Pending
- Missing nomenclature
- SDR 1 and capable of 14 shots a second, is the SDR 1 a result of 14 shots hitting, or are you saying it can do 14 SDR 1 hits a second. Seems way too powerful for a point defense cannon.

Bomb Pumped Gamma Ray Lasing Rod - Pending
- Missing nomenclature
- SDR 4 would make this Gamma Laser on par with an anti-matter but in a fraction of the space, seems a tad bit high

Well, Nash, Remember. Gamma Ray Bursts are one of the most powerful natural releases of energy in the universe. This is essentially a minaturised one-shot GRB.
Yes, I know, I'm trying to figure out if a nuclear powered weapon is equal to an antimatter warhead.

Also your flak cannon in an atmosphere will basically be a carpet bomb.
Just as a reference, as I know i'm not the only one who does this, and also that not everyone does this, I generally ignore the ROF on Starship weapons and say they do their damage in Ten seconds worth of firing. If the firing cycle is more than ten seconds, then it's obviously per shot, If it fires 100 shots in ten seconds, than 100 shots does 1 SDR, at leas that's the method I use.

I know that's not a rule, just putting that out there. Keep working on this stuff, Five. Try to work with Nash to get something satisfactory.
I just need the Nomenclatures added since they are part of the checklist, and I need the flak damage vs ROF clarified.
kai said:
Just as a reference, as I know i'm not the only one who does this, and also that not everyone does this, I generally ignore the ROF on Starship weapons and say they do their damage in Ten seconds worth of firing. If the firing cycle is more than ten seconds, then it's obviously per shot, If it fires 100 shots in ten seconds, than 100 shots does 1 SDR, at leas that's the method I use.

I know that's not a rule, just putting that out there. Keep working on this stuff, Five. Try to work with Nash to get something satisfactory.

That's indeed how I designed the DR revision. *thumbs up*
Hence my concern, because using the ten second guideline, the flack does 10 SDR in a ten second interval.
Nashoba said:
Hence my concern, because using the ten second guideline, the flack does 10 SDR in a ten second interval.

No, by using the Ten second guidleine, it does 1 DSR in ten seconds