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[origin] Ultraviolet Pulse Laser

It appears to be a point defense weapon along the lines of NAM's PLA, so it should be fairly useful.

I give this an okay, but it's up to the tech mods now.
You have three sentences in the whole submission and at least two of them have errors in them. Additionally, the page URL should be more reflective of the page title (OI-M1-W3104 Ultraviolet Pulse Laser) not "burner."
Wes said:
You have three sentences in the whole submission and at least two of them have errors in them. Additionally, the page URL should be more reflective of the page title (OI-M1-W3104 Ultraviolet Pulse Laser) not "burner."

Well, I figured if the article was simple, and too the point, there would be less things for people to complain about.
I hate to be a stickler but umm... you know me... :?

Actually I just wanted to mention that armor will still tend to ablate in the normal fashion, the advantage of pulsed weapon design is primarily that it gives a chance for the 'smoke' to clear a bit around the impact point reducing (though not necessarily eliminating entirely) the effectiveness of ablative armor.

I actually think burner is a fitting common name for it. And it generally seems ok to me.
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