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Original Poetry

Before SARP, most of the writing I did was of the free verse poetry area and I figured why not share a piece or two with the community I spent a considerable amount of time with.

I hope you'll find it enjoyable, and if not, no love lost.


I walk with you in this garden of dreams, a secret place where your soul finds mine in perfect union. This majestic refuge far from judgement, removed from our own doubts, untainted by the denizens of the cold unforgiving world we have escaped from.

I give way to you, relinquishing my hold on such silly notions of fear. I breathe you in, the freedom I seek granted by the sight, the smell, the feel of you near me. So close I can taste your exquisite form on my tongue. A taste of sun kissed perfection, like a sacred nectar made of raspberries and honey. Slowly, carefully made on a hot summer day for me and me alone.

I close my eyes, I hear your voice ringing like soft bell within my ears. Soothing as an angel singing a lullaby to a baby. My comfort and compassion, my strength and my honor all for you. You call to me, asking me to your side. I take a step, nothing to hold me back, no fear of the unknown to bring me to my knees or to swallow me whole.

Down the river, we walk you and I, to a place of unimaginable beauty. No influence of man, nor scars of time. Just peace and grace, under a blanket of a starry night, cascaded by the light of a steel blue moon. I take you in my arms, embracing you like its the first time anyone has ever loved and such a union will never be allowed again. Our hearts beat as one, my warmth completely entwined with yours, our souls vibrating in sync as our bodies become inseparable.

I empty my heart, giving forth all of my love without hesitation, only to fill it with everything you are. My mind floods, my memories utterly consumed with images and feelings, the simplest detail completely captured and buried deep within like a treasure to be guarded fervently, never to be released. My eyes peer into the depths of yours, where I see myself and worry nothing about my safety.

Reality blurs. There are no lines between us, where we start... Where we end... There is only us absolute and forevermore. A dream perhaps, yet more true than anything any man has ever known.
I close my eyes, search deep within... Trying to piece it all together. I don't understand how it all has come together but it matters not. I look upon you, feeling as though this is not the first time we have stood like this. Your voice flows forth... I have heard you before? You resound in my heart, I feel you in my very core. My mind's eye shares a glimpse of a time past, perhaps not you and I, but all too familiar.

My soul cries out, with every coming word. I have once again found you, and yet I know not why I feel as I do. A soft smile plays on your lips, your eyes captivate me. My heart flutters, then skips a beat. I can not shake this feeling, yet in my uncertainty I am at ease. The warmth of your touch I feel, yet you are no closer to me than the moment before.

A simple meeting, my world I thought I knew torn asunder by my soul's outcry and flood of feelings I know not of whence they came. This simple greeting, spurns a fire unquenched by death, resonates through my being as one soul recognizes the other. A perfect pair, beyond time... Beyond reason... Here and now, this moment begins a new chapter between our souls' union.
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