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Orion's Magical Mystery Tour!

I currently have it titled as "Blood Makes the Grass Grow". Since I have an image of Zus missile-spamming Malik and his enemy with it in the background.

If you'd prefer a less violent title I can do that too though. :geek:
Awesome song. It's an interesting title, but I'm not sure it's quite right for Zus' personality. I cannot help but imagining some Ivuori listening to the original Piano score, and Zus having heard it and made some changes to fit her better, lol.
Retitled for you. I'm working on one for Malik right now. Promises to be as difficult as Zus'. You people and your happy-themed characters!
Nice. I like it. Now, make it ten minutes long, and have it so it can loop infinitely!!
I'm working on a better/more ambitious triphop piece at the moment for the final.

That was more an experiment in the style. Which is well outside my comfort zone. Next effort will be up soon.
I lost my great grandfather today. Sleep eluded me and I wound up writing this.


Beautiful. I hope your great grand dad rests easy because of this.
You made me cry...that was really touching. Sorry for your loss, Orion.
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