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RP: 188604 Osman University Chapter 2: mechs, math, and school life.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jack Pine
  • Start date Start date
Chlorate turned around and saw the speaker. She pulled the tape and the speaker off, watching it play noises. "Why did someone tape a speaker to my back, father?" she asked.

Adria laughed. "Ha! That was hilarious! She didn't even realize what was going on!" Her long crimson tail flicked around as she chuckled by the corner of the wall. "B-but that was kind of mean..." Adilis tried to interject. "So what? Is that really what you care about? Oh wow you're a pushover..." Adria argued. "But... she..." Adilis whimpered. "I doubt she even cares, you dork," Adria said.
[If You see Adria, tell her I want to see her in my office. now.]

Ceilia did as directed and took an open seat next to Kyle, "I said I'd be back. Though even I didn't expect like this. Isn't it great?" She whispered after settling in her seat.
Kyle kept his head down and slid his sheet of paper over to her and whispered, "Yeah... Android. Guess that's better than just being stuck in m-my head the whole time..." He peeked from his hoodie to look at her but was still covering most of his face. He coudn't believe how real she looked. 'This must be a new model that they developed out here. Because I've never seen an android with a body that... Life-like.' He tought to himself.

He softly sighed then turned his head back to his notebook and started to doodle in some stuff. He was bored by how easy the assignment was and had nothing else to do. He wasn't planning on being stuck in class like other people. Kyle felt more comfortable being alone in a broom closet and just doing work in there. Preferably away from other people. 'I really don't want to be here... too many people that I don't know. Plus... they wouldn't care about me anyway. I'm just a tool for them to use anyway. Sub-human. Not even a person...' He thought.
Ceilia looked over the assignment her self and finished it with ease. She thought about what he'd said, "Android? But this body is flesh and blood, I even have a Geist of my own. Silly, fake bodies are weird."
Kyle stopped and slowly turned over to her, "Y-you're... not an android... That's a... real body?" He whispered extremely confused. "Wait... is this like an ST? How does that work. The biology and neural science behind it to transfer over conciseness is so complex... They've discovered how to do that with AI now?"

He chuckled a bit, "If this is recent... then they're not very fast on the ball now are they. Figuring it was was a breeze for me. The... only i-issue for me was..." He trailed off as he started to remember his past and shut down again fully covering his face and putting his head back on his desk. He felt very awkward being next to a 'real' person now. It felt surreal and unnatural for him. As if he was sitting next to someone that was actually friendly, or at least acting to try to use him. He didn't really care anymore.
With a final clap of her hands, Rose called out. "Time's up! Let's see what you guys got."

At that, lines started filling the starmap, several veering off course due to minor errors in calculation, and only a few reaching the target. "Kyle, I'd like to see what you came up with? Any chance you can punch in your course real quick?" She could easily note the discomfort his body language showed, and it was one all too familiar for her.

[Will do. Also have Kyle checked for possible slaver trauma. He's holding himself like I used to. Ask Sarah what that looks like.]

"Johnson, remember to compensate for gravitational effect as well as relativity versus stellar movement in long jump correction. Analise, good job at correcting for a bad azimuth, but you might want to practice with the sextant and reference points. Carlson, I notice how your azimuth was based on a star going supernova, but you forgot to correct for the resulting nebula when you got there. I see a lot of good work, here, and a few minor mistakes, nothing that can't be fixed with some practice and drills. For homework, make sure you read up on stellar cartography as it compares across relativistic distances. Also, we're getting a field trip on the first of Juli. I'll have more details as they become available. Just look up the GSS Starlight disaster."
Kyle slowly picked up his head and typed in his equations and work. After a few seconds he submitted his answer and schlepped back over the table. He quietly said, "S-Sorry Mrs. R-Rose... I'm not use to being i-in classes..." He sounded nervous and a bit timid. Almost as if he was a bit scared of talking.
Ceilia gently reaches over and places a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, Kyle? Are you okay? I'm sorry if I freaked you out."
["Affirmative, father,"] Chlorate sent to Mark's Geist as she clanked out of the hall. She turned the speaker off and tossed it out in a trash can.
She quickly located Adria devilishly giggling when she saw her wings. "Fathe-..." Wait... Adria probably didn't know him as "father", did she? "Mark would like to see you in his office," she said to Adria.
Adria quickly stopped chuckling. "Oh, would he?" she asked.
"Yes," Chlorate said, before clanking away.
"Well..." Adria said, shortsightedly not expecting him to find out, especially not so fast. How did he know?! "Don't give me that look!" she shouted at the innocent Adilis. "I-I wasn't g-giving you any looks!" Adilis cried, covering his face. "Fine..." the angrier butterfly conceded, walking to Mark's office, her tail angrily thrashing around. Adilis squeaked and "Eep!" and quickly got up to follow her, staying a safe distance behind so as not to be whipped by her tail.
The two butterflies came to enter Mark's office. "You wanted to see me?" Adria asked.
Kyle tensed up, his entire body froze as she touched him. He freaked out and didn't expect someone to touch him. He slowly turned his head and looked at her, his face was white and he looked very uncomfortable, "N-n-n-oo... I-I'm fine... Just..." He said stuttering and very shocked. "I'm not... U-use to p-people talking to m-me..." He shifted a bit and relaxed after a moment.

Kyle sat up and looked down at the desk, his hoodie still over his face. He was fixing his poster to be better than usual, feeling more comfortable, even if it's slight.

Of the numerous charted courses that shifted and wavered off course, one stood out a notable amount, and it wasn't because it was accurate or inaccurate or any mixture of the two, but rather because, despite the time allotted, there were no calculations, it simply sat in its starting place, unfinished. While it wasn't visible to the whole class, Rose would be able to see who's course it was, a new student by the name Eve Ahriman.

She had been around Section 6 for a while, she was a translator who apparently spoke a good handful of useful languages, but that did little to explain why she was here or why she failed to even begin the assignment.

She sat in a middle row of the room, on the very edge, and at the distance she didn't really stand out, but she didn't seem to be looking at anything, her gaze being directly forward. She would be someone easy to miss, but she did appear to come in with someone else, who was situated next to her. There were hushed whispers from the companion to Eve, but the blank look was rather simple to understand, even from a distant view.


"I told you that you could have taken a private version of this, and I'm certain that this could have been avoided if you did." The woman spoke to Eve, but she didn't respond, her finger only idly tapping the desk. It would be rude to get up and leave, and it would be rude to interrupt the class to declare her issue. She figured it would be math, which she could do quite well, though she was a bit rusty, theories she could do as well, but from what she was told they were supposed to be working with a holographic display above them. She didn't need to explain to her companion why this frustrated her.

Her eyes were clouded and gray, and though it could have been missed as she stepped in with a crowd, she did carry a collapsible cane, her arm interlinked with the woman who sat next to her. She was completely blind.
"I can understand that, Kyle. Don't worry, this is a place of knowledge. Sharing what you have and learning from others what you don't. Is there anything that I missed in my lesson, for instance? I feel like course calculations aren't really much of a challenge for you. Nor is reading a starmap."

Noting one course that seemed extremely erratic and unusual, she made a mental note to call Eve over after class. After all, the girl was one of Rose's most promising prospects in sheer intelligence, and her xenolinguistics skill was far beyond anyone she had ever met. Though the course she plotted looked like it had been made by a blind man. As Rose checked Eve's computer from the safety of her Geist and the distance of her desk, she found why. No data had been inputted because the girl couldn't see the screen in front of her, let alone the map ahead.

To be fair, it was a better course than some of the other students.
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Kyle looked up at Rose, his face now visible. "W-well..." He said very timidly and in a tone that sounded like [Yeah...]. "I'm n-not comfortable in c-classes Ma'am... I-I'm perfectly content with being g-given the work then turning it in later..." He said hoping that she would just let him leave. He was not at all interested in Staying in the class. Though, his expression was more of a timid child than a bored teenager.
Jay had just finished through the morning intelligence briefing on his datapad as he walked into the classroom. Computer Sciences. 'Good lord, this was going to be packed.' he thought.

And then he noticed something. This classroom was familiar...

Room 2. The room where he'd first met Aster. It was coming up on a year since then, and the room had been repurposed for the coming class, but it was in fact the same room. If only it were that simple now...

But now was not the time to dwell on such things. Class would be starting soon, and Jay needed to come up with an introduction to the class.
"Oh ok, well I was hoping to make you happy with the surprise. You are my pilot after all. Don't worry, I'm here for ya.", Ceilia offered with a smile.

Mark looked at Adria, "Because I know you Adria, it's always you. Plus your pranks have a certain simplicity to them."
Kyle turned to Ceilia and gave a slight smile. The first one he's ever given ever since he turned 13. He said, "S-sure... th-thank you C-Ceilia..." his expression was calm and he was relaxed for the first time in a long time.
Rose rolled her eyes slightly at the solitary work comment. "You do realize that if you have a better way of doing it, I'd love to see your notes, right? This classroom works together in the persuit of knowledge!"
Kyle nodded to Rose and said, “Y-yes M-m-miss Rose...” He stood up and grabbed his notebook. He walked over to her and handed it off to her with all of his notes on the subject. Inside contained an entire notebook full of equations and work that was on par with the most advanced computing software of creating jump off points and mapping.
The bell chimed for the end of first period filling the halls once more with activity. Students quickly hustled off to their next class.

Neera resumed chatting with her friends, Aster much the same.

Ceilia waited until after the Kyle came out, "So what do you think of my body? It's strange having a human body, but if it makes you happy." She said giving him a hug.
Kyle was caught off guard and started to blush a bit. He didn’t know what to do. So he slowly hugged her back. Not having any other plan or idea on what’s happening. He said to her, “Y-you’re fine... I-I can’t j-judge...” He looked like he had more to say, but he couldn’t discover the words on how to say them.

Kyle told her, “Y-you look beauti-“ He quickly cut himself off not wanting to say anything further. In fear he said something wrong.
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