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RP [Osman University] Chapter 3: A new Campus


Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
Osman University, Sirris VI
Osman University, Sirris 6

The new Osman University opened on Sirris VI had seen an steady increase of students, who were relocating from the collapsed university on 188604. The new campus was completed, with help from D.O.P.E, and the university had almost all the facilities the old location had. And, in honour of the first location, a statue of Jack Pine and Mark Oaklen was raised in front of the main entrance, a testament to their humble beginnings.

Dylan sat down at one of the benches in the centre of the plaza, directly aside the large Oaklen/Pine fountain. He looked on as he saw many new faces appearing on the campus, and some familiar ones. He then opened his laptop to review some of his preparations. He was still the geology teacher, but he also had take on some duties as a student guidance counsellor. Several of his personal students would be arriving at his office to meet him today.

He was a bit nervous of the new location. While many of the teachers were either transferred or replaced, Dylan had to learn an entire new team of teachers, as well as a new principal. But he was also excited to teach new students, and since he was in section 6, he was at the edge of known space, and the people's mind were still fully moldable.
Elisys walked around the camp ground, she was looking around to find where she needed to go. “Why the heck is this place so confusing!” Elisys asked herself. She noticed someone sitting nearby the large statue in the main plaza ‘I wonder if he knows where to go?’. Elisys walks over to him “Um, excuse me sir, but do you know where new students are supposed to go? I’m a bit lost...”
Dylan looked up when he heard an unfamiliar voice. A young student stood before him, asking directions. Dylan smiled at her, and said: " Of course, dear. Follow me, I'm going to the same place, probably." With that, Dylan stood up, waiting for the student to follow him.

" First year?" He asked Elisys. " You'll have a good time here."
Talos grumbled as he drove the jeep, the Hound a rather new purchase of the man. This was a load of bull to him, having to take up position as principal at the university why lord Oaklen was still recovering. He wanted to be out in the field, not at a desk dealing with youngins, or school in general. The other two in the car, Armora and Nora, both looked at him while he brooded. "Gaah! This is shit, why do I have to do this! Why not Tazar, or or or I dunno David? I was made for war, not for teaching.", He finally complained out loud.

"Aggressiveness behind the wheel, is 10% of leading causes to motorized accidents. I recommended a more calm demeanor major, the statistics are undeniable.", Armora relayed rather robotically.

"You whine like one of those youngins, so you may be better suited then you think. No hurry up uncle, we're going to be late because you want to be grumpy.", Nora laughed from the back in her school uniform much like Armora.

"At least you both don't have to do the office paperwork.", he quipped.

Ceilia likewise drove to school, though in a much nicer Raven Sport, a civilian car more designed for luxury, as well as one of the few mementos left by her late husband Kyle. As she pulled into the parking lot and parked the vehicle, she took in a deep breath and looked at the ring she still wore. It was strange being back here, yet not quite being back. Sure the school was about the same, but this wasn't the same planet from before. The first school had been the place where she first met him as a person, and where they became friends. The memories flooded back to the young woman, and she couldn't help, but to sit and cry as she leaned her forehead against the steering wheel. After a minute or so, she pulled herself together and grabbed her bag from the side seat, and as she stepped out of the nice car, the wind rustled the same uniform as she had worn back then.

As the door closed with a hiss, Ceilia Dee-Cerulius walked towards the campus building with her head hung low, hoping no one could tell she had been crying.
“Yes, I decided that getting some more higher education could help me later on! I’m mostly focusing on a major mechanical engineering and a minor in biology!” Elisys informed Dylan happily. “My name is Elisys Amare, and yours is?”
Another jeep pulled into the parking lot about the same time as Talos and company. Jack park next to them before turning back to Adria and Adi, "I know I asked more then a few times already, but are you both sure you have everything?" he asked like the worried father he was. The white haired man himself had been rather protective of his daughter Adi since she was recovered from Hades, especially with what had been done to her. She used to be a boy named Adilis, but they had completely changed his gender somehow.

His worry wasn't helped by the girl that had been picked up with Adi, named Sonia, a child merc who had taken a liking to his now daughter. In fact, it was odd now that he thought about it, usually she was plastered to Adi's side.....but she wasn't here fo-

"Don't worry mister Pine, I got this, she only forgot her pencils....here you go Adria. The only thing Adi forgot is mmeee, but I brought myself.", Sonia declared as she burst from out from under a tarp in the rear bed area of the jeep. She then dangled the pack of pencils over Adria's right wing, before giving up and dropping them in Adria's bag. The platinum blonde vaulted over the side of the bed to reveal herself, given the two girls' wings had obscured her, but she was dressed in one of the school's female uniforms.

Jack's eyebrow twitched at the rather over dramatized entrance, "Miss Argentum, I'd prefer it if you actually rode in the car, and not hide in the cargo bed."
Adria, in a female uniform, let out a quiet hiss, unamused at how Sonia used her wings for camouflage and then pointed out how she forgot her pencils in front of Adi and Jack. Adria grumbled, clambering out of the jeep, saying "Yeah yeah... now I have everything... see you later dad..." Adi was staring at her uniform when she heard her sweetheart in the back, exclaiming "Sonia!" She tried to look back, but she had trouble seeing Sonia behind her wings. Her cat-clawed hand held Jack's hand as she turned her head to look at the school, not dismounting the vehicle just yet. The short and busty princess looked over to Jack, mumbling "U-umm... D-dad... I'm scared..." It had been a while since she was in the school, back before it was on Sirris VI- and she hadn't been to school since Hades changed her body either, in fact, they had completely changed her gender, which made her extra nervous about returning to Osman University.
Dylan chuckled at the excited student as he explained what she was doing here. " I'm professor Dylan Bjarkmar, my dear. I'll be teaching geology and all other geosciences we are concerned with here."

They now entered the large archway into the school, that led directly into a large entrance hall that acted as an atrium and cafeteria. To the left was the school lunch room, while to their right was a long corridor, leading to multiple classrooms. A large staircase was directly in front of them, and Dylan said: " Unless you want to take the elevator, the meeting room for technology students is on the first floor of building H, directly across the skybridge between this building and that. That's were most of the physics laboratories are located. My office is on the second floor there, so I'll be going there to."

Dylan did not mention he would me meeting with the new principal after that, but the students didn't need to know everything. After all, if this new one was anything like Mr. Oaklen, Dylan would manage.
Thaddeaus Maximus walked up to the place of his new assignment. After spending some time with Nora she felt it best that he got himself a job outside of combat. Something about being a role model for her daughter and you better come home or I will chase you into the afterlife and kill you myself. Either way he was open to learning more and taking on new tasks to expand his abilities. After all he was aiming to be a knight and every knight should come off as both battle hardened and smart. He had the the battle in spades but could use some more work on the smart.

Thad had made it to the middle of this place and was standing next to a statue of some people. Who the heck is Jack Pine and Mark Oaklen. He thought to himself. Must be one of the teachers around here and hoped he would get along great with them. He looked down at the note Nora gave to him and was to seek out the person that would give him the details on his assignment. He hoped that he would be teaching a class on combat and cooking. Combat for fun and cooking so he can work on being that role model. This was exciting and looked forward to leaving a mark on this place.

He was wearing an outfit that was usual for him but looked very sharp. He wore a button up shirt that was teal and had on black pants. The long coat was also black and reached down to his lower legs.
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After all that had gone on recently, what with the scouting shuttle going down and then the subsequent month he'd spent M.I.A in the wilds of Sirrus IV only to finally be rescued and then find out Neera was in a coma... only to wake up a few weeks after he'd gotten back - it was recommended the two maybe take a step back and relax for a bit, so this was David relaxing. He still had his Revenant and everything else back in the armoury so getting back in the field was inevitable, but this would serve as a nice distraction for the time being - he'd made sure Neera was all settled in and not just being stubborn before giving his final answer for this new job.

The Corporal strolled up alongside Thad, footfalls barely making any kind of audible sound before David reminded himself some folks around here might find that unsettling, so a few sounds of leather shoes against the ground were heard as he took up position to also admire the statue. He scratched the back of his neck gingerly, it wasn't so much anything was actually making him nervous or annoying David but even as a half-Nep he'd never gotten into the whole body modification thing up until recently when Section Six put a processor in his neck.

"It's quite a statue, no?" David spoke only after having used facial recognition to ID Thad, this combat chef was pretty easy on the eyes and had it not been for Neera then... well David might've had a different approach to opening this conversation. He himself was clad in a white dress shirt that contrasted against his tanned skin, brown eyes, hair and beard alongside a black coat that fell to mid-thigh, well-fitted black dress pants and leather dress shoes more or less the same tone as the worn leather satchel across David's back - his beard and shortish hair weren't as unkempt as usual but there was no way he'd go slicking it back, it must've looked decent because a certain Lupine beauty almost didn't let him leave earlier this morning.

"David Maverock, resident king of the computer nerds," he continued to introduce himself, offering Thaddeus a firm handshake if the gesture was returned - beard, self-deprecating humour, David seemed like your average IT-guy-down-the-hall but even under the inconspicuous clothing you could tell he at least liked to keep in shape if you looked hard enough.
Thad looked over to the man who had just walked up on him. "Meh, be better if it was of me but got to earn it before I can be carved into stone." He said without missing a beat. He smiled at him as he seen his hand extend. He took it into his strong hand. "Nice to meet you David, Thaddeaus, soon to be teacher at this fine school." He gave a firm handshake to get a feel for this guy. "Don't look the part of one of the students here, happen to be one of the teachers here?" He held his smile. "My day to day job is being a soldier but Nora was all, you need another job that is less likely to get you killed. Grand story don't you think?" He was having a good laugh now given the situation.
"Likewise and yes, I'm a teacher too," David spoke back, liking this guy already with all that... was it vigour? sure, that seemed like the right word to describe this man with obviously some degree of SOL in his blood. "It seems like we're in almost the same situation then my friend, though this is all just a side thing for now at least - a distraction from some of the hard times that have hit recently but I hope I enjoy it all nonetheless," the Geshrin continued speaking, sticking both hands into the pockets of his coat as he turned to face Thaddeus more with a warm grin.

"I know of somebody named Nora though I don't think I've seen you before so they might not be the same person... let me guess... you're Dovanian Armed Forces?" David queried, though it was more a formality as he closed down Thad's file and tossed it from his mind for now - focussing more on the conversation at hand rather than what he could read.
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"Well my fellow teacher, it is nice to meet you. Seems we already got something in common that the people in our lives want us not to get dead." He said with a chuckle. He retracted his hand and placed both of them behind his head. He very much looked relaxed and enjoying himself.

"Dovanian Armed Forces, sounds about right. Seems unlikely but happen to know her? Its only recently that I have been hanging out with her to give a helping hand. Poor girl is in this world with herself and a baby to care for. Saddest story I have heard in years." His tone went from happy to a more sad expression as his gaze looked off into the distance. From what Thad could tell this guy was alright. Seemed to carry himself well enough at least. He took notice he seemed to be of Nepleslian background but something was different about him. Couldn't put his finger on it exactly but guessed he might be of an origin that had been modified.
"S.S.A.F myself but ah, yes, I think we know the same person then," he shot back with a soft exhale as the their connection to one another became apparent, but then again David had quickly learnt that everybody around here seemed to have some connection to everybody else - he offered Thad a sympathetic smile at the mention of helping out, if it was true then this guy seemed pretty good to him too.

"It's good to hear you helping her out though, raising a child on her own can't be an easy feat... but onto lighter topics, what exactly are you going to be teaching - if you don't mind me inquiring?" David continued speaking as his own gaze drifted to watch a few of the students filter past as they got ready for the day.
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As if on cue, Talos and company were strolling by, "Morning gentlemen, little clandestine to be hanging around a statue no?" Talos joked as the trio approached. Armora only gave a neutral hello, and a wave. She had been trying to do better with her greetings, having been looking up examples from the database to help. It was a...rather slow process at best. Nora followed up the rear of the group, and therefor, the last to give greeting.

"Oh hello Mr. Maverock, I was not aware you would be working here. I see you have already met Thad, how are you today?", The ravenette woman asked as she regarded both men kindly with her crimson eyes.

Talos wore a nice suit with a small amount of livery, given the formal nature of his position, as well has his title of nobility. Both Armora and Nora wore school uniforms, making it clear they would both be attending as students.

Jack gave Adi a reassuring smile, "Don't worry dear, I'll be with you every step of the way to your first class, and Sonia will be by your side all day."

The white haired man gently took his daughter's hand as he helped her out of the vehicle, Sonia taking the other hand as they walked to the school entrance. "See, you'll have me beside you anytime you need me, and you know you always have me to hold onto.", Sonia reaffirmed as they went. The platinum blonde gave the building a nervous glance, as she had never gone to school past that for children. But she would suffer through it to be with Adi, having already felt a bond since the girls' escape.

"Mr.Maverock! I hear I have you to thank for a very healthy and awake daughter. I hope you two enjoy your time off, granted I had expected you both to hit the beach, and not a classroom. I hope for both of your sakes, that you actually have some fun as well.", Jack said as they approached as well. Void, did they really have to put a statue up of him and his brother, he hardly felt it needed, or him worthy of it. "I wish they hadn't have put that damned thing up, I am not so vain as to order icons erected of myself. I may be a lord now, but I hardly see the point of such embellishments.", he added with a sigh.
As Elisys walked with Dylan, she was a little curious as to where he was from. “Are you from around here or did you come from another planet?”
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" You have a healthy curiousity, Elisys. Very good. I'm not from around here. I was born on Yamatai, near Tania. In YE 01. You might say I'm a 'real' oldie." Dylan said to the young student. He held open the door as they entered the long walkway to building H. " I'll be taking on some duties as guidance counsellor. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask." He spoke as he held open the door at the end of the skybridge. There, some other students were waiting for the teachers to assemble. Some of them turned when Dylan entered.

Dylan waved and nodded to some of them, and then said: " please be patient, principal Talos and the others will be arriving shortly." He then turned to Elisys, ans spoke: " I suggest you meet your classmates. There's a list with your name and class on the bulletin board. There'll be a nametag for you at the front office. I'll be talking to Talos if you need me." With that, Dylan smiled a last time to the girl, and then walked over to the other staff.
“Wait, Talos is the principle???? I know that guy!” Elisys was surprised that he was teaching here, but decided to poke that bear later. For now, Elisys enters the crowd to mingle with the other students.
"Clandestine would be a bench in a park, this is simply coincidental," David joked back as he turned to face the newcomers, offering them all a welcoming smile and a wave before speaking further, "Hello hello, yeah it was kind of an in the moment thing and yes - Thad and I have just now met, you two seem to be a perfect fit for each other," the Geshrin spoke before even more Pines crawled out of the woodwork, the man who looked young enough to be a first year student himself turned to greet this new horde with that same warn grin across his bearded maw.

"Ah, Lord-Director-Admiral-Commander Pine, Greetings. It's at least until they find someone more qualified to do the teaching but fear not, I've made sure to put aside as much time as possible for her and I to relax a bit," he answered the wolf's father.
Harmony let out a rather loud breath as she sat on one of the benches near the Oaklen/Pine fountain to take a load off for the moment. She needed a break before she began the next bit of a trudge to her room. She had applied for the job of a somewhat stand-in teacher, at least for the time being so long as she was allowed to continue her research on campus, and the board had approved her application somewhat surprisingly. It wasn't too far of a stretch truth be told due to her credentials, she had been put up as a field researcher for the Matriarchy before they had left, and had graduated rather highly from the Matriarchy school of biological sciences, so maybe it wasn't so strange to her, but it still felt that way.

She had dressed a little nicer than she usually did, she wanted to make a good impression on her students today after all. By Voxphine she actually wore a skirt today, not to mention a blouse. Maybe one of her friends back home had suggested it, you know to make a good impression and all, but still it was strange for the girl that was frankly more comfortable in the buff than with clothes on, so to see her dressed up in a deep green pencil skirt with a matching deep green blouse was strange to say the least.

With her books and data pads in her lap, Harmony took a deep breath in and looked to the sky with a smile. She had been in space for so long it was nice to be planetside, to breath fresh air and feel real dirt and grass under her feet again. Those first few days the Lorath girl had disappeared into the woods, much to the worry of Kessler, but it had been worth it. She felt good again and rather clear-headed, so it was a vacation of sorts for Harmony. She looked down at her datapad for a moment to check the time and saw she still had an hour or two before her class started, so instead of worrying about getting there, she opted instead to just sit on the bench and relax for the time being.
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