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RP Osman University: Something is a Mist Part 2


Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Date 6/5/YE42
RP Location
Sirris VI - Obsidian City – Osman University
Previously on Osman University: Something is a Mist

Horrible and heinous events have occurred at the campus, on the same day a number of culturally and historically significant artifacts of the Gunja people have been stolen the same day they arrived at the University, 6/4/YE42. Additionally, Professor Jansson, the man responsible for procuring the artifacts was attacked and nearly killed but survived and was taken to the local hospital for treatment.

On the morning of 6/5/YE42, Detective Aoki, a young fresh-faced officer of the Obsidian City PD, had been sent to investigate the crime but left a poor first impression on the students and faculty during an assembly in the gymnasium, leading some civilians to consider investigating the crime themselves.

What makes the crime odd the culprit was recorded wearing a mask of Sirris VI’s top predator animals along with a dark purple robe along with a long spear in its hands while creating using a bright orange mist to disorient Jansson when they attacked him.

Who is this dastardly culprit, will the artifacts be found, and a political crisis averted? Find out on the next exciting installment of Osman University: Something is a Mist Part 2!

Osman University – Faculty Meeting Room

All the active faculty of the University were sitting along the long table in the middle of the room, it was hot and stuffy Charron didn’t know where the key was to the locked around the room temperature controls and was too embarrassed to ask if someone knew where it was. The Interim Principal was sitting at the head of the table wiping the sweat from his brow with a handkerchief “Thank you all for coming and for your understanding during these trying times, I know many of you didn’t have a classroom today, but I promise that will be resolved. Right now, though our first priority is to keep the school running.” He said, going on about how they needed to put up an air of normal so the students would be at ease despite the police maintaining a small presence on campus. Otieno and Wojewodzki were at the table to clearly board.
“Normal? About as much chance of that happening as me growing wings!” Kolorsha spoke up, punctuating her words with a disdainful snort. Though the crowded room was warm, the large horse showed no sign of discomfort from it.
“The attack was the only thing any of the students were talking about today. I doubt that will change for at least this week, trying to pretend everything is fine just isn’t going to work. Equus help us if another attack occurs” she finished.
“Speaking of that, this detective assigned to the investigation doesn’t inspire much confidence. She gave the appearance of someone in over their head. I’ve heard as much said by even some of the students, I know I can’t be the only one here who feels the same.”
Iskandar Andellion
Iskandar shifted from one foot to another, distinctly uncomfortable. He had finally arrived atSirris VI, where he had gone through the necessary customs and other such aspects necessary to integrate himself into the New Dusk Conclave. After expressing interest in Osman University, local customs officers pointed him to the direction of the University District, apparently used to such questions. Though, looking back, he seemed a bit… jittery? Nerve-wracked? The entire star-port seemed muted… Iskandar fiddled with his gaiter nervously.

After making his way out of the starport and into Obsidian City proper, Iskandar then spent the next good half hour traversing the streets of the city. ...Fiasco in the city aside, he had finally made it to the University. To which now he stood, debating on what to do first- find his housing, or go ahead and locate where his classes would be? Although his pack was fairly heavy, Iskandar was anxious- he didn’t want to miss his first time at class. So thus, classes first.

So… with that in mind, he walked through the hallways of the University. Even though people were giving him strange looks… And giving him a small berth. From time to time, Iskandar furrowed his brows. Just like in the Starport, everyone was.. Quiet. That made things awkward for him. Even though he found most of his classes, he could not for the life of him figure out where this final classroom- Data Compression- was. While he knew the general weave of the University itself.. Unlike the city itself.. It seemed as if this last class wasn’t in the room that it was stated to be in. Annoying.

...What made it even more of a scuttlebug was that very likely, Iskandar had to ask someone else where the class was. Given the atmosphere, he was not looking forward to it. He loitered around the third floor OTSWE, tapping his finger nervously, before finally working up the courage to ask someone the crucial question. Walking up to a group of three students sitting around a table, he began the painful interface.

“E-excuse me, d’you know where Data Compression is? The class, I mean. It’s not where it- It’s not where it says it should be…” At that, Iskandar showed them his data pad, where it had the information about the class on it. “I met a CD- er, janitor. I met a janitor there, and he told me that he didn’t hear anything about the class being in said classroom…”

He trailed off when the stares of the others became too apparent, leaving the entire thing in silence. Well. This was going terribly. He considered just turning around and leaving, but right before he made the decision to do so, one of the students took pity on him. Turns out she heard that Iskandar’s course has switched teachers. This change was apparently very recent, which made sense, since the stream didn’t update yet. Which left Iskandar in quite the mess. ...But his savior knew where the other potential classrooms were, and she managed to convey the information very well. Iskandar turned around, about to leave, before remembering something. Thanking them.

He turned around, thanked them, before another one piped up: “Was that Syra from Redstar?

Iskandar blushed,muttering a sheeping “Yes…”. Great. This is just great. Who watches Redstar? However, the student smiled a bit cheekily, and he then responded with, “She’s got a nice mech. But it can’t really stand up to a beating like Juna’s, can it?” Iskandar’s blush only deepened. Thank the book he was wearing a gaiter. He managed to stammer out a goodbye. The other students probably didn’t hear it, as the third student apparently disagreed with the sentiment, and the two were starting to debate who was the better tank, Juno or Phillip, with the savior student looking on with bemusement.

That thankfully made his departure less noticeable. After checking the other classrooms, he finally managed to deduce where his next class should be. So, now it was time for the nightmare that was the outside. He needed to figure out where his housing was, and his shoulder was starting to feel sore. Right before he stepped outside, he took a deep breath of the interior air, before finally exiting the university. Unfortunately, he only walked a few feet outside before he paused, pulling out his tablet. ...Where was the apartment again?
“Ms. Kolorsha I have to ask you to calm down and to not criticize the police investigating the incident!” Charron almost yelled but stopped himself why it was obvious how close to cracking it was, several teachers, shifted uncomfortably in their seats including Wojewódzki, while Otieno just looked board and sighed “Why don’t we just investigate it ourselves then?” he asked letting the question hang in the air.

Zach was slithering along out of the school building, his grey and brown scaled tail blending in with the concrete ground of the school’s campus. It had been a long day with everyone only being able to talk about the attack last night and how badly the detective botched the assembly too. He sighed not looking where he was going when he ran into Iskandar in the middle of the walkway. “I’m sorry!” the Pythus said embarrassed and terrified he was going to be yelled at again.
Ayla walked as quietly as a girl with hooves could as she moved through the halls. Her mind was on the officer who had spoken to everyone, causing a grimace to occur. She used ISD channels to find information on the officer herself, as the Faun Cyborg thought that it couldn’t hurt to include the woman on a list of suspects. She also thought about whether Adi and Adria had come to the university today and made a mental note to check later when she had the chance.

The Faun became distracted when she saw Zach accidentally ran into another, causing her to hurry her steps to that location. She knew considering the incident yesterday Zach could be a suspect too. She hoped he wouldn’t be but it couldn’t hurt to keep an eye on things.
Today was a strange day. Roland Winchester did not bring his iconic cowboy hat. In fact, it almost seemed he wanted to not catch attention. As he strode through the halls of the school, he scanned the faces until he found his target. Ayla Knight. He didn't know much about her despite sharing the same class with her, but he could tell she was trained. It was in how she analyzed everyone in the room, knew where everyone was.

She might not be the killer, but that didn't mean she didn't know more than she let on. And thus, Roland followed her.
Iskandar staggered back a step, a bit blindsided by the fact a tall Separa'shan had somehow managed to escape his attention. He managed to catch himself on the rail, shaking his head at the sheer abruptness of it all. Someone’s aggroed on me? Uh oh. Better get out of there fast, before he got involved in something stupid and ruined his chances… He quickly bent over to pick up his datapad; databook? Anyways, thank the Book it was of sturdy construction. As he flipped the casing shut, stuffing it in his bag behind him, he heard what could only be described as a panicked squeak from the snake-man: “I’m sorry!”

At that, Iskandar’s entire preset plan shattered. Well, er. This wasn’t what he was expecting. He quickly held up his two hands for a moment, muttering, “Shut it, shut it, shut..” He needed time to think; this was completely unexpected- he was originally trying to run, damn it! But then, a bit belatedly, he realized that the Separa'shan was still standing in front of him, and he broke the now-awkward silence with a quiet reassurance of, “D’worry. It’s alr..." At that, Iskandar shuffled his feet. "..Er, it’s good.”

At that, he finally looked the Separa'shan over. Black hair, green eyes, mottled tan snake posterior. Iron arm. Scars- he definitely would have looked just at home with the Nepleslian criminals back at home. Well, key words would have; his terrified apology kind of ruined it that preconception. Ch. 34, Iskandar supposed. Should get used to, well, alien, sights like this. What was supposed to be a quick check-over actually turned out to be more moments of just silence as the freespacer stared at the Pythus while processing the details.

Abruptly, Iskandar started, blinked, and asked, “You good?” While asking the question in an almost.. Cursory, sideline manner, he reached back into his pack and took out his dual-pad case, already prepping to try and figure out where exactly he was supposed to head to in terms of housing. And to deal with the burn. Ah, damn it all; Iskandar was not looking forward to this. Perhaps to delay the inevitable discomfort he felt whenever he realized that the city was still exposed to open air, and he had no idea where to go, he took a look around, eyes passing over the Pythus, having already registered him in his mental banks.

Yeah, the entrance was reasonably busy. Maybe not drastically so, but definitely enough for Iskandar to feel uncomfortable. Students, and from time to time, cops, strode around, through, and past the entryway into the university proper. Some popped out to Iskandar: That- what was it? Operator? Yeah, that. That operator who sported a pair of horns on their head as they walked past the entryway. A girl sporting hooves hurrying from the hallway inside, probably late for some class. A neko with spiky blue hair talking to a Caelisolan with bright multi-hued wings, the two chatting up a storm as they idled their way into the entrance. Which Iskandar and the snake-man were awfully close to..

Either agitate about that, or get burned trying to find his apartment. Either way, it was a lose lose for him, and something he would have to get done with anyways. ‘Specially because his bag was starting to hurt his shoulder.. He shouldered said article of offense, but he couldn’t leave just yet. Frank told him that it was polite to at least wait for the other’s response.
“I’m fine, thanks.” Zach said sheepishly to the Freespacer “Are you okay? You look kind of confused.” he asked after taking a second to work up the nerve despite the outwardly intimidating appearance of the man in front of him. While waiting for a response he noticed Roland in his green shirt and faun Ayla “Oh hey guys, what ups?” he asked uncomfortable with being the center of attention "I was just heading to the Social Studies building to get something." he explained unprompted and silently cursing himself for blurting out information when anxious like he was now.
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Adi had been sticking close to Adria, to the point where she risked getting their tails tied up in a knot like a rat king. The police were still investigating, so chances were the perpetrator was still here and would come back. Adria secretly didn't want her wandering far while they were still out there either, she feared Adi wouldn't be able to defend herself, and she'd get kidnapped again... or worse. Her insectoid leg sneaked out and pulled Adi closer as the two happened to pass by Ayla and the others.
Iskandar Andellion

Iskandar’s eyes snapped towards the snake-man as he considered his question. “Are you okay? You look kind of confused.” Iskandar continued his unnerving stare for a moment as his thumb on the right hand started rubbing the area where his jaw met the submaxillary on the right side of his face. Where, ironically enough, a small patch of the more industrial synthetic skin was located at. The Freespacer didn’t know why exactly he did that, but it often helped him think when he was stuck in a bind, such as deciding if he should trust this person. As usual, the main sticking point that caused such a wait was debating about the randomness of flukes.

After a moment.. or two.. passed, the Separa'shan gave an almost desperate call to others. Which Iskandar promptly snapped his head to observe, noticing that the most likely targets of such a.. greeting? were goat-legs girl- Goat- and a man wearing a green-shirt. GS. After noting them, his attention abruptly returned to the original subject of his focus. Or.. well, would have, were it not for a pair- no, two pairs of brightly colored wings that caught his attention.

The sight both had Iskandar smiling and grimacing at the same time. The two of them were sticking to each other like welded plates on a ship, which was amusing by itself. Yet… while the pair’s wings were beautiful, sure… they were definitely.. Insectoid. And then there were the antenna. Antennae? Either way, their added appendages made Iskandar’s skin crawl, and his thumb started digging into the fleshy underside of his jaw as his fingers started tensing and untensing, prompting him to take them off to prevent any further pain.

The slight hitch he had was slight, though if one were paying attention they would notice an eye twitch at the same moment. Iskandar hated, hated insects. ...But they aren’t insects. They just happen to have the extra parts grafted to them. Not their fault that they have disgusting, disease vector parts on them. Nope. They’re not to blame…. Regardless, Iskandar was definitely uncomfortable, regardless of his rather futile self-assurance. It was only the Separa'shan’s weird memory dump that prevented Iskandar from devolving into a panic attack: "I was just heading to the Social Studies building to get something."

Social Studies, SS. Yeah, Iskandar knew he was required to attend that as well, something about being a new citizen of NDC or something like that. Something Iskandar just knew he couldn’t get out of. While Social Studies did not interest him at all, he had no choice in it. If he wanted to graduate, that is. But this could help him get out of this uncomfortable situation. ..Or it could be an out of the reactor, into the engines sort of deal.

“I c’help; at least I can be a load-sink.” Iskandar’s response was a bit.. Muted. Bright, but definitely quiet. And his shortening and slurring of words definitely didn’t help. “But in exch., it’d be PG if y’could help me find, uh…” At that, the Freespacer broke off, and tapped on the data-pads on his left arm. “Er, 363 Iridium Road? Re..Reult Inn?” That damned weird word before the inn. What was it even supposed to mean?
Ayla was so well trained that she noticed Roland following her immediately. The former Freespacer had considered him a threat potentially, but she chose not to act out as suspicion might go to her instead. Now a part of the new group with her fellow Freespacer and the Separa’shan, she nodded ” social studies are good to learn even if the interest isn’t there.” She said, remembering the class and how much she’d learned of her new home. The twins caught her attention, and she smiled pleasantly over to them before subtly focused where their protection detail were. She knew her colleagues in the ISD would be around to protect them, so she didn’t need to worry, but she was still concerned over the twin’s safety.

She glanced to the Freespacer and noted the subtle change in his expression. Though she didn’t like bugs, the pine twins didn’t affect her like bugs normally would. “I know where that is, ” she said Iskandar, I can take you if you’d like, it would be a good chance to talk to another of my race.” She said, probably surprised when she mentioned Iskander being a member of her race when she didn’t look Freespacer anymore.
“I’m only putting a voice to what everyone here is thinking, principal Charron, including you, I suspect.” Kolorsha simply stated in reply, the silence in the room only confirming her read.
Then, the lone voice suggesting that they take up their own investigation. “That…” The equine teacher started, focusing her gaze on the speaker. “…might not be a bad idea.” She held up a hand to forstall Charron’s objections. “I’m not saying to go against the official investigation, Principal Charron, but it is we that are here, day in day out. If there’s anything out of place, I’d think we’d be the ones to see it, not them. At very least, if anyone comes across something suspicious, it should be reported to the investigators”
Seeing Ayla offering to help the other Freespacer but not wanting to be rude "I don't mind showing you either but I've got to get to the social studies building first." he explained as he moved to leave "You can either could either come with me or I can meet you back here!" Zach called out heading towards the social studies building.

"Then it's decided then!" Otieno yelled out to the room "We'll see if we can find out who the culprit is meeting adjourned!" without waiting for a response Otieno stood up and left the room. The other staff waited for a moment but seeing Charron standing there dumbstruck they began to file out of the room. Wojewódzki walked to Kolorsha pushing the hair out of her eyes "I like your idea and I'd be happy to meet later to discuss some of the things we can do to help find out who stole the artifacts." she said sounding nervous "I have to check on something first though." leaving before Kolorsha could answer.
“Well, that was unexpected.” Kolorsha said, glancing around as the other staff cleared out of the admittedly stuffy conference room. She hadn’t really expected everyone to agree to her idea, much less that quickly.
Iskandar Andellion
The young freespacer’s head snapped towards the speaker- er, Goat. Maybe getting her given name was probably best. ...But enough about that. She was a Freespacer? Iskandar openly stared at the claimant, finally taking in the details of her appearance, compared to his previous cursory glance. ...Yep, there was Mindware on the back of her neck. Iskandar’s face went through a range of emotions in the span of a few seconds. First annoyance- at himself, mind you; he should have noticed that sooner. Then disbelief, switching to wistfulness, before morphing into calculating, before finally settling on a rather obviously and painfully forced neutral look. Iskandar was rattled; he never actually dealt with many Freespacers; most of the time, he oftentimes was at the side of Frank when he went planetside, never actually dealing much with others of his kind.

But his musing cost him some moments, enough for the Shepara’shan to give a nervous explanation as to why he had to leave. After going through another painful looking head-snap, whereupon his gaze landed onto the poor man, Iskandar considered it. ...Or would have, if not for the fact that the snake-man was already slithering away. Well, guess that meant that he was meeting the snake-man back here. Bothersome. Already a few minutes in, and here he was planning to rendezvous with someone. ...At least it could be a time-sink..

Iskandar sighed, before turning to Goat. “S’pose ‘M going with you, then." A moment of silence ensued, before Iskandar belatedly added, “Lead on, need to be power leve- er, need a guide anyways.” Another awkward moment passed. “And, er. M’name’s Iskandar.” There. Got name over with. Pleasantries done, right?