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Approved Submission Otar (Horned cat)


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran
Submission Type: Animal / Pet
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=species:otar

Faction: YSE, since the planet they are found on is Daichi
FM Approved Yet? Yes, when Wes told me to post it for approval.
Faction requires art? Yes, has art

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Notes: There is a Roleplay in the Aeon where Josea Gustav explained about them.

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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm mostly good with this, except I question calling them "feline." Maybe "feline-like"? I say this because I doubt they're somehow connected to Earth-type felines.
I put feline-like at your request. Because they aren't any way connected to Earth felines.

Seriously, though......

@Wes - is there any restriction against having animals onboard SAoY vessels? I have a feeling Inukai Katsumi's going to want one of these little balls of adorbable fluffiness :D
Typically there is a ban on pets on Star Army ships, although some ship captains may make an exception. This of it this way: you wouldn't normally bring your personal pet to work or into battle. Planetary bases may be more forgiving, particularly those with large residential areas like the city of Central Uesureya. Consider that your pet consumes a ship's food, water, and oxygen supplies and will also need some place to take a dump. I have been asked about pets before in the Eucharis RP and have turned them down.

tl:dr ask your GM/ship captain.
Well since the Otar are approved, I will probably work on a few Emrys Industry products to take care of pets on ships or hazardous environs.