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Approved Submission [Ottyo] Principality of Prydainia


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Faction Page
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=principality_of_prydainia

FM Approval: Yes
Faction Art Requirement: No

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles:
Contains New Art: Yes
Previously Submitted: No


Though it has unapproved sub-articles, I'm not having them under review. Wes simply wanted the front page approved so there's a place to direct to. However, I'm trying to figure out what the flag is going to look like. Their culture is inspired by the British, though, opinion seems to be divided between Flag 3 and 7. No idea on 8 since it went in after people went quiet. Interesting note; their eyes actually resemble the shape in Flags 7 and 8.

Still, I can't go figure, and I could use feedback and ideas for a flag here.
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If you told me the thing about the eyes, then I would have said 7, hands down. As for 8, which one is closer to the proportions of their real eye? Which ever one that is, I'll go for that one.

P.S. The other stuff looks good too.
I had a british empire based faction on a different site at one point. You can feel free to use this flag or borrow design elements if you wish.
Yeah, if you go and look at their eyes closeup on their artwork, you'll see it @Acewing13 - I got the concept from Peron's Tree Frog and instead of having it an irregular shape with some pigment crosses, I decided to make it a flat out cross shape. They got the advantages a cat's eyes would have along with those of a goat's, and because they're birds of prey, have that long range too. It all depends on how the pupils open though. Also, that's a nice flag @Samuraipizzaman , though, I still haven't decided if I should go more traditional Space-Union Jack, or Alien Eye.
K, changing my answer to flag 8. You could always use the other flag for something else.
*tosses stuff at the wall and sees what sticks*

I still haven't managed to settle on a flag, so I decided to mess with them just a bit to see what came out of it. They're interesting, but Flag 11 pops out for some reason, though, I admit I'm not sure if it's in a good or bad way. Does anyone have suggestions for this flag?
All of the ones without the black ghost cross look better. If you used 3 colors, they'd probably be really cool, though.
@raz Black ghost cross?

So your flag is based on the Union Jack. On the Jack, St. George's Cross is counterblazoned in the white of St. Andrew's Cross (which is in turn counterblazoned in the red of George's). In your flag, some versions keep these vertical and horizontal counterblazons as black, giving the little gap at the base of the diagonals.

I don't think those flags are as good unless you added a third color.
Reactions: Wes

I want to see if it looks good against SARP's Nebula bg. P good. P good.
It should I think, at least the red and white parts will; the flag is predominantly black because that's supposed to be the hull of their ships. I originally made it with the intent of going onto black ship hulls, hardsuits and vehicles.
What if you had the black parts just disappear and instead be transparent? That way, it's a stencil flag, the red and white being the only colors.

It's a new concept so idk about it, but new concepts are what settled the space frontier imvho
Flag 10 is the flag for me. It's neat, striking and distinct.

Also, you might take into account how much any of your designs might make you or others think of the Lorath one.
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