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Approved Submission [Ottyo] Standard Infantry Carbine 'Stenn'

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Well, it fits their cultural theme and narrative; they're British, and know a fair amount of the actual history themselves, hence the naming. At the same time, I'm not very good at naming things. If you got some ideas, I wouldn't mind hearing them.
Wait -- I'm late to the game here. They're British? Actually connected-to-Earth-type British? That's not mentioned in the unapproved documentation I'm seeing here.

As well, why get a gun approved first?
That's still WIP Doshii. The current idea is that they ran across some fragmented historical records, and based their current culture off of that. They're like parrots, mimicking us and hoping they're striking the right chords for whatever they're trying to do. One of the things I want most is to have them to boast of civilization, refinement, empire and history - how they know us better than we know ourselves - but in actuality, only have scraps. Bits and pieces. However, because they only have bits and pieces, the Ottyo had to fill in a lot of gaps themselves, so what they are culturally is not completely genuine.

That aside, the one thing I know for certain that I want with this faction, is to have them be British, or be based off of the British. Again, since that portion is WIP, the how and why are all still on the table.

As for why I'm doing the guns and whatnot first, it's to make sure GMs and PCs have a good set of stuff to interact with in RP. Since most of it early on will likely be primarily combat, the culture and all the rest can be pushed back. If I had to guess, most plots would do just that and start with some sort of armed conflict - big or small - and then try to unravel the mystery from there on, as the Ottyo are hostile.
It wouldn't be much different than we have the Abwher who speak german. As for the name of the gun, its not copyrighed in fact is an Acronym and a Scandinavian family name.
@Nashoba, I was more concerned that the weapon's format, as well as its name, were from the Sten. If art is to be had, it's going to be remarkably similar.

As well, the Abwehr were approved a long time ago. We could just as easily say they found old Nepleslian stuff, without any mention of Britain.
Which would still have the same results. Although that aspect of the Ottyo needs to be clearly defined. After all how an alien culture found Information on "The British Empire" managed to translate it and then why did they adopt such an alien culture should be documented as it is a major event that took place in their history.
To be honest, despite the name, I had its shape take after the Sterling submachine gun instead.

Regarding the culture though, any article on that would likely call it an 'Ancient Nepleslian Empire'. Translation isn't difficult if there's enough examples of the language itself in-use, and is even easier if child-education materials are around as well; at most, it'd just take a lot of patience and cross referencing between video, documents and so forth. As for why they adopted the culture, the reason is supposed to be unknown IC and preferably only known OOC by GMs; that way, the players are in the dark as they try to shed light on the matter.