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RP: ZHS [OVA 10] Swords 'n' Guns 'n' Naps 'n' Neps

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Everything Is Magical
RP Date
Late YE 40 (Sept)
RP Location
Zenjinkaze Dorms/Gun Range
Zenjinkaze Fighting Highschool

Keiko sat within on her bed silently reading, some of the others would be having breakfast and some like her had already finished theirs, since they didn't have any classes the tomato neko had gone back to her room to catch up on her novels and mangas. She hadn't spotted any of her new friends and hopefully no one had seen her going back to her dorm, she was really looking forward to an hour or two of alone time to read, knowing the others they'd drag her off to some strange event she'd never done before if they knew.

Keiko had considered getting out her costumes for a while and trying them all on like she often did when she felt up to it, for now she just sat on her bed with the large anime sword beside her with her outfits safely hidden away.

Some rustling and a thud would be heard from around the back side of Keiko's room alongside a few laboured breaths before there was a few thumps at the window, "Toma, TomaTomaTomaToma," came Gunny's half-whispering and Half-yelling voice as she tried the back door's handle only to find it locked.

"Say something if you're in there please, Airi is after me again oh shit oh shit- c'mon nerd are you there?"

Keiko's tail stood on end as her ears pricked up suddenly, roused abruptly from her books by the banging and yelling. Completely thrown off guard she kicked the sword accross the room where its metal point speared through a hanging curtain she had spare from the last year, and falling to the floor with the handle still exposed. Leaping out of bed she shot across to the windows and cracked the curtain, as expected she saw her goofy friend staring back.

The neko considered leaving her out there for whatever fate awaited her but eventually the adventerous side, however small it was, got the better of her and she opened the door with a sigh, yanking the other girl inside before closing and locking it once more. "Hello Gunnhild, can I help you?"

Gunny's layer of volumetric clothing wavered for a second as she was pulled in, exposing hints of the one-piece swimsuit she was wearing underneath before her mind went clear again, "Toma thank you, I just need a place to hide from Airi for a bit... I may or may not've messed with her plushies again..."

Gunnhild's voice trailed off into a slight giggle as she wrapped her bare-but-hidden arms around her awkward, tomato-hued friend and showed her appreciation by squeezing tight, it was a rather firm hug even compared to the strawberry-blonde's usual ones.

The red neko hadn't been oblivious to the hidden swimsuit and raised an eyebrow but said nothing about it. "Why did you mess with her stuff again? Didn't you learn from last time, or before that?" She asked plainly while sitting back down on her bed and picking up her book, clearly expecting the situation not to escalate any further. "I'm beginning to think I shouldn't be helping you like this, I could get in trouble you know." Keiko of course, had no blemishes on her school records and fully intended to keep it that way.

"We wouldn't want that now would we? perfect little Toma being influenced by the brash and overly charismatic Gunnhild, what a shame that'd be," her strawberry-blonde friend replied before falling to the floor on her back with a 'fwump' sound as her body hit the carpet. Gunny shot a toothy grin up to Keiko and decided to explain furhter what she had done, "It'll be fine so long as I stay away from her for the next day or two, I don't think she wants to go telling people she found me making it look like all those cuddly toys were doing lewd things, but whatchu up to?"

"No we wouldn't want that, school records are forever you know." She replied seriously, while opening her book to continue where she left off. Gunnys explanation of what she had done only earned her a disappointed sigh and a slight head shake. "As for, what I'm up to, I was peacefully reading before you nearly broke my window, and by the way you have morning class with her tomorrow so I'd prepare an apology." Keiko said, plainly as ever while turning the page, she'd already memorised their timetables and just shook her head again at such an oversight on her friend's part.

Gunnhild tilted her head slightly as Keiko spoke, deciding to float up onto the bed behind her best friend and wrap her arms around the nerd's waist, putting a leg on either side before she went to speak again, "And this is why you're awesome, you're a massive nerd but that's half your charm - don't wooooorry about it, I'll come up with something to say to her... honestly I thought today was yesterday..."

The strawberry-blonde rested her head on her friend's shoulder and let out a few happy hums as her tail began playing with Keiko's leg, "I uh, I'm sorry for being such a hassle though, I really do appreciate these small things you do for me - hell you should ask for something in return some time."

Keiko went stiff at the initial contact but quickly relaxed back into her reading again when she realised it was iust one of those things gunny liked to do. "How will you make a meaningful apology in one day when you've had trouble with any theory assessments we get, you're going to ask me for help again aren't you?" The green hair sprung about as she turned her head to look back at how her friend had quickly made herself comfy.

"And asking for things isn't really my practice, you know I don't like to ask things of people even if they may owe me." Despite how calm the situation was, the tomato neko was beginning to worry that having someone else in her room could lead to an outcome she'd been trying to avoid all year.

A scoff came from Gunny at the first bit, well that was a bit rude - but she let it pass and instead chose to get her own form of payback on her socially awkward friend. The newer student's ever so faintly yellow hands moved from Keiko's waist to rest playfully on her red thighs, letting out a small giggle as she did so - it was one of the few things she felt might break that demeanour Keiko always put up.

"Again it's why you're so awesome, I think I might just have to start paying you back in compliments," Gunnhild mused for a moment, thinking over it before continuing with a gentle squeeze. "Yeah I reckon that's fair."

Keiko almost winced as she felt the hands rest on her legs, it's not like gunny had never tried it before but the gesture unsettled her which was essentially the desired effect. "Really you don't have to compliment me, I don't need anything back. Just promise me instead that you won't do this all year?" It was a long shot but maybe she would listen to the red neko, since she seemed so bent on redeeming herself anyway.

Gunnhild slumped forward a bit dejectedly as she mentally kicked herself, truth me told often times she doubted that they'd give her a pass for the first term let alone the year - with her train of thought having been derailed, those volumetric clothes began to fade away, Gunny noticed this but let it happen because well Keiko was good company and it wasn't like she was naked underneath.

"I uh - I'll try I guess, since you asked so nicely," the strawberry-blonde neko answered, moving her arms back up to Keiko's waist to give a rather geuine and warm hug opposed to her usually clingy ones. "You're too good to me Keiko," Gunny spoke, using her best friend's actual name for once as she held on tight and continued speaking, "I don't want to hold you back more than I have..."

The red neko felt the extra weight for a moment and guessed what must have been on her mind, when the volumetrics switched off she figured the other neko must have finally calmed down a little more and was being serious with her. Hearing her say she would try brought a smile to Keiko's face, she was glad that she'd managed to get through to her friend, she only wanted everyone else to succeed and do well too.

hearing her feel guilty about holding her back made the red neko bite her lip slightly, she managed to cover it up well enough to try and avoid being suspicious but, the truth was she hadn't held her back much at all since she'd already done this before. Should she tell her? But what if gunny never wanted to be her friend after that, because they were too different. Keiko put her book down and placed her hands on top of her friends, "You haven't been holding me back dont worry, I think right now is one of the first times actually..." There it was, one of her first real attempts at a joke.

That managed to lift her spirits a bit, not much but Gunny now had a weak smile on her face instead of a strong pout - hell she even let out a small giggle from the back of her throat and thought about making a joke about pinning her down but that'd just spoil the moment, even Gunny knew that. Truth be told she didn't have anything she could think to say in this moment, people usually never took her seriously until she lost her temper and even then it was a 50/50 chance at best.

So instead the strawberry-blonde leaned forward so that the slightly unkempt ends of her hair brushed up against Keiko's neck, there was some hesitation but Gunny planted a small, quick, friendly peck of her lips on the red woman's neck as the words finally began to come to her, "I.. thanks - for being awesome."

"I er, no problem..." said a rather startled neko as she registered the quick peck on her neck, she knew gunny liked to get close and personal but didn't think it'd go that far. Was she just messing with her? No that seemed unlikely, she'd actually used her proper name for once and seemed rather sincere about the whole situation. Keiko didn't quite know what to do, in the end she just reached back with one hand and gaver her friend a pat on the head, rather awkwardly, hoping that was the right move to make.

Gunny's eyes squeezed shut as she felt the hand unexpectantly pat the top of her head, that definitely seemed like something Keiko would do - the strawberry blonde's lips raised into a happy and rather genuine smile as she let out a small giggle at the gesture, it wasn't unheard of for the army's catgirls to enjoy headpats and despite having a set of cat-like ears for herself she found it was a rather enjoyable experience overall.

"Ah... whatchu reading anyway? it looks in-depth," Gunnhild asked as she continued to perch her head on the red Neko's shoulder happily, feeling the warmth of their bodies as they sat there.

"Well, this one is one of my older books, it's partially a novel but also looks at different fighting styles a little more in depth than most simple story books do. I also have some based on battle strategies and different military tactics and moves, some of them are history book but others are just things written by soldiers in their down time, detailing what they've been up to and seen." Keiko explained to her friend who was positively attached to her now, she had heard the giggle but still couldn't tell if patting her head had been the right idea so decided if the same situation arose she'd try something else.

"That...," the backpack-like Neko began speaking before her features creased thoughtfully, she spent a bit of time mulling it over before finally saying, "That almost sounds like something I'd read if I'm being honest here, does that mean I need to start wearing glasses and get a chest as big as yours?" It had been half an admittance of interest and half a joke but she was telling the truth about maybe finding something like that interesting, sure it probably wouldn't be as romanticised nor as showy as her gunslinger stories but hell - it might even mean she'd actually learn something in her downtime.

Keiko shook her head, sending green hair in all directions, "I usually wear the glasses because people said I looked good in them, and I don't see why you'd need a bigger bust size either." She said, closing the book and leaning backwards, into her friend, before reaching back further to grab several other books from a small shelf. "You're welcome to borrow some of mine."

"Well they do look good on you, because you're pretty and stuff," Gunny complimented her friend as they leaned back together, eyes widening a little as they looked down at Keiko's bust and a little hum of approval could be heard - there was a little bit of jealousy but Gunnhild preferred the fact she was heavier on the bottom than the top, even if it didn't get her as much attention as she liked.

"I uh - sure, what ones d'you think I'd actually read," the yellowed neko asked her tomato-hued counterpart, finally finding the strength to tear her ocean-blue eyes away.

Keiko noticed the hum and turned to look back at her. “Did something happen?” She asked while her eyes searched Gunnys face for any signs of trouble. “Well, i think maybe combat strategy or a historical book on sharpshooters.” The red neko said pulling one from the pile and inspecting the cover.

"I uh hm - nothing new, just admiring the view" Gunny answered rather awkwardly as she forced herself to look past Keiko to the book in her hands, a volume with a rather dark cover save for the picture of some Nepleslian man with a rifle in his hands as he looked off to the horizon beyond the hill he stood near - it was titled "Flight of the Lead Reaper" by one "Pietrov Kuznyetski".

"Oh wow, I like this guy already," the strawberry-blonde chirped in as she reached down to try and pick up the book for a better look at it, she froze and let out a giggle when she noticed something about the cover.

"The view?" She said, confused given the windows had the curtains drawn, she shrugged internally and handed the book to her friend, hearing the giggle she turned back again with an almost stern expression. "Now what's wrong?"

"So uhh, how do I put this," Gunnhild mused thoughtfully as she took a second before deciding 'fuck it'. "Well either he's part ID-SOL or somebody had some fun with their editing software, it's a toss up really," she continued, pointing to a rather noticable shape in the man's pants as she gave another giggle.

"Oh, I hadn't really paid attention to the cover. It's actually really interesting on the inside and has several sections on the different factors when lining up long distance shots, as well as some fitness techniques to boost stamina and endurance rather than raw strength." She explained, looking where she was directed but still not quite getting the same joke as gunny.

"So does this mean you don't want it?"

"Oh, no, I mean yes - I mean..." the strawberry-blonde caught herself and ceased, taking a moment to breathe and gather her thoughts before continuing. "I'd love to take it off your hands for a bit - hopefully, it seems right up my alley, you know how much I like working up a sweat..."

"At the gym!" she felt the need to add to the rather open-ended statement.

Keiko made a small giggle of her own before cupping a hand on her mouth, eyes wide. "Ahem well, where else are you going to work up a sweat? Anyway you can borrow it for as long as you need, I've already finished every book in my library." She continued, pointing to the small collection of various manuals, guides and novels in a cube style shelfing uinit.

Gunnhild thought for a moment, looking to the books then back at her tomato-themed best friend. "Well, why'd you bring them all then instead of getting new ones?" she asked simply.

"I like to re-read them, I find new things I never saw in the pages last time I read it, like the book grows along with me. But I get new books too, this one for example, I only got it last week when we were allowed to go off campus for a time, I also order them to be delivered sometimes." Keiko explained, she noticed her posture had relaxed a fair bit compared to earlier and wondered what might be causing it, it couldn't be the fact that Gunny was wedged in behind her could it? Well she hadn't ever done anything like this before, maybe she was actually enjoying it.

"Do you do anything besides read and be smart? I bet my favourite tomato must have at least a few people running around behind her by now, right?" Gunny asked as she put the book aside for a moment and continued to embrace Keiko, the warmth of their combined bodies was like heaven on her skin - like when you laid out in the sun after a swim or by a window in the morning, she let out a throaty sound of approval as her eyelids lazily slid shut.

"I also practice my martial arts, and I like to sleep and eat too. And I don't think I have anyone that runs behind me, I stay indoors for most of the time and when I do go out to exercise it's often early in the morning before breakfast." Keiko said, a little confused by the comment, maybe gunny ran with a group of people or something she didn't really know. She could feel her friend relaxing even more than she thought possible into her shoulder and back and, smiled slightly, although she wasn't quite sure why.

"Are you enjoying yourself back there?" She asked softly.

"Mhm, I am," Gunnhild responded with a slightly purred giggle at Keiko's naivety, hell Gunny only knew about this stuff due to overexposure to probably the wrong kind of media but at least she could pretend to know what she was on about.

"Well you got me," she gave as another quick response, lovingly tightening her grip a bit around Keiko's waist.

Keiko finally admitted to herself that she wasn't going to be getting any more reading or work done for a while and decided she might as well try to figure out what her friend's end goal was. Feeling the grip tighten she mulled it over in her head trying to figure out what was going on, what she was trying to do. "So, is there some sort of reason why you're hugging me so tightly? It's like you're trying to become a backpack and I'm not really sure why..."

"Because you're cool... and cute and," Gunny paused, her grip on Keiko loosening a bit but she remained clinging to the red girl's back as Gunnhild's heartbeat increased noticably. The strawberry blonde stayed silent for a moment longer before finally admitting, "...I love... how cool you are," the shift in tone was rather jarring as that last bit seemed tacked on - there was no way anybody would like her that much so why ruin a good thing like this?

"You, think I'm cool?" Keiko blushed the tiniest bit, not used to this kind of praise when she had always just been the nerd, "I had no idea you thought I was cool, I haven't done anything cool at all though, I can't help but wonder if your admiration is misplaced." keiko said, maybe gunny would be ok if she told her the truth about her skills, she seemed like she was pretty chill but.

"Pffft of course you're cool, you're still a massive nerd but... you're my kind of nerd," Gunnhild reaffirmed to her bud, moving her arms so that she was now grabbing her own elbows underneath Keiko's bust and rocking side to side slightly. "I'd go through hell and back for you though, that is how cool you are to me Keiko..." the backpack-neko admitted, never having said anything more true.

"o-oh I see." The red neko blushed even more, she didn't resist the small rocking motion either and just let her friend do as she liked, she wasn't hurting anyone. It seemed like gunny was admitting a lot of deep feelings, even if Keiko wasn't used to dealing with this kind of thing she could tell the usually bouncy girl was being very serious. "Well, if it means anything to you, I really admire how easily you can start conversations and get along with eveyone... I think that's really cool."

"Awwww, you're making me blush... I kinda like that," Gunnhild replied, continuing her slight side to side motions but slowing them slightly as she went to continue speaking. "I just have too much I want to say I guess and sometimes people are interested in it but sometimes they aren't - it's not really anything I-"

Gunny paused, thinking over Keiko's last words for a bit, 'cool'

Somebody had called her cool... she sure as hell wasn't used to that, she was used to people nodding with what she had to say and laughing at her jokes but - nobody ever called her cool before. "Y-you think I'm cool too? really...?" the strawberry-blonde neko asked somewhat hesitantly, fearing she had misheard Keiko.

"Doesn't everyone? The others like hanging out with you too you know-" Then it hit her, gunny had the same problem she did but was handling it in a different way. Neither of them had the most social esteem but while she hid herself away and let her achievements describe what kind of person she was gunny had tried to become more outgoing. For the first time in a few days Keiko really smiled although Gunnhild woulnd't be able to see it, "Yes Gunny, you are cool and that is a fact, not just my thoughts, ask anyone." Maybe, maybe Gunny would like to see her actual skills, it didn't seem like such a bad idea now, but she couldn't find out about the anime...

Keiko noticed the handle poking out from under the curtain and tried not to noticably stiffen, not good.

This little admittance sent Gunnhild's heart into overdrive, thumping rather obviously through her breasts to Keiko's back as the strawberry-blonde suddenly fell sideways with a 'fwump', taking her red and green friend with her as they fell against the bed's sheets and duvet. The tomato would feel her friend's powerful swimmer legs wrap around her waist much like the arms were as Gunny let out a small whimpering whisper.

"Thank you Keiko... you're the coolest."

"Eeep!" Came the small squeak from the tomato neko as they fell to the side, as her friend clung even more tightly to her she covered her hand with her own and rubbed it slightly. "You're quite welcome Gunnhild, should I expect this to go on for much longer?" She asked easily, not pressuring but just wondering aloud.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry dude - you probably have somewhere important to be," Gunnhild apologised and began un-wrapping herself from her tomato friend.

Keiko shook her head and held Gunny's hands where they were, "No you're fine, I would have just been reading anyway, I've never done anything like this but I think it's kinda fun, you're pretty warm."

"Ah well I uh... I guess I'm glad you're finding my body so fun," Gunny beamed back at her friend, totally unaware of the double entendre she had just uttered as she pressed herself into Keiko's back just that little bit more - legs falling down behind her friend's. "You're pretty ho- warm too might I add, it's nice and all but if you want to do anything then let me know - I'm not quite all ears but I am rather open to trying new things!" the yellowed Neko continued, smiling with pure bliss even though the tomato would'nt've been able to see it.

"Well, a bedroom like mine is a boring place maybe we should move somewhere more fun although, I'm not used to doing fun activities, I only ever study and train so you might need to be the one to lead the way." Keiko said lazily, she was actually getting a little sleepy and could feel her body relaxing more into the bed and the embrace.

"What, you don't think two girls can get up to some kind of fun when left alone in a bedroom? have you heard what goes on in those ships?" Gunnhild teased her friend, repositioning her hands to tickle Keiko's sides rather suddenly.

The red skinned girl giggled a little and rolled side to side, still sleepy but not quite as much for now. "No, no I haven't ahah, don't the warships go out to protect the nation though? I didn't think they would do much fun things on a ship."

Gunny gave a chuckle herself as they lay there on Keiko's soft bed, shaking her head before answering, "Well a lot of pretty people stuck out in space and I've been told they... nevermind, we need to keep your adorable naivety," she finished before petting her friend's green head a few times.

"But aren't they meant to do their jo-" She was cut off by the sudden head patting and closed her eyes letting out an involuntary purr before stopping herself in a split second and blinking. "What was that? Did you say something Gunny?"

"Nothing Keiko, but I do have an idea if you don't want to laze around and fondle each other all day," Gunnhild snickered out at the short lived trance-like state her tomato-themed friend had been in - she made a note to remember that.

"Fondle? Isn't that a show of courtship?" Keiko said, her only real understanding being from books. "Anyway, what idea do you have Gunnhild?" She asked, rolling over slightly in the other nekos arms to face her.

"Huh, I guess it is," Gunnhild said with a smirk before she booped her friend's nose playfully and began explaining, "Well I was just thinking, when was the last time you held a gun?"

"Oh uh, i haven't really used a gun at all, all i've trained is my martial art and some fitness routines." Keiko replied sitting up, breaking thier embrace on the bed and getting to her feet on the floor. "It could be fun though, is that why you suggested it?"

"Ah," Gunny said in kind, she assumed her friend had a little bit more familiarity but oh well - it'd only make this better she supposed. The strawberry-blonde floated herself onto her feet and suddenly remembered her volumetrics had dropped earlier, quickly throwing on a holographic version of her sports uniform before she turned to Keiko and spoke once more.

"It could be fun but if it's not something you want to do then I'm sure we can come up with something else... like swimming! or something like that."

"I don't mind, but I don't think I'll be too good at it, after all it is your specialty." Keiko said, having properly woken up and now rummaging through her wardrobe in search of something more appropriate than her school uniform or one of her many extravegant dresses. Eventually she settled on a simple shirt and pants combo and pulled them out, holding each one to her body so she could inspect their sizing in the mirror.

"Cool cool,cool,cool - well then make yourself decent and we can go hop to it," Gunnhild happily mused as she leant against a desk in the room, waiting for the tomato to get herself ready.

Keiko leisurely changed outfits into her more comfotable clothes, she glanced at the sword hilt once to make sure Gunnhild hadn't seen it but tried to avoid drawing attention to it herself.

The strawberry-blonde hadn't seen the shiny bit of metal, her eyes had been else where as Keiko changed outfits and they remained on the tomato until she was finished getting changed - prompting Gunny to rise from her perch and walk towards the door, "You ready yet?"

"Yeah should be fine now, ready to follow you Gunnhild." She said softly before putting her arms behind her back and smiling at her friend.

"Alrighty then, follow me fair maiden!" Gunnhild overemphasised as she pulled the door open and gestured for Keiko to follow her out with a wave of her hand alongside an inviting grin.

Keiko moved to exit her dorm, at least they were using the door not the window this time, and Gunnhild hadn't seen the sword too which was a big bonus. "Alright, how far away is it? Also, are we just walking there or do we have a different method of transport."

Gunny looked around for Airi for a moment before she breathed a sigh of relief and turned to answer Keiko, arms crossed behind her neck as she spoke, "Well normally I'd just run there but seeing as you're feeling like a lazy sack of Hemo I'd say we can grab a bus or shuttle or whatever we find, you cool with that?"

"I don't remember saying I was feeling lazy though?" Keiko said a little confused as she pulled the door closed behind them making sure it was locked, she didn't want anyone else getting in there while they were gone before she'd had a chance to clean up. "Well if we're getting a bus we may want to hurry, the next one leaves in 5 minutes."

"Okay maybe tired... whatever it was something," Gunny said with a shake of her head before she took a hair-thingy from her wrist and used it to hold back her unkempt mane of choppy hair, phasing on a volumetric set of her favourite shades as she spoke to Keiko once more. "Guess we'd best get moving then, c'mon!"

"Yeah lets go." She said, immediately starting off towards the bus stop not waiting for Gunnhild, she knew her friend had a tendency to talk and she didn't want to be late, using a gun.

Gunny had more or less started moving at the same time so was basically next to her friend for the duration of their little trip over to the bus stop, the strawberry-blonde swore she had seen some kind of panther-like creature for but a fraction of a second - only to lose sight immediately.

"Ah cool , looks like we made it in time," Gunnhild mused as the bus came into view, it was a lazy time of day around these parts but nonetheless she picked up speed until the yellowed neko was in a light jog.

"Yes we did, now, how many stops away is this place?"

"Aaaaeeehhhhh," Gunny let out thoughtfully as her uniform changed into an oversized hoodie and some torn up leggings with a pair of hi-tops.

"Three maybe four? not too many but yeah, why - is something up?"

"Just wondering, I should have brought a a book with me, maybe I'll just take a nap at the back." Keiko said thoughtfully as she moved to board the bus.

"I won't let any ruffians get to you while you doze off, dun you worry that pretty little head," Gunnhild replied as she too moved onto the bus, mentally flashing her student ID to the bus' systems as they moved through to the back of the bus - the strawberry blonde sat down near the window and gestured for her tomato to sit down next to her.

Keiko sat down beside her friend quite politely and chuckled, "I don't think anyone would try to attack us, but thank you Gunnhild." Keiko let her chin drop down slightly as she tried to go back to sleep.

Over the course of their bus ride, Gunny had slowly and ever so gently put an arm around her friend's shoulders and brought her tomato-themed head in to rest against the yellowed-girl's chest - hell Gunnhild had almost drifted off herself a few times due to how dang comfortable Keiko made her feel but the strawberry-blonde made sure to stay awake to fulfill that promise of protecting the dozing cutie.

"Psst, hey Toma - rise and shine princess," Gunny hissed out as she flexed her shoulder and pectoral slightly, trying to raise Keiko from the dead.

Keiko's eyes opened slightly and she looked around, she didn't remember going to sleep lying down? Then she noticed the arm around her shoulders and realised Gunnhild must have moved her head to rest on her own chest. "Oh hello there, is it time for us to get off?"

"Mhm, sure is - we're here alright," Gunny replied in a honeyed voice as she patted Keiko's side a few times to further rouse the girl.

The tomato neko hummed and sat up, "So we're getting off now, where exactly are we now?"

"The 'range dearest Keiko," Gunny shot back as she began trying to stand, deciding to give up until her friend rose first. "School has a bit of a thing going on with these guys so that we don't have to try and sleep through constant gunfire, that'd be annoying as shit."

"I suppose a lot of gunfire could be quite distracting, although they could always sound proof our rooms too. But the bus ride makes a good excuse to sleep, it was quite nice." Keiko said, she was almost sad to leave the bus and her comfy sleeping spot.

"Soundproofing rooms is cool and all but kinda sucks if something happens and somebody needs to be heard, now move your tomato butt," Gunnhild chirped back jokingly, but seriously - she didn't want the bus to start moving again with them on it.

"I'm going i'm going don't worry." She said back, gracefully stepping down from the bus onto the earth below. "Lead the way Gunnhild, you are the vetran here after all." Keiko spoke politely, having gone from her fuzzy personality back into the normal spotless Keiko who everyone knew around school and off campus.

"Pffft veteran," Gunny scoffed with a bit of a giggle as they left the bus, gesturing for Keiko to follow her around the corner, there was no door on the same side as the bus stop but it was only ten or so more meters they had to walk. "I've just been a bit more pro-active with guns, seemingly the only thing you aren't all-knowing about."

“Oh I know about them I just haven’t used them is all... Sorry.” Keiko said, sincerely, she felt genuinely sorry for being intelligent for once, she didn’t like having to be the one who knew everything especially after how sad Gunnhild had seemed earlier. It did appear the bus ride had cheered her up a little though she didn’t know why.

"Nah it's cool... I don't think the world could handle if Gunnhild Grimsdottir had a brain anyway, so instead I shoot things and also punch things - with said guns I use to shoot things," Gunny gave a small chuckle at her own self-degrading humor, it was mostly a genuine laugh but there was a very faint hint of dejection behind it all. She held open one of the red doors for Keiko and dropped into a low bow, "Ladies first."

Keiko frowned a little, was she actually being serious about that comment? The red neko didn't walk into the building but instead stopped to turn to her friend and put her hands on her shoulders. "Don't say that Gunnhild, even if it isn't entirely true I can tell you partially meant that and you shouldn't." She said seriously while holding her friend, "Now I think you should lead the way, just have some faith in yourself and show me the way ok?"

Gunny gulped a bit at the words, she was more used to people just laughing along with her rather than argue the point so this caught her a little bit off guard. "It's cool it's cool... I know what I'm good at and what I'm not," the strawberry-blonde replied to her friend as they walked in to the gun range, small sensors and cameras that lined the room followed them and wanted a confirmation of identity - Gunny blipped her student ID through again and waited for Keiko to do the same.

The red neko had let go but was still concerned, nevertheless she followed her in and had her ID confirmed using her new number she'd requested to try and keep her Divine status hidden for a while longer. "You can be good at more than just fighting you know, its a fact and I'm always around to help teach you things too. Plus the teachers live on the grounds with us so you can request for one on one time with them after classes." Keiko said giving her friend a small smile and a hand on her shoulder, Gunny's style seemed to be rubbing off on her but she kind of liked it.

A small smile graced Gunnhild's features as Keiko gave those kind words, a door went from red to green and opened invitingly from them to reveal the gun range's actual gun range beyond some racks of weapons, the strawberry blonde leaned into the embrace a bit more before shrugging it off as she reached for a purple revolver. "Just... eh I dunno really, I'd be more likely to go to you but I don't want to put tha- the fuck?" Gunny cut herself off with a degree of surprise as the gun didn't come away from the rack despite how much she pulled.

She pulled some more but with no success, even planting both her feet on the wall to try and force the gun away - suddenly the inertia lock disengaged and sent Gunnhild sprawling onto the floor, looking a little surprised at the series of events.

Keiko offered the grounded neko a hand, "I think you're supposed to wait a moment for the lock of a chosen weapon to turn off? that delay seemd well timed to be a choice confirmation but I don't know for sure. Are you hurt at all?" She said while looking down at her friend who, didn't seem to be hurt but rather surprised, didn't hurt to ask though just in case.

"Usually it's a lot quicker but don't worry over little old me, I'm perfectly fine," Gunny said as she took the hand and floated up onto her feet, empty gun in the other hand. "Well d'you see anything that takes your fancy yet? anything at all?"

"Hmm." She looked around at the various guns on the racks and pondered, she knew most of them by name and the various numerical values the possessed. "Maybe something easy to start with, the NSP." She said, moving over to remove the small pistol from its holster. The Neko Service Pistol, a light sidearm which was mostly used for decoration rather than real combat, it was low powered and easy to handle from wha she'd read and seen.

"Dawwww it's so little and cute, it suits you," Gunnhild complimented her friend as she grabbed a handful of plasma cartridges from the wall with relative ease compared to the weapon itself, had her hoodie been at all real then the yellowed neko would have dumped them in her pockets but a swim suit didn't exactly have much storage space.

Keiko blushed ever so slightly at the comment, following her lead the red neko grabbed some rounds for her NSP and put them carefully in her pockets before moving over to stand behind Gunny at one of the stations.

"Right so the big thing is to not be too scared when the gun kicks back, bend your elbows slightly when you fire so the recoil bends 'em toward you rather than just pushing the force through your arms - like so," Gunny said as she loaded a cartridge into her SiZi M38 SDR, giving the thing a good little spin as she aimed in to the distant target.

"Also the noise, guns are pretty loud my dude," Was the final warning Gunnhild gave before she squeezed the trigger six times in quick succession, the super heated plasma designed to deal with power armour ripped through the target before dissipating against the backboard, six shots were still left in the thing but Gunny smiled back to her friend and left the gun on a small station-mounted table.

"Got it?"

Keiko nodded, flinching a little at the sound of the gun firing, she took a couple tries to load her own weapon, she knew how to do it but had never actually done it herself before. Following her friends advice she kept her elbows bent and aimed down the gun barrel at one of the closer targets and squeezed the trigger. The shot, understandable went wide by a bit and thudded into the floor, the gun dropped from Keikos hands as she let out a little "eep!" and her grip loosened.

Gunny's ocean-blue eyes widened as she saw the gun clatter against the floor, the neko quickly stuck out one leg to put her foot over the NSP to stop it from bouncing around - once the immediate threat of a live weapon perhaps going off had passed she shot Keiko a relieved grin and chuckle, picking up the gun and making sure to point it away from her friend as Gunny went to speak.

"That's alright, nobody got hurt but be sure the gun is only pointed at something you want to shoot... how did that feel?" Gunnhild asked as she offered Keiko the gun once more, hand wrapped around the barrel as she gave the tomato the weapon's grip.

The red neko shook a little from the excitement of having used a gun for the first time, "It, it was hard and the movement was stronger than I was expecting, but it was kinda fun too." She said taking the gun carefully keeping it aimed downward as she turned back to the targets and brought it up again for another shot. This time she kept a firm grip and braced her arms for the small but sudden kick she now knew was coming.

Keiko squeezed off another shot and managed to hit the outside of the target, away from the actual target itself but still on the board. "Oh, I hit something."

Gunnhild jumped up and down a few times while clapping with joy at Keiko's successful shot, she loved seeing the look on her friend's face, "Great job! that's half the whole shooting deal if I'm being honest - now we just gotta get you shooting a bit straighter... do you mind if I try something real quick?" Gunny asked, if she had cat ears they would have been perked up with anticipation.

"I don't mind, although what's your idea?" She asked inquisitively.

"Oh uh, nothing too spooky, I just wanted to see if I could help out but... well words don't come out of my mouth in the right way all the time so I was just gonna stand behind you to see how you shoot," Gunny offered, fingers idly flaying with each other.

"That seems logical, should I proceed then?" Keiko asked turning back to face the targets, preparing to take another shot.

Gunnhild moved around behind Keiko's shooting arm and looked down it as she said, "Mhm, ready when you are."

Keiko fired once, twice and then a third time, each shot grazing a different edge of the target but all of them connecting with the board. When she was done she let the weapon face down and looked back at Gunny questioningly.

A thoughtful little sound came from Keiko's strawberry blonde friend as she thought, there was something she was forgetting...

"OH!" Gunny blurt out before explaining herself, putting one hand under Keiko's breasts and another on the girl's back. "Breathing, breathe in before you shoot and out after, lungs make you move a hell of a lot more than you'd realise."

"Oh I have read about that, I was trying to keep my lungs empty while shooting though." she said, not too worried by the presence of hands on her, teaching was to be taken seriously in her mind and so she followed the prompts given by Gunny.

"Aha now you don't want that, it'll make the recoil bounce around your chest like a bouncy ball in a funhouse," Gunny replied as she continued to hold Keiko's body.

"How about you try this now then, huh?"

Keiko nodded and took a breath, feeling the pair of soft hands on her to guide her motions. Pulling the trigger again she managed to hit a little more towards the centre however it was still off the target. "Oh look it got closer!"

"Very nicely done, you're getting better for sure!" Gunnhild shot back excitedly as she now moved her arms along Keiko's and got a bit closer. "Hey uhh, mind taking your finger off the trigger for a second though?"

"Oh ok sure." keiko said before her finger left the trigger and she held it against the reciever, feeling gunny run her hands up her own arms she shivered a little, it wasn't an unpleasent feeling but she wasn't used to it.

"Cool so uh, you're kinda - hm, OH I know," Gunny said as she moved back a fraction. "You're tugging the trigger," the strawberry blonde advised, abruptly thrusting her lowwer body into Keiko's butt to help explain the motion, "when you should be squeeeeezing it," she said, pushing her front against Keiko's butt once more but with a bit more of a gentle and slower motion as she giggled.

"Does that make sense?"

"I think I understand... But are you going to keep bumping me when I try to shoot?" She asked a little softly, it was not what she'd been expecting but she had to admit it did convey her meaning well enough.

"Naaaahhhh I'm just trying to have some fun when I get the point across," Gunnhild snickered as she took up position to look down Keiko's shooting arm again, putting her hands on the tomato's shoulders and pushing down slightly. "Relax these a little though, you feel really tense."

"Ok thanks!" She replied, firing off the last two shots in the mag, one of them managing to hit the outside of the target. Keiko gave a small cry of happyness before whipping round and hugging Gunny tightly. As though she had woken up in a strange place she suddenly released her friend and stammered, "Oh, er I'm sorry I was just happy about hitting it."

Gunny gave the gun a quick glance to make sure it was empty before she pulled Keiko in for a big hug that squished their warm chests together, "I'll never not appreciate a hug from my favourite gal, trust me on that," Gunnhild spoke, trying to abolish any resentment her friend might've had over the notion.

"I'm just not used to it, I haven't really done it before either to be honest." she said quietly while they hugged for a moment. "I think I'm getting the hang of it now though, so thanks for the tips."

"No worries, it's the least I can do - you've gotten so much better with just a mag so I'd best be watching my back from here on out," Gunny half complimented and half joked as she tucked her head into Keiko's shoulder once more, giving a small peck to the red woman's neck like she had done earlier before leaning back to look her in the eyes.

Gunny didn't have any more words, she just kinda stood there happily as her ocean-blue eyes looked into Keiko's violet ones with a warm smile and a light blush.

"Do you kiss everyones neck?" Keiko asked, quite serious with her question, she had never witnessed this kind of behaviour and never watched any soppy romance movies so the whole gesture was still slightly alien to her, the fact that Gunny had doen it twice now she was a little more curious. "It's not really a bad thing, I just don't understand what it's for."

"It's a sign of affection you numpty... and no... only uh, only you."

The red neko turned redder, affection? Did gunny really like her like that after all? It was all a bit much for her as she broke eye contact awkwardly, shuffling her feet indeciseively. "Oh... I see."

Gunnhild gulped rather audibly as she saw Keiko turn away, the yellow girl's features dropping slightly as she too looked away - the strawberry blonde bit her lip indesisively and took a moment before she turned back to her friend, "I uh... sorry - never done anything like that before... I L-"

Gunny paused, deciding on her next words carefully.

"I really really like you Keiko... like, like like you..."

So she did! This was big news for the red neko considering she'd never even had real friends before and now someone really liked her, even more than friends. "It's ok, really, I just didn't know why you were doing it... I do like you as well Gunnhild but this is all strange to me, you understand right?"

The strawberry blonde's hair bounced a bit as she gave a knowing nod and an exhale along with it, "I wanna be real with you for a bit Keiko... all this talk I make about being smooth and knowing what people like and all that... well, I've seen a lot of movies with people cooler than me having luck with people and I just... I get where you are coming from - more than you could imagine..." Gunny admitted, feeling like a weight had been lifted from her chest.

Keiko smiled softly at her friend, "That's ok gunny, I still think you're cool." She said, finally releasing the other girl and taking a seat on the bench. "I'll sit out for a bit and just watch you shoot, I'm worried you might distract me more than help if I tried going again now." She said giggling at the thought of Gunny standing behind her again after that.

"Yeah uh, having a hard time keeping my hands off you I guess," Gunny said with a chuckle back as she turned back to the range and picked up the piece of purple death once more, holding it down by her side as she told a target to move a bit further away. "So uh, you seem to know a lot about this place considering everybody else is still kinda getting used to school life, what's yer secret?" Gunnhild asked as she quickly flicked the revolver p from her side and emptied the remaining six bursts of plasma into the target's center of mass before loading in the next cartridge.

Keiko tried not to freeze too suddenly, she still wasn't sure if she wanted to tell her, what if the fact she'd been keeping it a secret this whole time made gunny not like her anymore? It was too risky, "Oh yeah, I've just spent a lot of time in places like this I guess, and I got here earlier than everyone else to look around." She said, it would easily be identified as a lie considering she was only 2 years old but hopefully Gunny wouldn't pick up on it, otherwise she might actually have to tell her.

Although she'd never admit it she purposely said such a bad excuse hoping she'd have no choice but to tell her, living in a big lie was not something she wanted to do subconciously.

"Places like this?" Gunny asked as she stood with the purple revolver one handed and began firing off slower, more methodical shots that were hitting the same spot more or less. "Where the hell else have you been between training and shit...? oh are you one of those cool people they pulled from Black Sands?"

"No no nothing like Black sands... I uh, I was here, last year." She said slowly, watching her friend for any signs of anger in case she was going to get mad about the lies,

Gunnhild's gun arm dropped back down to her side as she half turned to face Keiko, all she said was a slightly confused, "Ey?"

"I'm a second year student, I've already spent a year training at Zenjinkaze, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you but I... I just wanted to fit in this year and, maybe make some friends."

"Ahuh... Okay," Gunny said back, pure and simple - so what if Keiko was an older student? A lot more things started making sense but it wasn't anything earth-shattering as the wannabe gunslinger continued firing until the cartridge was empty.

Keiko was on the edge of her seat, the responce was very limited and she was worried the girl was planning to run off from her or something. The red neko thought about going to her but didn't know what to say, she'd said everything she could and didn't know where Gunny stood now so hugging her might make it worse. Keiko stayed silent and just waited to see what she did.

With the ammunition now depleted, Gunnhild turned around to see the nervousness or anxiety or whatever negative emotions were plastered across Keiko's face - so the gun was simply abandoned by the booth she had been using as Gunny strolled across to her friend and plonked herself down in the girl's lap. "It has me a little worried though, will you still be in my classes next year? I don't think I could cope without you there," the strawberry blonde offered with a warm smile as her wetsuit-clad body that was hidden behind holographic constructs snuggled in to Keiko.

"Well, most people end up only staying for a year so I don't think they actually separate students, so as long as I stay then yes I should be in your classes." She said blushing as she felt the body of her friend pressing into her own, maybe she didn't care? "So, it doesn't bother you that I was lying?"

Gunny's stumpy ponytail bounced around as she shook her head enthusiastically before looking toward Keiko's face, "Does it bother you that I'm such a physical pers- no, no it does not bother me - just a harmless little lie."

"You're sure?" Keiko said, relaxing a little bit and slowly putting her arms around her friend like she had done to her before, she seemed comfortable enough sitting on her lap anyway. She noticed that Gunny had answered for her own question about whether or not Keiko herself minded Gunny being physical and smiled a little. "Well, it might bother me you know." She said with an almost silky voice, it wasn't exactly her usual personality but Gunny was rubbing off on her in the moment.

"I'm very sure, but I guess I kinda assumed you didn't mind considering you seem to wrap your arms around me half the time too," Gunny almost purred back as she nuzzled her head against her friend's warm chest without a care in the world, a few of the hap-hazardly tied back strands of hair coming loose as she did so.

Gunnhild stopped suddenly though and moved her head back up, looking at the side of Keiko's face before she leant forward to kiss her tomato-coloured cheek - a bit slower and less playful than the earlier ones had been.

Keiko sighed slightly and then slowly raised a hand to move her face away. "No, not just yet, I just need a little time. It's a lot for me to take in." She said, although it wasn't dismissive or sad, just a simple request for the other neko to give her some time. "Besides we came here so I could learn to shoot right?"

Initally Gunnhild had pushed back against the hand a bit but stopped as Keiko made the little request of her, causing the strawberry blonde neko to move herself back a bit, "Awww alright Keiko, I can do that for you... shit I'm not nearly smooth enough to pretend I came here to seduce you, I'm as clueless as you are but wanna try shooting again?"

The red neko nodded, internally relieved they would go back to shooting as she was getting a little uncomfortable and flustered at all the intimacy. Gunny was cool and she supposed she did like the attention she gave her but, having never done any of this before and lacking any sort of social experience as well made for a very shy person when someone liked them. "You don't always have to call me by name, the nickname wasn't so bad..." She said softly as she gently shifted her friend to stand up once more.

Gunny giggled and rolled off of her friend, landing on all fours before rising to a stand as she spoke back with a smile, "Alrighty Toma, you got it - wanna try a new gun or stick with the NSP?"

"Hmm, I might stay with this one for now." Keiko replied, she'd almost become a different person and switched back to her professional demeanor. "I'd like to better my skills more before moving onto something more difficult."

"Heheheee," Gunnhild giggled maliciously as she set the NSP to stun, making no effort to hide the fact before she handed it to Keiko, "You trust me, right? like enough for me to do something a bit dumb but you'll forgive me afterwards?"

"I uh, well it depends on the situation really, like the environment and if teachers were around or if it was dangerous-"

"AH well," Gunny cut her friend off to quickly explain further, "It's only slightly more dangerous than sparring and I'll make sure I don't tense up for it." The strawberry blonde would then make the target move closer to their booth before she floated out to stand half in front of it.


"Oh er ah right!" Toma went to drop her gun and ready her martial arts but, she realised that her friend might be referring to her shooting practice. Picking up the gun again she took a breath and aimed down the sights. "Ok I trust you Gunny." She said, trying to make sure she was aiming properly, then squeezed.

Gunnhild squeezed her eyes shut tight behind her sunglasses, the neko's volumetric clothes spazzed out briefly as she heard the shot fired and braced involuntarily. They slowly opened back up again before the strawberry blonde turned her head to look at the target and found a small bit of partially charred material where she assumed Keiko had hit - right between the eyes.

"Toma... holy shit you are good under pressure, not going to lie I thought you'd maybe hit me... sorry," Gunny apologised before she perked back up again. "BUT DAMN, you did it - you saved me from the horrible nasty man, congrats!"

"I don't blame you, given my previous shots I thought I would hit you as well. I am glad I didn't though."

Gunny scooted slightly to cover slightly more of the target's form as she firmly said, "Again."

"I uh, are you sure?" Keiko said softly, she wasn't sure she could do it again.

"I believe in you, you've got this and if not then of well - I'll just get a bruise for a few minutes," Gunny spoke as encouragement for her tomato-hued friend, she trusted Keiko's abilities 100%.

"Your trust might be misplaced." She said, squeezing the trigger a little too fast while stressed out to perform well.

Gunny stayed stoic this time until after the shot had hit, she felt like time slowed down as the scent of something burning wafted to her nose - oh god the pain was coming the pain was coming...

It never did come though so the strawberry-blonde looked cautiously to see a smaller burn mark than the previous one, it was even with her height and more or less hit the target but she couldn't for the life of her figure out what that horrid stench was. "Hey did anything go wrong over there?" Gunnhild asked her friend, Keiko would be able to see a portion of the yellow girl's hair had been scorched away on the side of her head - nothing major but it was looking a little bit lop-sided and crispy.

"Uh, I have a question for you now Gunny." keiko giggled, "I said I trusted you, now will you forgive me?"

"What for?" Gunny asked rather cluelessly as she began floating back across to Keiko, not seeing anything broken but still feeling the need to ask, "Did you break something over here?"

"Well it's over here now, but it was standing next to the target a moment ago." Keiko said trying not to giggle too much.

Gunny thought for a moment longer before she realised there was no longer any hair brushing against her right each as usual, so she reached one hand up curiously and felt the burnt ends of her hair - looking almost upset for a second before she broke into laughter at the situation.

"Are you uh, are you ok there Gunny? You're not going to try and get revenge or anything are you?" Keiko said softly, really hoping that her laughter was happy and not sad.

The other girl's laughter died down as she went to answer the question, almost tearing up from how hard she was laughing, "Oh god Toma, it's fine - I ain't mad, just gotta wait a wee bit for it to grow back - never was fussy about my hair anyway." Almost to emphasize the point Gunnhild too the thingy out of her hair and let it fall loose, shaking her hair around until the burnt spot was mostly hidden from sight.

"Oh that's good, I'm still sorry though can I make it up to you?" Keiko asked, she felt bad for burning her friends hair and wondered if she could get something for her. "And we should probably get going soon, before anymore accidents happen." Although she'd only used the gun a few times she wasn't quite sure she liked them so much. "I think I'll leave the guns up to you, I think I'll stick to books."

Gunnhild thought long and hard for a moment, if she was reaaally evil she would have asked for a kiss as compensation but even the strawberry blonde who was known for being a bit of a pain from time to time knew when to give someone space, "Nah you don't need to get me anything, a hug might be nice but we have the ride back home for that I guess - still I reckon you have potential to be an even greater shot, ah well, another time." The Neko mused as she began packing the weapons and their ammuniton back onto the wall to be restocked for later.

Keiko helped out with the packing up, it was the least she could do after her friend took her out here. "Well then, when we're on the bus it is." She said simply with a smile. "And I'm flattered that you think I have such potential, I'll definitely come back with you again some other time ok?"

"Flattery's only half of it, I wouldn't admit something unless I thought it to be true... and I guess depending on if I think the person deserves to hear it, so I'll happily try to teach you the little bit I can," Gunny smiled to her friend as they finished packing up, offering a hand as she asked, "To the bus then?"

"Unless you had plans to go anywhere else." Keiko answered, tentitively taking the offered hand and heading for the bus stop.

"Nuh uh, I've got nothing noteworthy on today, you?"

"Well I was going to be reading untill someone annoyed someone else and ended up banging on my door."

"Hehe..." Gunny trailed off as her free hand moved to rub the back of her head awkwardly, it didn't look like the bus was there currently but it'd be coming past in a few minutes so Gunnhild sat on a bench and gestured for Keiko to do the same as she continued speaking.

"You made me forget about all that, I don't mind though - spending time with you is more than worth it."

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but I wont be able to hang out like this very often I do need time to do my studies and training. And you need to make sure you set enough time aside for your own work Gunnhild." The red neko replied as she carefully took her seat to wait for the bus as well.

"Yeah, yeah I know..." Gunnhild started with a sigh, of course it just so happened to be in the busiest part of her life when she found someone she really truely liked - couldn't they just zap all these things into her brain and program muscle memory into her body too? oh well. "I'm eh, I'm trying to stay on top of it all - and somehow managing so you don't need to worry too much."

"Good, but don't be afraid to ask the teachers for help if you fall behind or have trouble understanding anything, I know you don't always find it easy or fun to study but you just have to make a real effort." Keiko continued lecturing her friend, when it came to studying she was one of the most passionate in the school.

"Ech I know, eesh you're making me wish I had a Mum to pester me instead," Gunny said with a chuckle as she gave Keiko a friendly bump before adopting a bit of a more serious tone. "Seriously I know I need to knuckle down... I'll think about asking somebody but no promises m'kay?"

"Well I am old enough to be your mother, but I can assure you I'm not." Keiko chuckled, she shook her head at Gunnhilds latter comment, she'd make sure the hyperactive neko got her work done. It was her duty after all. "Oh look the bus is finally here."

"Ah so it is, I guess we can discuss whether or not my mother was a tomato on the way back then," Gunny joked as they hopped back onto the bus and began resuming the process they had gone through earlier, scanning ID's and then moving to the surprisingly empty back of the bus - she decided to let her friend sit down first though.

Keiko sat down and took a spot by the windo, her gaze wandered as she looked at the scenery outside the vehicle. It wasn't every day they got to leave the campus and she did enjoy seeing the places around where she'd lived for the last year. "Didn't you say you were vat born though Gunnhild?"

"As far as I'm aware, yeah," the Neko in question answered as she lowered her head down to rest lazily on Keiko's shoulder before those ocean-blue eyes widened a bit - surely there was no reason to ever doubt she was vatborn right? A slight shiver ran through Gunny's body as she briefly questioned her entire existence.

"Well then I couldn't have been your mother then, that and I don't ever remember creating another neko." Keiko said thoughtfully as the other girls head rested on her shoulder. "Are you cold?"

The thought passed as Gunnhild was dragged back to the present by that silky voice, moving to wrap her arms around Keiko's midsection as she leant in a little closer to the tomato-neko's chest, "Naah, you're way too hot for that." Gunny didn't hold herself back like last time to correct herself, she just let the words flow free.

"But you shivered before? Was it something else then?" The red neko asked, seemingly oblivious to the hot comment she'd made and instead put one arm around her friend. "Let me help you, no matter what it was I can help, I think." Keiko responded, a little unsure of herself.

"It was just a passing thought, not- mmmm," Gunny was cut off by herself again as she felt Keiko's arm around her, she'd always liked the warmth - whether it be lazing around by a pool or her new found love for the heat her red friend seemed to radiate, Gunnhild Grimsdoottir liked the warmth.

"Did that help?"

"Mmmmmmhhmmmmmmm," the strawberry blonde lazily responded as she began gently purring.

"I'll assume that was meant to be a yes then." Keiko replied softly, rubbing Gunnys side softly as the other neko nestled her head in her own shoulder and chest. She may have only been a year older but it was times like this that the red skinned neko felt much older, almost like a mother really.

Gunnhild didn't respond with words, instead she was now gently snoring into Keiko's breast as the combined warmth of their bodies and the soft motions of the bus lulled her to sleep - muttering the words "pretty alright" between soft breaths.

The pair once again stayed in this spot for the whole bus trip back to the dorms, although unlike last time Keiko drifted off as well leaving the two both asleep at the back of the bus and undisturbed. When they arrived it was the red nekos turn to wake her sleeping companion, with a soft tapping on her stomach and rubbing her side again.

"Mhrrr I'll get to class in a few..." Gunny sleepily mused as she began rolling over, her head falling down into Keiko's lap as the feeling of sudden movement being sensed by her inner ear woke the recently sleeping Neko. "HM?! oh, we're here already?" Gunnhild asked as she blinked away the pleasant embrace of sleep and began rising from her friend's lap.

"Yep, time to go back to school, I have reading to catch up on and you look like you could use a proper nap. I'll take you back to your room." keiko said slipping one of her friends arms over her shoulder so she didn't have to fully wake up to move.

"Can't I just like... sleep in your room for a bit? I don't think you even have a roomie last time I checked so there is a perfectly fine bed going to waste!" Gunnhild tried sleepily arguing, not putting up anny effort as her friend half-carried her off the bus.

"Well, I suppose you could. Although I already had the other bed removed last year, you might just have to use mine while I study." Keiko mused while easily carrying the drunken looking girl with her back to her room she still hadn't had a chance to clean up. "Well here we go-" She sighed, gently laying the still drowsey Gunnhild out on the bed.

Gunnhild felt her foot catch on something metal and she stumbled a little bit before collapsing onto the bed, in her current state of emotional and mental drain she wasn't really feeling like a sleuth as the yellow and strawberry-blonde ball of swimsuit-clad neko began curling up into a sleepy ball on Keiko's bed - managing to make an indent for herself and settle down in it before sleepily yet rather contently muttering, "Gooodniight Keeiko, I love youu...."

While Gunnhild may not have paid much attention Keiko had been moment away from sending the sleepy girl flying, the sword had become more visible after she kicked it, the curtain only covering part of the blade now. Turning back to see her friends reaction she only saw the now curled up form of Gunnhild on her bed. Sighing happily Keiko gave in and decided she didn't need to worry about studying for now, instead she crept into bed alongside her friend and stretched out on her back resting an arm on the sleeping form of her companion and resigning herself to sleep as well. "Goodnight Gunnhild."
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