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RP: ZHS [OVA 5] The Quickest Way To A Man's Heart...

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The Ham Lord
Inactive Member
Kunio jolted awake, a small scream escaping his mouth before being replaced by a wince. His body had been "healed" but the pain still remained from his opponent's savage attack against him. He layed back against his bed recalling his fight. Well he lost, so what. The wounded swordsman looked to his left and didn't see anything then looked to his right and surprisingly found his opponent restrained, and seemingly asleep. He turned a beet red once he realized that she was out of her uniform completely, even though he was still dressed in a damaged sparring jumpsuit under a hospital gown. He looked back forward and relaxed into his bed and looked around with his eyes attempting to see if they took his sword in as well.

"The fight is over... You don't have to worry" The alien spoke calmly, slowly opening her eyes and turning her head and looking at her medical mate. Her eyes seemed glazed over, possibly recovering from whatever drugs they gave her. Her leg was stitched up, as well as her arm and shoulder. "I know the rules well enough, fighting out the ring is against them" She added, laying back down. "But I can understand the restraints given the circumstances"

He looked back over and layed his hands across the covers of his hospital bed. "It was a fight..." He stopped realizing how stupid that sounded, "It was a fight I hadn't expected to get mauled in, but I think your probably calm enough now to not rip out my stomach again." He gave a slightly drugged smile as his body continued to work their backsides off to heal internal damage.

"Sorry for that, but I apparently have a reputation to maintain" She commented before struggling at the restraints. "If you are able to, could you please undo these for me? They are uncomfortable" She asked. She seemed calm, almost as if she didn't care about the fight.

He tossed his covers off and turned off his bed, his body seemed to visibly complain but he seemed to ignore as he staggered over to her restraints, carefully disabling them one by one. After he did the last one he gave a smile and staggered back to his bed, and sat down on it's edge. His body again did complain, but seemed to even off once he stopped moving. "I'm guessing your story is about as close as mine is, Huh?"

Zoia gave a breath of thanks as Kunio released her from her restraints. She rubbed at her wrists, before looking over at Kunio again. "Thanks, probably hurt to get up so I appreciate it" She stated, going silent to think about his question.

"That would depend on what you mean. I don't know your story" She responded, shifting to sit up a little more, rolling onto her side to face the swordsman so that she wasn't laying on her tail.

Kunio gave a half smile, "I'm a war orphan. Mother died in the assault of Kyoto and Father died somewhere else, at least I think. They tell me they can't find him but I know he died probably."
He then tilted his head, "I'm not completely familiar with your species, but you must be cold." He offered as he lifted a blanket from his bed that he really didn't need, since his jumpsuit and his nano-bots kept raising his body temperature.

"No, quite different then. Vekimen do not know who their parents are. I don't even have a family. I was placed into the VDTF under training after I was about three weeks old, and have yet to stop. I am only here because there is no one who could attend this excursion with my skill in combat" She explained, arching a brow at the offer for a blanket. "Thank you, but it won't do anything for me now. My kind does not produce heat. Insulation would just keep me as cold as I am now" She added, to answer his question.

He thought of his own rapidly changing temperature, "I don't need it since my insides are hotter than a star right now, I guess the nanos are awake." He gave a small chuckle though leaned forward to mask the pain that it did. He leaned back up again with a questionable look, "So you need outside heat?" His voice began to revert back to it's bass vibrato on the state that the nanobots had clean house there.

"The envy of Vekimen everywhere, the ability to create your own heat" She commented. Her tone suggested at a chuckle, but it was slow and drawn out as her eyes closed again. "But yes, Vekimen need a heat source to remain hot. Like the sun, or planetary exhaust vents more appropriately as we don't like sunlight. It hurts our eyes" She explained, seeming to sink into the bed.

Kunio gave his signature smile before speaking in a sarcastic tone, "I guess a rugby huddle wouldn't work." He looked out towards what he thought looked like a nurse's station and didn't see anyone. "I'd think they would have given you something at this point." He looked to her with a raised eyebrow in question.

"Yes, you would think..." She responded, almost seeming to growl in annoyance. "But I do not know what this rugby huddle is. You are correct in one way though, you are significantly hotter than anything in this room right now. I would borrow some of that, but last time I did that I was attacked with a pineapple" She sighed.

Kunio stifled another chuckle before leaning back into his bed and scooting over slightly, "It's one different kind of pick up line, but you need to be warm." He patted his bedside, "If your leg wants to cooperate." He knew she might pick up on his particular choice of words but he was in no stance to fight if she got hostile again.

Zoia watched as Kunio moved over on his bed, tilting her head a little. "Pick-up line? I don't quite understand but..." She started, before slowly rolling off the bed. Standing up, her legs could support her with the ease of someone who may have suffered her injuries over a week ago, and she cleared the short distance with little complaint, curling up next to the Minkan. She was ice cold to the touch, and she didn't see too concerned with personal space as she curled up. "...I won't refuse such an offer" She sighed, rubbing her head into his body

He tensed up at the touch of cold but settled in as his body temperature compensated still trying to mend wounds. He let out a warm sigh, "A pick-up line is an introduction to a romantic interlude, you could say..." He commented

"So your intention is to mate then?" She asked, almost uncaring about the implications.

Kunio went beet-red again, "Umm, not...Ahh..." He seemed at a loss of words, out of confusion and something else, he didn't know for sure. "Not in that kind of sense, it's more like a...uh...couple. Two people in...love."

"I forget your kind is mostly monogamous. So your intention is to have me as a mate then?" She corrected, looking up at him. "I don't understand why you are so nervous. Is this a bad conversation topic? I thought honesty was all about your honor thing?" She asked. Her tone wasn't mocking, or negative in any way. Just two people from drastically different cultures having what could possible be a very awkward conversation.

Kunio went back into his mind to think, and seemed to drift out of reality for a second. "I mean, I guess this works that way, yeah?" He looked back to her, "I...uh...Sure, a mate." He looked ever so slightly confused, though more dumbfounded.

"No thank you. I don't exactly have time for your kinds idea of mates. This school takes enough out of me already. We can do this again though sometime. It's not so bad" She responded, just as cool toned as ever.

Kunio raised an eyebrow as he thought again, "I don't know about you, but this is oddly calming. It takes a lot out of me as well, being President of West Building along with being what is effectively co-captain of the rugby team...It's kinda swell to just be, together?" He realized how awkward that sounded to him, but he also realized that he may have fallen for her, in his own words. "You know, I never really caught your name, I read it on the fight board but didn't remember it too well. Something Zoi...something...help me out here."

"Zoia Sivaro. You can ignore the Sivaro though, it's just a clan name" She answered. "As for jobs, I'm South President somehow. I'm taking several advanced courses which I'm currently ahead in, I train with Neena to figure out how to deal with your Gravity Manipulation and other unnatural abilities your kind has, and in my minimal free time I study fighting styles so that I can be better prepared for fights" She huffed out. "And yet I am still bored" She added, groaning. "Not enough hours in your day"

"Well, that's why we make assistants," He rested his hand upon her head in an awkward-to-the-outside, petting-like thing. "assistants make everything easier in the working world...so uh...friends, mates, what?" His head relaxed against his pillow in thought, and trying to hide his blood red face.

"Are you ok? You seem disoriented" Zoia said, pushing up off the bed and looking at the Minkan. Her muzzle a couple inches from his nose. "Should I go get a nurse? Your face is abnormally hot in comparison to the rest of your body" She asked.

"That's normal, Zoia," Nenna said, standing in the now open doorway. "It's a way that we usually express embarrassment, like being found in the same bed as a fellow student." The teacher shrugged, then continued, "Not like I've seen worse, but it's, hmm, unusual for students to go with the non-Nekos."

Kunio raised an eyebrow without lifting his head, "What...she said." He let out a sigh, "She was cold, Ma'am, she needed heat." He didn't say more, but began to consider using his telepathy to speak but remains silent.

"And I'm sure you were very willing to give that to her," the Neko said, walking along the wall opposite of the pair's bed. "Though, there are more efficient ways to do that," she commented, pulling a cabinet open and pulling out one of Zoia's heat lamps. "Mostly cause clothes get in the way, you know?"

He looked at her for a moment and spoke through thought, "Is it even a rule? I haven't been here long enough to know." His mind sounded curious, yet cocky. He then relaxed his head again and closed his eyes in thought.

Zoia just blinked as the two talked, then at the odd stare down that was happening. "I was going to comment on the clothes, but given last time, I didn't think it would be wise to ask for such accommodations" The lizard explained, laying back down on Kuino. "But I wouldn't mind a heatlamp right now if you are getting one.

Kunio thought openly, "Go ahead, even though you might as well knock the President off his seat." He looked back at the Neko, "Unless this...Nevermind." He switched back to open speech. "She...She looked like she needed someone as well."

Nenna nodded, then mentally replied, "No rule, no. Something you don't want to be walked in on, no. Not unless you're into being walked in on, during the act." She then said aloud, "She does like company, though I wonder if that was your first concern." "So," she said, walking to the pair and tapping her hand with the lamp, "Do you still want this or am I interrupting something?"

Kunio raised his hand slightly as if to get her attention for her to answer the question while sighing in relief in his head, though it didn't feel any less awkward. "That is her call, not mine."

"What's my call? Are you two talking to each other? How are you talking to each other?!" She asked, confused at the odd, broken conversation. "What are you interrupting? Why is this such a confusing conversation?" Zoia asked, looking between the two. "I'm just trying to get warm, why are you two being so cryptic?"

He added quietly, "Minkan and Nekos have telepathic systems. We were talking about what happened just now." He layed his hand back down on her head.

"You're TELEPATHIC?!" The lizard practically shrieked, pushing up off the Minkan and looking between the two again. "Are you two reading my thought?! Get out of my brain!" She added, obviously a little freaked out.

Rolling her eyes, "Sure, Kunio, let the anti-social alien know we can talk about her behind her back..." she said mentally. "We can't read your thoughts, Zoia-kun. We can just send them to each other. Like, um, talking out loud or sending messages."

He mentally shot back, "You can't keep her out of the loop forever..." He alyed his hand back beside his right leg and sat back up again. Obviously straining his cool but he didn't hurt this time. His speech was soothingly calm, well, to Neena at least, "We can only send messages to to someone who has a compatible system, we can't read everything. We only hear what is sent out."

"So that's why all the other girls laugh around me without me saying anything funny..." She mumbled, laying back down a little depressed.

He once again said soothingly, "You should hear what is said about me, most of the troublemakers see me as two things. Either a very pale Nepleslian or the outcast since I'm not Neko. Not to mention I'm almost always armed, and that has its own thoughts."

"I think there'd be some difference with Zoia's, hmm," the Neko thought, twirling the lamp in the air, "uniqueness that others might find more questionable then just not being a Neko."

Shrugging, Nenna lightly tossed the lamp in between the two students. "Get better soon you two," she said, walking towards the door. "Oh. And whatever you get up to," she continued, pointing at a camera in the corner of the room, "just remember you have an audience." She smiled, waved, then walked out of the clinic.

Kunio gave a light wave with his hand before laying back on Zoia's head, he waited until she had walked out to speak again, "The Neko Younglings are mischievous little hellions, they say all sorts of things. Don't let it bother you, it's what you do that matters."

"So it would seem..." The depressed Vekimen commented

He sighed quietly and stroked her head, "Don't worry, everything gets better eventually." His voice returned to its calmness and he petted his former opponent, feeling his own section of grief. He tried himself to get her to perk back up but he accepted the fact that it might take a while.

"Why do you do that?" She asked as the Minkan ran his hand along her head. "It seems a little... Odd, don't you think?" She added, looking back up at the Minkan.

He stopped and put his hand back down on his bed, "Sorry..." his body seemed to lower in temperature as internals were beginning to kick back in, but he did his best to keep it level, with any control that he had.

"I didn't say stop... I just wanted to know why you did it" She said, still looking up at him.

He layed his hand back upon her head, and slowly began again. "It shows affection, even though your version of affection is probably different than ours." His hands were warmer still, as they were being warmed by his body and Zoia's presence as well.

"Ah, so does your kind show affection to everyone? Even when they decline an advance?" She asked. "I don't understand your people all to well in this regard, so I am curious" She added, making sure she wasn't potentially being rude.

"I just don't know how to say besides this, I guess." His face turned a little red again, "I guess...wait you don't understand that...well, sometimes when someone likes another person, they will attempt to show affection any way that they can to try to gain the attention of the other."

"So... You like the person who ate your stomach?" She asked, seeming a little quizzical. "Well, I guess I can't refuse a gift meal" She said, her tone implying her words being an idiom, and not a literal statement as to how she literally ate the mans insides.

"It's a little bit of Honor, and the bit that we regenerate slowly." He smiled at her, "I was expecting to lose a limb or two in the fight, I'm surprised you didn't go for my arm but the stomach is a weak spot."

"You left it wide open with your attack... You should have been a little more... final with your strike. Honor gets you killed in combat, as you may have noticed" She said, relaxing again.

"Yeah...your right." He layed his head back on his pillow again. Going again into thought.

"You seem a little too okay with someone who just actually ate you. Is there something I should know?" She asked.

He sighed, "Nothing besides love brewing from a battlefield. I don't know, it seems different but okay. You didn't know better, and I tempted the firebrand and got burned, or eaten if you will." He looked at her, "Your not that bad once you get to be known, and chewing on my stomach is a fighting style I guess." He voice lay with confusion, though deep down it sounded confident, Kunio had fallen for the one that ate his stomach.

"Love... Strong word. Are you sure you are using it by it's intended meaning?" She asked, leaving the rest to hang. "We really only just met, and while yes eating your stomach is a fighting style to my people, your people still have quite a few reservations in that regard" She said, sitting up a little so that she was beside him, not on him.

"I never said it was all there yet..." he looked at her quietly "I'm what you would call different, Father taught me all honors but not how to use them. Some relationships can gather quickly, though most are there for a while before. I guess we need to be more closer to friends or allies if you will."

"Well, I could use a friend. I don't exactly have anyone, and my room is rather lonely now that I actually don't have a roommate" She thought aloud, looking at the stuff on the other side of the room. "So you're healed, right? Can move and all that good stuff?" She asked.

"Yes, the nanos seem to be getting sleepy again, new stomach and accouterments." He continue to look into her eyes. He began to think it would be okay to leave but stayed to not upset his new friend, something was oddly romantic of him to stay, not only that but awkwardly his old stomach as well.

"Well, I think we can leave... I can walk, you can walk, neither of us are in life threatening situations any more and I'm probably going to reject these stitches in a few hours with enough food to eat. So... Want to go study or something?" She asked, getting off the bed. "I should also probably change too. The Vice Principal gets angry whenever she sees me out of uniform despite me getting this horn band put in" She sighed.

He smiled as he stood up as well, "We can change and then meet up in the courtyard or something." His steps were a bit awkwardly placed but his legs began to want to work again.

"Well, I guess that's a plan to" She said stretching out a little. "I just thought we would do it together. See you in the courtyard I guess" She said, leaving the medical ward with a slight wave over her shoulder as she left to get dressed.
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