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RP: ZHS [OVA 7] Confusion Is The Better Part Of Love?

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The Ham Lord
Inactive Member

Kunio stood above the Koi Ponds wearing his new sword, it looked strikingly similar to Willaims except with a different colored scabbard. His face was quiet and calm as he watched a few fish in the pond. He looked zoned in on the fish and probably wouldn't see anyone coming.
William had just finished Kendo practice again and was headed to meditate at the ponds. He cleared his throat. "Hey Kunio-San..." He said as he approached.

Kunio looked over to William as he approached, "Hello William. I'm guessing your move went okay." He sounded calm and mediated.

"...Yes." He said hesitating a second. "It was, everything is settled." He replied.

"I'm guessing you either came here to meditate like me or tell me something." He sounded quite blunt but with a hint of curiosity.

He shook his head. "I am just here to meditate is all, just like every day." He answered back, setting his things down by the edge of the water. He was about to sit, but Kunio would notice a troubled look on his face. He stood for a moment then looked back up. "Kunio-San... I need to tell you something."

He raised an eyebrow, "What? Did I miss another building meeting?"

"No it's not that... It is about Zoia..." He said walking over to him. "She snuck into my room to suprise me with a gift, but she..." He tried to find the words. "She...as she was about to leave, she tried to seduce me."

He lowered his brow and stopped looking as confused, "Ah, and what was it like? I was out of breath about halfway through."

He looked at Kunio dumfounded..."Wha..NO!" He nearly yelled. "I told her no Kunio-San. It wasn't right. I told her to stop!"

"Well you were missing out. It's only once in a blue moon that you get to do it with a giant polygamous lizard." He looked quite serious with what he was saying.

William's jaw nearly hung open. "Is this a trick Kunio? Because if so I am not amused in the slightest..." He answered. "I am not in to Zoia... She is your girlfriend!"

"William... Before we even got together she told me how she was. Her race is polyamorous. She has the feelings, just their commitments are viewed slightly skewed." He gave a warm smile, "They aren't us. They are Vekimen, and it's an experience."

"An experience I am not interested in Kunio..." He answered firmly.

"I'm not forcing you, at all. I'm just saying that you can." He replied flatly.

"Well... thanks, but no thanks all the same." He said looking very uncomfortable about the whole situation.

"What's got you all worked up?" He raised an eyebrow, "I knew she was going to do this at one point or another."

"This whole situation is insane..." He said running a hand through his hair and turning around."

"I've been looking for you Kunio..." A familiar voice said, cutting through the awkward situation. Zoia stood a few meters away from the two, looking a little upset.

Kunio turned around and raised another eyebrow, "What's wrong?" He sounded concerned. "And before you say anything, turns out William just isn't interested."

"That's actually what I wanted to talk too you about. I really don't think this whole girlfriend thing is working out..." She muttered. "It's not just William..."

"Well, you told me before we started dating that you were going to do this, and I'm okay with it." He sounded slightly like he was tripping over his words, but sounded confident, "Though I am interested in your choices."

"Wait... just hold on a second..." He said looking to Zoia. "There is no need to break up with him. If he is okay with you being with multiple partners than what is the big deal?" He asked, still looking slightly shell shocked.

Zoia shrugged looking at William. "You weren't the first person I tried..." She explained, rubbing her arms. "It's been a pretty common excuse" She added, sitting on the grass.

"No, you're with Kunio, why would I do that?" She said, her voice sounding incredibly similar to one of the rugby team members. "It's a little disheartening that the only reason people won't reciprocate my advances because of my title" She finished.

"You actually might like Ichiro..." He trailed off before speaking again "Ichiro thinks himself to be an apprentice of mine. If you want I can tell him after this." He was once again serious.

William looked between the two, like he was looking at two unknown aliens. He didn't speak, just kept trying to wrap his head around what was going on.

Zoia arched her eyebrow a little, looking at William. "What's up with you? It looks like you're having a crisis" She said, a little concerned for William.

Kunio looked over, giving the same face.

"Uhhhhh..." He just looked between them for a moment. "Uh, nothing... continue... I will just be... over there." He said pointing to his things by the bank.

"Aww," said a nearby tree. "But we were just getting to the best part."

Kunio jumped out of his skin before turning to face this tree. "Really?!? Volumetrics?" He sounded more curious than confused.

William whiped around to see the tree, he didnt notice it. "Damn it... What the hell" He grumbled, more angry than scared. "Turn off the Volumetrics already." He ordered.

Nenna suddenly came into view, shrugging as she said, "I'd hide in the tree, but my skin tone kind of makes that impossible."

Zoia looked at Nenna and sighed. "Well, this is awkward..." She muttered, then turning to Kunio. "Anyway... I don't know. If this stuff doesn't change then this isn't going to work out" She muttered, rubbing her arms.

William stared at the new comer. "And that settles it... I'm out..." William said, well and truly brain fried by all that has occurred in the span of 10 minutes. He silently moved and snatched up his things. "I don't believe I belong in this conversation...best of luck to you both." He said about to leave.

Zoia looked at William with a blink. "No hug?" She asked, tilting her head, standing up and holding out her arms.

William looked at Zoia with pure confusion on his face...

"You shot me down, doesn't mean I don't still like you as a friend" She said in response to the confused look.

It almost looked like William hung his head in shame as he trudged over to Zoia and quickly gave her a one armed hug before he stumbled away like he just got hit by a Yamatai super carrier... except it hit his brain.

So, was that better or worse than friend zoning? Nenna shrugged again, walking up to Zoia, and patted her on the head. "Don't worry about him," she said, "It's his loss. Don't torture yourself for other people's sake."

"So..." He trailed off thinking again before thinking, "Help me out with this..." Kunio then spoke again, "You think because we are dating that you can't still be you?" He looked at Zoia.

"Well this whole 'monoamorous' thing I keep being told about is completely stupid! Like, what's the deal!" She said in a huff, squinting one eye as she was patted. "And was that necessary Nenna?"

"What?" the teacher asked, looking sidelong at her student, "I can give you a hug if you want instead." Mentally, she replied to Kunio, "Keep going. It means more coming from you."

"Well, I've already said that I'm okay with it. Zoia...they are going to ask anyway. All you have to do is say that I'm okay with it, and if I need to I'll say it in person. I don't want you to become some Vekimen outcast stuck in Yamatai trying to fit it. I want you to be like you usually are. I don't care if you polygamous, you are being you. That's why I..." He stopped, tripping over a word before stopping cold. "I shouldn't say that."

"But its cute when you say it," the Neko mentally said, giving a wink to the Minkan.

He blinked, "Zoia, that's why I l-love you." He stumbled out the word, his heart stopping in anticipation of the answer.

Zoia just stared for a moment, blinking at the sudden confession. She looked up at the Neko, then back to Kunio before saying...

"...I don't get it..."

"Don't get what?" He was beginning to sound a little like William.

Coughing to draw the student's attention, Nenna asked, "Zoia, how do the Vekimen express liking a person enough to be a mate?"

"Uhm... That is a good question..." She said, thinking about the prospect. "Well... We usually join their family, but that is a complicated process the VDTF has to condone..." She explained. "But that is still not monogamy" She added.

"Sure," the Neko said. "But is there an emotion behind making that decision? Is it more than a simple friendship?"

Zoia's jaw worked as if she were trying to word it right. "Well... There is one thing more then that, but... That is dangerous..." She mumbled.

"How is it dangerous?" Kunio asked.

"You would have to join the VDTF..." She muttered.

Oh yeah. "Is that the whole, fight your way into the military?" Nenna asked.

"No, he could join... But then he would have to fight, yes. The problem is he wouldn't be able to be an officer. That's what you want to do, right?" She asked.

Kunio only really managed one word for the moment, "I..."

"That's only how the Vekimen do it... You join the persons family, and then you go through the family to have your bond recognized by the family as a whole. Then that shuts down the territorial fight there often is, but it is often very rare... And permanent" She explained.

"This is all you, Kunio," the teacher said mentally, looking the Minkan in the eye. "Though I would be negligent if I didn't say that you should probably put some thought into this."

"I... uh... I don't want to upset you, Zoia, at all but we can't go that far. At least not yet. I'm trying to keep us together, as a polygamous join couple...thing."

"I wasn't asking you to. I was trying to explain what Nenna asked me" Zoia said, blinking. "That is literally the only thing I can think of... Sorta like a Favorite partner. You just have to be a part of a family to do that..." She added.

"Thank you for explaining, Zoia," the Neko said, taking her hand off the Vekimen's head and scratching her head.

"Why do you all seem so weird about this? You asked me to explain..." She muttered, crossing her arms. "I wouldn't expect you to join the VDTF, that would be... Really stupid..." She added.

"Just trying to bridge the cultural divide, Zoia," Nenna replied, "We don't have that strict of a familial structure on Yamatai, except in the oldest clans. So, I'm just trying to figure out how to explain this, in terms we can all understand."

"I'm trying to say that we don't have to break this off. You can be polygamous and if I have to scream that to everyone I know I will. I'm that dedicated." He sounded like he was becoming slightly desperate.

"Calm down, Kunio," the teacher sent, rubbing her temples. "This is getting to be a mess, but your panic is not going to help resolve the situation. Take a deep breath, then let's try and figure this out."

Zoia seemed to be a little uncomfortable, flinching at the slight tone. She rubbed her arms, her eyes shooting back to the ground. "Ehh... I don't know... Are you sure that will work?"

Kunio seemed to lighten, taking a deep breath before looking to Nenna then back Zoia. "If that's what it takes, Zoia."

"Well... If you think it will work... I guess I can give it another try" The alien mumbled. "I wasn't saying we had to stop doing anything but the title is serving to be a problem..." She explained.

"That's mostly a reservation for teenagers," Nenna said, shrugging. "Once you get out into the rest of the Empire, there's a lot more freedom about relationships."

Zoia seemed to slowly nod. "Well... I suppose I can try again. If this problem goes away then I can continue" She sighed.

"I'll pull some strings, Ichiro could be the test to see if it works..." He seemed to go into a time of thought, staring into Zoia's eyes blankly.

"Good," the teacher said, giving a sigh of her own. "Sorry if my sudden appearance was, hmm, ill-timed?"

He snapped out of his thoughts before looking to Nenna, "Ill-timed yes, but not invaluable." He gave a warm smile to add on.

Nenna chuckled and replied, "Good to know." Looking at Zoia, she said, "I said something similar earlier, but don't worry too much if other people don't like you like that. One's better than nothing, after all."

"I guess," Zoia sighed again, stepping forward and out of Nenna's reach, holding up her arms reaching out to the Minkan "Sorry about all this... I'm just confused I guess..." She said, looking at Kunio

Kunio raised his arms returning Zoia's hug and seemed to relax completely. "It's fine, Zoia. Everyone gets confused at one point."

Awww. "Well, my work is done," the Neko said, turning and walking towards the North building. "I think I'm late for a meeting. Have a good day, you two."

Zoia turned to look at Nenna, blinking a little. "She is so weird sometimes..." The Alien muttered, looking back at Kunio. "So... What do you wanna do?"

Kunio gave a shrug, "It's all up to you today sweetheart." He said it almost like he had said it before, feeling better to have gotten the word "Love" off of his chest.

Zoia tilted her head and chuckled. "Heh, back to sweetheart are we?" She asked, starting to walk away.

Kunio floated and shifted to her pace once his feet got in line with Zoia's feet. "What would you like me to call you?" He sounded sarcastic, but was entirely serious if she would even accept a pet name.

Zoia shrugged. "I don't know. Just haven't called me that since well... We started dating" She said, looking at him. "We don't really have a term of endearment"

He put a hand around her shoulder and pulled her close to him, "Well, tell me once you get an idea." He gave an smile as he looked at Zoia. This was going to be an... Interesting relationship.
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