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Approved Submission [Pact] 30mm Magnetically Phased Plasma Cannon

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
@Wes, @Talarn, @Ametheliana - Not to be rude, but don't the Submission Rules state the following?

The Submission Rules said:
1. All articles submitted to the site must:
l. Have the in-character year they are released (should be the current IC year)​

Doesn't the ML2A4 30mm Hypervelocity Rapid Cycle Plasma Cannon article saying it was first produced in YE 05 (or "1965 CE," which in my opinion is far too similar to 1965 CE) render it unapprovable, given that the current year is YE 39?
Reactions: raz
Unlike other preexisting factions in the setting, this one is a new faction entering the setting with its own history prior to RP. Naturally, it would have weapons and such from this time period. If Wes insists we stick to this rule however, it wouldn't render this article rejected, which is pretty unreasonable. Instead, Arieg would just have to change it to YE 39, and that would be that.

Naturally, it'd be weird as hell seeing all this tech being approved in this single current year for OOC reasons.
@CadetNewb How would it be "weird as hell?" Nations (usually for political and/or economic reasons) often go through "mass overhauls" of their equipment IRL, as far as I'm aware - so would it really be a stretch to say that the Colonial Pact decided to overhaul their military equipment in YE 39?
You dont know much about the current military inventory of the US if you say that.
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