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RP (Pact 8556th) Chapter One - Plowing Into the Deck

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DEFCON Everybody Dies
The desert raced inches below the armored suits boots, a plasma jet baking the sand as it made its way up and over dune after towering dune in the endless track of the planetary desert. The occupant of the Colonial Pact Recon variant Kortik power armor continued to go over what had happened in his mind as he raced toward the oily black smoke staining its way across the pink desert sunset. The four people he'd been responsible four where ahead somewhere, or so he hoped. He couldn't help but let his mind wander back to the briefing and his own thoughts on the situation that was Santa Torga Prime......

It had been discovered by proxy within the first decade of the Pact arriving in the sector, a name which most of the freelance or independent traders that braved the trip to Valmet ports spoke of in hushed or spitting tones. Of course the powers at be wanted nothing to do with what was essentially a pirate world, it didn't effect their main lines of trade to the rest of the Colonial Pact. Only the occasional Colonial scout went missing or a wildcat colony would go dark, something the administration was willing to ignore or reprise quietly with special forces. But something new had been brewing on the planet's surface, new arrivals that had either enslaved, cooped, or simply allied with the various factions that called the ruins of the world home. These creatures, only known to the Pact so far through whatever intellgience they could gather from the free lance traders that made their way to various ports 'above' the Valmet sector painted a grim picture. A picture with a dark enough ending the administration had decided to act.

Of course Major Tomsky Petrovik of the Colonial Pact Marine Corps Recon Group found that his end of their orbital invasion had gone south as he reached a point just below the final dune's ridge. Cutting his thrusters and dropping into the sand he slowly climbed the rest of the way peeking over the edge and careful not to send any of the fine grains tumbling down the other side. The transport lay on its belly in two parts, the pilot had managed to put it down in a rather large valley flanked on two sides by the massive dunes. Almost instantly he could see two bodies or at least what was left of them, their power armor torn apart by the force of a orbital dropship tearing into the ground at mach numbers. Hefting his plasma rifle over the brim his augments ordered the suits COM system into action, shifting over to a directional radio mode as the Major hoped the high edges would keep the transmission from spilling out.

Eyes still scanning the far rim he spoke, "This is Badger One Actual, do any Badger One elements copy this transmission?" The bodies lit up in his HUD as their suit's computers responded to the ping, designating what was left of their occupants as Badger One-Four and Badger One-Two as KIA. He hadn't even gotten to know them on the lift in system, just a brief glance at the files.... then again this entire element had been put together over the last few days with little beyond a hand shake.

(OOC: Yay first post! @xImmortalxBeauty @Seehund - go ahead and post up your characters position, names, and if you wish respond in some manner to your Major!)
She had hit the ground hard and fast. But not fast enough that she could not manage to enter a controlled descent, utilizing the plasma jets in her suit to slow her landing just enough to prevent injury. As she tumbled down a dune, the marine clenched her arms across her chest, and waited patiently for her momentum to cease.

As she rose from her fall, Corporal Vianne Weaver tried to replay the events of the crash landing in her mind. In one instant, she was in the dropship. In the next, she had been falling through the air, struggling to correct her position so that she could utilize her plasma jets to slow her descent.

With little cover in the desert environment, Vianne ran towards the tallest dune she could see and began to climb over it, using her plasma jets to see over the ledge. It was then that she noticed a pillar of black smoke rising in the distance, which would presumably be the site of the crash. After scanning the horizon for hostiles, Vianne took off towards the pillar of smoke, before she received a transmission.

"Badger One-Three, approaching the crash site now, copy. I have a visual on you major.", Vianne replied as she climbed up another dune, seeing the major's prone form on the next one as she crested the ridge.
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<< --is i- -a--er O-e --tual, -- an- Bad-e- --e el---n-s -op- t-i- tra-s--ss---? >>



. . .

Damn it. Something had gone wrong, terribly wrong. The woman opened her eyes, squinting in the smoke that occupied the small compartment. Her helmet lay across a console a few feet off, dangling from a stray metal rod impaled through the cracked visor. She couldn't feel her legs. Hues of red filled the left side of her field of view, and a quick swipe of her hand confirmed it was blood.

The vehicle-- she remembered now, it was a Berko- she occupied was dead silent, and it wasn't hard to guess why. She craned her head to look left and downwards, unsurprised at the driver's shattered corpse. He wouldn't be waking up anytime soon, both her HUD and her common sense concluded. Any second now. She looked back down, towards her leg. No feeling, yet. With nothing better to do than choke on fumes and wait, she looked around the little command bubble. All screens were in emergency mode, a fact they made sure she wouldn't forget with several blaring alarms and obnoxious flashing.

There, amidst several panels chock-full of manual controls, a lone, thick cable drooped from a hazard-marked black console, devoid of writings or screens or, indeed, controls at all. It was a military-grade DNI, a Direct Neural Interface. The wounded woman stretched out to seize the connector, considering the sharp tip carefully. She'd done it thousands of times, but it still made her pause. It slid in the port mounted on the side of her head without complications, and she she blacked out for a few seconds.

When she woke up, Gunnery Sergeant Paulina Przemyslaw wasn't in the Berko anymore. She WAS the Berko. In a way, she felt her engine in stand-by. She felt every single scrape against the hull, and she felt the reduced efficiency in the coolant lines. The external cameras, now her eyes, blinked awake, the ominous red lights slowly warming up until the images of the sun-scorched wreck outside were clear of interference. And now, one thing at a time. First, she activated the atmospheric purge. Immediately, sooth-black clouds spewed forth from the little vents scattered across the surface of the Berko, slowly wafting upwards. The lone passenger- her own life sign monitor helpfully informed her that the air was now breathable. Her meatware was safe.

She closed the external vents, and willed the engine into roaring to life. The sound cut across the otherwise quiet desert air, and, as each system slowly came online, she truly felt alive. Targeting, check. Sensors, check. Communications, check. Crew... more or less.
It took some harsh maneuvering and many unpleasant bumps, but she freed herself from beneath the dropship's wreckage. Her tracks tore through sand, rock and scrap alike, and the metal beast eventually came to a harsh stop in the plateau, cameras scanning the dunes far faster than her real eyes could have ever managed. She opened a com-link, and spoke not in her own voice, but the Berko's: a vaguely feminine growl, guttural and electronically filtered.

<< Badger One, Track Two-- Zmaj online. Pilot unresponsive. Gunner linked. Awaiting orders. >>
The valley if it could be called that for merely being the space between two ever advancing lines of dunes was nearly three miles long, forming a irregular oval with two sharp north-south ends where the pair of dunes met. The slopes of the sandy 'hills' where nearly three hundred feet tall with some ridges reaching higher, the Major knew it was good cover for the moment.... and a good kill box if they became trapped inside of it. He swept his helmet side mounted optic over the scene, its more powerful optical zoom soon capturing something he didnt' want to see... dust clouds just over the northern rim. Something his optic began transmitting over their local data net as the commander started making decisions.

Slowly he rose eyeing his status.... he had two mags for his plasma rifle one of them already in the tan painted device, one round in the grenade launcher and at least it was a micro-missile. Everything else had been ripped off the suit's outer surface during his 'exit'.

"I need status and remaining weapons from you two but rally crash site now!" He ordered, climbing over the rim and sliding down its slop rather then risk using the more energic means of movement if something where already peaking over the other rim. Streams of loose rock and sand followed him down as he 'fell' feet first.

Gunnery Sergeant Przemyslaw would find as her electronic mind reached out through the armored fighting vehicle that the turret would not rotate, however the vertical axis seemed to function. Her vertical launch system reported one jammed door cutting down its usability by half. However what was worse.... was a steady warm drip against the bottom of her internal turret, something that would have to be addressed and soon.

The Corporal would find herself down to one shoulder mounted mini-missile launcher with six shots, her back weapon had somehow managed to stay attached but her spare magazines where in the wind leaving her with just twenty shots for the monstrous rail rifle.
In a few slow movements, Vianne lowered her weapon and turned to look towards the north. The small marine nearly froze with shock as she viewed the large and gathering dust clouds in the distance.

While she had spent a few years in Helka City on Leningrad working as a police officer, Vianne was still very unused to planetary phenomena, such as thunderstorms, snowfall, and dust clouds. Vianne was raised in a deep space mining installation. She could handle herself proficiently in zero gravity, but on planetary environments, never mind ones as harsh and unforgiving as the desert, she was ill at ease.

Fortunately, Vianne's training and instincts overrode her paranoia. After taking a few steps backwards, Vianne turned around and sprinted down the dunes and towards the crash site. As she ran, she noticed the Berko that had been with them on the dropship. According to the latest transmission from the vehicle, only one of the drivers had survived the crash. That individual had been the gunner, Paulina Przemyslaw.

Vianne gave the digital equivalent of a casual wave to the Berko and her gunner, before she slid down the final dune to the smoking crash site. After picking herself up, she sprinted to the major's position before she acknowledged him with a head nod, seeking to not draw attention to his rank in the middle of hostile territory.

"Corporal Vianne Weaver reporting, sir. I'm not hurt, but I'm missing a mini-missile launcher and some ammunition."
The occasional plate of scrap metal groaned beneath Zmaj's tracks as it chewed through sand and debris alike. The pilot, Premy's disembodied ego, took careful note of her new body's faults, and of its damages. She considered how to best fix them as the desert landscape rolled by. For one, the turret was all but a coin toss. The fault either was with the horizontal drive, or the bearing. While the former could be fixed, the latter would need outright replacement.
On the other hand, the launch door was a bit more promising. It wouldn't open, which meant it was either jammed, or the motor had died. In either case, both could theoretically be fixed in the field. She made a mental note to check when she stopped.

On that note, she arrived at her destination as soon as she concluded that last train of thought. A more or less empty depression in the valley, not far at all from the crash site. She didn't see either her CO or the boot anywhere nearby, so she simply decided to broadcast one final message, setting the parameters for guard mode at the same time.

<< Zmaj. Operating at reduced efficiency. Operator requires medical attention. Vehicle in guard mode. Home on beacon and activate IFF. >>

With that, she booted herself out of the Berko,
and into reality once more. Premy gasped at how much the air filling her lungs burned, at how bright the command bubble's screens were. Anyhow, no time to lose. She tried to move her legs, moderately unsurprised when she just couldn't. They were still attached, they just had no intention of responding.

She considered the issue at hand. Her suit's autodoc seemed to have no intention of waking up, and she was bleeding out, fast. Now, Zmaj, per her own request, had exactly two compartments with medical supplies. One inside, behind the driver, and the other mounted on the hull. Unfortunately, that first one was about as skewered as her driver was, little locker held closed by stray debris.

She sighed. As the DNI plug slid out of her neck, she flicked a nearby switch, and the hatch above opened with a loud hiss. One last thing. She depressed a button on her neck, and the back of her suit split open, revealing short-sleeved fatigues underneath. She worked her arms out of the top, grabbed the overhead support bars, and heaved her own body up and out of the legs portion. The discarded suit fell below, against the deck, as the Gunny left the Berko.

Outside, she sat on the ledge of the vehicle, under the searing sun, unarmed and unarmoured. An electronic eye, authoritarian and comforting, watched her from Zmaj's cameras. She'd decided to wait for the other survivors before attempting any emergency medical care, if only due to the risk of messing up and dying alone in the sand. For now, she seemed content with holding her insides in with her bare hands, bleeding slowed considerably. She lifted her face up and closed her eyes, basking in the warmth of the desert.

It's not so bad.
Slowly the main control system of the downed dropship managed to boot itself back up, semi-sentient and aware of its purpose it quickly took stock of its situation and almost disapointly registered no life signs on board. It electronic eyes reached out into the surrounding desert, noting the movement and then finally as the communications system came online the friendly IFF tags. This same COM system reached up into the sky, its signal linking with an overhead football sized satellite that was among the hundreds that had been dispersed into orbit during the initial invasion. With this link came over all battle field information that was broadcasted back down and then relayed to the surviving three Pact Colonial Marines. To the north of them popping into existance on their HUDs where several new red diamond icons with possible idents floating beside them, paired where steadily decreasing distance reads. From the downloaded SAT images the control system designated them as dismounted mechanized infantry, at least a company moving with their vehicles toward the northern rim of the sandy valley and into a direct overwatch of the remaining Badger Unit survivors.

The Major had stopped next to an access hatch on the side of the large transport but had stopped his actions when the data feed went live, part of him glad that in the very least the giant bird's electronics package was still operational... that thanks ended as the threat analysis fed into his cybernetic mind. Training and a bit of experience kicked in as his COM reached out to the Corporals as his hands tore into the emergency controls to get the hatch open.

His synthesized voice fed into her mind as a small box popped up on the side of her vision with an image him along with 'AUDIO ONLY', "Corporal get to the track, patch the gunner and get her back into it we're going to need it and soon." The same tactical display was now sprawling across the small Corporal's own cybernetic awareness, but she could feel the hurried tone of the Major's voice.
"Yes sir."

After acknowledged and processing the Major's orders, Vianne stowed her weapons and activated her suits hovering systems. At full power, the small Corporal hovered to the nearby Berko. Once she reached her destination, Vianne turned off her jets and sprinted to the other side of the vehicle. Once she was next to the wounded form of Paulina Przemyslaw, Vianne crouched down next to the Sergeant and began to assess her injuries.

"I'm not a medic Sergeant, but I will do what I can for you."

With that said, Vianne picked her up, utilizing the amplified strength of her Kortik to place her in a secure position. With that done, Vianne took out her medical kit, and began to set to work on patching up the Sergeant.
To say the survivors of Badger-One had bad luck would be a simple understatement, the shot that had taken down their transport had been what most flyers called 'the golden BB'. The one in a million chunk of metal that found you at just the right time in just the right place. In this case it had been a kinetic artillery round fired from the retreating brigand forces and the transport had simply been in the proper space to catch the round and cripple itself. The end result being the unit now found itself sandwiched between two field armies with a mixture of routed hostiles fleeing between the gap and advancing line units hot on their trail. One of these groups, a small mechanized unit of irregular pirates, various mishhu types, human thralls, and a handful of NMX manufactured NH-29s where on a collision course.

The Corporal would find that her medical kit was fully stocked, various programmable molecule injectors, synthskin, stimulants, all the things one would need to patch up a soldier just enough to get them functioning. Of course the trick would be doing this without killing the nearly gutted driver, all while the clouds of dust on the southern horizon began to get closer and closer.
Vianne Weaver took the various tools and medical implements out of her bag, setting them within easy reach for when she would need them. For now, Vianne's cover behind the tank had not been compromised just yet. However, that would soon change, given the advancing enemies on both flanks.

With the bio-stat monitor in one hand and a molecule injector in the other, Vianne injected the site of the wound with various stimulants and medications before taking up a synthskin injector in order to patch up the majority of the wound.

Once she was done, Vianne looked the Gunnery Sergeant over before her sensors warned her of the quickly approaching enemies...
The Major stumbled through the passageway inside the down transport, moving spilled containers, the occasional body, and dropped wiring conduits as he made his way toward the front of the craft and hopefully the weapon’s control. His larger frame enhanced by the power armor making this a task that he’d rather not repeat as the semi-experienced officer cursed under his breath. He keyed his COM again, invisible radio waves reaching out to the only other active survivor of his unit.

“Corporal what's your status and what's the status of our driver?” He nearly hissed as he squeezed through a compressed section of passageway.

“She’s stable Major, but she won’t be fighting in this battle.”, she replied as she picked up Paulina’s tall form and moved her to the inside of the Berko. Vianne quickly maneuvered her way through the cramped insides of the vehicle and placed Paulina in a comfortable resting position. After which, she turned back and exited the tank with her Modular Armor Plasma Rifle sighted. After scanning the exterior surroundings, she ran to take cover behind one of the many dune ridges.

Once she was in a prone position behind the ridge, she switched to her rail sniper rifle, sighted it, and, scanned the horizon for oncoming enemies.

How she ended up in charge she’d never know, luck? The curse of being the last ‘veteran’ alive among the odd band of mismatched uniforms, species, and other oddities that marched or churned along the desert floor. The NMX neko didn’t even have a name, just a numerical designation her creators had genetically stenciled into her right cheek. It read ‘257-53, or the 257th NH-29 of batch 53 of a long destroyed cloning facility somewhere back in Yamataian space.

She like most of her kind had a darker complexion but was somewhat tall for the average at 5’9”, her eyes were also odd being a bright shade of yellow. Maybe it was defects in machinery far overstretched by the war, it didn’t matter to the neko now as she rode in the commander’s coupola of her NMX tank. All that mattered was getting away from the death dealing machines that had reduced her near regiment sized unit to less than forty souls. Those uncaring eyes drifted down to see the various mottled yellow and brown uniforms, some were riding in either military or stolen civilian style vehicles, others, mostly her sisters, ran along side them. Then she felt a tap at her leg, looking down into the tank the red eyes of a male human thrall stared back up.

“Commander, radio signal over the next ridge, it isn’t one of ours.” He said, passing a tablet up.

A predatory grin began spreading across the neko’s face, the report of a downed transport had passed over their net, or at least it had tried from the intense jamming the bloody invaders were pumping into the airwaves. Were there survivors? The grin grew wider.

Lifting a headset, the tank seemed to lack anything that she could ‘talk’ to with her radio telepathy. “All units halt!” She said, raising a fisted right hand over her head to signal those without radios to do the same. Then with a hand signal…. The entire horde of human, neko, and alien began moving directly toward the last ridge between them and the crash site. Most speeding up to combat pace, revenge in all their minds as dust clouds began to rise.

All that Vianne could see through her scope were dust clouds, but she could also hear the sounds of marching and the rumble of various combat vehicles. Her breath caught in her chest when she saw the outlines of the vehicles through the clouds.

Her first priority would be to protect the Berko. If that position was compromised, then Paulina would be trapped behind enemy lines, and she could potentially be executed. Vianne’s rail rifle would help her to thin out the advancing enemies, but she knew that the sound would quickly compromise her position.

Making a quick tactical decision, Vianne crawled backwards. Once she behind the crest of the ridge and out of sight, she stood up and sprinted towards a different position on the same ridge. Although this new position was further away from the Berko, it gave her a good sightline towards the oncoming enemies.

Vianne hoped that her new position would fool the hostile vanguard into thinking that there was nothing of value within the Berko, so that they would not be tempted to explore the inside of the tank. However, if they got too close to the vehicle Vianne would have to storm it in order to ensure Paulina’s survival.

The major had been forced to break his knife to edge open the final pressure door between him and the cockpit, the space now somewhat crunched and open to the air. However both the consoles were still active even if… he paused for just the briefest moments over the pilot, the body was cold on the thermal and he wasn’t moving. Pulling the dead from his seat, setting him onto the walkway with some care before hand, his hand grasping the pilot’s stick. While the bird would never fly again the contact cybernetic link was still active, his cybernetic mind reaching out to the various sensor images that where just barely active as well as other sub-systems. Then his threat warning system went off…. Just as the first mechanized and human shaped objects crested the southern ridge nearly eight hundred meters across the sandy valley floor. The cockpit, its jagged open and damaged windscreen, faced them, he keyed his COM.

“Corporal what’s your position?” Of course he knew, her small blue icon hovering behind off on the crest of the northern hill, it was however far better to check her status as the first wheeled vehicle began sliding down the hundred foot high dunes slope. Several troops, most in body armor but none that seemed to be in power armor followed it, weapons in their hands.

“I’m one-hundred meters away from the Berko. I’m going to storm it if they manage to reach it.”, Vianne screamed out over the comms.

Vianne had only twenty shots to fire off with her rail rifle. By the time the first hostile had crested over the ridge, her eye was sighted to the rifle and she was prepared to fire. Her goal was to keep the armored leg infantry from reaching the downed Berko. Most likely, they would attempt to utilize the position as cover.

Vianne took a deep breath, lined her crosshairs up on the target, and, fired. She repeated the same procedure for each individual target in an effort to maintain a constant stream of lethal sniper fire towards the enemy.

The topographical map, or at least the best one his sensor data could produce splayed out before him in his mind’s eye. The Berko was a football field or so behind its downed carrier, a second smaller ridge on the inside of the valley, somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty or so meters off the valley floor was the Corporal’s present perch. The five hundred meter expanse between them and the valley’s southern rim was littered with smaller rises of sand and the occasional jut of solid rock.

The first unlucky trooper, perhaps human, caught the round intended for anti-power armor used directly in the gut the slight shimmer of the desert heat throwing off the Corporal’s aim ever so slightly. It matter little however as his body between his groin and his chest practically evaporated into a mixture of red mist and jellified flesh. His masked face hiding the look of deathly horror as his two halves went careening down into the valley floor. Another fell, nothing left above his chest, then another began screaming as a large percentage of his right hip vaporized separating his leg. These leg infantry began running faster, a few of them, more lithe and clearly something else began to hover with speed, all breaking for whatever cover they could find. Both vehicles, a crew member in the back of the strange two wheeled trucks, began to fire at anything that looked like it moved. The vapor trails of the Corporal’s rifle fading faster than they could perceive.

The enemy had failed to return fire to her position. If she was only worried exclusively about her own livelihood, then she would have stayed in her position and continued to rain down a hailstorm of sniper fire on the hapless leg infantry. However, she had to keep Paulina alive. For one more time at that position, Vianne held her breath, positioned her crosshair slightly in front of her target to compensate, and fired her rail rifle at the one hovering target.

Vianne picked herself up from her prone position and slide-sprinted towards the Berko. In an effort to cover her movement, she fired two of her shoulder-mounted mini-missiles at the advancing enemies. Her goal was to take cover by the vehicle and continue to rain down sniper fire at the enemies, so that she could hold position by the armor itself.

The hover target let out a shriek as the 12mm rail round evaporated its shoulder, the creature falling to the ground as red blood like fluid splattered across the sand. Overall so far eight bodies lay in varying states of death and dismemberment, another two were simply missing limbs including the unlucky not-human. The two 42mm missiles lanced out, having accelerated to a high velocity after ejecting from her shoulder launcher. One found a bunch of three or four enemies, its secondary warhead bursting at shoulder height and reducing the small bunch to meat and mist. The other caught the front wheel of one of the odd trucks, shattering it and sending it end over end, the unlucky gunner flying forward, ending his life into a rock. The first wave of ten or so infantry finally pressed forward into cover, most screaming at the sandy dunes beyond with promises of revenge, the handful of more lithe ones among them stayed silent. Soon two tracked vehicles crested the hill, flanked on either side by more wheeled vehicles of a more combative nature, all playing host to more infantry riding on to whatever hand hold they could manage.

The Major watched all of this as his eyes followed the slow but steady charge of the dropship’s capacitors, the fusion generator was dead and the RTGs where the only thing supplying him with power. But what he needed was time, “Corporal, get inside that track and get on the gun!” Her ammo status sat on his HUD, he also knew she was nearly empty then he heard the first thump of hostile fire. The dropship shuddering as part of the tail shattered in globs of molten metal and explosive force from the energy weapon mounted on one of the tanks.

Vianne did not hesitate to follow the Major’s orders. With little else but a sharp intake of breath, Vianne dove into the Berko and closed the entrance behind her. At this juncture, she would be risking her life if she attempted to operate the weapon systems through a mind link. She needed to be active, so that she could defend the vehicle if the infantry managed to break down the doors.

After she positioned herself by the controls, Vianne made a quick decision to shoot at the two tracked vehicles that had already crested the hill first. They represented the biggest threat to the Major at present. It would take a longer time for the oncoming infantry to break down the doors than it would for Vianne to lay waste to the two hostile vehicles.

Outside the Berko, the twin 30mm plasma cannons began to light up the two tracked vehicles. The ATGM launcher fired a round at the tracked vehicle that was closest to the downed carrier, while the twin plasma cannons focused fire exclusively on the second one.

The corporal would find she’d have to track in on the first before being able to fire at the second, the gun turret on top being a single unit. Up until the moment the missile popped free from its container and ran down the relatively short range most of the assaulting force had assumed it was disabled.

The Strela ran its course in less then a second, attempting a top attack maneuver on the targeted twin gunned tank. The troops crouched and following behind it, having survived their way onto the valley floor, had just enough time to see the flash of its launch. One had even had a moment to yell as the missile arced up and detonated directly over the turret, the tank’s shields flashing for but a moment as the armor piercing jet lanced through the upper weak point and vaporized the vehicle commander in her seat. The secondary fragmentation sleeve shredded the small five man unit around the vehicle, only one surviving long enough to see his salvation turn into a molten volcano as the interior power systems were breached and plasma flooded outward.

As she swung to the other target however the corporal discovered the plasma cannon wasn’t quite up to the task of simply blowing through the shield, though it shimmered under the impacts and clearly started to give it lacked the sudden death as the tank stopped. Its contingent of five or so infantry taking cover nearby and starting to shoot back as those two guns leveled toward the Berko…

Another ATGM missile launched out of the Berko to hopefully deliver the finishing blow to the second tank. As the Berko launched the missile, Vianne turned the attention of the 30mm cannon onto the infantry which had targeted the tank.

As the Berko unleashed it’s payload on the surrounding hostiles, Vianne glanced at the entrance hatch and looked to see if the hostile infantry had managed to penetrate the Berko’s armor with explosives or some other manner of hull-cutting weaponry.

The 30mm diameter plasma bolts reached out like the fingers of the grim reaper herself, bodies simply exploding into a mixture of flash boiled gore and carbonized equipment and ash. Those outside of the lethal splash radius found themselves being burned from the continuous near impacts and cut by flying shards of glass from the sand being melted by the impacts. Unlike the first tank however this one was facing frontally toward the threat, its point defense systems where active. The missile flew straight and true for the first half until it shuddered mid air, lancing off the side and detonating ten feet to the left of the tank’s hull. However it did manage to throw a track, immobilizing the threat for now….. However it responded, those twin energy guns flashing with the loud crack of vaporizing air. The right side of the Berko facing the threats flashed red for a moment as the shield gave under the punishing blow. Rocking the interior and increasing the temperature inside.

Vianne was already sweating profusely inside of the Berko. The sudden rise in temperature only alerted her to the precariousness of the situation, especially given Paulina’s injuries. She countered the hostile tank’s cannon fire with her own barrage of 30mm plasma cannon fire and light missiles. It was clear that the Berko would not escape from this engagement in good shape. However, whether Vianne, Paulina, and the Major would escape with their lives was still in active and lethal debate.

NMX neko stared in absolute anger through the transparent tank copula, thirty bodies lay in both pieces, and scattered remains in the first two hundred meters of the valley floor. The blue plasma bolts still came in even after her shot but now she was immobilized, but her force was far from out of the fight even as the second wave of the accursed APC’s weapons came in. Smaller than the first pair of weapons, the light tanks point defense plucked them out of the air until the remaining ones spent themselves on the tank’s shield, though managing to drop it to a dangerous level. Then the hose of fire returned to her, the sounds of the lighter projectiles sizzling against the barrier enraging the neko as she watched the capacitor climb back to levels that would allow her to shoot. Finally she pulled up her reserve, seven humanoid armored figures cresting the ridge and flying down it at speeds far faster than a human could manage…. These were power armor as well.

Vianne had to think fast. It was of paramount importance that she protect the Berko from a hull breach which could put Paulina at risk. When the flying power armors came into view, for a brief moment, Vianne aimed her 30mm cannons at the two Daisy armors. In her mind, those were likely to be the fastest moving threats.

Through her mind link, Vianne ordered the tank to focus the plasma cannons on the tank after the two armors were neutralized or the Daisies moved out of the cone of fire. Before exiting the APC, she ran over to Paulina, took up her plasma rifle, 50mm mini-missiles, and her magazines. After she had reloaded her own ammunition, she switched her plasma rifle to the heaviest setting, stepped outside of the Berko, and closed the hatch behind her.

Taking advantage of her defensive position, Vianne switched to her monstrous rail rifle. Utilizing the Kortik’s advanced targeting systems to time her shot, the petite and solitary marine fired an ambitious 12mm projectile at the head of the approaching Render mecha. After taking the shot, she took out the plasma rifle and fired a barrage of rounds at another one of the Reaper power armors.

One daisy responded the instant the pair of over under plasma cannons oriented toward it, the other was a moment to slow catching a burst of bolts from its helmet to its chest. Its shield sizzled and failed under the long burst and the pilot boiled alive as the multitude of high velocity bolts drilled through its armor in less then a second. Just as the other reached cover the unfortunate one plowed into the sand… dead. The surviving Daisy popped up, revenge in its mind as it lofted several mini-missiles toward the offending turret. The air was briefly alive with lasers as the overtaxed point defense of the Berko tried but failed to catch them all, the turret exploding with a bright blue flash as plasma escaped from its containment into the sky.

Fragments from its death pinging off of the Corporal’s shields even as she sighted in and all the hostiles began to converge on her location, firing a mixture of energy and kinetic weapons. The Berko’s systems responded in kind, lasers reaching out to ping against shields, 50mm point defense missiles reaching out. The effort soon exploded a pair of the more alien looking power armor, even as the sole Kortik operator took her shot. The mecha seemed to lurch backwards slightly in its forward movement before one of its energy weapons fired a long burst at where the shot had come from….. Filling the area with sizzling energy and exploding globs of molten sand as the hostiles got within a hundred yards of her.

Vianne utilized her Kortik’s jet pack to fly clear of the globs of molten sand and glass shards. With a few quick motions, Vianne stowed her rail sniper rifle and switched to her plasma rifle: A weapon that would do her more good in this particular situation. While still airborne, she fired a lethal barrage of plasma bolts at the closest power armor, making the reckless decision to engage the power armors in a dogfight with the goal of distracting the enemy from the Berko.

“Major! I could use some reinforcement!”, Vianne yelled over her comms, her senses heightened within the heat of battle as she launched one 50mm mini-missile at the approaching Render mecha.

Two of the Reapers greeted her offering, rising on their own means of flight drawing wicked looking melee weapons, the other surviving one, its counterpart in two pieces from the Berko’s point defense began to level its weapon. The Daisy, still behind cover, also began targeting the flying light PA. The Render however had stopped, its operator’s attention suddenly drawn to something else…. A very high energy reading.

The Major stared through the targeting optic in the cockpit, the capacitor was charged, and he could hear the leg infantry stumbling through the hold below. With one hand aiming a monstrous revolver at the sealed hatch, the other manipulated the manual controls.

Outside a dented and damaged metallic cover on the heavy dropship’s nose shuddered and finally blew free, the quad 50mm heavy plasma cannons inside revealed to the attacking force as they rotated and aimed at the flank of the attacking force near the Berko. None had time to react as the Major squeezed the firing trigger and all four spoke at a combined rate of six thousand bolts per minute. Designed to kill tanks the cone of death saturated and scoured the ground in front of the Corporal, all inside of it flashing white under the plasma impacts before simply combusting into slag and ash. Finally the capacitor dinged red, the guns falling silent and the sole surviving PA, the daisy behind cover, standing in the open… seemingly frozen.

Vianne was desperately kiting the power armors when they exploded behind her in an explosion of red mist. While a more excitable and optimistic individual would have let out a celebratory yell, Vianne scanned her radar and fired two of her 50mm mini-missiles at the frozen Daisy. She dedicated the rest of her missile payload to the tank, a flurry of missiles flying from her armor and streaking towards the tank.

The Daisy would move almost as soon as the missiles left her launchers, firing at the incoming projectiles with an energy weapon and plucking both out of the sky before freezing again. The tank, more then likely to her surprise was also being abandoned even as her missiles reached out. One of the three figures was caught in the open as a pair of surviving missiles struck home. Then the flying Kortik’s sensors triggered… a friendly IFF behind her as the roar of a gunship filled her audio sensors. Two Strela ATGMs lancing off to either side of her flying PA and finding the tank a moment later, exploding it with three thunderous blasts.

Briefly distracted by the friendly gunship behind her, Vianne turned around and pressed her attack on the lone Daisy. Utilizing her Kortik’s systems to compensate for her movement and the Daisy’s, she fired a few pulses of plasma bolts at the lone armor.

Her target weaved and dodged, plasma licking at its feet as it returned the favor with energy fire of its own and a pair of mini-missiles before darting behind a large rock formation. Steadily making its way back to the ridge, even as the gunship bored in, plasma fire spraying and exploding another of the odd two wheeled trucks as infantry scattered and ran.

Vianne set her sights on the the lone Daisy. The farther the Daisy ran, the quicker her options for the elimination of the armor depleted. She changed her course and flew towards the Berko, firing a few plasma bolts at the leg infantry as she did. In a final and desperate move, Vianne landed next to the vehicle and took out her 12mm rail rifle. Just as the Daisy ascended the top of the ridge, Vianne fired three consecutive rounds at the retreating power armor.

A few managed to dodge to the side, seeing the rapidly moving shape, most however didn’t, their lives ending in a flash of blue white. Though the gunship seemed to seize its firing as it came into a hover directly over the Berko, its gun training on several targets as hands started to come up. Maybe it was a chance moment, or simply dumb luck but the Daisy looked over its shoulder just as the Corporal pulled the trigger. The three shots lanced out and struck her target just between the shoulder blades, the first popping its shield and the last striking the armor throwing the PA forward and out of sight.

Vianne fired out the last few rounds of her plasma rifle at the remaining infantry before standing and looking over the battlefield with an exasperated expression on her face.

“Major. I’m at the Berko.”, she reported in a characteristically low tone as she walked into the Berko and picked up Paulina.

Two medium lift dropships had materialized over the southern ridge of the dune valley, moving in that whale like fashion they were known for. Overhead two of the large Pact gunship designs slowly side slipped, their guns tracking every bit of movement as weapons were tossed from behind cover and hands were coming out. The battlefield was strewn with death and half melted material, but they’d done it even if the Berko was more then likely a write off.

Radio chatter was quickly filling the channel as the local net busied itself with the half dozen army units that were about to land, the Major clicked it off before throwing the sole breathing humanoid over his shoulder. Enemy or not, whatever he or she was they weren’t a combatant now, a moment later he was in the sand again. Slowly walking over to the pocked, damaged, and lightly smoking Berko before leaving his living load on the front of the APC.

Walking over to the staring Corporal he unsealed his helmet, looking out over the carnage they’d both wrought with a strained frown before pulling a small pack from a chest pocket offering the corporal one of the thinner cigars.

Vianne also unsealed her helmet, unveiling her pale-skinned face and cyan hair to the hot desert air. Ever the paranoid and tense soldier, Vianne glanced at the outstretched cigarette with a tense expression on her face.

“Bad for your lungs, Major.”

“Suit yourself newbie.” He said, lightly grinning before popping the cigar into his mouth, chewing on it lightly before lighting it. “Either way, I’d say you did good, even with this cluster fuck.” The tone was much darker this time, his eyes darker.

Vianne remained grimly silent, turning to look at the ruined Berko before glancing back at the gunships within the air. In a singular moment, Vianne processed the presence of the friendly gunships, and the tension seemed to exit from her body while her muscles relaxed.

And like that they sat, surrendering hostiles collecting in a singular spot some fifty yards in front of them as the first transport landed and disgorged a platoon of army troops in light exo-armor. The Corporal would get to relax and slowly unwind as a medical team extracted their driver, just getting to watch as the Major walked away, the command circuit connected to his DNI…
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