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Approved Submission Panacea (Drug)


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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
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Panacea is a partner product to Repair, being submitted separately. Like Repair, Panacea was a WIP article by Nashoba with only a few lines describing its purpose. The original Panacea described it as being "a synthesized antibiotic that has been developed to treat all currently known viruses and bacteria." I felt it would be best to step back a bit from something so powerful, and I instead made panacea a topical antibiotic that could be used on its own, or as part of the Repair product. This submission is part of the ongoing effort to canonize Nashoba's remaining WIP projects and works on the site, discussed most recently here.

Appreciating feedback on this, let me know if you think it needs more detail. I'll add it to the list of Emrys products if it's approved.

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Submission approved.
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