Star Army

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RP Pandora

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Dallen Larson

Inactive Member
The hyperspace came to a halt once his reaper ship reached sector Y. Everything went from a blur to a calmness that sent a chill up his spine. He had never ventured out this far before, in fact he wasn't fully sure if he'd ever be able to make it back. The money was worth it, though. 30 million. He knew if he could pull this job off, he'd be set for a good long time. Maybe even upgrade his ship, or even buy an entirely new one.

Dallen was alone in his ship, and from what he could read on his geographical data map, he was alone in space as well. His ship was small, yet fast and efficient. He purchased it off the black market in the common space realms, and through the years he'd upgraded it to what it was today. Hyperspace was the newest item added to its bag of tricks, but the ship all together was mainly still a piece of garbage compared to the majority. It was a reaper 1911, first built for small cargo, but later revitalized into a classic cruiser. It served its job well, at least Dallen's anyway.

He was a bounty hunter, and though he had already made a name for himself amongst a select group of high ranked employers, he still was in search of that one job. This job. The end of all jobs. Or as he saw it, the beginning of a new life. It just so happened to be the most dangerous of them all, and was located in deep space where very few ever went.

The job was simple. Find a girl and bring her back to her father. Her very rich father. Unfortunately her last known contact was three months ago, here, in sector Y. The transmission came from an old planet, labeled in the star army libraries as 'unknown'. The mark's father, Dallen's employer, worked very hard through contacts and other means to gather what he could on the once lively world. It was known as Pandora to those that knew of it. Most didn't, however, because the governments shut down all ties to it. The planet was their failure.

Pandora came into view on Dallen's hud. It was a medium sized planet, seemingly undifferent than all the rest. Yet it was alone out here, far from the other sectors. Dallen turned on his contact screen, which shot up from the monitor in third dimension. He brought up his employer's notes and pressed play to the recording. A blue image of a man shot up and began to speak.

"Her name is Bethany Graham," the voice spoke. It was a mere image of his contractor, though not perfect to detail. "She is my daughter. Bring her back to me. She and her crew were last heard of from Pandora, a lost world. They went to exploit the governments dark secrets, to uncover the source of the millions of lost lives there. Her crew is expendable. She is not. Bring her back to me, and if she has fallen...find her body."

Dallen pressed enter on another recording, this one just a voice with no imagery.

"Planet Y121384, unknown in all notable record books. Known to the underground systems as Pandora. It is believed that the worlds smartest minds created a virus and unleashed it there. A virus so critical it wiped out all life. The source is unknown."

He then played Bethany's last transmission. An actual video was played on one of his monitors of her recording, though it was hard to see with all the movements and panic.

"Please...if you can see this. Please, send help. We made a mistake in coming here. Everyone's dead here....but alive. The virus somehow has changed not only humans, but animals and all other life forms. All they desire is flesh. We won't survive much...." -end transmission-

A suicide mission. Dallen sat back in his chair as he starred at Pandora before him. He lit up a cigarette and kept his reaper in a hover. A small red light blinked as he exhaled smoke toward it. A computerized voice spoke: "This is a non smoking vessel, please extinguish...."

Dallen then shut the comm off and flipped a middle finger to his own ship. "Piss off," he said, making a mental note to change that notice and alert out. He then continued to smoke, staring blankly at the grey and orange colored world just outside his pilot window. He set coordinates from what he was given prior to the job, they left a location mark somewhere in the middle of the planet. It was, from what he could gather, an old military battle station. Bethany's last known whereabouts were somewhere near there. A good starting point.

"Didn't come this far for nothing," he told himself.

He ashed his smoke in an ashtray filled with butts, then started his thrusters and began to move toward the menacing planet. He knew that time was of an issue as well, as his reserves would not last forever. He had to be quick, if that was even possible. Taking one last glance at a picture of Bethany, a pretty brunette in her late twenties, he moved in.
His Reaper ship passed through orbit and into Pandora's skies. Once he was in, he pulled back the thrusters and took in the view before him. Everything looked decayed, and the world itself was made up of 70% desert. As he got lower to the surface, he noticed the abandoned buildings and ship wrecks. There was a massive battleship broken in two, half way buried in the dirt. Dallen turned on his heat scanner and surveyed the area. There were a few tiny animals of unknown origin looming about, but other than that everything seemed empty. The coordinates to the mark's last known location hit the hologram map screen, and he followed.

It brought him to a wasteland. There was trash and debris as far as the eyes could see in this part of the world. It looked as if this planet may have become a storage place for garbage. Some piles reached the clouds, and on the ground there was a million places for one to hide. Finding this girl, if she were even still alive, was like finding a needle in three haystacks covered in leaves.

The bounty hunter picked a flat area and landed. He put on his armor, which was pure black, and secured his helmet to his head. The world read that it had oxygen, yet one couldn't be to cautious. He opened the back hatch of his Reaper and set foot on Pandora. His helmet hud immediately began reading off the various gases and life that was nearby as he slowly walked through toward what appeared to be an old, abandoned, large crashed space ship. He had to pause in awe of how big it was from the ground for a moment, then he went toward it.

He carried an assault rifle with him and a handgun to his hip just in case. His firepower wouldn't stop aliens, but they would hold their own against humans or anything of the sort. His armor was also a weapon in itself, having foot thrusters for flying movement as well as various firepower that come out from the arms and shoulder. He felt as safe as one could feel in this situation.

Dallen opened up a hatch door to the abandoned ship and entered, having no idea that he was already being watched, measured, and hunted.
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