Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Laz Public Network Paragon Bases, Abwehran


DEFCON Everybody Dies
Text based Message From: The Paragon Initiative
To: Abwehran Ministry of the Interior
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Land Purchases and Foreign Corporate Investment Interest

At this time Paragon is looking to expand our manufacturing and production capability, and possibly boost our relations with the various powers in our sector. Your powerful nation could possibly benefit from such a relationship, at this time we would like to proposition the beginnings of an arrangement which would bring jobs and revenue to your nation and processed goods and materials to our corporation and it's customers.

What we request is both surface and space territory for the construction of fabrication plants, resource processing centers, and shipyards. Our goals are to maintain at least a 9 to 1 ratio of Abwehran employees in these facilities. Bringing jobs to where ever these complexes are constructed.
To: Paragon Initiative
From: Ministry of Interior
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Re:Land Purchases and Foreign Corporate Investment Interest

The Abwehran Star Empire always welcomes new investiment opportunities and the potential for more jobs.  For orbital real estate, we are willing to forward your requests to the Civilian Space Administration Agency and a variety of office/manufacturing spaces are available for lease in our civilian space stations.  Orbital space for your own space stations are available for purchase in any of our colonial areas.

Planetary space is currently available on our colonies in a 'lease to own' program.  Leasing a corporate plot for five Abwehrans Years (20 standard years) will lead into a transfer of ownership to your organization.  If you have any preferences in terrain features or climate, please send the needed information so we can aid in your location choice.
From: Paragon Initiative
To: Ministry of Interior
Encryption: Normal
Subject: ReRE:Land Purchases and Foreign Corporate Investment Interest

Roughly we request 12,140 square kilometers preferably near a coast with a rain shadow effect,essentially a coastal region with a wet climate, over a mountain range which gives way to a high desert biome.
To: Paragon Initiative
From: Ministry of Interior
Encryption: Normal
Subject: REReRE:Land Purchases and Foreign Corporate Investment Interest

There is a suitable location on the colonial world of Shongebiet III, a temperate world orbiting the Schongebiet Secundus.  The leasing price per standard year will be 3,642,000 Credits (or 2,428,000 DA) for five Abwehran years (approximately twenty standard years).  After this period of time, you will be able to own the land.

It should be noted that it is a constitutional law that civilians are not authorized to carry firearms.  This law is relaxed in the colonial regions, but there are still limits to the armament a civilian corporation can have active.  Thus, we would like you to limit any security measures to twenty surface-to-orbit batteries, 1 Division (~30,000) of security personnel, and 6000 defensive emplacements.

To: Paragon Initiative
From: Civilian Space Administration Agency
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Orbital Building Permits and Facility Rental

Welcome Paragon Initiative to the CSAA.  The CSAA is a civilian organization dedicated to the administration of all orbital facilities in Abwehran Territory.  It has come to our attention that you would be interested in either renting current facilities or building orbital facilities of your own in Abwehran space.

Our current rates for renting commerical space on board our many Harbor Trade Stations is 50 Credits per cubic meter of office space per standard year.  Rental rates on manufacturing facilities runs around 1000 credits per cubic meter of manufacturing space per standard year.  To apply for Building permits, please fill out the following attached forms and transfer 300,000 Credits for orbital space near an inhabited world, 100,000 Credits for orbital space near an uninhabited world, or 50,000 Credits for Asteroid Rights.

Again, we would like to thank you for bringing your business interests to the Abwehran Star Empire.
To: Ministry of Interior
From: Paragon Initiative
Encryption: Normal
Subject: RERERERE:Land Purchases and Foreign Corporate Investment Interest

We are transferring a years payment for the planetary surface payment and for orbital space over said area now. We accept your limitations and would like to extend our thanks for your approval of allowing us to operate within your territory.

In addition the company would also like to commission the construction of a Harbor-class Trade Station in said commercial space.
To:Paragon Initiative
From: Abwehran Imperial Yards
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Harbor Trade Station Request

We at Abwehran Imperial Yards would like to thank you for your interest in our product.  The Harbor-class Trade Station is a large civilian orbital facility used for commercial, manufacturing, agricultural, and trade purposes.  If you would like to request any modifications to the original design specifications, please notify us and we will try to meet your needs.  The standard Harbor Station is 6,670,000 KS to construct and takes three to four months work to complete.  Depending on the modifications you request, construction time may be lengthened or shortened.
From:Paragon Initiative
To: Abwehran Imperial Yards
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Harbor Trade Station Request

Our company is interested in adding ship construction and repair capacity to the station design, we are also interested in the construction of additional stations at various locations outside of Abwehran territory.
To:Paragon Initiative
From: Abwehran Imperial Yards
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Harbor Trade Station Request

We can achieve shipyard/repair capacity on the Harbor Station using two methods or a combination of both.  First method would be internal construction yards.  This has the added benefit of being highly accessible to the already designed internal manufacturing centers on board as well as a decrease in construction time.  However, some Commercial Space as well as a Docking facility and several Launch Bays will have to be removed from the original design in order to compensate.  

The other method would be external shipyard/repair facilities, which would remove some of the tower commercial space but allow you to keep much of the internal space.  Since the last bit would lengthen construction time, we can use a combinational method with would allow for more construction/repair space yet allow us to build the Harbor in the original specified construction schedule of three to four months.
From:Paragon Initiative
To: Abwehran Imperial Yards
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Harbor Trade Station Request

We would like to commission a total of four with the externally built shipyard/repair attachments.
From: Abwehran Imperial Yards
To:Paragon Initiative
Encryption: Normal
Subject: RE:Harbor Trade Station Request

Where would you like your orbital installations?  You've expressed interest in orbital space over Schongebiet III, but do you want all four installations in orbit around the planet?
From:Paragon Initiative
To: Abwehran Imperial Yards
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Harbor Trade Station Request

We request one in orbit over your colony world, one in orbit over the Nepleslian world of Delsauria, and two to be built within Gartagen space over two of their worlds. We have facilities under construction or existing at these locations.
From: Abwehran Imperial Yards
To:Paragon Initiative
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Harbor Trade Station Request

We will start construction on the modified Harbor Station orbiting Schongebiet III as soon as possible.  To construct facilities in Nepleslian and Gartagen space, we would appreciate copies of any deed of ownership to those areas (or leasing of any kind) as well as permission from your company and any legal body needed to construct in those areas.

Thank you for choosing, Abwehran Imperial Yards.
From:Paragon Initiative
To: Abwehran Imperial Yards
Encryption: Normal
Subject: Harbor Trade Station Request

Said documents have been dispatched, all paperwork should be in order.