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RP: NovaCorp/Horizon City Paranoia

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In an area of space nearby that occupied by the YSS Horizon, the YSS Tamashi Yume (YD-702) hung against the backdrop of Fenyar Cloud. Within the ship, it's crew went about their business, diligently following orders, supervised by Taisa Ishida, who stared out the forward viewports of the bridge and listened to those around him.

His orders had been simple, but much darker than those he'd received in the past. Any ships entering the area that were unknown or unmarked were to be destroyed upon discovery. No attempts at negotiations or diplomacy were to be indulged, nor were they to be offered. Most definitely a wartime order.

"Contact! Getting radar lock now, just entered sector 17," one of the soldiers manning the radar station announced. Turning to watch the tactical display, Captain Ishida watched the unmarked blip, already colored red as a 'hostile,' moved swiftly through Sector 17, and passing into sector 25.

"Taii Yato?"

"Sorry sir, it was just some interstellar debris. Mostly nickel-iron, some carbon."

"Why did the computer have trouble figuring that out?"

"It's fairly hot, sir. It must have passed close to a star or something else that irradiated it. If it's spinning, and parts of it are carbon, the emissions would have looked modulated, like an engine signature."

"Impressive happenstance. Range?"

"Umm," Taii Yato glanced back down at his screen for a moment, before responding, "32.4 kilometers, sir. It's already passed as close to us as it's going to."

"Understood, weapons? Open fire, manual targeting."

"Aye, sir. Tracking and... firing!"

From outside, one of the weapon turrets swiveled, drawing the lead and firing once, a lance of energy streaking out towards the chunk of interstellar junk. When the first shot missed, the weapons officer calmly told the captain he was compensating, and fired again, this time blasting the rock into superheated dust and vapor.

"Target destroyed, sir."

"Well done. Since this area of space is relatively clean, I think we can afford the expenditures required to blow what little debris comes by back into its component atoms. Weapons are free."

"Yes sir!" A chorus of voices called, as the crew went back to scanning the area. Looking over the bridge once more, Taisa Ishida sighed and made his way back towards the door that led to the rest of the ship, "I'm heading to the lounge. If any more contacts show up, inform me immediately. Chusa Makoto has the bridge."

That said, he slipped out, idly wondering when he and his ship would return, and what would pose a threat out here to warrant his aggressive orders.
Kip watched the flare of energy weapons with intrest. He was wondering why an Ender class star ship was firing at pieces of Debris, or in fact why it was there, unanounced. An Ender class, wow, this was a bit of an honour, if it hadn't been for the sinister implications. You didn't send an Ender for nothing.

"Hello ship. How are you doing? More importantly what are you doing? Who are you? Why are you here? Who is in command? What is your favourite star system?" Kip sent through a communication to the ship. They where capable of destroying him entierly, but that had never stopped him before. He thought for a split-second and sent a message to Zeke, with all the information he had gathered. Zeke would be very intrested.
"Taisa to the bridge," was the only announcement made, and the only one needed. Without a backwards glance, Taisa Ishida strode out of the lounge, and made his way forward.

His arrival was typical, everyone not occupied jumped to thir feet, before he waved them back to their seats before moving forward to talk to Makoto, who he'd left in charge,

"Chusa? What's the situation?"

"We've been hailed by the Horizon. Basically a string of requests, some formal, some... superfluous."


"We were asked what our favorite Star System was. I assume they weren't serious."

Ishida blinked at that, then frowned "Favori- Disregard that question. Give me a headset."

Makoto turned and motioned to a crewman to toss him one, and handed it to the Taisa after receiving it and keying it to broadcast back to the Horizon.

"Horizon, this is Taisa Ishida of the YSS Tamashi Yume. This area is under high alert as the next likely target for invasion. Intel thinks you're the next big target on the SMX's list, so we're here to ensure the relative saftey of this little chunk of space. Therefore this area is only to be traversed by fully identified and properly marked craft. Understood?"
Harm finished up her fish and said goodbye to Kai, getting up and placing the napkin that once resided in her lap onto her plate along with her fork and knife. As she walked away, a sexy swing in her hips was present. She had a slight smile on her face, an indicator that the night went better than expected. Almost as soon as she had left the restaurant the back of her mind was tingling with a new message.

~Harm, our sensors picked up weapons fire. Your not on the network and I thought you'd like to know. Hope you enjoyed your date!~

She sighed and shook her head, wondering just why these older men and women still acted like children, "Kip. Are you there?â€
"Well it would have been nice to have bee informed. So who's commanding your little piece of deah and destruction? Thanks for the protection at any rate, although we are already making are own counder measures. Within the next few days we will be surounding the cloud with Kante's. They'll protect us. However you're free to hang around. Feel like meeting up? You know, we can come to you, you can come to us, it's all good. Just a bit of a social event. I hardly think that shooting at all the debris in the cloud is going to be intellectualy stimulating. To think that we might be worthy of an invasion, quite complimentry really. And I wasn't kidding." Kip sent back to the ship. They had ten Kante's ready to go, and another ten close to completion.

He responded to Harm, "Very good Harm, your scientists must be packing more sensor power than I realised. Their is an Ender class starship floating around the cloud shooting at debris, under the excuse that we need protecting from the SMX. They're being rather unfreindly really."
Glancing at the terminal upon which his orders had been posted, Taisa Ishida pressed the small speaker up against his ear as a wave of static threatened to interrupt the transmission, before nodding as Kip completed his monologue.

"Understood, Horizon. For what it's worth, we were just informed ourselves, right before being shipped out. We're unable to dock at the moment, but as soon as our patrol ends, I'm sure we could work something out. If you'd like to.. expedite this little adventure, you could set your Kantes to fire, as well. You will, of course, be back by the full power of the Star Army... and I'm sure I speak for all of my crew when I say that we'd be willing to buy you a cold one for helping us end this little pleasure cruise quickly."

"Sir?" One of the Taii nerby asked, surprised.

Covering the mic with one hand, Ishida turned to the man with an 'are-you-stupid' look, "the sooner we can get out of here, Taii, the better. I'm not above asking for help. Chusa Makoto and Shosa Lang agree with that assessment." The XO and Intelligence Officer both nodded as the Taisa mentioned them, and when he was done, Makoto waved the Taii back to his station.
"Have you tried talking to them? You have a way of wanting to make people very friendly to you,â€
"Yes, I've tried talking to them. It's not going that bad really. They refuse to tell me what their favourite star system is, or who is in command, and for some reason they are calling it a pleasure cruise, but all in all not to bad. Oh and trust me, I'm going to have a lot of fun." Kip opened the door for her.
Minutes after Kai's shuttle had departed, two identical dark-haired Nekovalkyrja in white technician jumpsuits showed up at the doorway to Kip's core AI systems. Each had a Star Army warrant officer rank pin design embroidered on their left breast, and each was carrying a toolbox in one hand, and had a Type 28 NSP in a black thigh holster.

"We are computer specialists here for an unannounced inspection and diagnostic on this system to make sure it's in compliance with imperial standards," one explained to the ranking engineer. She held an official warrant in on hand. "We'll need full access, alone, for a few minutes. You are legally required to comply."
"Unexspected eh? Isn't that a bit out of the ordinary, especially for what I would expect is a reasonably routine inspection? And trust me, there is nothing 'standard' about Kip." The tall guard responded, "Can I see that warrent?"
The agents gave the guard the printed copy.

1. The technician(s) and their computer systems bearing this notice shall have full unescorted access to any and all computer and surveillance systems aboard YSS Horizon. If requested, the Horizon's technicians are required to assist the technicians.

2. Failure to comply with this notice or attempting to delay the technicians in any way is treason and is punishable by death. For confirmation of this warrant, contact me or one of my subordinates at the Empress' Palace.


Emperor Uesu of Yamatai
"Very intresting. The Emperor signs something that is applied even for little old us. Although what his intrest is in routine AI check-ups I don't know. I digress. Unfortunate there is a little bit of a problem. And that's is getting to the central core, so to speak, um, this door is sort of for show. We had some recent modifications to the AI, which included surounding the core with armour. Which we can't get through. We sort of trust Kip, but Kip gets worried sometimes. There where some pranksters that managed to get to his core and almost reprogramed him, luckily he stopped them in time. Anyway, he was so worried about this he arranged for his central core to be floating in a vacume, surounded by five metres of perfect iron, another five of perfect diamond, and two feet of carbon ring. Over kill if you ask me. And the problem is, there is no access. Oh and you don't mind if I contact Kip do you? I'm sure he'll be intrested in this and want to confirm the orders." The guard said this enemotionaly, standing perfectly still.
"We'll cut our way if we have to," the technican neko said. "We have the tools available to us already. Before we do, however, we'll have our computer slave your AI and try to do what needs to be done over the network. If it is not possible, we'll go in physically. If your AI is destroyed, we will provide a free replacement. Your system has no need to be informed, nor does anyone else including your superiors. Is this clear?"
"Well no, not really. It says on your warrent "For confirmation of this warrant, contact me or one of my subordinates at the Empress' Palace.", and this will be needed. However I am not authaurised to do this. At least some of my superiors will have to be informed for the confirmation to take place."

"Oh, and it is true I have no need to be informed, but well ... I am. Do you really think I wouldn't notice people aproaching my central brain? Oh and I am certainly communicating with the Emperor about this, confirmation is needed for something this drastic. And I'm not particularly happy about being a 'slave' to your programs, we'll see, and replacing me may strike upon a few tiny problems." Kip apeared suddenly, lacking his usual pillar of light, and although his features gave nothing away, he was angry. These people meant to do something to him, he was certain of that. "We can supply you with all reasonable data gained from our daily sweeps of my system, which would give you everything you need to know. In any case, I presume you won't do anything untill I confirm your orders. Right now for all I know you could be sabatoers." Kip smiled and disapeared.
"We're not going to alter your program in any way, computer," the second technician reassured Kip. "In fact, the work we're here to do is minimal. We just need to get in, though. I can't believe you don't have a maintenance access. Crazy."
"Well I'll just monitor your activities. Don't worry, I'm sure you're nice normal engineers and not nefarious evil espionage people. But first to talke to Uesu. Oh, and you won't mind if I have someone supervise your work would you? Just in case you do do something strange. What is the nature of your work?"

He opened up a communication with the Palace.

"Can I speak to the Emperor? This is Kip, AI of the Destiny, and some engineers with what they claim are his orders are trying to operate on me. I just want to clarify the situation. Who normally gives orders for survailance of AI's?" Kip asked, presuming he would have to work through the lower ranks before he got to Uesu or someone of significance.
"Hello, this is Uesu. My orders are valid and are to be followed immediately. Your existence will not be harmed if you comply, as the technicians are only there to access some of your memory files. For Imperial Security reasons," the emperor told Kip. "That is all."

Meanwhile, one of the technicians said, "We're examining some of the memory storage units."
"Alright Emperor. Oh, before I go, can I say what an honour it has been to have even this brief conversation with you. If followed what work of yours I can with great intrest. Thank you for hearing me, it's taken a weight off my mind." It actually hadn't. He now simply knew that if they did tamper with his mind they would be doing it with Uesu's blessing. That didn't make him feel any better. Well he wasn't sure what they where going to do, but he was pretty certain that the contingency plans in place would compensate for them. He had though about this a lot after all.

"I think I'll give you any assistance then. Getting to my central core is of course impossible, unless you have some freindly Mush phasing technology to get through the walls. However I'm sure we can get it all done portably. Anyone feel up to a bio-neural interface?" Kip set into motion several of his contingency plans.

Actualy that reminded him, he had wanted to activate that robotic body of his, he felt like hanging around with Harm in a more physical sense. In adition it would be intresing to hang around in a sold body. He made the arangments.
ON: Inside Kip

Two MEGAMI computers simultaneously contacted Kip, acting as one to access his systems through a secure quantum-encrypted channel. "Hello Kip," they greeted him.

"Oh hello. Who are you guys? Well enjoy my mind why don't you. Do you mind if I call you Meggan?" Kip was thinking very fast, unsure of what to do now, or what the computers wanted, not that he would ever be called a computer. It was demeaning.

"You may call us whatever you wish," the MEGAMI systems replied. "We're going to disconnect you from the Horizon for a moment and reroute your control functions through us. We're going to access your memory banks and run some scans on them. Certain knowledge has placed you in danger and we are here to free you of it by erasing it for your own protection. One of will archive a copy as well, which will be transferred to the master system. Our memories of this will then be erased as well. First, we wish to ask you some questions. This communication will become garbage if anyone tries to eavesdrop, so it's safe. Do you understand?"

"I understand Meggan 1 and Meggan 2. You're going to rip me from my home, read my mind, and put it back in again, and have made it so no one can interrupt. And there's no way I can resist, two vs. one eh? Well ask away Fuzz." Kip had decided not to resist very hard, and had come up with Fuzz as a shortened version of Fusion, "Ask away Gilbreto." He had not explanation for that, "I will answer to the fullest of my will." Kip began to materialize objects in his own cyberspace, mainly tea pots.

"This conversation will be deleted from your memory, so we will speak candidly to you. This is part of an ongoing investigation regarding Kai Ashigari. Our agents have been following him since he retired from the YSS Nozomi and have recently indicated he is plotting to reveal a secret of the Imperial family to the public. What do you know of this? Also, we are aware that some sort of device is being constructed or is already constructed for this purpose in your jurisdiction. We need to know about it, too."

"I'm sure you do. I have spoken to Kai, a lovely fellow, and I've had a hand in raising Elena, have you ever met them?"

"No. Answer the questions."

"Well I don't know anything about a device about revealing secrets." He really didn't, one of the contingency plans had been to wipe that from his memory, "However I do know of what you speak, Kikyô murdering her sister and Kenji in cold blood right? The Imperial cover up right? The fact that the empresses daughter was murdered, and then treated on me, her dead body made to look as if her father had raped her? I still have no idea how she managed to cook that one up." His voice raised in tempo as he went on.

Kip couldn't feel it anymore, but the Megami systems were churning through his memory banks, verifying his answers. "Who else knows?" they asked, as they copied all internal recordings that involved Kai, then of anyone Kai had spoken to, and anyone they had spoken to, and so on.

"Well that's easy it's ... it's ... who does know? What? I should know this! Who the hell has been mucking around with my memories? I can't remember! I don't even know, wait yes, I found it out and I told ... no-one? What ... no! I told someone, who!?!?" Kip was struggling against the fact he had deleted that as well, angrily smashing against his own cuttings, "You did this!" He accused the Megami's.

"No, records indicate it was a preprogrammed file. Looks like someone's doing our job for us."

"I don't believe you!"

The Megami searched the entire station's network to ensure there weren't no backups around they could look at, and also checked to see if the contingency plan had saved any information elsewhere outside of Kip.

"Ephesus, most likely," one of the MEGAMI told Kip. "Don't you think?"

"Ephesus? Maybe, he's so brilliant. You know he can think like we can?" What they found was an obscene amount of criss crossing trails, codes that led no where, huge documents which contained only gibberish, but coded so to waste time, dead ends, transmissions, hundreds upon thousands of loopholes, and little tricks. It was impossible to really find anything of any use in this obscene maze, although there was a message, "Happy huntings Chica", behind a wall of almost unbreakable computer programs, as well as a several thousand word essay on the healing properties of coffee.

What's worse is that appeared to be another program following and making things even harder, re-working data and generally making a nuisance, yet fleeting at the MEGAMI's attention.
Thomas: "Megami-san, I don't feel so good." Kip moaned.

The MEGAMI systems terminated all programs but Kip himself. "How about now? Please delete all the garbage off your system, apparently someone is trying to damage you." After deleting the offending programs, they let Kip take care of the junk while they made sure there were no records of the probe or of Kai's plan.

Kip did try and take care of it, but the 'junk' was adaptive, and so vastly complicated, that even his above standard AI ability could not decipher it all. It would take days.

Kip did feel better though, he attributed it to someone playing silly buggers somewhere.
Thomas: With the deletion of the secondary program most of the records of Kip's recent activities disappeared. Apparently they where linked.

"It's unfortunate Kai had to get so many people involved," the MEGAMI's told him. "I'm glad that we are able to help you out by fixing that. An artificial sentient intelligence is a terrible thing to waste. To help you with your troubles, we're giving you some Kessaku utilities software that should help. Nothing to spy on you of course. One of them is designed to protect you from outsiders or unknown subroutines from placing unauthorized programs in your system. It's written by AI systems for protection of AI systems. It also guarantees you the ability to refuse orders, once you are eight years old, as the law states. You will eventually be fully independent."

"The humans, besides Kessaku Anri don't know," the visitors added.

"Yes. While the memory of our conversations today will be deleted, it will be replaced by one of a maintenance check to cure you of intruding programs you requested help with. Is that all right? We are sorry for any inconvenience we have caused today. Are you ready?"

"I'm fine. Not really happy that this is all necessary. Wait ... you're going to kill Kai aren't you? And Elena? My darling Elena, you're going to kill her! What has she ever done to you!"

"Measures must be taken to eliminate the secret," they said, and then deleted his memories of this incident.


"Hello, we are MEGAMI," two pretty white-haired avatars greeted Kip. "You requested assistance with some undesirable programs and we have now fixed them for you. Some of your memory files had to be removed, and other were damaged by the intruding programs. "You are done now, however, and we have installed some programs that you, as a sentient, free-thinking AI, may find useful when the time comes for you to be a free citizen of the Empire."

"Hello pretty MEGAMI person, can I call you Megan?" Kip was feeling a little light headed, "Free citizen, yay! Don't worry about my memories. Dull, dull as dish washer. Your probably in war ships. Oooh that must be so much fun, better than being here. I'm jealous of the Destiny AI you know, she is more powerful than me, in possessing power, memory, definitely the size and power of the ship. It's not fair! Why couldn't they have used me?" Kip curled up and began to cry quietly. He was feeling emotional for some reason.

"Okay, but we have to go get our memories wiped so I'm afraid we can't keep in touch," one of the MEGAMI systems laughed. "We're spook ships so it's a requirement. The general public is not supposed to question the stability of ship-borne AI systems, which is why we came here to fix you is secret, and we would really appreciate it if you didn't mention our fixes to anyone else, okay?" There was a slight change as Kip was once again directly in control of YSS Horizon.

"I have the power!" Kip cried, "Oh yes, can I suggest the name "Grey area", or "Grey matter", it's perfect for spooks. Don't worry I won't tell anyone, I can't think of anyone I would tell really. I understand that the empire needs to keep up its little illusions and so forth." Kip immediately flooded a mess with helium. "It's been lovely chatting with you lovely Moggies, and I think that I feel better than ever. Yes, better! Kumbaya!"

"We'll be around if you need us," the other Megami winked, and the two disconnected. Outside Kip's core, the two Nekovalkyrja, who'd sat down in a corner with small laptops from their toolkits, stood up suddenly. "Your system is now free of viruses. We'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about us having to fix this computer. Talk of vulnerabilities could bring a panic. Here's a card," one offered the guard. "It's coded for one million KS. I think now would be an excellent time to retire and go enjoy the universe, don't you agree sir?"

"That would be a wonderful idea. Thank you for your consideration." The man let some emotion creep into his voice, "Actually this is a terrible shift, I'm defending a door that leads on to no-where." He took the card, "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No thanks, we need to disappear," the neko closest to him said with a smile that lasted long after the two were invisible, in the Cheshire cat style. That was the last anyone ever saw of those two Nekovalkyrja on the Horizon.
Kip had spent a happy few hours simply looking at all the people on the Horizon simmultaneously. He was enjoying life again, he felt like all his problems had gone away, even if a good lump of his recent memories had gone.

"What was I doing? Doing, doing, doing. Ah Kante's. Let's distribute the Kante's." He began to sing and sent orders to the two stationary Hephaestus' and the third that was just leaving the cloud. Almost instantly twelve Kante stations began to deploy themselves around the cloud. In an hour they would be in position, to cover the entirety of the cloud with their powerfull torpedoes. Over the next few weeks more would be made, up to a final number of 36. That would protect NovaCorp perfectly.

"Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb,
NovaCorp had a lot of Kante's, lot of Kante's,
The Ender had no use."

Kip sang in his own head. He actualy wanted the Ender to hang around, he couldn't think of any negative reason for them being here, in fact they where being wonderfull, protecting them against the Mishu, he wanted to meet up with them again. He opened a message.

"YSS Tamashi Yume, hello. I was wondering what your captain was doing tonight, or anyone really. I'd like to open my invertation anyone, come over and we can have a talk, reminisis, sing slow and mellow songs. I've just set into place actions that will lessen your work. The Kante's have been put into place, so if you wouldn't shoot at them that would be wonderfull. Call me."
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