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Patches available for Christmas


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Hey, if you're a donator and need a Star Army patch (or want another one), send me a PM with your mailing address so I can send them to get there before xmas. You know, a good way to celebrate the season of giving might be to request a patch for another member. If you want to do that, tell me who and I'll ask them if they want it and get their mailing address from them.

We have the Gold old Hinomaru, NSMC, and the new Type 41 patch set (hinomaru and rocker that says STAR ARMY) available.

Gold one above, Type 41 below:

So, there's good new and bad news...

The bad news is I never made it to the post office before I left for a week-long trip to visit my family out of state.

The good news is the packages are finally getting mailed today.
Update: The packages are now in the mail.
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