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Approved Submission Pegasus-class Yume no Kaseki (Fossil of Dreams)


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  1. Yamatai (except Elysia)
  2. Outlaws (Independent)
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  1. I agree
a while ago I asked GPT what's the next ship i should make for the Mining Guild after giving it a list of ships and classes the Mining Guild already has, I've also added prompts for a ship that was made by both Yugumo Corporation, and the Mining Guild, and that became this. Also because it was made by both, i had it in the collaboration name space, rather than corp name space.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
A few things I'd like to input from the Yugumo side on this--

So in summary, I'd like to see the interiors and systems updated to the new standard ones that I tirelessly put effort into. A lot of the outsourced gear and sections were updated so I'd like to see that done.
I'd like to avoid the creation of new first tier namespaces (collaboration: ) if possible, so when it's approved it should go in items:starship_classes: or starships: or something.
Here's some sections that could use some work still:

Default text:

Empty & Repeated Section

Section: "AI" is empty.

Section: "Getting Around" is empty.

Section: "lower level" should be "Lower Level" since it's a section header.

Pricing: I think this needs to be changed, 10,000 KS is way too low for a ship with a jumbotron screen for a hull.

Section nesting: Could you please fix the section nesting? What this means is: Subsections should go under sections and they should be smaller by 1 than the section header in front of them, e.g:

====== Title Header H1 ======
===== Big Section H2 =====
==== Section H3 ====
==== Section H3 ====
===== Big Section H2 =====
==== Section H3 ====
=== Little section H4 ===
==== Section H3 ====

If you skip from H1 to H3 or H2 to H4, that's a nesting issue.

I am happy to assist if needed.
Section: "AI" is empty.

the AI is the KAIMON Chamber, as well as the Security Hardware, seen below, but I think what your getting at is there should be some text there.

Section: "Getting Around" is empty.

I added a text to the section,

Pricing: I think I might have confused you here, but I edited to round it up from Daikokuโ€™s price.

Section nesting:

done I figured out the main problem causing that lol
Reactions: Wes
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