Star Army

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SACN [Personnel Transfer Comm] 'Taii-Nikuya' to Chujo Mitsuya Sai


YC-28/5th XF Himitsu - Communications

Helen strode into her quarters, which was oddly holographicly redressed to look like the captain's suite of a Sakura gunship. Her usually long purple hair which was usually in a bun was now cut to a shoulder length, and her curves were toned down from their usual. A Taii rank pin was on her chest. She looked over the stage and found that it was acceptably set, and the signal was prepared to look as if it were originating from a Sakura, which did not really exist, but for the time being it would.

Helen smiled the smile of a cute young woman in contrast to her usually sly smile of a mature operative. "MEGAMI, open a communication channel to Chujo Mitsuya Saito, sender; Taii Chisei Nikuya, subject; crew transfer." As Helen said this, she sat herself in a nodal created chair which was made just for this occasion. The chair looked soft, plush, something which belonged on a Sakura Gunship, and not an Ayame-class.

After an almost infinitesimal amount of time for quantum encrypting and the spanning of light-years, the face of Mitsuya Saito, the CO of Himitsu Star Fortress, appeared on her screen...she was likely already working at her terminal, to respond with such promptness.

"This is Chujo Mitsuya wish to discuss a transfer of crew with me? We are already running low on crew, Nikuya-Taii...I do not know if we can spare any experienced personnel, if that is the purpose of your contact."

"Oh, in that case, today is your lucky day." 'Nikuya-Taii' smiled as she looked at Saito. "I have a crew member which I need to place somewhere far away from the center of action, somewhere obscure and out of the way. I was thinking the Yūgumo Cluster is far enough away for the reason at hand."

Saito's face seemed to change almost imperceivable expression of irritation, calling the new seat of the 5th XF 'obscure and out of the way'...these were the sorts of things the 5th XF had to deal with from the other fleets, as well as command. Her expression changed almost immediately to a more personable visage...

"Ah, I see...can you tell me a little more about this person so we can properly assign them? Also perhaps why they need to be kept away from action...I will see that they get counseling if it's a psychological reason."

Helen loved to do this to the 5th XF, it always made her get a small warmth in the pit of her belly to watch their officers squirm when it was implied that they were nothing more than a backwater outfit.

"Ah, of course, I'll transfer his file. His name is Galar Vanatosk, a Geshrin transfered to Yamataian, age 28, Nito Heisho, deserving a promotion mind you. He has shown a talent in engineering and communications." 'Taii-Nikuya's' face became a frown as she moved onto the next matter. "The matter of his transfer was caused by him seeing a bit too much aboard a disabled Mishhu ship, SAINT considers him to be an asset which needs to be put somewhere safe. In fact, I'm docked with a SAINT ship at this time which wants to know where in Chiharu's name they're supposed to put him."

Saito thought a moment, accessing assorted files in her mind on what ships would be in need of such a person...the Asuka, in fact the entire SIP project seemed to lack communications personnel...

"I have an assignment which may work, though I can't guarantee a TOTAL lack of action...I can place him on the ship attached to the Starship Improvement Project. It actually is based at Hotaru, though the ship sometimes goes on conventional missions like any other this acceptable?"

Helen found this too good to be true... Bay Sixteen and the Starship Improvement Project, it was the most fortunate luck she had all of YE29. She didn't let the good news break her cover though.

Taii-Nikuya turned to look at a display before looking back to Saito. "It seems that outfit is rather obscure, kept rather secret... it seems suitable. I do hope he'll be safe, I've grown rather attached to him during his service." The cheeks of the 'Taii' gained a soft blush to them as she spoke. "I hate to see him go, but it does seem that he will be safe there. I approve of the placement." Taii-Nikuya nodded her final approval. "The SAINT ship 'YC-28' will be handling the transfer."

Saito nodded before continuing... "Of course, we must verify his record and service first. The Starship Improvement Program is a secure project, after all. I'll have to verify his past assignments and missions. Standard procedure."

Helen loved this part too, filling in the blanks of service, covering up obscure points, and of course making simple edits involving removing any mention of her ship from the poor lad's record.

"Of course, feel free, but there may be some red tape due to the SAINT intervention. I couldn't even give him a promotion earlier when I tried to access his records." Taii-Nikuya frowned.

Saito seemed a bit concerned about this detail... "You are aware we may have to observe him for a time then..."

This is where she had to leave things in Galar's hands. The boy was going to become a SAINT operative, or he was going to get caught in the process.

“I understand, that means he’ll be all the more safer in my opinion.”

Saito nodded, a serious look on her face. "Very well. I will approve the transfer...but he will be restricted in his duties and access until his data is verified...I may need to speak with you in the future to verify data, as well. Non-secure personnel cannot even ENTER the site of the SIP."

“I have been assured by SAINT that they will fill in for any details which may be missing. I’d rather not get tangled up in their affairs though, they’re troublesome. As for getting in touch... I hope I’ll be available, my ship is getting transfered to somewhere near Yamatai itself, its an odd order, gives me the creeps.” Nikuya-Taii gained an expression of seemingly genuine doubt and a touch of fear... a portion which came honestly from the actress behind her.

Saito nodded, giving a bit of a sigh... "Well, we will have to see how it goes then...though I find it odd that your crewman needs to go to a place away from the action, yet you send him to us instead of the Mother World you are bound for...but it's not my place to question. We are short on good people, like everyone else."

“I’m not sure if you’ve looked at a map recently ma’am, with the fall of the depot, things are looking grim. My crew’s morale has been decreasing since then, I honestly am glad Galar is going over there. From what I understand, your fleet has come across a paradise out there.”

Saito smiled, a bit of pride visible on her face... "I have confidence in the Empire's abilities, though you are right as to the risk, I for our paradise, you are right. We are quite happy with the world we have found for ourselves. Chiharu-sama has been kind."

“If we make it out of our next battle, I’ll be sure to take leave out there... the broadcast of the dedication ceremony made that beach look absolutely inviting. I just may ask for a transfer myself some time.” A small screen popped up out of the communication line’s field of vision. “Mm, those black-coats are getting impatient, we’ll be sending Galar along soon, please take good care of him, he is a good man.”

"Alright...and take care. I must admit, that I do not envy you in your upcoming tasks. Chiharu bless you." Saito said, before terminating the communication.

‘Taii-Nikuya’ closed her end too, then she was promptly put on a shelf as Helen re-emerged. “Easy as feeding a Mishhu a bomb disguised as an NH-12.” Her purple lips twisted into a smile as she went about banishing the plush surroundings of her fake room.