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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill (PG-13) Salvage Run 3: Nepleslian Ring/Crew Recruitment

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Inactive Member
(PG-13) Salvage Run 3: Nepleslian Ring/Crew Recruitment

(continued from old forum)

Toshiro seemed to frown at Mizuho's dislike of the idea of going to Nepleslia.

"Well, don't worry. it is not likely you'll have to so much as step off of this ship. We may not even have to set foot on the planet itself, just the debris ring around it...just let me send a communiqu first. I'm going to advertise for some crew here..."

With that, Toshiro sent out a message on his datapad, uploading it to PANTHEON...


Job Opportunity:

Owner and Captain of Salvage and Rescue Vessel Yggdrasill, SRSS-000, seeking crew for same. Experience with Geshrinari ships, especially the Vampire, are not necessary, but prefered.

Positions available:

Pilot/Navigator: They are able to pilot the ship and also will be trained to be able to use the Yggdrasill's more custom components. This person would actually bring in most debris.

Offense/Weapons: They will control the Yggdrasill's non-grappler-based weapon systems. Also should be trained in the use of a battle tank, just in case the Yggdrasill's is needed. In non-battle situations, this person would be working with the Engineers and Technicians to maintain the weapons, and assist in identifying related salvage materials.

Defense/Tactical: They will control the Deflector, Shields, and maintain Life Support and even Gravity if needed. This person would also control the movement systems in the cargo bay, and the Graviton Projectors mounted on the ship itself.

Communications: This person would be in charge of the communications system. This would be fairly standard, though the person would also be trained in the Yggdrasill's custom emergency communication system, which requires collaboration with the Pilot, who controls the Grapplers, and the Pulsers on them.

Engineer/Technician: I, the Captain, fill the role of Chief Engineer, knowing the vessel more than anyone else, but one or two technicians aquainted with the Vampire-class's design and operation are needed to assist should I be stuck on the bridge. They will also assist me in identifying salvaged components.

Medical: The ship's doctor must be well-trained in medical practices for several humanoid species. The ship's doctor will have the task of preserving salvaged tissues for return to their families, as well as treating the crew and the rescued. If the doctor is easily depressed by seeing the dead, then they need not apply. Previous experience in both a morgue and in a "living" medical setting prefered.

Other positions may apply, but openings are not guaranteed.


Generally 75 KS a week to start, plus two items per run for a civilian or low-ranked veteran.

Star Army of Yamatai vets:
If Nito Heisho or higher, they get 100 KS a week plus two items per run.
If Santo Juni or higher, they get 200 KS a week plus two items per run.
If Taii or higher, they get 300 KS a week plus three items per run.

Star Army of Nepleslia vets:
If Sub Sergeant or higher, they get 100 KS a week plus two items per run.
If Sub Lieutenant or higher, they get 200 KS a week plus two items per run.
If Commander or higher, they get 300 KS a week plus three items per run.

These increases are for the previous experience of serving on military assignments, which commands higher pay.

Pets and personal items are permitted, but must be maintained by their owners. Salvager must be okay with travelling into various areas of space, not restricted to the Yamatai Star Empire. Travel to Seijin no Umi, Taiie will be extremely frequent, as the warehouse is located there. Please reply electronically.

Captain Yuki Toshiro
SRSS Yggdrasill, SRSS-000

Aaaand...there. Hnnn...it feels odd calling myself a Captain rather than a Pilot...but if I get a crew, I will have to do just that, won't I, Mizuho?

Last edited by Toshiro on Mon Jan 29 2007, 02:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

ON: Equine The Alucard

A scream would be heard if anyone else was on that ship, as Ken set his leg. "Damn gun...I don't have any casts...just this one crutch."

(same scene)

Ken had to think outside the box, grabbing some shelves and his bedsheet to make a quick splint. The inside is...really nondescript.

Before Mizuho could answer, Toshiro received a reply to his earlier message about the recovery of Mizuho. it read:


To : Yuki Toshiro, SRSS-000 Yggdrasill, owner
Subject : Retrieval of Yukisato Mizuho


On the behalf of the Star Army of Yamatai, I thank you for your initiative which resulted in sparing an unpleasant end for the occupant fo the escape pod you rescued. Preserving the lives of our citizens are one of our most important goals and we salute you for your goodwill and generosity.

I cannot help but wonder why you would retrieve the escape pod, only to make a large detour to Taiie instead of returning the rescued occupant to the closer Xyainbor or Yamatai; but I took your light blunder as an opportunity to get my ship out of spacedock - you will hardly see me complain about it, though I hope you will think better on it in the future.

That said, my vessel is now docked at Taiie no Iori. I plan to take a Fox shuttle down on planet to retrieve Yukisato Mizuho. I would ask you to be present at the spaceport at 1400 hours.


Ketsurui Kotori-Taii
Commander, NJ-X1-00 YSS Miharu

Toshiro read the message, noting the family name of the officer, and replied promptly, using the best language he could manage in his reply...it WAS to a princess, after all.


To: Ketsurui Kotori-Taii
Commander, NJ-X1-00 YSS Miharu

Subject: Re: Retrieval of Yukisato Mizuho

I thank you and the Star Army for the kind words. Part of the job of a salvager is to return critical parts, or people, to the proper governments. Being able to return a live person is a rare thrill which makes it feel worthwhile.

My error was one of inexperience more than anything else; but one that, should the incident occur again, I have no plans of repeating. Taiie is where my salvage operation is based, and I actually thought to go there BEFORE Yamatai or anywhere else. I was thinking more about getting her medical care than what medical care was closer.

Fortunately, Mizuho-san made a quick physical recovery, and there was no harm done, but I am aware that could just as easily not have been the case. Thank goodness she was in a Neko body.

I will try to bring her to the Spaceport, along with the Escape Pod and the clothing and chocolate purchased for her. I am unaware of if she will wish to leave with you or not, not because of anythign she has said, but merely because it is difficult to ascertain her mental state and wishes. Pretty much all I know at this point is that she has mild suicidal tendencies, but no wish to harm others.

I look forward to meeting with you, Kotori-Hime-Taii, and hope that you can provide Mizuho-san with the care which she needs to recover from whatever has driven her to this self-destructive end.

Yuki Toshiro
Pilot and Owner, SRSS-000 Yggdrasill

"...We have to go to the spaceport. Ketsurui Kotori-Hime-Taii will be coming for you there soon. A member of the royal family is personally coming to see you...I'll make sure your clothes and chocolate go with you if at all possible, okay?"

Last edited by Toshiro on Thu Feb 01 2007, 07:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

"If Star Army wants me..." Mizuho glanced towards the floor with little emotion in her eyes. "Then I suppose that is where I will go. I have, Toshiro, no desire to cause you trouble." She gave no response to the bit about the royal family, though that did not make her happy. Was Yui going to take it upon herself to personally continue with jerking Mizuho around? She had done a damn fine job of it. Resumed attention, rabid nationalism, a promotion and a court martial in the same week...

"Ketsurui Kotori, I've never met. Perhaps she is more tolerable than the Taisho." A sigh, and Mizuho nodded. "Let's go, then."

Toshiro seemed sad, but understood.

"My older brother told me that once you join the Army, they own you...that's why I didn't join after he died...I'm sorry I can't take you someplace you can live in peace, but if I do, you'll kill yourself...let's go..."

With that, Toshiro got Mizuho's things ready, and they started for the spaceport.

JP with Sekiko and Fred. Yggdrasill/Miharu crossover

It didn't take long for them to arrive...since the Princess had not said WHERE to meet at the spaceport, he waited outside the Yggdrasill, the green vessel easy to spot in the spaceport. "Mizuho-san...again, I'm sorry to have to send you with the Star Army people...but if you're enlisted, my hands are tied, you know? I'd take you someplace remote to live your life if you wanted, but then you'd just commit suicide."

"Toshiro." Mizuho's voice turned sharp. "I've told you before not to try to analyze what you don't understand. I will appreciate if you respect that request." She didnt bring up her dishonorable discharge. If Star Army wanted her for some reason, Star Army wanted her. It was worth nothing to hurt a well-meaning moron who had ruined her death. Good intentions, he had, and she couldnt fault them. "It is not your choice, Toshiro. I dont blame you." Voice softened, Mizuho glanced away from the emerald behemoth behind her.

Toshiro was honestly upset. "...I've been through this before, I suppose...when the Star Army called on my brother, he had to go. It was as simple as that."

"Many families were wounded by the war. I suppose thats why Neko were built." Mizuho glanced uncomfortably away. "To keep Geshrin death to a minimum. Thank you, Toshiro, for the hospitality youve shown." Then came something quite uncharacteristic of the shellshocked former tactician. She leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on Toshiros cheek. "You have a good heart. You just need to learn a little bit more about the universe. I suppose that can happen when youre nineteen."

A Nekovalkyrja wearing the white-panelled uniform walked out of the hubhub of the spaceport to climb the stairs leading to the pad upon which the Yggdrasill's bulk rested. She was tall for a neko - actually being an head over Mizuho - with waist-long black hair and large amber-irised eyes. Her determined walk made it quite obvious she had business with them.

Toshiro seemed surprised by the kiss, but nodded. "I don't know why I have to be nineteen to learn things, but okay...Hnn?" Toshiro noticed the Neko, and being the sibling of an officer, he immediately recognized the white panel of a ship's CO. "...This must be Kotori-Hime-Taii..."

Raising a brow, Mizuho smiled. "You need to be nineteen because that absolves me from explaining life to you. Youre picking up crew from Nepleslia, Im sure reality will hit you like a storm of falling cinderblocks." Her gaze leveled on Kotori, and she crossed her arms idly. "...you are Ketsurui Kotori?" An impassive quality to her vocals.

Kotori stopped a few meters away and nodded respectfully. "You are correct. Then again, I recall we have met before." The shadow of a smile came on the Taiie's lips.

Toshiro seemed confused, looking between the two back and forth for a moment.

"...I do... recall that..." Mizuho gave a wan expression, a simper visible in amethyst eyes. "You were somewhat less clothed, and there was a minimum of conversation. I take it Sydney-taisa was giving you a lesson in... conquest..?"

"I was fully clothed and I was giving him a massage, nothing more!" Kotori blurted out, eyes widening.

Toshiro seemed even more confused. "...Conquest? Massages? Ano...You adults can be odd sometimes..."

Mizuho rolled her eyes lightly, then offered a curt bow to Kotori. "Forgive me, Kotori-san. I dont mean to associate you with the Taisho. I am certain you were utterly chaste." She wasnt, in fact, certain - but it wasnt worth arguing over. A glance, and smile, back at Toshiro from the bowed position. "...ask the Nepleslians when you turn nineteen."

Kotori frowned. This wasn't at all going the way she had wanted. "Thank you again for taking care of her. If you are not unwilling, Yukisato-san, I will now take custody of you."

Toshiro nodded, a bit confused still, and then realized Mizuho's position. "...Oh!" He then bowed to the Princess, remembering her stature.

"Yes, I will go with you, Kotori." Mizuho spoke complacently. She didnt much believe she had a choice, regardless of Kotoris polite manner. "Where am I going, if I may ask? If you intend to try me on criminal charges, I can assure you that there is no law against calling Yui a slut." A moment later, she added, under her breath, "...yet..."

Toshiro blinked. "...What's a slut? Is it the same thing as the whore-thing you were mentioning?"

"You are coming on my ship, the Miharu." Kotori began explaining, ignoring Toshiro's odd question. "Since you have been discharged from the Star Army, you no longer hold military rank... so, I will be hiring you as a servant."

Mizuho did not ignore Toshiro's question. "...yes, Toshiro. Exactly like. When youre on Nepleslia, be sure to get some good head." Glancing back towards Kotori, she tilted her head. "...hiring implies I have some choice in the matter, Kotori, which I am not sensing that I do. And besides, why would you want me? Star Army learned easily enough that I am quite useless."

"I do not recall forcing you. If you are reluctant... I am quite willing to leave you behind." Kotori replied icily. "I was, however, hoping you'd be able to be at my disposal as a consultant. You are a skilled strategist and I would have liked to harness that talent instead of leaving it to waste."

Toshiro felt like this was getting a bit out of hand. "Why don't we discuss this over some tea? Perhaps this will go smoother in a less...industrial setting."

Mizuho was, for a long while, completely speechless. "...that... I'll... yes, I'll go with you... though you... disagree on a rather fundamental level with... Star Army command..."

Kotori smiled to Yuki. "I think we get along fine once we get past the hedgehog complex." Her golden eyes turned shrewdly to Mizuho. "Won't we?"

"Not only do I have no idea what youre talking about," Mizuho crossed her arms standoffishly, "I think tea is a wonderful idea. Toshiro also purchased... about 1200 KS in chocolate. Will that smooth this encounter at all, chocolate and tea..?"

Kotori raised one hand to idly caress down a lock of hair that spilled down the front of her shoulder. "I wasn't planning to prolong my stay on Taiie, but I suppose I could compromise." Her golden eyes met Toshiro's. "If you will lead the way..."

Toshiro smiled. "The Yggdrasill has a kitchen, if you don't mind near-obscene levels of green in your environment." Toshiro started for the Yggdrasill, watching to see if the ladies followed.

Mizuho followed after Toshiro with scarcely another word, save, with a backward glance to Kotori, "...I appologize... for how this started..."

Kotori trailed along. Green was not an unpretty color, so she made no embarassing mention of it. "Think nothing of it." She replied quietly to Mizuho.

They boarded the ship, and Toshiro lead them toward the kitchen...the Yggdrasill was heavily modified, especially on the interior. It was heavily customized. Finally, they got to a kitchen, which was more spartan than a Star Army vessel's, but it had some charm in it. Toshiro began to make some tea.

Kotori looked around the kitchen and then at the yamataian man. "Might we sit?"

Mizuho nodded in the direction of seats idly. "Sit, eat, drink, be merry. Just not too merry. Toshiro just learned what sex was a day ago." She seated herself lightly, watching the feckless boy as he began the brewing...

Toshiro nodded, smiling. "Of course, Princess!...Erm...How would two girls have sex, Mizuho-san?"

Kotori froze and blinked at Toshiro. "He's quite forward."

Toshiro blinked. "With what Mizuho-san told me, it should be impossible."

Mizuho clucked her lips lightly. "He's not forward, Kotori-san. He just doesnt have any clue what hes talking about." A glance towards Toshiro. "It is sexual stimulation, not reproduction in the case of two females."

Kotori nodded in agreement. "Some women are inventive enough to find a ways to please each other. The important parts about understanding couples, however, is that love is not sharing a bed: it is sharing a life." The Taii claimed a seat.

Toshiro took this in, not understanding it all. "I'll have to learn about that as well...when I'm nineteen, I suppose." With that, he brought out the tea. It was a Yamataian blend of Green Tea. He also brought out some rice cakes.

Mizuho grinned slightly. "...a lesson Yamataians could stand to learn, Kotori. I find myself agreeing..." Not that Mizuho had much desire to share her life with anyone. But enough on that, the smell of green tea overwhelmed her, and she fell to a simpering grin idly.

Toshiro was puzzled. "Are you okay, Mizuho-san?"

Kotori picked one of the rice cakes and took only a nible off it. Nekovalkyrja - or at least those samurai born - did not talk while they ate and she had the feeling both her table companions would disregard that.

Mizuho lifted the tea to her lips and took a long drink, both hands clasped about the cup, demonstrating remarkable grace and ettiquette. Something that vanished as she caught a rice cake, bit down on it, and after swallowing, attempted again to engage Kotori in conversation. "...what class is the Miharu? And what is the mission behind it..?"

"The Miharu is an experimental light escort - it was originally designed as an light exploration cruiser, but war with the Mishhuvurthyar demanded the design be retooled as a warship." Kotori answered. "As for our mission, it is a secret operation. I would share it with you..." Her eyes darted to Toshiro for a moment before coming back to the other neko's. "...but I am not at the liberty of informing a citizen. I will inform you later."

Toshiro blinked. "...You both possess encrypted telepathy, correct?"

"I could tell Yukisato-san at the same time I would inform the rest of my crew." Kotori smiled a bit. "I wouldn't have to repeat myself then."

Toshiro then remembered his place. "Gomen, Princess. I didn't mean to question you."

"I am not a princess. Please do not refer to me so." Kotori admonished the yamataian man. "Being adopted by the Ketsurui clan makes me nobility, not royalty. The -sama honorific or simply refering to me by rank would be sufficient."

"...san seems to work well enough as well," Mizuho interjected idly, between bites. She then quite promptly returned to draining her tea, wondering just how Kotori would react to that disrespect towards the 'nobility' status she posessed. Ah, Mizuho disliked blue blood...

Kotori gave Mizuho the barest of nods and took another small bite out of the rice cake.

Toshiro seemed confused, staying out of the conversation. It was their own matter, after all.

Finishing her tea, mizuho pushed the cup forward gently. "...Ill not keep you on Taiie longer than necessary, Kotori. We can leave when you wish. Thank you, Toshiro, for everything youve done for me." A bowing of the head, resulting in an undignified cascade of fuschia hair.

Kotori finished the rice cake in three bigger bites and stood from her seat as well. "I also extend you my thanks for allow us to guest here, however briefly."

Toshiro nodded. "I'll be leaving soon as well...but for some reason, clearance has been being pushed back...something about an 'Initiative'. In any case, I'll write, and maybe we'll run into each other again sometime....and you're welcome, Kotori-Taii. feel free to take more tea if you need it, as well as Mizuho's clothing and chocolate...it is no use to her leaving it here." He bowed with respect.

The golden-eyed neko smiled. "I could try to get in a good word about you with traffic control." She offered.

Toshiro smiled. "I appreciate that...but I heard that I might not be able to come back anytime soon. Perhaps I should take my most three important items with me..."

"Ah, now, that I can't help you with. This is your salvage business after all." Kotori chuckled and, on that note, she walked out of the kitchen.

Mizuho caught Toshiro quite abruptly in a tight hug. "...I think Ill actually miss you, Toshiro. Goodbye." Releasing him suddenly, Mizuho stepped back, almost looking utterly embarrassed by the encounter. "Will I need to wear uniform, Kotori?" She followed after her... new commander.

"Do you want to?" Kotori returned as she made her way to the ship's exit.

"I think I'll sabotage the Miharu jump through the airlock if I have to wear one of those again, actually." Mizuho mused with a shift of the upper lip. "I have a choice... I suppose?"

Kotori walked down the ramp and out of the ship. "While in my employ, I expect you to be clean and professional. You are no longer a part of the Star Army, so, you are not entitled to the uniform anyhow."

Toshiro was startled, but nodded. "Bye, you two! I'll write, okay?"

"...I dont know when Ive ever not been clean, save for after a month in an escape pod. I will be proffessional, pending a precise definition of your meaning of proffessional. I find that the term varies between employers." Mizuho cast a glance back towards Toshiro, a ghost of a smile. "A lack of uniform makes me very happy."

Toshiro was happy to hear that, and for what was probably the first time since picking her up from the escape pod, felt she'd actually be okay. He started to help move the chocolate to the Fox's area, as well as the clothes.

"I am glad it does." Kotori replied as she continued on to the stairs leading down from the landing pad. "As for professionalism; I expect a willingness to input your effort and talent when needed and for you to be cooperative. I will not always agree with your opinions, but having you share them to me will help me solidify my own command decisions when the time comes." Kotori glanced back. "I have not come to save you, to make you stop pitying yourself or to discourage you from your self-destructive tendencies. I am, however, intent on offering you something worthwhile to live for. I hope this will be good enough for you."

"Those seem as reasonable expectations. I will do as I can to help you." A wan smile, from the violet-tressed neko. "I am unsure if I agree with you on what makes life worthwhile, but the offer is appreciated regardless." Mizuho maintained through the monologue little vocal emotion. She would have told Toshiro to stop trying to analyze her, but Toshiro hadn't hired her, and Toshiro hadnt given her an opportunity to prove she wasnt inept as a tactician.

Kotori eyes remained on Mizuho as she kept walking. Skin vision ensured she knew where she was walking. "I don't mind if you don't agree. I can hope, though, that you'll enjoy practicing what you are good at."

Toshiro, after a while, managed to finish transferring the chocolate to the area with the Fox Shuttle. It wasn't too far... "Phew..."


Toshiro worked for the next couple hours setting his affairs in order to leave. He'd found some temporary space on Yamatai, specifically a storage facility near Midori no Umi. He contacted them from his office, and for 2000 KS, had managed the down payment and first and last month's rent. It was a far sight more than Taiie, but after some talking, it was set up.

He took every item out of his office and warehouse leading the warehouse empty. When the military made it possible for civilians to return, he would, since it was cheaper anyway. He did not want to leave Taiie, but if he couldn't enter and leave freely, it was a problem. Kotori-Taii had managed to get him one "free pass", and he was going to use it as best he could.

After paying his bill ahead of time for the Taiie warehouse, Toshiro started placing items in his ship's cargo bay. The cargo bay wound up with 22 items, 2/3rds capacity. He considered throwing away the Vibrating Eggs, like the Carpeting and the Warped Radio Antennae, but elected against it.

"...If Nekos are really as sexually inclined as Mizuho-san claims, A crew member may need these one day..."

Various other items found themselves in use, in his Quarters, turned office. He set up his datapads, speakers, and keyboard on his desk. The Large viewscreen went on his wall, next to the door to the corridor, so he could have private inter-ship communication. The Coffee Machine went next to that. While he didn't drink coffee himself, he knew someone else might. The rolling chair went on the other side of his desk, for visitors. Finally, the Itto Heisho pin, framed, went on his wall, in a place on respect.

Toshiro planned to go to Nepleslia after dropping off his cargo at the new temporary site. He sighed, and went to the bridge, where he signaled readiness to launch.

After a few moments, the now familiar Spaceport Controller Neko appeared. "Request granted by decree of the Ketsurui Clan. Please deport on course five-niner."

Over the protests of the other civilian vessels, stuck on Taiie by military order, Toshiro got the go-ahead, thanks to the intervention of Kotori-Taii. "...This is the SRSS-000, Yggdrasill. Departing on five-niner. Thanks, and try not to lock me otut oo long!"

With that, the Yggdrasill once again took to the air, racing through the blue sky until it faded to black. The stars appeared one-by-one after he parted the clouds, and he went toward Midori no Umi, and after that, Nepleslia.

Last edited by Toshiro on Tue Oct 31 2006, 03:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

ON: Equine The Alucard

Ken was looking at the new announcement on his portable screen. "So....The Yggdrasill is looking for crew? Well, better then this hunk of junk, and good pay." he said, smiling. [/i]

Toshiro, about four hours later, arrived in Yamataian space, and proceeded toward one of Yamatai's moons, Midori no Umi. It was a highly automated facility, and only those registered could enter. Having registered an account for himself before leaving, Toshiro's vessel was given permission to dock, by computer, and directions to his area were immediately shown.

Upon entering and transferring his goods, Toshiro's first impression what that it wasn't very...personable. Everything that could be automated was, and there were only a few people around to assist if all else failed. This facility was a large storage location meant for companies who didn't need friendly chat or anything along those lines--just a place to store their goods, and move them in and out as quickly as possible.

It took a little while to get the goods stored in the warehouse, but it was much swifter than at Taiie...but the lack of people to speak to made it seem just as long, if not longer. There was an office, a spartan one, but Toshiro did not move in...he planned to be out of this particular location as soon as Taiie opened up to civilian travel again.

Once complete, Toshiro entered the Yggdrasill and left once more. speeding toward Nepleslia. This time, the trip took a mere 40 minutes...which went by rather quickly, Toshiro thinking about Mizuho-san and Kotori-Taii. The feeling of emptiness which he had felt at the new location vanished, with a feeling of a job well done, and a new friend made...remembering her smile and that last comment as she left made him feel good about what he'd done.

Mizuho cast a glance back towards Toshiro, a ghost of a smile. "A lack of uniform makes me very happy."

Mizuho may not have died as she wished, but she'd found purpose...a purpose which did not need rank or uniform, but could still be a great benefit to her people and the Empire. He was glad...glad he'd been there at the right time to spare her life, and glad that her life was off to a good start, one she was content with.

Shaun was walking out of the Nova Corp office he had told to go to within a weeks time. He thought it was odd that all they wanted was to confirm a few things and then they allowed him to leave with both pay and Eve. Although he found it strange they would let him keep a prototype he wasn't about to argue.

He rubbed the back of his neck as it was still sore from the fight he had the other night. Climbing into his car he drove off towards the star port in Funky City. It seems Eve had found him another job. "its ironic Eve." He said as he turned a corner. "What is Shaun?" She replied. Shaun his head to look out his window as he replied "The job you landed me involves taking care of and using weaponry on a salvage vessel."

Eve without missing a beat replied with "But your really good at that kind of thing." Shaking his head he sighed "yeah....just brings back memories."

JP with gamgeek6

ON: Nepleslian Space

In the vicinity of the planet Nepleslia, which, in spite of its violent nature, was the origin of Yamataian life, the Yggdrasill slowed to STL speed, the emerald green and white vessel headed toward the Nepleslian Ring.

"...Okay, the cargo bay is empty, Mizuho has been sent back to the Star Army, and I have a storage location just 40 minutes away now...it is time to get back to work!"

Ken, sitting in his driver's chair, noticed a new blip on the tracker. It was similar to a Vampire, but had some core differences, indicating heavy modification "Could that be the Yggdrasill?" he wondered, opening up a comm channel just in case. His white/grey Equine floated there, the engines having died out again.

Upon being notified that he was being hailed, Toshiro also opened a channel in response. "This is the SRSS Yggdrasill, Yuki Toshiro commanding...who, may I ask, is calling?"

Ken smiled. "This is Ken Miller of the broken down The Alucard. I saw your ad on the net, and was wondering if I could get a job. This POS Equine is beyond my repair, but I'm sure you can salvage it." he says, testing his leg real quick

Toshiro's expression changed a bit, in surprise and a bit of happiness. "Oh, you saw the ad! Well, alright...let's dock and talk about this in person while I look over your Equine. Is that alright?"
He detected the Equine, and started moving toward it. His sensors had already picked it up, true, but he hadn't been planning to bother it before he was contacted...it didn't look like debris or salvage on his scanners.

"That would be fine. it is not like I can go anywhere. My engines died on me while leaving Funk City in a hurry." He said, stretching the truth just a little, but keeping that out of his voice.

Toshiro nodded. "I've heard a few things about Funky City...at least enough not to ask too many questions. I'm in visual range now..."
He looked at the Equine, which was tilted at an odd angle. It seemed to be adrift, as the man said. "Initiating Docking Procedures..."
A tube of some sort extended from the Yggdrasill, to connect to that of the Equine, to make a pressurized bridge between the ships' hatches.

Once pressurized, the door on the Equine opened. "Pressured. My side is opened." Ken replied, smiling Today is the day I get out of this POS.

Toshiro nodded and opened his side as well. "Alright, my end is open, I'll come over with some tools and diagnostic equipment. After that, we can talk about the job...It wouldn't be too far a cry to assume you might enjoy a cup of coffee, ne?"

"Coffee? Please. I need some." Ken said.

Toshiro nodded, understanding. "Alright, I'm on my way over right now."
On his way out, he went to his Quarters and got a cup of hot coffee, making sure to bring a plastic spoon, some creamer, and some sugar, in case he liked his coffee with such things. He grabbed a toolbox on his way out as well, and carefully used his anti gravity abilities to cross the pressurized bridge, the view of space surrounding him and the two ships at each end not lost on him.
I'm glad I upgraded to this Yamataian body...
Soon, Toshiro crossed into the Equine, having not spilled a drop of the coffee, in spite of also carrying a toolbox. "Here you go...how long have you been stuck out here?"

Ken smiled. "Not too long...oh, don't mind the splint, I've still got an hour or two before my leg is done healing. Got shot and broke on my way out."

Toshiro nodded. "Ah...Yamataian, I assume. Isn't fast healing nice! I'm glad I upgraded from Geshrin to Yamataian...I use the anti-gravity abilities a bit more, though. Here's your coffee...now, let's see what's wrong...can you take me to where the maintenance panel is? I'm not sure, but I THINK it should actually be next to the toilet in these models."

Ken chuckled. "It never made sense, but that it is. And yeah, fast healing is awesome," he said, turning and limping slightly, two empty holsters on the small of his back, crossed. "Sorry if it is a bit cramped. KFY screwed me on my going away gift.

Toshiro blinked as he set to work. "KFY, huh? Were you in the Star Army?"

Ken shook his head. "Simple courier, but I ran a Vampire. Nice one too. Then KFY did some things I didn't agree with, and we parted ways. I got this bucket," he said, chuckling. "I knew they would screw me over in the end."

Toshiro nodded, looking over some connections and built-in-meters. "Well, every ship has their own charm, even a rust bucket...and if you ran a Vampire, that pretty much doubles your chances of getting hired." Toshiro smiled at him a moment before checking some obscure meter hidden in the far back of the ship.

Ken smiled. "So, salvage and rescue, right?" he asked, leaning on the wall. "I'm a mercenary, but the job market is currently too slow."

Toshiro nodded. "Sou. it is funny though...there's so much debris out there from war, but I haven't run into any other salvagers yet...more for us, I suppose. Plus, sometimes there are rewards for stuff. Just last salvage run I found an adrift Star Army ship...while the reward didn't make me a millionaire or even close to one, I have enough to pay a crew for a fairly long time."
Toshiro sniffed the air. "Well...the air isn't stale, that's a good sign. Your Life Support is still working, and obviously so are your communications and docking systems...but this vessel needs a LOT of TLC...I could fix it, but that'll take some time and perhaps a few parts...It certainly won't be able to fly with us for a while if I hire you...and even when fixed, it'll be pretty slow unless I upgraded it somehow."

Ken nodded. "Well....it is your choice. You can have it and do what ever with it if you hire me. it is been good, but a bit cramped."

Toshiro nodded, looking over it is systems again. "Well...how much you want for it? I know the new price is only 15,000 KS...knowing that I won't be paying near new price, it shouldn't set me back a horrible amount of money..."

"Just a job. That's all I want. I was planning on selling this thing, but I realized I didn't have the crew or money for a Vampire yet. So...I'm stuck with this cash eater."

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Well, the going starting rate is 75 KS weekly, and two items per salvage run. If you stick around and do well, that'll increase. The fact you have flown a Vampire is nice, though you may have to learn about some of the Yggdrasill's special components...she's very customized...what position do you have the most experience with?"

Ken smiled. "I was a jack o trades on mine. I ran what was needed, but always had a medic or an engineer on board. I prefer weapons and navigation, but I can run the battle tank included if you have it."

Toshiro nodded, closing the panel. "Well...I've managed to get the engines up, at least...though I will make more major repairs once we're at Midori no Umi. As for the position, I think I'll need you at the Pilot Station/Navigation. And I have all four shuttles and the tank that came with it, yes...but if you pilot her, I'll have to train you in use of the Grappler Arms."

The man nodded. "Yes sir," he said, smiling. "So, we towing this, or how are we going to get this thing there, seeing as it would take me much MUCH longer to drive it there."

"We'll likely be towing it, if I can get the systems on the Yggdrasill to compensate for the extra mass and shape. If not, I'll set up the autopilot and let it run on her own for the four days she'll need to get to Yamatai...and come fix her if she crashes again. if I remember, this one can only do 450c, while the Yggdrasill can manage 67,000c...HUGE difference in speed....of course, before we do that, I think we should lock her up and do some contract signing, training, and some salvaging. What do you think?"

"Sure. Let me just grab the stuff I don't want left behind for 4 days," he said, limping to the living quarters. "Only good things the KFY let me keep were my sidearms, you know. The ones they give to Couriers incase of trouble?"

Toshiro nodded. "Alright...well, maybe you can get some good things, out there, huh?"

Ken came back in, holding a brown overcoat and his two pistols in his holster, both on safety. "Well, I'm ready to roll. Shall we sign in your boat or mine?"

"Mine. You can have more coffee there, if you want, or water, or even tea, since you're Yamataian. I don't know your preference, Toshiro replied.

"Coffee....and thanks for the cup earlier," he said, finishing it, and using his anti-gravity power to float over.

Toshiro floated over as well, and guided the other Yamataian toward the bridge, and the Captain's Quarters off of it. Ken, familiar with the Vampire class, would notice that there were some configuration changes, specifically more med-bay room and a bit more cargo bay room. It was also green and white, with a totem on the doors matching the back of Toshiro's jacket, likely a clan totem. "Here we are...my Quarters and Office, right off of the bridge."

Ken nodded. "Nice. So, what all is custom on this?"

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Well, the bridge is pretty custom, even having a 3-D holographic map between the Weapons and Pilot Stations, though I kept the same control layout on as much of the original hardware as possible. The computer system is completely upgraded, this room didn't even EXIST before, The Medical bays and Living Areas are redesigned, the Cargo Bay has a bit more room, and then there are the Grapplers, the Gravity Control, the Dynamic Thruster System...I'll give you a spec sheet."

Ken nodded. "Please. So...contract then training?"

Toshiro smiled. "Sure! Let's see...here it is. This pretty much says you're willing to start for 75 KS and 2 items a run, with raises possible of course, learn the custom hardware, not to sell the custom hardware I invent...especially the grapplers, etc. Not an ounce of fine print, though. It also gives some restrictions on the finding of ships, but I'm flexible there. It also holds you to reporting restricted tech to me and/or the Star Army, etc."

"Furthermore, if you find an item that the Star Army gives a reward for, you get 80%, and the rest of the crew and myself divide up the remaining 20% evenly. I would normally take possession of any ships you find, simply because it is my business and not everyone should be a captain anyway, but I'm flexible, especially in your case. If you find a Vampire out there, I'm likely to let you keep it."

Ken nodded, listening. "Sounds good. Where do I sign?"

Toshiro handed him a pen. "Right here next to the "X". After that, there's a coffee machine right next to the corridor's door there...yes, under the viewscreen. Spoons, creamer, and sugar are in the drawer on the table the coffee maker is on. I never drink coffee, but figured that a lot of others I may meet would."

Ken grinned, signed, and headed for the precious black liquid. "Oh sweet caffeine, how I missed you."

Toshiro walked to the filing cabinet and placed the contract inside. He then pulled out a folder labeled "Pilot" and closed the black cabinet, which re-locks, and handed it to Ken. "If you had a data-pad, I'd give it to you in a digital format, but sometimes pen and paper are necessary...this is data on the ship, both the basic Vampire and the Custom components. You'll be controlling several custom systems with your normal duties...luckily, most of the time it is largely computer-assisted. There are manual overrides, though. My station overrides everything at yours as well, so don't worry TOO much about messing up early on, okay?"

Ken nodded, started on his third cup, took the papers and set them down. "One second," he said, leaning over and untieing the bedsheets and the splint, flexing his leg. "Much better. Well, that sounds about right." he said, taking up the papers again.

Toshiro updated his manifest file on the datapad, while he wait for him to review the data. "If you have any questions, let me know. After you have some familiarity, we'll give you a test run in the Nepleslian Debris Belt...shields on, of course."

Ken nodded while reading over the specs and controls, seating himself in the chair. "Nice.....you should copyright them....the customs."

Toshiro nodded. "Well, there's no copyright law on Yamatai...and I may, though they are built on a Vampire, which is a Geshrinari vessel. I have a few ideas, though. Those Grapplers have several systems in themselves...ones with some detailed uses in salvage. Depending, they may also have some mild combat uses, though the ship's main weapons are still stronger...and if I can get that Mishhu weapon in storage working, I can give the Yggdrasill a bit MORE bite...but that's a bit far off...but that weapon has allegedly as much power than the Vampire's D-Gun, and many shielding types, even military grade, are rumored not to even work against it. it is not even restricted tech, though."

"Really? Remind me never to get on your bad side if I ever leave."

Toshiro laughed. "I'm not one to just fire willy-nilly...but in this day and age, a little bite doesn't hurt. Besides, it is actually legal to keep Positron Tunneling Weapons, to my surprise...the Star Army didn't even take it when I offered to turn it in! Imagine that."

"Damn. They must trust you."

Toshiro nodded. "Well, I'm not sure if it is normal or not...when I reported the weapon, I'd just turned in a whole Star Army ship...it is not normal to find a fully intact warship, especially a military one, but it happens...They might have just let me keep it as additional thanks...I hear promotions abound happened that day. Earlier today at Taiie, an ex Star Army Captain looked at the weapon, identified it, and told me it would have destroyed her ship easily...I guess it is good deeds coming back to me, ne?"

"Karma. It can help you out or bust you in the ass," Ken said, impressed and somewhat amused.

Toshiro nodded. "The best way is to stay on its good side; I suppose...in any case, when do you want to go to the bridge?"

"Now would be good. Get reused to the controls, and figure out the new custom ones.

Toshiro nodded and rose... "Alright, let's go to the bridge!"

Ken nodded and followed. "So, who helps you? I mean, I couldnt run one of these, custom or not, with out 2 others

Toshiro smiled, and looked back. "It was difficult at first, but I managed to get all the controls together at the Captain's Station. it is still hard to control alone, though."

Ken nodded. "Your godly skilled. Well, now you have some help."

Toshiro laughed for a moment. "My brother was raised to be in the Star Army by our parents, but liked to skip out on the technical part of his training. Who do you think he had to do his homework before he got accepted as a Starfighter Pilot?" Toshiro pointed to a sign on the bridge...a gold-colored plague.

(http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y30/MM ... ridge7.png)

"In memory of?"

Toshiro nodded. "MIA, 3 years ago. The ship was his last gift. He'd be glad to know it was doing some good, you know?"

Ken nods. "That he would be." he says, sitting down in the pilot seat with the 3-D map next to him. "I like.
"Okay...here's the deal. These control the grapplers...on each Grappler is a Pulser and 5 Electrodes...Electrodes can cut through some metals, weld, and power external devices...Pulsers push things away, like debris, but they can also blast things. The Grapplers have 5 dynamic digits...most of the details are computer controlled anyway...any detailed stuff I'll do or teach you as we go."

Ken nodded, looking at the controls.

"So...want to salvage some things?"

"Sure. I need some experience.

Toshiro nodded. "Take her to the Nepleslian Ring, and into it. Let the ship's computer systems do their thing and utilize the grapplers...then run the Salvage Protocol, which will have the machine bring things back into the Cargo bay."

Ken nodded, and brings up the front display, so he could see where they were going. "Aye, Capt'n."

The ship responded, entering the Ring, darting in and out of debris with minimal effort...the Dynamic Thruster System allowed the ship to move in very unusual ways, which was made evident as it moved to the denser part of the ring. "...Okay...now the ship will start salvaging items...we just sit back and wait for it to say the cargo bay is full."

"Cool. This is pretty easy," Ken said, sitting back.

"Keep your eyes open for danger, though..." Just then, the ship's shields indicated weapons fire...a message came through... "Surrender and prepare to be boarded, or I will destroy your ship! Surrender your cargo!"

"Shields are up. Should I take control of the turrets?" Ken asked, swiveling the view of the screen to look for the other ship

Toshiro blinked, looking at the scanners. "...Hold up...it is just a Demon Power Armor...it is not even a threat to our shields..."

Toshiro turned on the Comm. "Enemy Power Armor...Are you new at this? You're assaulting a Vampire, and an enhanced one at that. There are no stock weapons for that design that can hurt our shields, our hull is even stronger, and any one of the weapons at our disposal could take you out in one go. The one who should surrender is you. Run before we elect to act against your threat."

The Power Armor's answer was simple...it fired its Rifle, which wasn't even able to damage the hull, if she shields had been down.

"...Grab him with a grappler and shake him until he passes out. Then pluck the weapons away from him and toss him in the cargo bay. The Internal Grappler systems will restrain him from there."

The armor pilot panicked and dodged as best he could, getting behind debris and armor, at one time trying to throw it at the vessel in an effort even more hopeless than his power rifle, partially because of the ships ability to dodge with the DTS. Finally, the man slow when trying to throw a larger chunk of metal, and the grappler managed to grab a firm hold of him.

"Have a nice ride," Ken said, shaking the armor up and down for a bit, until it stopped firing, then threw him into the hold, giving the control back to the computer.

Toshiro ran to the cargo bay as the internal grapplers grabbed the power armor. "Come on!"

Ken went down with him. "Aye Capt'ns" he said, making sure his pistols are ready.

They arrived in the cargo bay, the Demon power armor stripped of weapons. The pilot struggled against the Internal Grapplers, industrial grapplers on the ceiling meant to place debris in the cargo bay. It would be a comedic sight, were it not a dangerous one. "GET OFFA ME YOU DAMN MACHINE!!!"

"Hey there. Mr. Cocky. Look down here." Ken said, trying not to smile.

The man looked down, the distraction just enough for the grapplers to wrestle the Nepleslian man free of the Demon, which was moved to the other side of the cargo bay. "...Not...mah day..."

"No.." Ken said, drawing a pistol to his side. "It isn't. Now, what possessed you to attack a Vampire in a DEMON?

The man frowned. "...I didn't know...this was a Vampire at first...it was such a weird color, and the weird hand-things, I thought it was one of those prototype salvage ships...and why would one have weapons, or be so tough?"

"I don't know...to be safe from people like you?"

The man grimaced. "Gyah...I should have gone after that Equine when I had the chance...it looked like crap, but its engines wouldn't lave let it run far..."

"That was me. I work here now. And if I DID let you in. You'd have been shot anyway."

The man looked at Ken, shock in his eyes, and Toshiro gave a bit of a laugh. "Hahahaha...Open Mouth, Insert Foot, ne?"

"I'd say so. Now, what to do with him."

Toshiro thought for a moment. "We can always take him to Funky City when we're done here...maybe there's a reward or something?" The man looked nervous at that suggestion. "Ooo...with that look we almost HAVE to turn him in!"

Ken grinned. "I'd say so. Maybe we could make some extra cash."

Toshiro smiled. "Yep! If nothing else, I have a new Power Armor!"

Ken looked appalled. "You want a Demon. Come now, there are better out there.

Toshiro smiled. "Well, it'd better than nothing, right? Besides, it'd be a good test unit to butcher and upgrade, ne?"

"True...true...and it is free," Ken said. "So, where to store the original owner?"

Toshiro thought for a few moments, and then smiled. "I'll get a gurney from the medbay with restraints on it. You keep that gun on him. I'll be right back."

The man looked confused and angry...and was still being held by industrial grapplers to the ceiling. "Not my day...not my day at all..."

"No it aint. So, you just on your own, or should we be worrying about a boss?"

The man frowned. "Yeah...but we each take the fall if we get caught...that's why the pay is so good...I'm SCREWED!"

"Well....if you tell me who, I MIGHT convince my dear Captain to let you go."

The man grimaced. "...If I did that, I'd be a dead man...if you've ever been to Funky City, you know how that would go down, Mac."

"That I would, and I know. Of course, it could be worse. I hear the only thing worse then the gangs are the police."

The man was obviously scared, but it was obvious that the gang had put the fear of God into the grunt...he wouldn't talk.

Ken shrugged. "Okay then. I guess it is the authorities of Funky City.

The man sighed. ...Hopefully I'll be out in a few years...first offense."

Toshiro came back with a medbay gurney. The grapplers, after the presses of a few buttons on a wall panel, pinned him to the gurney and held him down, while Toshiro patted him down and strapped him in the restraints. "Sorry about this, but we cant just let you off attacking us, and we'll have to confiscate your Demon Armor because of our trouble, and so you don't try this again...maybe if you've lost the armor, your boss won't trust you with another one."

Ken nodded. "So, store him in the med bay? I can get on the comm and check for bounties."

Toshiro nodded. "Right...just be glad we're giving you a pillow, alright?"
The man nodded, surprised at the fairly...decent treatment, as Toshiro wheeled him off to the medbay.

Ken nodded, and heads to the comm unit, opening up a line. "This is SRSS Yggdrasill, looking into any bounties for..." he moved from the mic. "What's his name?"

The man sighed...they'd find out soon enough. "...James Rokker."

"Looking for bounties on one James Rokker." he finished, and waited on responses.

After a moment, the authorities replied to the negative. "We can't pay you for turning in a newbie...what'd he do?"

Toshiro smirked as he listened on the ship's intra-communications system. "Seems he wasn't lying...it WAS his first offense then...or the first time he got caught. I believe the former, due to not knowing a Vampire's general shape."

Ken chuckled. "Attack and attempted stealing of a Vampire class vessel. He was using a Demon Armor." Ken says, trying not to laugh.

The Police Officers seemed to have a bit less restraint...as after a moment, the channel exploded with laughter. "Are you SERIOUS? Is this a crank call?"

Ken laughed also. "That's what we thought when the guy attacked us. It was so funny."

The Police Officers calmed down. "Oh man...I mean...DAMN...Uh...that's a big offense...though we might let him slide for temporary insanity or something for that one...I'm MORE surprised the guy stuck around long enough to let you CATCH him!"

"Well, it was more of a 'We have special attachments that grab stuff' thing. Wasn't too hard."

The officer seemed confused for a moment. "Ah, a custom build with a bit of surprises thrown in...Well, when you're ready, come down to Funky City and turn him in, alright?"

"Will do. Yggdrasill out." he said, closing the channel. "Man, you are stupid."

Toshiro smiled a bit. "No arguments there! Hey, before we go, let's see what we got! There should be two items with blue tags, those two are the last two we got, yours. Wanna take a look?"

Ken nodded. "Lets. I wanna see if I want to keep, or sell."

Toshiro pulled some gloves off the wall and handed them to Ken. "When we sift, we're dealing with very cold items, and sometimes sharp shards of armor. ALWAYS wear them when you sift, okay?" He put on a pair of his own.

Ken nodded, putting them on and following.

"...Eww...you got a chunk of flesh for your first item...we should take it down with the prisoner and have them ID it...maybe take someone off the MIA list and put them on the KIA list..."

Ken makes a face and kept going. "I don't see a blue tag..."

Toshiro pointed to a tag. "That's because the blood stained it purple."

Ken swore silently. "You did that on purpose."

Toshiro shook his head. "No, it is luck of the draw. Not everything is good...let's see the other thing you got...hey...this is the Neutronium from a Super Demon!"

Ken jumped up. "Victory!" he says, grabbing it carefully.

Toshiro smiled. "...How about 600 KS for it? I could use it to upgrade the Demon!"

Ken nodded. "Throw in a few items, and you have a deal."

Toshiro nodded. "Deal. I'd intended on letting you have half the bounty anyway, since I got a perfectly working Demon out of it."

Ken chuckled. "Eh, Just thought I would check. So, lets sort the rest

Let's see what I got...hmm...Toshiro began to sift through the items, with care...

"Flesh....damn...." was all he could say, wondering what to do with it.

"Let's see...Hmm...a Blanket...Survival Kit...Ohhh...A Large Viewscreen! This will be useful for the crew to watch TV or communications in their quarters...some carpet...a Large E-Knuckle Duster's Battery..."

"...EWW!!!..." Toshiro next found a bubbling green mass... "Biomass...See? Sometimes you get nasty things...I almost threw up the first time I got one of these..."

"What's so wrong with Biomass?

"it is useless and disgusting...and smells...you never know what's in it. it is just NASTY!"

Ken chuckled. "Hmm....so...what to do with flesh...maybe put it in the biomass, for no reason?"

Toshiro's face turned furious as he looked at Ken. "DON'T YOU DARE! The remains of the dead will be treated with RESPECT as long as I'm in command!"

Ken backed off. "Sorry....I didn't mean any disrespect...I just can't think of a decent way to preserve this, and by the time I do, it might be worthless for testing to find out who they can give a proper ceremony to."

Toshiro's expression softened. "Sorry...I had a brother in the Star Army, remember? I try to treat remains the way I'd want my brother's to be treated...In the medbay there is a freezer with sealable containers, and gloves. Please put it in one of those to preserve it. Sorry for snapping."

Ken nodded. "it is alright...if I was in your position, I would be like that too....I just aren't." he says, going to the med bay to put the flesh in the container and freezer. "So, how is our guest doing?"

The man grumbled. There is no change, save that he is less talkative.

"Aww...Well, at least you gave the police a good laugh."

The man sighed. "...Great...I just hope I make enough from my crime to make one of those 'dumb criminal' shows...maybe I'll get enough money to make bail..."

Ken laughed. "Doubt it." he said, leaving and going back to the shifting area. "Anything else good?

Toshiro nodded. "Foam Making Device, something called an...A..Aphrodisiac from Emrys Industries, an Airbike Jacket, some carpet, a KS card with 175 KS, some section of catwalk, a telephone for the crew Quarters, 2 Anti-Insect Remotes, another chunk of Flesh..."

"Keep the flesh, the aphrodisiac, the jacket, the card, the carpet, the remotes, and sell the rest. Oh and keep the phone. That's my opinion." Ken said, using a tong to grab the flesh gently.

Toshiro nodded. "Thanks...the Foam Maker is good for industrial insulation, but I DO already have one...burnt cushion...shard of armor...warped antenna...a...cybernetic...eye? EWW!"

Ken chuckled. "Save the eye for testing?" he asks

Toshiro nodded. "...Do you drink?"

Ken nodded. "Why. We find rum?" he asks, already leaving for the med bay.

Toshiro smiled. "Better...A whole bartender's cabinet...and I don't drink. Want it as a signing bonus?"

Ken came back from depositing the parts. "Sure. I could use it in my room," he said, looking in it. "Got rum....margarita.....Guennius....shit....This is mine," he said, pulling it over.

Toshiro laughed. "Just don't show up for work drunk, or with too much of a hangover, okay? Hmm..A Mattress....COOL! A robotic BODY!" Toshiro pulled out...a sex droid of all things, but he obviously didn't recognize it as any more than a psudeo-humanoid robot.

"Uh....Capt'n....that's a play doll...if you catch my drift..."

Toshiro looked at Ken, confused. "What's a Play Doll for?"

Ken chuckled. "it is for people who can't get girls, or girls who can't get girls, or those who are with out loved ones for a long time." he says, trying not to break up any more

Toshiro blinked. "...I guess it is one of those things I learn when I turn 19. That's what Mizuho san says about obscure things."

"I'm working for an 18 year old? Well....it is not too bad," Ken said, laughing. "Sell or keep?"

Toshiro blinked. "Well, whatever it is for, I can use it if I ever get AI components, or redesign it for whatever I need...let's see...I got another armor shard, an Anti Gravity Generator? Cool, this can go for a hovercar...some electrical cabling...and finally, another Cybernetic eye...that's all, then!"

Ken took the second Cybereye. "This looks like that last one," he said, popping in and out of the med bay. "So, off to Funky city to drop and sell?

Toshiro thought for a moment and finally nodded. "Alright...let me arrange what I want to sell, though, okay?...Hey, do you like Airbike Jackets, or should I sell it?"

Ken nodded. "I'll take it. One thing I would love to try is Airbike racing...sounds fun. I'll go ask for landing clearance and get us set up, okay?"

Toshiro nodded. "Alrighty!"

Ken left, taking the jacket with him. "Oh, you need to show me my room later." he says, placing the jacket on his chair and getting on the comm. "This is the SRSS Yggdrasill to Funky City landing, asking for landing clearance."

"Checking...Landing Clearance Approved. Land at Funky City Spaceport. Use Vector Five-One."

"Will do. Yggdrasill out," he said, inputting the route and checking it on his 3D map. Once locating it, he proceeded to follow it down to the spaceport. "Which Dock to use..."

Toshiro, finally done, walked to the bridge. "Let's see...Use one close to the complex that is well lit. Less likely for the ship to be vandalized."

Ken nodded in agreement, and soon found the perfect one. "Use a shuttle?"

Toshiro nodded. "We'll go to a pawn shop or something, unless you happen to have a vendor's license. Salvage is one thing, selling is another, especially on Nepleslia. We're Yamataians, so we can't just sell on the streets, or they'll give us trouble."

Ken chuckled. "Well...just so happens I know Zen Corp. Won't say why, just that I do."

Toshiro smiled. "Really? You've been around, huh? Well, this stuff is as good as sold, then, perhaps."

Ken nods. "Well, all I have to do is mention that, and it should be," he said. "But better to sell it down the right avenues then get caught and Zen not help me out."

Toshiro nodded. "Well, I'll let you handle that...I'll take the man to the police station...where should we meet up again, and when?"

"Hmm...You know the biggest Pawn shop, closest to here? Well, I'll be there haggling. You might want to see if you can get that flesh and eyes sent out from the police as well, unless we are going into Yamatai space next."

Toshiro nodded. "We are going there next, but they are likely Nepleslian anyway. After all, there are no Yamataian Cyborgs because of rejection. The eyes, at least, almost HAVE to be Nepleslian."

"Well, I guess we give them the eyes, and we keep the flesh for later," he said. "Everything to be sold on a transport?

Toshiro smiled. "Well, we can have them ID the flesh, too, right? Why not? Also, sell it however you think will get you the most money, okay?"

Ken nodded. "Aye capt'n," he said, as he grabbed his brown coat and threw it on, both pistols on his back, and left for the shuttle
Toshiro smiled as he wheeled the guy into a different shuttle. "See ya soon! I'll try to get more crew members, alright?"

Ken nodded, closed his shuttle door and launched to the pawn shop.


Last edited by Toshiro on Thu Feb 01 2007, 07:57 pm; edited 4 times in total

Toshiro's shuttle lands at the Police HQ, and he steps out, wheeling the man in on the same gurney as he was on before. When he entered, the apparent age of his captor made the man more embarrassed than before...

The police laughed and spoke in broken words as they hauled him off. After taking Toshiro's report, they quickly processed the man and hauled him off. It wasn't long before Toshiro walked out, the gurney a man lighter.
"...Nani...is that the Nova Corp building?"

(Driker, the shuttle says Yggdrasill on it, so you can investigate if you want. XD)

The door of a nearby car opened and a man stepped out. The only noticeable thing about the man is he was wearing some sort of ear piece. He looked at the ship and asked "Is that them Eve?" As he shut the door to the car and locked it Eve replied. "Yes Shaun that's them. I believe they are waiting for us. "

With that Shaun heads towards the ship with a large bag over his right shoulder. As he gets near he gives a quick two finger wave. "Yo"

Toshiro stopped in his tracks, and blinked. He looked to the man, not recognizing him, apparently bit confused. He was a bit on guard, hearing that Funky City was high-crime...and his shuttle was of the FTL variety, possibly worth stealing.

"Hello...can I help you?"

Shaun stops and looks at the logo on the side of the ship before turning his attention back to the man. "I'm here for the weapon specialist job. I'm going to guess that you weren't expecting me?"

Toshiro immediately smiled.

"Oh! I haven't had occasion to check my e-mail for the past hour and a half. I was here turning in a criminal that attacked the Yggdrasill...in a Demon Power Armor of all things. Needless to say I wound up keeping the Power Armor...but yes, the position is indeed open...do you wish to come to the ship and make the arrangements? Then we can go to the pawn shop and meet your crewmate."

Toshiro continued.

"Pay is generally 75 KS weekly, 2 items per salvage run, with raises for good work, by the way. Your responsibilities as a weapon specialist are to control the stock weapons of the Yggdrasill, which are all currently Vampire-based. However, that may change as we accumulate and find better weapons...heck, I have a Positron Tunneling Cannon in storage which is as good as any D-Gun...your job will also be to assist in the research and identification of salvaged weapons systems, and perhaps assist technicians or myself in repair on occasion."

Last edited by Toshiro on Thu Feb 01 2007, 08:02 pm; edited 2 times in total

Shaun rests his hands in his pockets. "Yeah that sounds easy enough. it is been a while since I was off this rock. I'm ready to go when you are."

JP with driker18


Toshiro nodded and offered the man a seat in the shuttle. "The Yggdrasill is at the Spaceport. I'm ready to go when you are...hmm? What's that on your ear? Looks fancy..."

Shaun tapped the small object on his right ear. "Well this is a prototype for a new technology. Savtech something or other....I just call her Eve since she seems to like that name"

Toshiro seemed surprised. "...An AI? Hmm...Does she want to come? Artificial Intelligence is still Intelligence. She might want a say in the matter, ne?"

Shaun shrugged as he took his seat. "She goes with me everywhere I go. Though if you'd like to ask her yourself." Shaun took the earpiece from off his ear and held it up. "Feel free"

Toshiro nodded, hoping not to intrude. "Hello, Miss Eve? I'm Yuki Toshiro, Captain of the SRSS Yggdrasill...your partner wants to join my crew, and I was wondering if you were okay with coming along."
The captain seemed to have a sort of respect for artificial intelligence what wasn't always shown by people.

Eve spoke clearly through the earpiece increasing the volume of her voice so he could her from where he was. "I like Shaun. Besides, who else can I talk to while making fun of people without them getting mad?" Shaun put his hand over the earpiece at that point. "Um...don't mind that...she has an...interesting sense of humor."

Toshiro smiled. "it is okay. AIs tend to have different bases of experience, so they aren't always the same as the intelligence they are based on. it is not a bad thing. Anyway, it is decided then, let's go, unless you have business first."

Shaun reattached the piece to his ear. "No. I can't really think of anything else I'd need to have done here. So as I said before. I am ready when you are Captain."

Toshiro nodded and climbed into the shuttle, waiting for the new weapons specialist to board.

Shaun climbed inside and took his seat. He strapped himself in and leaned his head back. "Well it looks like my days of working with firepower are far from over."

Toshiro smiled. "Hopefully we won't have to use it too often...You have experience, though?"

Shaun looked over to him and nodded "Yes I do. I was in the Army and am well versed in weaponry. Don't worry I know my stuff and Eve here is capable of helping. She's very good at getting information nobody wants her to have when its needed."

Toshiro smiled. "I see...does Eve want to be connected to the Yggdrasill's computer system's non-essential components? She'd be able to speak and listen to almost everything."

Shaun pressed a finger to the earpiece. "What do you think Eve? In a way that would make you mostly like the ships intelligence." There was a pause before she answered which Shaun thought was an odd thing for her to do. "Only if they let me do it on a wireless system. I don't like the idea of being stuck inside a big piece of metal." Shaun blinked and looked over to the captain. "Is there any interface systems on board she could connect to on a wireless system?"

Toshiro nodded. "Yeah, I have the ship configured for a wireless network with PANTHEON. I can make a second one exclusively for her with high encryption."

Shaun nodded "Well Eve does that sound okay to you?" ~yep~ Shaun stopped and almost wanted to smack himself for being tricked by her. He calmly looks forward and says "She says that will be fine with her."

Toshiro nodded. "I'll do what I can accommodate her and let her grow...I can connect her to PANTHEON if you want, as well."

Shaun looked at him and said, "Eh....one thing at a time. She might be an AI but she doesn't seem to like getting into things unless its to get on my nerves. She is playful more then anything."

Toshiro smiled. "I understand...also, I want her to know that just because she's connected to the Yggdrasill doesn't mean she has to control it or follow orders, she'd just be able to live in it. If she were to act as the ships computer and follow orders, I'd put her on payroll."

Shaun leaned back. "I'm sure she's probably thinking about it. If I know her she will find a way to tell you herself when she's ready. Of course with the wireless system I'm sure she will also bug the hell out of you if she can get away with it."

Toshiro smiled. "If it gets super bad, I could mute the speakers...but I highly doubt I'd want to go that far."

Shaun tapped the piece on his ear. "lucky you." ~Hey I heard that meanie!~ Shaun quickly rubbed the side of his head "Ow...calm down I was joking"

Toshiro started up the shuttles systems, and prepared to leave for the Yggdrasill. "We can sign the paperwork at the ship...there's coffee and tea there, too. As a Nepleslian, I assume you prefer the former?"

Shaun shook his head. "I'm not much for either to be honest. Do you guys have soda on board?"

Toshiro nodded. "I think we have some in the kitchen's mini-fridge. Ready to go?"

Shaun made sure he had been fastened securely to his seat and nodded. "Yeah lets get the hell off this rock."

Toshiro laughed and set off for the Yggdrasill.



Toshiro brought the shuttle into the Yggdrasill's shuttlebay, and immediately noticed that the shuttle Ken used wais back. "Looks like we won't have to go out and pick up your crewmate after all. He's back."
With that, he landed the shuttle and stepped out. "Oi, Ken! We have a new crewmember!"

Ken looked up, though he wais sitting down, so everything was upside down to him. "Is that so?" he asked, spinning the chair and standing up.

Shaun climbed out of the shuttle following Toshiro. He looked around and then to Ken. He gave a small wave "Yo"

Toshiro nodded. "Ken, meet Shaun. Shaun's our new weapons expert. Ken's our pilot. You two will be working together."

"Cool." Ken said, holding out his hand.

Shaun gripped his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet yea." After shaking hands he looked between the two men. "So where else are we stopping to pick up people?"

"Wherever Capt'n tells me to go."

Toshiro smiled. "Well, after a quick mission in Funky City, we're going to Yamatai to pick up some more crew. The mission into Funky City is optional...but first, I have to get Shaun signed up, unless you want to wait to do that on the 40 minute trip to Yamatai."

Ken shrugged. "Should I go warm up a shuttle, or the Tank?"

Shaun lifted his left hand "Whoa, whoa. Did you say Yamatai?"

Toshiro looked to Shaun. "Yeah, this ship isn't a racially-biased one. Yamataian, Nepleslian, Neko, it doesn't matter as long as they do their job. Also, the authorities may give us a hard time for the tank. Shuttle."

Ken nodded, and walked out to the hanger bay.

Shaun shook his head with a sigh "Alright I guess thats fine, but I am staying on the ship when we stop at Yamatai. I don't blend well there."

One could hear the hum of the engines as the shuttle warms up for use.

Toshiro looked to Shaun. "You don't have to leave the ship when we go to Yamatai if you don't want to...but please don't criticize Yamataians for their race and history alone. I understand you may have issues with the race because of your military background, though. Also...this mission into Funky City is fully optional. it is going to be a sort of a rescue...I was rewarded 5,000 KS for a rescue of a Star Army ex-Commander. I plan to use the money to buy the freedom of a captured Neko slave or two...I've heard they sell them here in Funky City, and plan to get them out of there. You guys don't need to come if you don't want. it is not in your job description."

"I'm going. My pistols need a work out." Ken said, returning.

Shaun cracked his neck "Then I'm going. I'm not overly fond of either sides of the military, but kidnappings and slavery.....I don't forgive such things."

Toshiro smiled. "And what does Eve want to do?"

Shaun cocked a brow. "You seem extremely interested in her..."

Ken cocked his head. "Eve?

Shaun looked over to Ken and tapped the ear piece on the side of his head. "She's a prototype AI system."

Toshiro nodded. "Of course. As I said, Artificial Intelligence is still Intelligence. She should have a say in where she goes."

Ken chuckled. "What ever...." he said, as he went back to the shuttle.

Toshiro turned back to Shaun, waiting for a reply.

Shaun sighed "I guess thats okay as long as you don't ask me what she is going to do everytime we go somewhere sir." Shaun looked around the ship. "Eve its your call. Are we going on this mission with them?"

Eve responded ~yes I wanna see you fight some more.~ With that, he looked to the captain. "She seems to want to go."

Toshiro nodded, and got on board. "Okay, let's go!"

Ken sat at the controls, ready to leave.

Shaun took a seat and strapped himself in.

"Ready to go, Capt'n?"

Toshiro strapped in as well. "Yes...Head for the...Red Light section of town...where you'd buy illegal goods. Shaun...if you or Eve know any specifics, feel free to speak up."

Shaun looked at the captain. "Actually I do. Though you might not like what you hear."

Ken nodded, and had the shuttle drop out of the wing, and off. "You know what's sad is that's where the best pawn shop on the damn planet is." he said, smirking.

Toshiro blinked. "Well...go ahead and say it. Working for me is a second chance, so I won't hold previous crimes against my crew, save pre-meditated murder."

Shaun pulled a small device from his pocket. "I got this recently so listen closely." He pressed a few keys and tapped his ear piece. "Alright Eve. Show them." A small digital video feed came up out of the device. It showed a group of men and around them was a pair of woman with cat ears. "As you can see they sell more then your basic illegal goods there. They also have Neko babies as I like to call them. Meaning anyone can buy and use them as they see fit. So if we go down and attack head on, we would be overpowered and quickly."

Toshiro nodded. "I just wanted to buy the Nekos freedom and report them to the authorities with the Neko's statement backing...and perhaps video recording. I didn't want to attack."

"Yeah...attacking would cause more problems then we want."

Shaun nodded "I understand that. This is where the problem comes in. If they have already preprogrammed them as their personal body guards, getting them to sell them to us might be hard."

Toshiro nodded. "If the Nekos have been reprogrammed...then the original is gone. We'll show the video to the Yamataian and Nepleslian authorities. Maybe pull a waiting ST backup at least."

"If I know slavers, they'll do anything for money,"

Toshiro was serious in this matter, his face in a semi-neutral appearance. "What's our ETA?"

"To Red Light? Approxematly (sp?) seven minutes."

Toshiro's head tilted down. "We should have one person stay in the shuttle just in case we have to lift off quick...and to keep someone from stealing it. As the pilot and the armed guy, that'll probably be you, Ken. Shaun, you may want to keep Eve here, lest one of these guys decide that she's worth more than your life."

Ken nodded. "We are approaching Red Light now." he said, starting to slow down

Toshiro nodded. "Land someplace easily defendable and well lit. We'll go out...I'm contemplating having Shaun and Eve stay with the shuttle instead. Ken and I have Yamataian bodies which would be able to put up more of a fight if things went sour...and can take more bullets."

Ken nodded again, landing near a street corner. "Lets do this." he said, not really turning off the thrusters, just keeping the power way down.

Toshiro nodded, and stepped out. "...Who wants to come, and who wants to stay?"

Ken got out with him. "Shaun, if you stay here, keep the thrusters warm. We might end up needing a quick get away."

Shaun just sat there at the controls. "Right. I'll keep that in mind." Shaun turned around in his seat. "Try not to cause a fire fight. If you do the entire city could get involved."

"Capt'n, remind me to by a OS for the Vampire....and some remote communicators for that..." Ken said, cocking his pistols, and reholstering them under his brown trench.

Toshiro nodded, and proceeded forward, looking as serious and calm as possible. He walked toward the location of the black market dealers, not trying to hide his approach. A few men in black noted his approach, and eyed him carefully. "...Who's this bum?" Another looked at them carefully, Ken now visible. "Not sure..."

Ken had his poker face on, showing no fear.

"What do you guys want?" One of the men said, all of them standing their ground.

Toshiro replied, choosing his words carefully, but not obviously so. "We want to look at some merchandise...3 guys, alone on a ship...get me?" Toshiro wasn't exactly sure what he was saying meant, but knew that it hinted toward wanting a girl around...and that was enough.

Ken nodded. "We need some companionship."

The men looked at each other, and one gave a bit of a chuckle. "Bring out the newbie...she seems fiery enough to handle three guys."

Ken still looked stone-faced.

An emaciated neko with flame-red hair and piercing orange eyes struggled against some thick manacles around her arms, bound behind her back, and her legs were chained together. "Let me go, yora sha! When I am freed from these manacles I will tear your trachea from your throat and pre--" She was silenced by a quick backhand to her face.
Greg McClendon: "How much?" Ken asked, hands staying out of his pockets.

One of the men spoke, smiling. "5000 KS, and you have the pleasure of training her yourself."

Toshiro looked to be in thought, apparently trying to decide. "What do you think?" Toshiro asked Ken.

Ken looked like he was thinking a little. "A little high....4900 sound good?"

The flame-haired neko lunged at the man who spoke, literally hissing. "Onore!" She bit down hard with her sharp teeth on the man's hand.

The man almost yelled, but silenced himself. He took out his anger by slapping her again. "You filthy bitch!"

The boss snapped his fingers. "Don't hurt the merchandise! As for you, stop with the haggling. 5,000 KS is as low as it gets, Mac."

"Fine, fine. Just thought I would try." Ken said, smirking.

Toshiro pretended to think for a moment longer, then agreed. "Good...we'll take her. She'll do just fine." He pulled out a salvaged KS card, which has only 5,000 KS put on it, and transfers the funds to them. They try to hand her over, Toshiro careful not to let her hurt Ken.

Ken let out a small smile. "Nice working with you gentlemen." he said, leading them out and back to the shuttle.

The neko, slumped, shuffled out with Toshiro and Ken, muttering curses along the way, before: "What ship are you bastards with?"

"Just trust us, okay?" Ken said, quietly enough for the neko to hear him, but not loud enough for any bystanders.

Toshiro smiled as they got in the shuttle and shut the door. "Ken...take us to the police station...we have a report to file."
With that, he began to remove the neko's restraints. "We're on your side. You're free again, okay?"

Ken nods, scooting Shaun over to the next door seat. "We're with the Yggdrasill."

The neko's eyes widened. "Yggdrasill? I left my job to work for the Yggdrasill...!"

"Well, ain't that a surprise." Ken chuckled out, as he hit the thrusters so they could gain some speed and altitude

Shaun kept his attention to the monitor in front of him. He was making sure they weren't being followed.

Toshiro looked at the Neko, quite surprised. "...Funny how life works, ain't it...well, glad we could get you out of there. Feel good enough to make a report to the cops?"

The neko looked around. "...I'm Kairi. Kairi Tohoe." She looked to Toshiro and nodded. "Hai..."

"ETA 4 minutes. Anything on screen Shaun?"

Shaun shook his head. "No I'm not seeing anyone following as right now."

"Good. Looks like all went well. Sorry about doing that to you Kairi. I may like shooting, but a shoot out there would have been bad." Ken said, smirking as they started to land. "Who all is going to go in?"

"I'll stay here and monitor things," said Shaun

"I'm going to go in with Kairi-san...Nekos normally aren't allowed on Nepleslia, but they can't ignore this." Toshiro said, preparing to step out.

"I'll keep the thrusters warm. you shouldn't need more then you two, and if something breaks out, we can leave in a hurry."

Toshiro nodded. "Come on, Kairi-san...let's go, ne?"

Kairi nodded, and shuffled along with Toshiro.

Soon, the pair left the police station, and Toshiro seemed to be a bit relieved. "...Ken, remember our talk about Karma? More evidence for it...we used reward money for saving one Neko on saving another, and turns out she meant to come to us anyway...Kairi-san, do you want to go the ship now? Are you okay?"

Ken just shook his head and chuckled.

Kairi nodded, still a little shell-shocked. "Yeah... Let's go."

Ken nodded, hitting the thrusters once all were strapped in, and headed to the main ship. "Don't worry about us actually using you like they though, Kairi-san. I wouldn't care. I'm just happy to be off my damned Equine."

Kairi nodded. "You'll need some sort of cutters to get off these manacles. it is okay if you cut me a little, I heal fast..." The manacles were large ones, going from the wrist to the elbow, specifically designed to stop a Neko from breaking free, even with her enhanced strength.

Toshiro nodded. "As I said, you're a free woman again. If you want to work with us still, you may, but we have no intention of claiming ownership of you...the money is reward money for saving another Neko who was in the Star Army...I fully intended it "pay it forward", so to speak...and I think I have something on the Yggdrasill."

"ETA 2 minutes....thank god the Police Station is near the Space Port."

Kairi cocked her head. "Something on the Yggdrasill? What sort of 'something'?"

: Toshiro nodded. "Well, it is a sort of cutting torch. If we can somehow slide a flame resistant fabric between the manacles and your skin, that'll work. If not, I'll buy some sort of other cutting device."

Kairi shook her head. "You don't have to worry about it, just have some burn salve nearby if there's an accident..."

Ken brings the shuttle into the wing hanger, and powered it down. "Last stop for this planet: Yggdrasill, cutting torches, and money." he said, laughing and getting out

Toshiro shook his head. "I've heard Nekos aren't as fast to recover from serious burns as other things...the cauterizing prevents hemosynthetic flood flow and its healing from working as fast, from what I hear...we should be able to fit the fabric in here, though... Want to sit on the gurney on the way? We have it in the shuttle from when we turned in a criminal earlier."

Kairi nodded. "That'd be good."

Ken was already sitting in the pilot chair. "Hey, lets get them signed up, get our rooms, and the hell away from this planet!

Toshiro offered her a seat on the gurney. "Ken, you know your way around a Vampire. Please go to Engineering, Left Engine. You'll find a flame-resistant cloth right inside the door connecting it to the cargo bay, okay? Well leave soon, but not just yet."

Ken nodded, and went off that way to get it.

Toshiro brought her to the cargo bay, and got some burn cream, a wet cloth, and some bandages ready, just in case. He then left the room, and came back with what looking like a cutting torch of some kind. "I'll have to keep this on low..."

Ken came back quickly. "Here you go, Capt'n."

Toshiro thanked him and took the cloth. "Please don't launch until we've gotten the shackles off. If this doesn't work, I'll have to go back out and buy more." Toshiro tried to get the cloth between her arm and the shackle, threading it through and spreading it out.

Ken nodded. "I'll be awaiting your command, Capt'n." he said, walking back to the bridge.

Toshiro, after a few moments of care and detail, got the shackles off of Kairi. "There....how does that feel? Did I burn you?"

Kairi shook her head. "You didn't burn me, though the metal got hot. It feels good to be free."

Shaun climbed out of the shuttle and stretched for a moment. As he did Eve continued talking to him about the others, even though he wasn't really paying attention. He makes his way out of the bay area and into the main portion of the ship.

Toshiro smiled. "Good...do you want to sign up, or rest for a while?"

Kairi sighed. "Do you have a bunk where I can sleep for a few hours?"

Shaun nodded "I figure I'll get the paperwork out of the way first."

Toshiro nods. "Yes...let's see here...I have to assign you all quarters, don't I? Can everyone please report to the Lounge, which is behind the Bridge and my Quarters?"

Ken nodded, headed there and sitting on a chair, and Shaun mirrored this action.

Toshiro takes Kairi to the Lounge. "Okay, guys...Most Vampires have sleep quarters on either side of the Lounge...but one of those sleep quarters is gone, and the other increased in size. Now, there are two more added to the Cargo Bay. There's three rooms to choose from then, and whatever Kairi gets will become the girls' room. So...Where does everyone want to sleep?"

Ken shrugged. "Don't care. Anything is better then on the Equine..."

Kairi nodded. "I choose the smallest one," she said.

Shaun leans back in his chair. "As long as it is got a bunk I couldn't care less where I sleep."

Toshiro nods, and thinks for a moment. "Which is smallest..." He soon remembers. "That'd be the one off of the lounge, right through that door." Toshiro gestures to the sleep area to the left of the Lounge.

Ken nods. "Girls room. So, what shall I go do?

"Well...you and Shaun can take one of the hybrid sleep/medical areas off the cargo bay. They're a bit larger, and are as comfortable as a normal sleep area." Toshiro stated.

"Kay." Ken said. "You know, bunking is all good and stuff, but the sooner we get off this rock..."

Toshiro nodded. "I know...that's the next order of business...go ahead and ask for clearance to leave. Once we're done, go at STL speed until we're through the Debris Field around the planet. Then go to your Equine."

Ken nodded, and headed for the pilot chair. "This is the Yggdrasill, asking for clearance to leave."

A reply is given from the control tower after a few moments. "Understood, Yggdrasill, leave on vector seven-three."

"Copy that." Ken said, giving the thrusters power to get off the planet and escape gravity.

The ship shoots to the sky, toward space, blue once more fading to black...


Last edited by Toshiro on Thu Feb 01 2007, 08:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

ON: SRSS Yggdrasill

Toshiro, as they entered the Nepleslian debris field, decided to change his order. "....All stop...since we have only 5 items still in the cargo bay, we might as well get another load in, ne?"

Ken nodded. "Aye, Capt'n." he said, easing off the gas and putting on the brake. "Activate grapplers?"

Shaun sat at the main weapons console. "Sounds good. What are we using to mine the rocks?"

Ken chuckled. "Mine the rocks? We salvage, not mine."

Toshiro nodded. "Yes...though mining might not be a bad idea someday, if we get the right parts...activate the Grapplers."

Ken nodded, keying in some things, and letting the computer do it is work

Shaun turned around in his chair "Oh didn't know we only did salvaging." Shaun looked over to the captain "Although I'm not sure if we would find anything overly valuable to mine out here anyway."

Ken shrugged, somewhat indifferent to that scenario. "Anyone want a drink? I need to try out my new bartender's cabinet."

Shaun spun his chair around from the console and tapped his knees with his palms. "What you got in there?"

"Not sure. Got it before we picked you up." Ken said, getting up and walking to his room, where it is currently stored.

"No than---INCOMING!!!" Just then a shot grazed the left wing of the Yggdrasill, as a Kylie, of all things, attacked the ship. Toshiro gave the first cry of alarm to his crew. "A KYLIE! it is a freaking Kylie! Evasive!"

Ken dashed back to the seat. "Sonofa...who the hell has a Kylie out here?" he asked, ending the salvage and putting on the gas and shields. "Shaun, warm up the weapons."

Shaun quickly spun back around and started rapidly tapping in commands. His entire posture quickly changed from being loose to being professional. "Sir! weapon systems ready. I'm ready to engage on your word."

Toshiro grimaced. "If memory serves, some of the Kylies were sold off by WickedArms...this must be the son of some rich brat, maybe the boss of that guy from before. Dodge behind that chunk of debris! Keep moving unpredictably! Use that DTS!"

The Kylie continued to fire, but the Yggdrasill was a particularly mobile vessel, and the Kylie pilot seemed to lack formal training...but he was still quite dangerous.

"Aye Capt'n," Ken said, zigging and zagging behind this rock and that piece of armor, using the Dynamic Thruster System to direct the Yggdrasill in ways that would normally not be possible for a Vampire.

Shaun kept his eyes trained on the chasing vessel. His fingers slightly twitching in front of the weapon triggers

"Alright...that thing is a KFY-built unit...FTL escape is too risky in the debris field...and shaking it with the grappler won't work...any ideas?" Toshiro asked, thinking, his eyes still on the screen scanning for their pursuer.

Shaun called out from his spot "Whats the distance reach and maneuvering ability of the arms?"

"We could try to blow out their thrusters and weapons," Ken suggested.

Shaun suddenly reached over and hit a few switches. The sounds of something moving around outside the ship could be heard as the mobile gun turrets aligned themselves. "I have an idea," Shaun said in a dangerous sounding tone.

Toshiro looked to Shaun. "360 degrees around the ship, 10 meters past at the closest point. It might not work though, depending on what you're planning...that Kylie could likely rip off the grapplers. it is the second-level power armor of the Star Army of Yamatai...which means...it must be Aether powered..." Just then, the Kylie appeared on screen, having noticed them. It charged, preparing to fire again. "Ken! Evasive again! Hard to port!"

Ken jammed the steering device hard left, using the DTS as well, trying to move quickly

The ship narrowly avoided a blast of the Kylie's railgun. "What's your idea, Shaun?" Toshiro asked, thinking of an idea of his own.

Shaun pulled 5 of the mobile gun turrets to the rear of the ship. "Let up on the engines...I want this bastard closer before I make this shot."

"I don't know....if I do that, he might hit us first, and that would be bad," Ken noted, a bit apprehensive to the idea.

He turned his head slightly "I'm aiming....for his weapon ports." Shaun said with a sinister grin.

Kens eyes briefly moved to Shaun. "Yeah...again, he shoots first, we're in trouble.

Toshiro blinked. "...Do what he says Ken...but turn around as you stop. Shaun...if that thing runs on Aether, let's use the Combined Pulse Cannons instead...they overload aetheric generators, and might stop him at such close range..."

"Are you telling me that the arms on this thing can't take a hit from a piece of electrically charged metal?" Shaun asked, a bit surprised.

Toshiro looked to Shaun. "I'm saying that if the grapplers are put up against Zesuaium, the Zesuaium will win, hands down.

Ken nodded, and pulled the ship around so that they were faced as Toshiro and Shaun wanted, facing their enemy head-on.

Shaun leaned forward holding his hands against the triggers. The turrets and pulse cannons were trained on the Kylie's weapon ports. "Weapons locked. Do Yamataians know how to play chicken?"

Ken shook his head. "Dear gods..."

Toshiro stared down the Kylie as he answered. "That's likely a Nepleslian who has ties to a rich person, likely a spoiled rich man's son...when we're within 600 meters and have a clear shot through the debris, fire the Combined Pulse Cannons.

Shaun nodded "I'm going to assume you don't want to risk the Positron Cannon being fired in this field?"

"The D-Gun? Not fast enough." Ken said, moving toward the armor.

Toshiro shook his head. "The Positron Cannon hasn't been mounted yet. We still have the stock D-Gun, which is best for this ship's current power system, and just as powerful...except it takes 7 minutes to recharge. If we fired a shot from this distance and missed, we'd have to wait a long time for another chance...and he would likely know that if he's familiar with ship design."

"Aye. The CPC are faster, and we can dodge around as long as we are outside of half a kilometer.

As they moved closer, Shaun moved the remaining mobile turrets to different points on the ship. "It doesn't need to be fast if youre using it as a diversion, although I don't like the idea of that cooldown time."

The Kylie approached, darting in and out of debris...apparently the pilot was at least used to ambushing ships in the debris field, but not used to higher speed navigation...Toshiro eyed the distance of the Kylie, trying to get it within optimal firing range. "...1.2 kilometers...1 kilometer...800 meters...now!"

Shaun fired into the calculated space the enemy ship was heading to. As he did the mobile turrets each fired in a cage formation to catch the pilot off guard if he managed to dodge the resulting ion bolt.

The Kylie would have been able to react, but the pilot couldn't...he was hit by the beam head on, and the Power Armor just floated there, it is aether generator disabled... "YATTA!"

Ken winced. "Dude, you didn't need to. the CPC covers it, and no Kylie can escape it."

Toshiro disagreed. "No, the Kylie could have dodged...the fact we won is because the pilot wasn't trained by the military, probably. The Kylie has a faster STL speed than the Yggdrasill even. I hear the latest variant can do 0.80c."

Shaun turned around "I'm not used to letting people get away alive. Old habits are hard to lose I guess."

"Go in and retrieve, Capt'n?"

Toshiro nodded. "Oh yes...but take GREAT CARE. Do the same thing we did before, using the grapplers to pull his weapons away from him, and pin him in the cargo bay with increased gravity and the industrials."

Ken nodded. "Aye," he said, as he pulled the Yggdrasill close enough to pull the weapons away, and then brought the Kylie in manually.

Shaun kept his hands on the weapons controls, just waiting for the guy to try something stupid enough to give him an excuse to turn him to space dust.

Toshiro seemed to have a better idea of what the Kylie was really capable of. "...Be thankful the pilot wasn't as skilled as he could have been...with a skilled pilot, we might not be alive right now. The Kylie...it is a powerful armor. Not a Mindy, but still military grade."

"He's in, the industrials have him and gravity is higher just as you ordered." Ken said, standing. "Shall I accompany you?"

Toshiro nodded. "Yes...and bring your weapons...Shaun, stay here. If we get shot, we'll heal more easily, but you might have some problems. Also, we need someone in charge up here...let's go meet him, Ken, but be ready...I've heard rumors that pilots of Kylies and Mindys go naked save for a helmet."

Ken chuckles. "I go places with out my guns? Blasphemy." he said, following along.

They enter the bay, and come upon the Kylie...it is not putting up a fight, its power disabled. "...Be ready for anything once it opens up..."

Ken nodded, hands on the hilts of his guns.

An industrial grappler opened the Kylie, and immediately, a man in the nude pulled out a pistol and opened fire. "DUCK! GRAPPLERS DISARM!"

Ken dodged to the side, firing on the man's arms to disable, without causing him permanent harm.

One shot hit its mark, the other bouncing off of the armor. The man cried out as the round burrowed into his right shoulder, and the grappler took the weapon from him, harshly pulling him free of the armor. He fell to the ground, on his head, unconscious. "...Thank goodness for increased gravity..." Toshiro stated as he approached the man, the gun having safely clattered several meters away, outside of the increased gravity zone.

Ken nodded. "Shaun, bring in the rolling strapped bed from the medbay." he called out.

Toshiro smiled, thinking the same thing. "Well...we have a Kylie...a Kylie in need of repair, but a Kylie and weapons." With that, Toshiro picked up the helmet, which fell off when the industrials pulled him out.

Shaun walked in pushing the bed. He looked at the points inside where the rounds hit. "You people are really freaking weird. Who fights naked?"

Ken chuckled. "I like it. it is better then that Demon we have. We can try to make a Neutronium shield for it." he says, turning to Shaun. "Most people do it in Kylies. Something about it being easier to control like that."

Toshiro sighed in relief. "Apparently it is to monitor muscle movement or something...of course, keep in mind that it is usually a GIRL piloting this thing. For some reason, that's not considered so weird...Shaun, would you mind taking a shuttle and getting this guy to Nepleslia? You've had military training, so I assume you know how to patch a minor gunshot wound."

Shaun waved. "Yeah I know. I couldn't get comfortable flying naked." With that, he strapped the man to the bed and pushed him inside the ship.

Toshiro called back. "There's some coordinates written on some paper by my chair. If we're not here when you return, go there. That's where Ken's ship is....now let's see what was salvaged...after moving this thing next to the Demon."

Ken hit some controls, moving the armor over to the Demon with the industrials, as the shuttle descended from the Yggdrasill and sped off toward the planet.

Toshiro nodded. "Okay, that was easy...and I finally got a firearm, to boot!" Toshiro picks up the pistol, and turns the safety back on. "Now let's see what you got...some frozen food...and...hey, you got a mini-fridge!"


"Looks like the boy's dorm will have a decent set up...now...what'd I get? Anti Insect, large area...a hydrogen canister...some sort of huge metal box which I'll open later...some mechanical lubricant...ooo...Medicines from a medbay! ...Some shard of armor...a coffee machine!"

"Not a bad haul. Don't forget to put some stuff aside for Shaun and Kairi."

Toshiro continued. "I'll remember. Let's see...A Silver Eating utensil...cracked control panel...a toolkit for maintenance! I'll need this for your Equine...some electrical cabling...more frozen food, a ship's hatch...what are these?" Toshiro picks up a box of condoms.

Ken took those. "You remember the Fun Bot from last haul? Same category, different use and product."

Toshiro blinked. "...Well, I may want them someday or something...don't snatch things, okay? There's no tag on that one. If you want it, maybe we can trade later."

"Trust me. Until you get a girlfriend and you start sleeping together, you won't need them."

Toshiro blinked. "Okay, but it still might be trade fodder, you know? Let's see what else...OOOooooooo...KS Card worth 3400 KS...a Medical Kit...SWEET! Another Napalm Missile!"

"Another one? Jesus...when we have the cash, we should try to get a missile launcher.

Toshiro nodded. "Let's see what the others got...Shaun got...eww...more biomass!....well, he got a nice escape pod!"

"You sure the pod isn't empty?" Ken asked.

Toshiro nodded. "it is empty...no occupant this time...last time I got one though, there was. Now...Kairi...Well, there's some intact starship controls, and a hydrogen canister. Not bad at all...those canisters can by used for air purification, nuclear fusion, or a makeshift bomb."

Ken nodded, having brought out a lift for the minifridge.

The shuttle appears back on radar as Shaun pilots it back on it is way to the Yggdrasill.

"Looks like Shaun's back...Oi, Shaun! You got something good your first time!" Toshiro called as Shaun returned.

Shaun climbed out of the shuttle and said, "Huh? What did I get?"

Ken chuckled. "Biomass and an Escape pod."

Shaun twitched a brow. "Biomass? What the hell am I gonna do with that?"

Toshiro smiled. "The biomass is useless and might burn your hand off, but the escape pod is a nice find!"

Shaun looked at it, inspecting it closely. "Doesn't this ship already have escape pods?"

"Sell it," Ken suggested.

Toshiro shook his head. "No need. We have four shuttle craft which are capable of faster-than-light travel and are easily accessible."

Shaun nodded.

"Well, I need to go install this minifridge." Ken said as he wheeled it out of there and to the guys quarters.

Toshiro walked back to the bridge. "Next thing to do is to go to Ken's Equine and tow it to Midori no Umi..."

Ken walked back in, holding a glass of whiskey. "So, wait to pawn this stuff off?"

Toshiro smiled. "We're going to Yamatai's moon after we get your Equine in tow...can you go lay in a course to it?"

Ken nodded. "Aye Capt'n." he said, turning back to the bridge to set course.

Toshiro gave a sigh, and after walking back to the cargo bay, he picked up the Starship Maintenance Kit. "...Well, to work again soon...Hmm? The metal box was no longer freezing cold, and he opened it upinside were six crates with 2,000 riot-grade grenades of sleeping gas.each. Wowthere must be 12,000 of them here

Soon, Toshiro heard Kens voice acknowledging that the Yggdrasill had arrived at the Equine. After carefully using the Graviton Beams to begin towing it, the ship went to FTL speed, toward Yamatai.


JP with morikatsuhara

ON: SRSS Yggdrasill

Toshiro walked from the bridge to the lounge, still carrying the toolkit he had salvaged that day. He had planned to get to work on the Demon and the Kylie during the 40 minutes remaining before they reached Yamatai.

Kairi wandered into the lounge clumsily, stretching very much like a cat awakening. "Ohayoooo," she called to Toshiro. "What's happened since I went to sleep?"

Toshiro smiled at the awakened crewmember. "Well, a pirate in a Kylie attacked, but we actually managed to weather it...now I have a Kylie to fix as well as a Demon to upgrade...want to join me? I believe you are a technician."

Kairi perked up. "A Kairi? We got one?" She looked extremely happy at this news. "I am a technician, yes, but I have very little experience with armors... I really want to learn to fix and use them, though!"

Toshiro smiled. "Well, You'll be able to train in the Kylie. I'm too big for it anyway...two inches too tall. Want to take a look?"

Kairi nodded. "Hai, let's go see it."

Toshiro lead her into the cargo bay. "By the way, each person gets 2 items whenever we salvage when they start. We salvaged while you were asleep, and you got a Hydrogen Canister and an intact starship's piloting station." Toshiro points to the items found for Kairi, both with a pink tag.

Kairi examined the hydrogen canister in passing, not knowing any use for it, then moved to the starship piloting station. "Aa... Do you think we could put this into the Yggdrasill?"

Toshiro thought for a moment. "We have a piloting station already...though we could make a secondary bridge somewhere perhaps...you might want to keep it or sell it. it is yours, after all."

Kairi shrugged. "I don't have room in my quarters for it, and the only reason to have a secondary bridge is if ours was destroyed... I'll sell it."

Toshiro nodded. "Remember, we can all use the warehouse space I have at Midori no Umi."

Kairi nodded. "I'd like to sell it, I have no money..." She looked down. "Those baka yaroi who were trying to sell me took it all."

Toshiro seemed to sympathize... "How much did they take? Do you have possessions on Yamatai still?"

Kairi slumped. "9420 KS... I have two custom combat knives and pistols in a locker that we should go get..."

Toshiro thought for a moment. "We'll stop at Yamatai and pick up those items...as for the money; I'll give that some thought..."

Kairi gaped. "Iie!" she cried. "Do not give me any money! You bought me back from those awful men, thats enough!"

Toshiro blinked. "True, but you got captured trying to GET to us, ne?"

Kairi nodded. "Well, yes, but it is my fault. I'm already indebted to you."

Toshiro blinked a bit. "Well...hopefully you'll be able to make it back...the Pilot Station is a nice start for the item."

Kairi nodded. "Yeah... How much do you think I can get?"

Toshiro thought a moment. "Maybe 750 to 1500 KS..."

Kairi nodded again. "Aa, that's a tenth of what I had...!"

Toshiro smiled. "Well, you'll earn it back soon enough...do you have ANY money?"

Kairi nodded. "I have 60 KS inside that locker."

Toshiro was surprised. "That's all?"

Kairi blushed and nodded. "I didn't expect to be going back until I was with the Yggdrasill, and I had to bring my savings with me to pay for transportation and shelter."

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Well, it can't be helped...I'll have to get some money together and buy you some clothing. We don't have nodal cleaning on board, you know. You can't wear the same outfit everyday."

Kairi blushed furiously. "Toshiro-kun... I feel so helpless."

Toshiro smiled. "Don't worry about it, okay? You've been through a lot, but you'll be fine, okay? I have enough money to help, okay? You're a member of my crew now."

Kairi nodded. "Hai... Let's go look at those armors."

Toshiro nodded, and proceeded to the armors. "The power system of the Kylie has been damaged...and the Demon will be upgraded with a Super Demon's Neutronium."

Kairi let out a "Muhh." "Let's put the Neutronium in first, I know how to change out parts."

Toshiro nodded, carrying the Neutronium armor over first. "Here is is...I'll work on the left, you on the right."

Kairi grabbed a pneumatic drill and exposed the frame of the armor, stripping it of its protection. "Hey, this is easier than I--hrnnnk--thought!" she said, pulling off a jammed armor plate.

Toshiro laughed a bit before removing a piece on his own side. "This will triple the armor's defenses."

Kairi nodded. "If not for the lack of radiation protection, this could be our main armor. We can still probably use it to manipulate salvage."

"Yeah...we'd have to get Mercurite shielding or something to protect it from radiation, or get a space suit with protection."

Kairi nodded. "We could probably also use it if we went groundside at Kennewes or something."

Toshiro agreed. "A bit risky for now though, the civil war and all."

Kairi mumbled, "Mhm." She was busy checking the seals on the armor, making sure it would be airtight.

Toshiro had moved on to the next part already. While not used to this armor, he was quite used to setting Neutronium armor in place...the Yggdrasill was covered with the stuff. "Fair warning, though...Kylie pilots go out nude...you might want to change into the armor in your room, or make sure there are no peeping toms around, ne?"

Kairi blinked, and the pneumatic drill in her hand slowly wound down. She looked over to Toshiro. "You think there are people like that on this ship?"

Toshiro looked to Kairi. "No, but I admit I don't know the other two members of the crew that well yet. They both came on today."

Kairi shrugged. "I'll give them the benefit of the doubt to start."

Toshiro nodded. "True, but you should be careful...I don't know WHY guys try to look at girls, but oh well."

Kairi shrugged. "I've been through worse..."

Toshiro looks a bit confused. "Like what?"

Kairi looked down at the red spots where the manacles were. "..."

Toshiro turned away after realizing. "...Sorry."

Kairi nodded. "it is alright..."

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Well...you have separate quarters for your gender...do you want a lock?"

Kairi shook her head. "No, that's alright... I trust that I won't be disturbed unless someone asks."

Toshiro nodded. "Okay...I'm done with my side...how about you?"

Kairi slapped the last piece of armor; a hand plate; on, bolted it, and nodded. "That was nice." She looked down at her greasy hands. "Wow."

Toshiro laughed. "Yeah, that happens...look at mine!" Toshiro's hands were just as greasy.

Kairi laughed too. "Let's take a break in the lounge and then we'll work on the Kairi."


After returning from the police station. Shaun went to the sleeping bay for the men and dropped down into one of the cots. He leaned back with a yawn as he listened to Eve explaining in annoying detail the inner workings of the escape pod he picked up earlier. After a few minutes of it he finally cut in. Hey Eve...if your not going to shut up about the thing could you at least tell me how to change it into something useful?

Eve took only a moment to scan over the data she had collected before replying. You could turn it into a comfortable sleeping compartment. Shaun moved his arms from behind his head and pressed against the floor with his right foot causing the cot to swing from side to side slightly. So your telling me to turn it into an electronic bed? Yes came the immediate reply from Eve. Shaun thought about it for a few minutes before deciding it might be a decent idea. I guess I could use the privacy and a bed with a built in air conditioner does sound pretty good, but what about leg room? Eve was silent for a moment before replying Shaun...it is an escape pod....theres plenty of room inside it. Beside if you pull out the insides and work on the frame then the size it currently is wont matter.

Shaun sat up in the cot and cracked his neck to the side. ah...well I guess you do make a valid point. I just need to go find some tools first. With that Shaun climbed out of the cot and left the room.

ON: SRSS Yggdrasill:

Toshiro sat in the lounge, on a break with Kairi. "So...What made you want to join the crew enough to pack up and leave home?"

Kairi's hands were in her lap. "Well," she started. "I was born in Kyoto, and I joined up with a shipping conglomerate as soon as I reached full height. I did that for a while, then I saw the ad for the Yggdrasill and left. I was under contract, though, so I did some things that I'd rather not talk about to get out..."

Toshiro seemed surprised. "Well...you've been through a lot to get here, and I'll remember that...from what you say, this is your life now...so I'll take care of you, okay?" He smiled; happy she'd finally made it to where she wanted to be.

Kairi nodded. "Thanks, Toshi-kun," she managed. "Do you think we could stop in Kyoto to get my knives and pistol? I also have a couple changes of clothing there..."

Toshiro nodded. "Of course! I can't have you without clothing...I'll also try and set up a bathing schedule or something..."

Kairi nodded. "Should we go fix the Kairi?"

Toshiro blinked, tilting his head. "Why do you need healed? Did they hurt you?"

Kairi tilted her head in return. "Ehh?" She sat there for a moment. "Oh!" She laughed. "No, no, the mecha, not me, silly!"

Toshiro looked at her for a moment, and then laughed. "HAHAHAhahaha!....Gomen, gomen...Sure...I used an anti-aether weapon to disable the energy system...There should be no structural damage, to tell the truth...let's look on PANTHEON for schematics...we don't need to disturb the others on the bridge, Ken might be a bit drunk by now...my quarters has a viewscreen and a datapad..."

Kairi laughed again. "Come on."

Toshiro nodded, and headed for his quarters...they were a bit nicer than their own, but likely because they were already furnished with more personal items. "Now...I don't know how much is classified and how much isn't...so we may have to do some troubleshooting on our own...let's see..."

Kairi nodded. "There's so much green on this ship... What does PANTHEON say?"

"...Here we go!" Toshiro found something. "...Luck...it seems the Kylies sold by WickedArms had fuses, so that the Aether Generators wouldn't be damaged...and a battery for life support functions. We just add new fuses, or jump them...easy!"

Kairi slumped. "What if the fuses are proprietary? If we have to buy them for some massive price?"

Toshiro shook his head. "A fuse is just a single electrical jumper that blows in the case of an overload...I think I could build something if I had to...we have plenty of steel left over from the Demon, and 5 meters of wire, after all."

Kairi nodded. "Alright. Let's go to the bay and get started." She looked in the corner. "...coffee machine," she muttered.

Toshiro nodded. "Yeah, the boys' room also has one...They found one themselves. They also have booze and a large viewscreen for whatever...though you can find things for your room as well...do you want some coffee, or do you prefer tea? I just keep that coffee machine for the use of crew or guests. I don't drink the stuff...I prefer water, fruit juice, or mild tea."

Kairi grinned. "If you have a green tea bag, I'd be quite happy," she thought a second and added, "Very hot, please."

Toshiro nodded, and got the tea ready...it didn't take long for him to bring her the tea, with a few rice cakes. "...I never understood why Nepleslians loved coffee so much...I'm Yamataian, myself."

Kairi nodded. "That's all the bastards that caught me drank. They also made me drink spiked drinks all the time so that I wouldn't fight them."

Toshiro sighed. "...I don't understand how they can treat others that way because of their race...though I can't judge all Nepleslians harshly...and our own government is guilty of the same...though not to the extremes you had to endure...and I'm sorry you had to endure that."

Kairi nodded, sipping her tea. "Let's go work on that Kairi."

Toshiro nodded, and started for the cargo bay as Kairi followed.

Toshiro soon stopped in front of the Power Armor, which looked in good shape...though it'd need a bit of paint where the ion bolt hit it. "...Well...let's get cracking?"

"Hai." Kairi grabbed a bright-green pneumatic drill and primed it a few times. "I vote we paint it green later."

Toshiro nodded. "If you didn't know, I LOVE green. That's why the ship is green...that and to match the 'Tree of Life' nomenclature. Do you like green?" Toshiro asked as he looked over the fuses.

Kairi nodded. "I don't like to wear it very much, though... I'm all red, as you can see," she said, gesturing to her flaming hair and orange eyes.

Toshiro nodded. "Well, I guess you are glad we don't have uniforms, ne? ...Here's the problem...Aether Generator fuses are blown...I THINK I can machine a replacement..."

Kairi nodded. "What can I do to help?"

"...In fact...it is about the size of a spent bullet shell....and there should still be a couple of them around here from the firefight with the pilot of this thing earlier...look for spent shell casings on the floor."

Kairi looked confused, but began to look for a shell casing. She found it under one of the legs of the Demon, and brought it to Toshiro.

Toshiro smiled. "Good...if I'm going to get shot at, then I'd best benefit...this, with a wire coiled around inside it, is essentially the same thing...leave the wire coated save at the ends of course...we can use the original fuse holder for the rest of it...and pin-pon!!!" Toshiro held up a fuse, which looked half-decent.

Kairi just laughed. "I've not heard of making fuses that way. I guess I'll have to remember it!"

Toshiro smiled. "Well...you learn a few things disassembling and rebuilding a Vampire from hand..."

"Aiiiiahhh," Kairi said. "Are you saying that our ship is made of shell casings, Toshi-kun?"

Toshiro laughed. "I meant to say I learned a few things...and no, the Yggdrasill is shell-casing free. This is only a temporary fuse anyway...I'm going to see if I can pull one from the LAMIA torso for a more permanent fix once we get back to Midori no Umi."

Kairi laughed as well. "Ah, alright. What's the ETA to Yamatai, anyway?"

Toshiro crossed his arms, thinking. "Let's see...5 Light Years...40 minutes total...we're about halfway there, so 20 minutes."

With that, Toshiro put the fuse in, and the Kylie's systems turned back on... "...Pin-Pon!"

Kairi threw her arms in the air. "Yatta! We have an expensive power armor!"

Toshiro smiled. "Yes...not everyone gets a Kylie...too bad I'm too tall for it, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it! I wonder if I can make the LAMIA torso I have act as a drone, or fit that LAMIA Augmentation pod to the Kylie...What do you think?"

Kairi thought for a moment, then: "The augmentation pod might be useful--I'm not sure about the torso..."

Toshiro nodded. "Well, it has a few weapons of its own, a generator, if nothing else I can make it a ship controlled drone or a transport capsule with armaments.

Kairi said, "Mhm," and then went back to examining the Kylie. "Yes, this looks easy enough..."

Toshiro blinks. "What looks easy?"

Kairi laughed. "Piloting this thing!"

Toshiro nodded. "Ah, yeah, I thought you were still thinking about technical details...but I'm glad you like it! Let's see what else there is to repair...there's the Equine we're towing, among other things...but we can't do that right now...Oh, who do you want to come with you to get your possessions, if anyone?"

Kairi thought for a moment. "...You and Ken," she said.

Toshiro nodded. "Okay...Shaun doesn't want to come anyway...he doesn't like Yamatai much...SAoN Vet."

Kairi nodded. "Maybe after Midori no Umi, we can salvage a bit... Do you think we should stop at Yamatai after Midori No Umi so we can sell what needs sold?"

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Okay...but the Yamatai Debris Ring is gone...cleaned up...I'm thinking Lor...I've always wanted to see Lorath technology."

Kairi nodded. "I don't know anything about the Lorath..."

Toshiro smiled. "They're a recently discovered race starting their own Faster-Than-Light technology...A new addition to the Empire. There's Yamataian, Mishhu, and Lorath technology all over the place there."

Toshiro nodded. "Let's see...what else do we need to fix....I'll look at the manifest. Want to come to my quarters? We can get you signed up and everything, too!"

Kairi nodded. "Okay, that works."

Toshiro goes to his quarters and gets out some paperwork for Kairi to sign, the standard stuff about 75 KS a week, 2 items per run with increases possible, obeying laws in turning in restricted tech, splitting rewards 80/20, etc. "This is the standard paperwork..."

Kairi nodded, read the papers quickly, and did something odd--she bit her thumb, causing some hemosynthetic blood to well from the cut. She spread it out around her thumb, and after signing each paper, added her blood print. "There..."

Toshiro blinked. "Well, that's one way to do it...your signature would have worked, I didn't need you to hurt yourself...what does that mean, anyway, putting your blood on it? That you're super-serious?"

Kairi waved her hand about, showing it to Toshiro. "it is healed already, don't worry. Yes, it means I'm very serious."

Toshiro nodded, thinking for a moment. "...Just in case you're thinking what I THINK you're thinking...just because I spent money to save you and that your last company may have owned you doesn't mean I own you...you're a free woman, and an equal member of this crew, okay?"

Kairi shook her head. "it is a seal of my honor to serve this ship."

Toshiro nodded. "Well, I respect and appreciate it...and I'll do my best to be a worthy Captain. Just remember that you're a free woman now, and that this isn't the military. I don't own you in any capacity."

Kairi nodded.

Toshiro smiled. "Also, since you went through so much to get here, and are so serious, I'll pay you a bit more than normal...125 KS weekly to start."

Kairi's eyes widened. "You don't have to do that," she said, slightly surprised.

Toshiro shook his head. "Yes I do. You have a life to start, you know."

Kairi thought a while, then said, "Alright... I'll remember this, Toshi-kun."

Toshiro smiled. "You sacrificed a lot, remember, and you're so serious about this, I plan to reward and support that. I said I'd take care of you, you know. Just don't tell the others you're making 50 KS more than they are, ne?"

Kairi just stood there for a moment, not saying anything, then suddenly caught Toshiro in a hug. "Toshi-kun..."

Toshiro was quite surprised, and returned the hug. "...Are you going to be okay?"

Kairi let up on the hug, and nodded. "H-hai..."

Toshiro looked at her, sympathetic. "...You're still a bit shaken, ne?"

Kairi nodded again. "Yeah... Those traders were horrible..."

Toshiro nodded. "...Do you need anything?"

Kairi shook her head. "No, I'm alright..."

Toshiro nodded. "...Well, okay...let's see what needs repaired or inspected...the Equine needs repaired...I want to repair it and upgrade it with an airlock, the Civilian Turrets, and a grappler I have yet to build...I have something Ken calls a 'play doll'...it looks like a normal humanoid robot to me, I'd like to prep it sometime for an AI...I have a Mishhu Particle Cannon to look over...and the LAMIA."

Kairi nodded. "Which do you want to do first?"

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Well...we only have access to the "play doll" at the moment, and I'm not sure what I want done exactly yet."

Kairi nodded. "Maybe we should just rest...

Toshiro thought for a moment, arms crossed. "I suppose...it is been a good day...what do you want to do to relax?"

Kairi considered the choices, then: "Do you have a viewscreen or something we could watch a video on?"

Toshiro pointed behind her. "Recent salvage run...there's one in the Boys' Quarters, as well."

Kairi nodded. "Why don't you pick a nice video from PANTHEON? I can get some tea or something..."

Toshiro picked up the datapad, and used it as a remote control. "What do you want to watch?"


ON: SRSS Yggdrasill

Toshiro left his quarters after watching a short film with Kairi. The benefit of having telepathy and a partially computerized brain is that you can watch movies at high speed and still understand them...soon he left the room, particularly happy that Kairi was feeling better. He went to the bridge, to check on things...

"Well....what to talk about for the next 20 minutes, Shaun?" Ken asked, drinking some light beer

Shaun rolled out from under the now propped up Pod and pressed a finger to his ear. "Is that Ken?"

"Yes it be. I got bored, so I decided to talk to you." Ken said, chuckling lightly.

Shaun rolled back under the pod and continued to work. "What are you doing that you managed to get bored? We arn't flying towards any large stars are we?"

Toshiro blinked as he watched Ken. "...Are you drinking on the bridge, Ken?"

"No...it is just this thing has auto pilot, so I set it to do the fastest route to Yamatai...and that was that...I just have to slow down sometimes so we don't over shoot our route." he said to Shaun, before turning back to Toshiro.

Shaun pressed his hand to his ear and started laughing as he heard Toshiro speak "Ah hahaha so thats what your doing"

"Just a little...I'm no where near drunk yet." he said.

Toshiro sighed. "...It still impairs your judgement, and I don't want it on my bridge any more. you can drink anywhere but the bridge and Engineering."

"Aye capt'n." Ken said, finishing his drink. "Not that I'm doing much untill we need to dock.."

Shaun stopped working for a moment as he had only just realized something "Wait...we have booze?"

Toshiro laughed. "Yeah, before you came on I found a bartender's cabinet. I never touch the stuff, so I gave it to Ken."

"it is in the room." Ken noted, putting his glass down.

Shaun rolled under the pod and Eve started to speak through the com system ~I have a question~

Shaun immediatly stopped and said "No Eve! don't ask damn it!"

Toshiro looked up. "Oh, Hey, Eve! Do you like your new voice and ears?"

"Yes Eve?" Ken asked, chuckling, wondering what she was asking.
~Captain....why is there a sex toy here?~ Eve's question was quickly followed by Shaun yelling "God damn it Eve! Its none of our buisness!"

Ken burst out laughing, almost falling out of his seat

Toshiro blinked. "...Sex toy? Is that the same thing as that play doll thing, Ken?"

Eve broke in ~yes captain. It is~

Ken still couldn't answer, unable to stop laughing

Shaun sighed in embarrasment "Eve....please just stop talking about it. You've been going on about it since we started working on the pod"

Toshiro understood. "Well, I don't fully understand what it is allegedly for yet, but I found it around Nepleslia. I was thinking about making a body for an AI from it someday..."

Ken finally stopped laughing. "Don't worry about it Eve. He's a bit on the naive side on this subject

Eve without missing a beat spoke ~thats pretty creepy Captain. Although I think Shaun could probably use the~ Was all Eve managed to say before Shaun cut in "Don't even say it Eve. I
can go for as long as I want without that kind of thing"

Ken thought for a second. "I don't think we need to know about that habit Eve."

~I was just going to mention he hasn't hasn't been sexual active!~ she said quickly.

Toshiro thought for a moment. "I wasn't planning to use it for anything bad...just to give a human body to an AI or something."

Ken chuckled again. "Too much info Eve."

Shaun didn't say anything for a moment "Eve for the love of god would you shut up about things people don't need to know?"

Eve replied in a playful voice ~noooooooo~

Shaun sighed "Hey Ken do you have any mechanical skill?"

"One second." Ken said, cracking up for a second. "A little...what for?"

Shaun closed the panel he was working in "I'm taking apart the escape pod I found. I'm going to use parts of it to make a high tech bed"

Toshiro seemed a bit confused. "Hmm? What is it Eve? Are you interested or something?"

"NOt that good. If Kairi was awake, and I take it she might be napping again, she might be able to help, if you ask nicely and not stare." Ken said, chuckling at his poke at Shaun

~Slightly. I'v computed the use of a body to assist Shaun, however I'd prefere something more along the lines of the Neko frames. Shaun's good at fighting and everything, but I can't stand it when he gets hurt~

Shaun climbed out from under the pod and stood up "Your concern is touching Eve, but I can take care of myself"

Toshiro thought for a moment. "I have technical skill. This ship was a normal Vampire before I got my hands on her...also, I don't have anything neko-level...it'd likely be a remote controlled body anyway, controlled by a wireless system."

Shaun spoke again "Oh and Ken, between us....I don't like Neko very much, so you wouldn't have to worry"

"Well, better learn to at least like them. I'm a Neko Yamataian

~Shaun your such a meanie sometimes~ Eve said

Toshiro seemed affected by this. "Please don't let any racist thoughts stop you from working and being nice to the rest of the crew, please."

"I have trouble in that area Ken." He said. Shaun then heard the Captain speaking "Don't worry captain. I don't have a problem being nice to anyone on this ship, crew is like family after all."

~But didn't you say you don't like Yamataians Shaun?~

"This is different Eve" He said

Toshiro was a bit confused. "I know my race and yours haven't always been on the best of terms...is there a specific reason you dislike us?"

Shaun shook his head closing his eyes almost as if the others were in the room. "The incident is classified, but what I can say is it involved my last mission as a soldier."

"Well, My cousin Ichiro is on the Sakura. He's a Itto Hei Combat Arms, I think
Ken said.

Shaun pulled open another panel. "Nothing against you guys or the girl we picked up, but if it came down to running into the other star army....I wouldn't be able to face them"

Toshiro nodded. "Well...I don't believe any of us specifically have military backgrounds, so we aren't all responsible for that...maybe you'll have a different idea about us one day."
Shaun I managed to pull that file if you'd like me to read it~

Shaun was extremely quick to respond "Don't Eve! Under no circumstance are you to ever read it to anyone!"

Toshiro nodded. "Only if you won't get in trouble."
"I don't need to hear it...." Ken said, leaning back in his seat.

Toshiro agreed. "I admit to curiosity, but you're by no means required to tell us."

Shaun spoke as he continued to work "But like I said earlier, nothing against anyone on this ship. Not even the girl we picked up, I just have bad history is all"

"Like me and KFY. I'd bomb them if it were legal, and if I didn't get fired for it," Ken said, smirking

Shaun finished pulling the systems out of the pod frame. As he did he wiped the sweat from his brow. "Alright Eve, give me a quick diagnostic of the parts"

Eve scanned through for a moment before speaking ~everything is in working order Shaun.~

Ken yawned a bit. "So....I take it Eve will be the new Ship AI?"

~No thanks~ She replied

"Aww....Okay. I guess we can find someone else so you can have someone to converse with when everyone is asleep...or something."
Ken said

Toshiro laughed. "Well, Eve isn't actually obligated in any way to assist the crew. Shaun is on payroll, but at this point, Eve is just a passenger. A passenger I'm trying to make accommodations for. I know I wouldn't want my mind stuck in a box talking to just one
person all the time."

"What kind of AI should we get, and what shall we name it, capt'n?" Ken asked, still smirking."

~Oh another computer to talk to would be fun. As long as it is not pushy and stuck up~

Toshiro thought for a moment. "I haven't decided upon what type of AI...maybe the first AI components we find. As for a name, perhaps we'll ask it what it WANTS to be called."

"Well, Hal is out of the question then." Ken said

Toshiro blinked. "...Hal?"

~I don't think it would object much. I like the name Shaun gave me. ~

"it is from a really, really, really old movie...a space ship controled by a AI goes crazy. Or some form of crazy." Ken said, chuckling.

~Hey...I think I know that movie!!~

Ken had to laugh at that.

Toshiro raised his eyebrow. "...What the AI wants, it gets if appropriate. I won't have an AI named 'Death Bringer' or anything."

Shaun cut back into the channel "Don't mind her. She's a bit different then a normal AI. I don't really know the details but she is suppose to have been taken from a real living person"

Toshiro thought for a moment, startled. "...Brain cell imprint emulation, or does she actually have biological components?"

~I can make babies!~ Eve exclaimed through the channel

Shaun could be heard sighing "Like I said.....don't mind her..."

Toshiro was surprised. "...Eve...what do you mean? You can have child AIs?"

Ken stifled a laugh. "Really Eve?"

Eve replied ~No I'm special. I am fully capable of Dna extraction and production of a live child~

Ken dropped jaw at that. "I just have to ask how now."

Shaun leaned back "The doctor at the Nova Corp building was talking about it. I wasn't really paying attention though"

Toshiro thought for a moment. "...Perhaps she needs to be combined with a gestation unit of
some kind...though I still don't understand all the details...Eve, how do you make children?"

Eve took a moment before answering in a serious sounding voice as if reading from a page ~I am capable of both electronic and biological processing at levels bording impossibilty. My creation was to add another option to the population of humans for breeding.~

'So you have a bio-form?" Ken asked

Eve responded ~As Shaun told you earlier my data was taken from a real living female. I am advanced enough that I can easily duplicate any of her biological data at any given time~

"Cool." Ken said, smiling. "Talk about advanced."

~This includes unfertilized eggs~

Toshiro was impressed. "Wow...that could solve a lot of Nepleslia's birthing problems..."

~That is the point of my creation. I have already been given a male human who's data I could share...~ Her voice suddenly changed back to normal ~but he's always busy and a grumpy head~

"You wouldn't be talking about Shaun, our favorite sunshine face?" Ken asked, joking

Toshiro laughed. "Well...maybe he's not ready to have a kid yet, ne?"

Shaun just continued to work trying to ignore the current conversation


Toshiro thought for a moment, and realized this might be a golden opportunity.

"Hey, Shaun? The Mens' Quarters can double as a medbay...so if you see fit to add the pod's cryogenics support and any medical components for emergencies to the bed, I'd gladly appriciate and support that...you can tap into the ship's power system for it, even. Even if you don't personally use them when you sleep, it might help us if we ever find a critically wounded survivor that we can't stabilize on-site."

With that, the Yggdrasill dropped to STL speed, and made an approach to the warehouse station orbiting Midori no Umi, one of Yamatai's two natural satellites.

"Ken, we're here. Bring us to within 5,000 KM of the station and ask for docking clearance at docking ports 9A and 9B. Approach on the vector they give you. First we'll tow the Equine around, send someone out in a shuttle to engage the docking system, and place her at 9B. Then the Yggdrasill herself will dock at 9A and start unloading."

Toshiro sat down in the Captain's chair, overseeing the new crewman's actions, but trying not to look intimidating or judgemental.

Shaun was working on the pod frame itself at the time. "Yeah I'm pretty sure I can do that. I'm going to need to stop somewhere for some more metal. This pod frame doesn't have enough material to make a sizable sleeping frame."

"Aye Capt'n." Ken said, turning on the comn system. "This is the Yggdrasil, requesting docks 9A and 9B."

A voice, after a moment, came over the communications system. "Identity verified, Alucard added to permitted vessel registry. Commence docking."

"Thank you," Ken said, going on vector. "So, who is going out in the shuttle?"

Toshiro stood from the Captain's chair. "Well...it is between me and you. "Have you ever docked your old Vampire or the Alucard?"

"The Alucard, tons of times. it is been a while since I've docked a Vampire like this." Ken said, turning around after brining them to a halt.

Toshiro thought for a moment. "I have yet to fly an Equine, but I hear it is pretty easy...do you want to, or should I? I KNOW I can dock the Yggdrasill."

"Then I'll take the Alucard, and you can take the Yggradsill. I need Shaun to fly the shuttle though, so he can bring it back," Ken replied.

Toshiro nodded. "Hear that, Shaun?"

Shaun replied "Yeah I heard."

Toshiro nodded. "Okay then...You take Ken to the Alucard. I'll wait until you're docked, then bring the Yggdrasill in. It shouldn't be too difficult, ne?"

Shaun waved "No its fine. lets get it done."

Ken saluted, and headed for the shuttle.

Shaun headed to the docking bay with Ken and climbed inside the shuttle.

Toshiro sat back down in the chair and transferred pilot control to the Chair. "You're cleared for deployment...Ken, lemme know if another system fails. I patched her up well enough to dock, though."

"Aye." Ken said, having the shuttle dock and he started to transfer over.

Toshiro waited for Ken to be transferred, and for Shaun to return. "By the way, if you need materials, you might be able to trade or buy some Neutronium or diamond composite form me, Shaun."

After Ken docked, Shaun started to pilot the shuttle back to the main ship.

Ken quickly started the POS up and docked it in 9B. "I'm done." he said.

Toshiro nodded. "Alright, Shaun, are you back yet?"

"Yeah I'm docking in now." Shaun replied through the comm.

Toshiro nodded and waited until Shaun was in, then docked in 9A. "Okay...that was easy!"

Ken was waiting outside the 9A docking door.

Toshiro stepped out, and smiled. "Well...we're here. Now to unload the Yggdrasill...and that won't be difficult. "Shaun, if you see any components you're interested in while looking through the manifest, let me know. Same with you, Ken. I might be willing to sell or trade something for them."

"I'll let you know, but I'm not giving away much else...I don't have but 1 item to trade." Ken said, chuckling.

Toshiro smiled, nodding. "Yes, and that Minifridge is better suited for the Mens' Quarters anyway."

Toshiro continued talking to Ken. "Anyway, I was talking to Kairi, and she says she has a few things to pick up on Yamatai. She'd like the two of us to accompany her...Shaun doesn't want to set foot on Yamatai anyway. Do you want to take a shuttle down to the planet later and help out, and maybe do some business of your own?"

Ken nodded. "Sure. I have some stuff to pick up. My cousin was a gun collector before joining the SA, so he asked me to take some of his guns with me."

Toshiro smiled. "Oh, that's always good...what kinds of guns are you talking about?"

"A sport production Needler, and a shotgun." Ken says. "He won't let me touch anything else."

Toshiro thought over that for a moment. "Well, those are still fairly nice...and a shotgun has some stopping power at least. Never touched a needler, though. Better than what we currently have. Between all of us, I think we only have three or four handguns...Not counting Power Armor weapons and the 12,000 sleeping gas grenades I just found out there, of course. Forgot about those."

Ken nodded. "Well, as soon as she wakes up or is ready, we'll head down."

Toshiro agreed. "Until then, let's do some unloading, okay? The Industrials can carry things to the airlock, and we'll bring them out. We'll leave the armors and Shaun's Escape Pod in the cargo bay, though."

Ken nodded, heading in to start the claws up
(15:36:55) toshiro_yuki: Toshiro began to unload and move things around to the warehouse area. The warehouse was largely automated, though there was still a bit of physical labor to do. It wasn't long before they were done, though. "Okay, that's that for now...I'll be working on a few schematics. You do whatever you feel like...as long as you stay relatively sober, for the shuttleflight, ne?"

"Don't worry. How ever, if you see a guy named Mora, don't say my name," he said, leaning on the wall

Toshiro blinked. "Well, okay...I won't ask."

Ken nodded. "Thanks."


[ON: Kyoto, Yamatai! This post made with occasional input from Seki "Dangerous When Awesome" Tanaka, regarding the actions of her character. All writing is courtesy of Orion "Inferior To Rickenbackers" Moony.]

Lain tapped idly at his keyboard, a placid gaze, glass-eyed, focused (or unfocused, if one is that way inclined) on the screen before him. Searching for information on Gabriel Sachikoe could be quite difficult. The man was brilliant, after all, at hiding himself. Oh, it also didn't help that Lain was extremely drunk, or that Reis was clinging about his shoulders with a tongue trailing over his neck...

Something caught his eye. A recruitment advertisement... for a salvage vessel?

"Reis! Did you want to go between planets?"

Reis blinked. "...nah... kint rehllysay ah did..."

"Hm. They need communications personnel. Think we could pretend to be proficient at that?"

"Prolly so... kint be too hahrd..."

"Then we're going. Looks like... to Nepleslia, is their first stopover after Yamatai. We can be killed by death metal fans!" A pause. "Or we can play a bit of neo-glamour metal, and work like that... do you still have the Aethersperm Signature guitar..?"

Lain was in an unusual good mood today. Not to say he was happy, per se, but he certainly wasnt in a sad-trance. It stemmed from lots of good work going into their album effort. No recording had yet been done, but between Reis' random ideas and his poetry, they had constructed nine songs of fantastic depressive quality, songs that Cohen and Waits would be proud of. Death, puppetry, despair, and cough syrup. A winning combination.

"Havvet somewhereshill... notsure..."

As Reis wandered off to find the virtually untouched instrument, Lain set to typing a reply to the Yggdrassil's advertisement.

TO: Captain Yuki Toshiro of SRSS Yggdrassil
RE: Communications Personnel

I have seen your advertisement, and I confess certain interest. Though my fiance and I are not highly experienced in the regards of communication, we would be more than willing to learn where we lack skills of particular note. Additionally, payment is unnecessary. The simple passage between worlds is more than sufficient.

If you wish for someone of greater experience, this is understood. I do, however, strongly suggest you consider my offer.

My thanks.


Toshiro, while going over the manifests and some design plans, noticed a message...after reading it, he smiled, immediately typing out a reply.


TO: Lain Irokawa and Reis Ivelian
RE: Communications Personnel

Being in charge of communications for a civilian vessel isn't particularly difficult to learn and do, it merely requires a bit of basic study. Most of the Yggdrasill's communications technology is quite standard, save one component of my own invention which I will train you in the use of. I have great interest in your offer, and am planning to decend to Yamatai from Midori no Umi, where we are currently storing our items, soon for different reasons. Perhaps you can give me a meeting place and we can discuss it then?

You may not require payment, though I'm still willing to offer you the base starting pay of 75 KS weekly each, plus two items each per salvage run.

Please reply soon, and I hope to see you within the day, if it is convienient for you.

Captain Yuki Toshiro
SRSS Yggdrasill

Lain smiled at the prompt reply and stretched his arms, glancing back at Reis as she searched through ancient posessions after the missing 'metal' guitar. Actually, his glance was aimed more at a particular part of Reis' anatomy, nicely exposed beneath the folds of her dress as she bent down, but we shan't go into that.

"We're going on a salvage vessel, Reis. I'll help you pack in a moment there."

TO: Captain Yuki Toshiro
RE: Communications Personnel

Thank you for your consideration, Captain. I look forward to working with you. Included are directions for how to reach our place of residence, though if it is more convenient for us to meet you at port, that can also be easily arranged.

Again, my thanks.


Toshiro replied once again, putting aside the schematics and diagrams for a moment. The Alucard's repairs could wait a little while longer...


TO: Lain Irokawa
RE: Communications Personell

I do not know how long our business on Yamatai will take. We have to retrieve the posessions of another crewmember.

While I do not want to "invade" your home, I would be even less attracted to the prospect of having you wait at the spaceport or at this crewman's locker for an unspecified amount of time.

Because of this, I believe it may be best for us to come to you when our business has been concluded.

Captain Yuki Toshiro
SRSS Yggdrasill

With a brassy smile, Lain typed a brief reply.

TO: Captain Yuki Toshiro
RE: Communications Personnel

I find myself in agreement with you. We will be ready when you arrive. Your consideration is appreciated.



With that, he rose to his feet, clasping his hands together for a moment, then caught Reis by the shoulders, and murmured softly into her ear, "...let's set to packing. I far prefer the Grace accoustic to the Aethersperm signature. You've a gift for fingerplucking and flamenco. Don't spoil it with distortion and fuzz."

He set to locating his own instruments, then. A way off of Yamatai for an unspecified amount of time. Perhaps even be paid for travel. That was certainly not a bad arrangement, though the fact remained - Lain and Reis were comfortable, money-wise, and had no need for such change.

With that, Toshiro decided that the communications, at least for now, were concluded. He returned to his work, calling out to the others.

"When we go to Yamatai, we'll be picking up a couple more crew members. Communications Personnel. Just giving you guys the heads up, okay?"

"Aye Capt'n." Ken said over the comn, sipping some mocha, using some conviently found free hot chocolate. (No Questions, no lies...>> <<)

((Eikan, get YIM asap please.))

ON: Midori no Umi

Toshiro rose, stretching, and looked around... "...Anyone know if Kairi is up? We're heading down to the planet soon, if she wants..."

Ken went and knocked on her door. "Kairi, you up?"

Kairi blinked awake, muttering, "Nani...?" before rolling out of her bed and to the door. "Aa, hai, Ken-san. Be right out!" She threw on her boots quickly before opening the door. "Hi," she said.

"Hey there. You ready to go down?" Ken asked, steping out of her way.

Kairi nodded. "Yeah, let's go. My stuff is in a locker at Kyoto Shuttleport, but I'll have to spend 15KS to have my identification verified and have a new key made."

Ken nodded. "Well then, head over to shuttle one, and I'll go get our boss up and at it."

Toshiro was already out of his chair, getting ready to go. "Let's see...I'll need some paint...that can be delivered easily enough..."

Ken chuckled. "I'll lend it to you. I already get paied 3 times that."

Kairi wandered over to the shuttle, waiting for Toshiro and Ken. "The locker area closes an hour before the shuttleport, let's go!"

Ken got in, fired everything up, and was waiting on Tosh to get in,

Toshiro nodded, quickly going to Kairi, carrying an Engineering textbook, and a beginner's guide on how to speak Lorath... "...Okay, let's go."

Ken nodded, and punched it, going down at a safe, yet fairly fast, speed.

Kairi's ears perked. "That book... Toshi-kun, does that textbook have a power armor section?"

Kairi smiled. "Can I borrow it when you're done? The more I know about power armors, the easier it'll be to use them when the time comes."

Toshiro nodded. "Sure! Anytime you want...anything else you want to do while you're here?"

Kairi grinned. "Today is a big shopping holiday on Yamatai; almost everything is cheaper. I want to spend a little time looking for a couple clothes items and mess about in the electronics store for a few minutes."

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Hmm...I suppose we could...anythng specific you want?"

Kairi shook her head. "I never really know what I'm going to find. I think I may find a nice gun too..."

Toshiro smiled. "So shopping is like salvaging, ne? Well...I'm trying to think of what I might need..."

Toshiro knew he needed some paint...and he also wondered what else was necessary. "What do you want in your quarters, Kairi?"

Kairi shrugged. "Maybe a viewscreen, but we could probably find one on a salvage run."

Toshiro nodded. "What else?"

Kairi shrugged again. "That's it, really. What's our ETA, Ken?"

Ken looked to the console, getting an estimate. "About seven minutes, it looks like."

Toshiro suddenly realized something. "What about clothing? You need more than that outfit, ne?"

Kairi laughed. "it is alright, Toshi! I told you a while ago that I have some clothes in the locker.

Toshiro nodded. "Yes, but how many sets?"

Kairi shrugged. "Five or six... not many, but enough."

Toshiro nodded. "And what about socks, shoes, and undergarments?"

Kairi thought for a moment. "I have the socks and undergarments, and I think I have a pair of combat boots."

Toshiro sighed. "As long as you have no hair ribbons in there....hair ribbons scare me."

Kairi grinned. "Hair ribbons? Me? Not likely."

Toshiro smiled. "Good. they're not allowed on the Yggdrasil. No hair ribbon will get on board MY ship with my knowledge...but do you have enough to do your shopping? Do you need to borrow some money?"

Kairi shook her head. "I have enough... Thanks for the offer, though."

Toshiro seemed unsure. "But...you lost it all, save the little in the locker..and you haven't had many paychecks yet..."

Kairi frowned. "Toshi-kun, you're too nice to me," she pouted.

Toshiro looked confused. "...Why am I too nice?"

Kairi's brow wrinkled. "You're going to go broke pampering me!" she exclaimed. "I like it, but I've cost you too much money already."

Toshiro looked confused but then smiled. "Kairi-san...the money I made was a reward from helping people...heck, the 5,000 KS I paid for your freedom was given to me by the star army for rescuing one of their former Captains...I earned it helping people, and if I can, I should spend it for the same, ne? Most of my money is actually a reward from recovered a Star Army ship, and its Soul Savior Pod. Besides...I saved you, and that makes me responsible for your well being, ne?"

Kairi sighed. "...I guess. I just feel so helpless not being able to take care of myself."

Toshiro nodded. "Don't worry about it...I came into this knowing I might have to help and take good care of my crew. Besides! You sacrificed EVERYTHING to get here. Even your former way of life!"

Kairi looked down. "I guess... That former way of life wasn't really much, though."

Toshiro's smile vanished. "...Well, that's behind you, ne? You shouldn't have to worry about that anymore."

Kairi fidgeted. "Hai..." She tried to change the subject. "Shouldn't we almost be there?"

Toshiro nodded. "Yes, the spaceport is right there...We should land in a few seconds or so..."

With that, Ken issued requests for landing clearance, and recieved confirmation. It was not long before the shuttle had landed, and the door opened. "...So...where to first?"

Kairi sighed, looking out at the teeming mass of nekos. "...Let's go. Follow me to the locker..."

Toshiro nodded, following her. As he stepped out, a few Nekos turned to look at the tall male, and he was reminded of how uncommon males, especially tall ones, were on Yamatai. "...Oh yeah...That's right. Let's be careful. Women can be dangerous in groups for some reason...sometimes my shirts don't survive their onslaughts..."

It was Kairi's turn to smile. "Heheheh, poor Toshi-kun!" Noting his distress, though, she floated to a level where she could comfortably drape her arm and upper body around Toshiro. "This should repel them some," she whispered in his ear.

Toshiro blinked, a bit confused. "...Really? Thanks...but...how come?"

Kairi snickered. "Oh, I'll tell you later."

Toshiro looked puzzled. "...Okay...did I hear you tell Ken you needed money to open the locker?"

Kairi nodded. "Yeah, I have some on my KS card. Don't worry."

Toshiro nodded. "Yeah, I gave it to you...and it is not much...only 250 KS..."

Kairi shrugged. "it is enough. Don't worry, Toshi-kun." She kissed him gently on the cheek.

Toshiro blushed pink at this. "Well...okay...but if you need something, ask...I have about 150 grand to me right now...don't tell the others, though..."

Kairi nodded. "C'mon, let's go." She nudged forward with her body to urge Toshiro in the direction of the lockers.

Toshiro obliged, moving in that direction, the girls looking away when they perceived him as taken.

Kairi floated with Toshiro to the window where the bored-looking Neko was sitting, and said something in Japanese to her. The teller rolled her eyes and produced a microphone and a small lancet to test voice and DNA.

Toshiro listens carefully, inwardly annoyed at how bored the Neko seemed to be with her job...though he wouldn't want to have her position at all.

Kairi quickly spoke her name and birthdate into the microphone, lanced her finger quickly, wiping the drop of blood into the sample dish, and watched complacently as the machine verified her DNA. She gave the neko her KS card and received a code widget on her KS card to open the locker automatically. "C'mon Toshi..."

Toshiro followed, smiling. "Hmm...which one is yours?"

Kairi stopped at a locker marked 1407-A and slid her card through the reader. Opening the body-height locker, she pulled out a backpack containing two perfect diamond fighting knives with "Kairi" written in katakana on their hilts, which she pulled out and inspected before returning to the bag. She hesitated for a moment to show Toshiro. "What do you think?"

Kairi grinned. "I'm glad you like..." She pulled out a KS card, looked at it momentarily, and threw it in the bag. Pulling out a bodysuit that would obviously be tight-fitting and fingering the embroidered red stripe along its black fabric, she enjoyed the quality before stuffing it into the bag. She pulled out some other clothing of little note, and found her last item: a little-used Type 29 NSP. "That's it."

Toshiro blinked. "Nice items...were you in the military at any point?"

Kairi shook her head. "No, just had to be sharp on the job."

Toshiro nodded. "I don't know if the bodysuit would work in the kylie or not...you might HAVE to be in the nude."

Kairi shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me."

Toshiro blinked. "Well, if you don't care, I won't worry about it...where to now?"

Kairi grinned. "Hashimori Electronic. They have the best deals."

Toshiro nodded, silently following. "...I MIGHT have heard of them..."

Kairi draped her body over Toshiro again and urged him towards a nearby street, where a large three-story building projecting holograms of electronics performing their duty boomed with dance music. "C'mon."

Toshiro blinked, a bit surprised, but remembered the girls surrounding them...with their finger nails and grabbing hair ribbons... "Okay...Huh, interesting place..."

Kairi grabbed Toshiro's hand and floated over to some datapads, examining them in passing, not finding anything useful. She floated over to optics, and looked at the monoculars boredly. She began to float on, when: "Aa! Look at this, Toshi-kun!" She picked up a box with an object displayed in it that looked sort of like an angular eyepatch. "it is an optical enhancement system!"

Toshiro smiled. "Hey! it is pretty nice!"

Opening the box carefully, Kairi put the eyepatch on. She turned to Toshiro. "Hey..." She turned to infrared, then ultraviolet. "Eeeheeheehee, Toshi, I'm going to turn to X-ray now~!"

Toshiro blinked. "Okay...wow...I bet that can see electricity inside devices, even! Perhaps we can hook it up so you can "see" electricity and identify components we find!"

Kairi turned to electromagnetic analysis mode. "There's a mode just for that!" She looked around. "...it is kind of useless in here, there's so much current it just looks like a giant blob.'

Toshiro nodded. "True, but on the job, I bet it will be helpful!"

Kairi looked at the price. "245 KS... but today it is 130! Score!"

Toshiro smiled. "Wow...good deal!"

Toshiro looked around, trying to see if there was anything he liked... "...See anything else we could use?"

Kairi looked for a moment. "...Ah! Communicators... in a set of 5! Only 600KS total?"

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Hmm...There are five of us NOW...but maybe we should look for a larger set or something...and depending on the features, 600 KS can be good OR bad."

"They have holoprojectors and a small PDA," Kairi paraphrased off the package.

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Maybe...Let's see if they have another brand or box set..."

Kairi grinned. "So frugal, Toshi-kun!"

Toshiro blinked. "Well...no use spending more money than one has to, ne?"

Kairi shrugged. "Here's a twelve-pak... but no holoprojector, just a screen. PDA is bigger, though... Custom logo engraved on purchase!"

Toshiro smiled. "How much?"

"Thirteen hundred."

Toshiro thought for a moment... "...5 for 600 or 12 for 1300...the 5 for 600 come out to 120 each. The 12 for 1300 come to about....108 and some change...Hmm...anything else?"

Kairi shook her head. "Unless you want communicator implants, which we can't put in my head."

Toshiro thought for a moment, long and hard. "Well, the best tactic one can do is walk away, I suppose...at least until I see better."

Kairi frowned. "They have a remote KS return if you find a better deal on another planet.'

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Hmm...I'll have to give it some thought. Maybe I'll come back and get them, or haggle with the clerk..."

Kairi laughed. "Toshi-kun, you can't haggle here, they aren't pirates."

Toshiro blinked. "But I haggled with a shopkeeper on Taiie when I bought that ton of chocolate for Mizuho-san..."

Kairi shrugged. "Was that an intergalaxy corporation who buys chocolate in the thousands?"

Toshiro nodded. "It was a store clerk. As for the person I bought it for, she was a suicidal I rescued from an escape pod...she's a Tactical Adviser on a Star Army ship now."

Kairi shrugged. "Toshi, things are different on Yamatai. I don't know what to tell you, but the best you can do is price match after you've bought."

Toshiro thought for a moment. "...Well...I guess I can buy the five and patch them to connect to my datapad..."

Kairi shrugged. "Whatever you think is the better deal, Toshi. Your crew."

Toshiro nodded. "I'll come back to them when you're done shopping, okay?"

Kairi nodded and proceeded to a checkout gynoid, where she presented the item and slid her KS card through the slot on the robot's arm. "Ready?"

"...Well...yeah, I'll buy them. the 5 of them with hologram capabilities, two packs. 1200 KS for 10 high end ones is better anyway." With that, Toshiro purchased his own items the same way as Kairi had, still keeping his eye open for other deals.

Kairi smiled. "Whatever you think is the better deal, Toshi-kun." She hugged him gently.

This made Toshiro blush slightly, though he didn't understand why. "Okay...see anything else you need?"

Kairi shook her head. "I just need boots and maybe a gun and we're good."

Toshiro smiled. "Didn't you have those in your locker?"

Kairi grinned. "Never can have too many... Oh wait, I know... K-candy.'

Toshiro blinked. "What's K-candy?"

Kairi's grin grew wider. "You'll just have to see.'

Toshiro blinked, not understanding. "Okay...where to next?"

Kairi's face mellowed. "Bad part of town." She pulled out her two knives and held them blade down in clenched fists, the backs of the blades touching the bottom of her forearm. "Fast stance required. You should be ready for a fight."

Toshiro blinked, holding his gun. "...A bad section of Kyoto? Are you sure such a thing exists?"

Kairi nodded solemnly. "There's a bad section in every town, you just have to know where to look."

Toshiro raised an eyebrow. "Can't we just order it from the nodal system and avoid that?"

Kairi shook her head. "it is too complicated a substance."

Toshiro sighed. "Well, if it can't be helped...let's go..."

Kairi nodded and floated for a while to a street crowded with vendors selling vibrating eggs, whips, and other implements. "Well, this is part of it..."

Toshiro blinked. "What are all these things for?"

Kairi eyed Toshiro. "Many of these things were going to be used on me before you rescued me.'

Toshiro seemed surprised. "Then why are we even here? Isn't it painful for you?"

Kairi shrugged. "it is easier when they're on display and not in use. I don't know, it is alright." She approached a vendor and muttered something to them. The vendor looked surprised, then saw Toshiro and smirked. Kairi was pointed to a store decorated with a mural of a neko spreading her legs behind a conveniently-placed leaf, and Kairi nodded. "C'mon, Toshi.'

Toshiro followed, unsure of the man's smirk. "...I have a bad feeling, Kairi-san..."

Kairi shrugged, not looking at Toshiro. "Look at these knives, Toshi. We'll be fine." She sauntered into the shop, purposely looking confident of both her fighting and her beauty.

Toshiro followed as well, his eyes peeled...

Before Kairi and Toshiro could enter the store through its door in the alley next to it, two large men walked out from behind a dumpster. One was holding a Zen Little Killer, the other a 10mm pistol that had been pieced together from multiple guns. "Going somewhere, sexy?"

Toshiro looked at the men and was immediately on the defensive. "What's it to you?"

The more muscular man holding the Frankenpistol looked at Toshiro. "I wasn't talking to you, fairy-boy." He grabbed Kairi by the chin. "You're too pretty to be with Faggy here."

Kairi spat in the man's face. "His name is Toshiro, and he's a hell of a lot better than you, henjin!

Toshiro looked at the man angrily. "...I don't know what you're planning to do, but I defend my crew if needed. Please keep your hands to yourself."

The man smirked. "Tell ya what, pretty-boy. Let me just have this little lady and I'll let you live." He looked to the other man, who pointed his gun at Toshiro.

Toshiro pointed his own handgun at the man as well. "...You guys look like Nepleslians. Think you can win a fight with a Yamataian Captain and a NH-17? Here's a hint...this gun in my hand once belonged to one of your countrymen, as did one of my Power Armors."

Kairi telepathically told Toshiro, "Stall him for me. I'm going to castrate him."

Toshiro replied. Sure...I don't know what that means, but it sounds good...

Kairi feigned struggling, shouting curses at the man holding her. "When I get you to let go you'll hate yourself for ever trying!"

Toshiro nodded. "it is not the first time guys like you got fresh and tried something with her, you know. I suggest you let go."

Kairi moved slowly and subtly, still acting as though she was struggling, then suddenly flicked her wrists so that the blades weren't touching her forearm anymore; instead, they were perpendicular to the ground. She swung one around and slammed it into the man's kidney; the other she merely wrenched free. "Now, Toshiro!" she said, motioning towards the silent other man, who was now screaming gutturally at the sight.

Toshiro quickly sped toward the man, and SLAMMED the butt of his gun into the man's forehead. "HYAH!"

The man's scream promptly cut off, and Kairi JAMMED her second knife upwards into the other man's crotch. "I recommend you go to the hospital," she muttered, wiping her blade on the writhing man's shirt. "Quickly."

Toshiro winced. "...OUCH."

Kairi shrugged. "Scum needs to feel like scum." She walked into the store, which had a motion sensor set up that played a moaning sound effect as the door opened. "Wait here if you want."

Toshiro was unsure. "Will you be okay?"

Kairi nodded. "You probably don't want to see what's inside."

Toshiro nodded, taking the guns of the men rolling around the ground, as well as their ammunition...that way they wouldn't harass anyone else.

Kairi was gone a moment, and emerged with a glass jar shaped like a grinning cat's head that was filled with three layers of candy, pink, blue, and white. "Ready to go back to the ship?"

Toshiro nodded. "Ready...though you wanted to go to the clothing stores, ne?"

"Eh, I have enough clothes," Kairi said. "I have four outfits."

Toshiro nodded. "We'll go back to the shuttle, and go see the new crewmen, okay?"

Kairi nodded.

WARNING: This post contains Adult Material. Do not read unless over the age of eighteen.

Before long, they were back at the spaceport, where Ken was waiting, with a knowing sort of smile on his face. He noticed the extra guns on Toshiro's person, and gave a somewhat questioning glance at the non-Yamataian hardware, but asked no questions. Toshiro pulled up the adress of Lain and Reis on his datapad.

"Okay, these two are fiances, rock ad roll stars, to boot. Lain and Reis, if you recognize their names...my sister LOVES their music...they'll be communications....ready to pick them up?"

"Aye, and I've never heard of them." Ken said. "I'm partail to different rock."

Toshiro smiled as he went toward the area indicated...it wasn't far from the spaceport. He knocked on the door, wondering what kind of people he would meet.

A moment would pass before the door opened and Lain glanced out at the people there. "...Yuki Toshiro..?" A smile crossed his picture-frame visage. He was, notably, bare-chested and barefoot, garbed in loose sweat pants, and somewhat, ah, sweaty at the moment. He turned his head then, called out, "Reis? Clothing! The Royal Consort's here!" Then, he offered his hand. "...a joy to meet you, love. Lain Irokawa..."

Ken could only chuckle. "Finally, someone other then me who isn't too naive. Apart from our gunner and tech."

Reis scrambled to her feet, stumbling towards the door behind Lain, pulling a bright red sundress over her body (which, momentarily, had been starkly naked and plainly visible, glossy with sweat). "...consort? Love royalconsortan can I be princess? Likeprincessneverwasprincessthough..." She fell beside Lain panting heavily.

Toshiro had a look of complete confusion on his face, but soon smiled and shook his hand. "Yuki Toshiro...these are Ken and Kairi, two of your fellow crewmates...Did we come earlier than expected?"

"...a bit so, Toshiro." Lain gave a winning smile, and wiped plastered hair away from his forehead. "...don't worry yourself much. Just give me a moment to put a shirt on, grab my bags..." He slipped back behind the door. "Come in if you like. Reis will get you tea... or liquor... or whatever, if you like."

"I'd have some liquor, but I have to be sober so I can fly us out of here. Though I do ask you bring your whole collection of drinks with you." Ken said, smiling.

Toshiro came in, smiling, still a bit confused about what he'd just...seen. "Um...tea is fine...I don't drink alcohol...though it is permitted on the ship as long as its not on the bridge, and as long as you don't come to do your job drunk...okay?"

Reis stepped aside from the door to allow them in. "...likedrinking?I likedrinkingtoobutusually justwhenmusic and recordingitsstressand..." She gasped, a deep breath, stopped talking, smiling brightly. "...nojobdrunkgotitwontbedrunk... cansitdownif... ifyouwan..." She motioned towards the threadbare chairs in the living room, her frenzied speech falling silent.

"Um....Reis, right? You felling okay?" Ken asked, politely refusing to sit

Toshiro looked at Reis, a bit concerned about her...potential as a communications person. "...Erm...Lain-san...if it is just you coming on as a communication person, you can bring Reis along...don't feel like you both have to do the job to be together, okay? Not unless you want to."

"Yesamfine justdidnthitthebutton..." She glared towards Lain's back as he set to dressing himself appropriately. The thought struck her that wearing shoes may be a good idea, so she slid on shoes. No thought to the fact that she wore no panties, or that her dress didnt even come halfway to her knees... "...disruptusfirst. Dontworrythoughamfine..."

Toshiro was even more confused than ever. "...Erm...what were you two doing, anyway? It seems a bit awkward for some reason..."

"Reis, you are talking waaay fast. And you might want some panties." he said, adverting his eyes slowly.

Lain returned, laden with what appeared to be six bags, now wearing sandals and a flowery-patterned silk blouse. "...Reis can speak just fine when she needs to, she's just excited." A light smile. "She's actually more comprehensible when she's drunk, but we will of course respect your wishes about alcohol, Toshiro. I have all of it, Ken..." A nod towards the pilot. "...we can be off, unless you'd rather rest a moment."

"Waytoofastwhytalkwaytoofastcanyounotunderstand?" Reis stared at him with a naively innocent expression, eyes almost glazing over. "Panties. NopantiestakestoolongLaincanttakethemoff..."

"Reis....sloowww down...I can barely understand." Ken said, trying not to laugh.

Toshiro seemed not to have too much trouble. "That are panties again? Those lacy things?"

Ken laughed at that. "See what I mean by naive. Some are, dearest captian, but not all."

Lain blushed furiously. "I can take them off, Reis, you're just impatient. Toshiro, I think you know what we were doing. But I can describe it in acute detail, if you like. Some fans find it... a fetish, you know." He smiled lightly. "Reis, we've two more bags, if you could get them, love..."

"Don't bother Lain. He doesn't even get what condoms are for," Ken said.

Toshiro was still confused. "...Here I am the captain of a spaceship, and I don't even know what some of my crew are doing...as Mizuho said, maybe I'll find out when I turn 19..."

Reis nodded vigorously. "Twobagswillgrabthem..." She dashed off to the back room, offering another... little show... as her dress blew up a bit, then returned more slowly, a guitar case over one shoulder, a duffel over the other. "...wearegoingnow?"

"Well, if you have all your bags, we shall meet back at the shuttle. Me and Kairi have some gear and stuff to grab from the lockers." Ken said

Lain raised a brow. "What does being nineteen have to do with sex..?" He nodded lightly to Ken. "Alright, that should work. Let's go, then."

Reis simply giggled at Toshiro, a clacking of her teeth. "...watchsometimeknowwhatweredoing!"

Ken and Kairi waved and left to get their stuff from the lockers.

Toshiro finally got it. "OH! So THAT'S sex! I've never seen anyone doing that before...trying to have a child, ne?"

Reis looked shocked. "Child? Nochildnotwantchildcant! Never!"

Lain laughed, and shook his head. He would have wiped recurring sweat from his forehead, but the 'six bags, three of them large instruments' made that a rather difficult action. "No, Toshiro. We just... do it for fun, you know?"

Toshiro nods. "Oh! I heard that was supposed to be fun...but we have boys and girls' quarters....hmm...should I try and set aside a space for you two alone?"

"That would be nice, Toshiro, though if you can't spare it we will certainly understand." Lain held the door open for Reis, one more feat added to the overwhelming encumbrance of those bloody bags...

"No! Musthaveroom! Canthaveeveryonewatchingjustprettytallcaptainyboy!" Reis sounded outright snippish there. "...lessitsnotpossiblethenIjustdontsleepwithLainagain..."

At this, Lain blanched. "Yea, it would be REALLY nice if we could have our own room..."

Toshiro smiled and nodded. "Well, we have one remaining room which doubles as a medical bay, but is comfortable. If we have an emergency though, and the main medbay fills up, I might have to shuffle you around...is that okay?"

"That's fine. I appreciate the understanding, Toshiro." Lain bit his tongue a bit. "...do I have to call you Captain?"

"Well, I don't see why you should have to. Ken does, but I never said he had to...Are hospital beds good or bad for what you two were doing?"

"Oh, they are very VERY good. You might want to look up 'hardcore teens' on the networks, Toshiro. It might enlighten you just a bit." Lain gave a broad smile. "Lead on, then."

Reis leaned on Lain, blushing brightly, offering no further insight but offering more difficulty to Lain's balancing act of instruments and clothing...

Toshiro smiled and lead the way, wondering if Reis meant what she said about letting him watch. Seeing that left him feeling a bit...funny.

Lain staggered a bit under Reis' added weight, but maintained himself rather admirably. "...one last thing I ask, Toshiro. If there are any fans on your crew, please tell them that I am as much a person as they are, and don't want to be assailed with questions about my past..?"

Toshiro nodded. "I understand...I'm not sure who all is a fan on the ship...I know my little sister is...I think she did something last month at one of your concerts she was talking about. She did something called a "flashing" and you signed this weird thing that looked like two cup holders strapped together. I didn't get it at ALL, though..."

"I signed her bra...?" Lain flushed slightly. "I dont usually do that... I must have been a bit drunk. We get a lot of girls... and guys... flashing, though. Was this... the Surrender tour, or just something local in Kyoto..?"

Toshiro nodded. "Yeah...She loves your group. She and every other 15 year olf girl she's ever met...I think she managed to sneak backstage?"

"...no need to sneak backstage. We let people there. We have..." Lain blinked. "That kind of following with the little ones? Odd. My lyrics aren't exactly... light..."

She said she had a lot of fun...They said they did something when you were passed out drunk...I don't know what it was, but she has your underwear hidden underneath a floorboard in her room for whatever reason..."

Lain coughed then. "...if she molested me while I was drunk, Toshiro, that means I need to cut back on the drinking. I'd like to meet her. Discuss this with her in... excruciating... detail." His eyes narrowed. "I'm sure the fifteen year olds follow me because I'm pretty." Humble of him... "I don't need or want that kind of attention."

Reis started, at this point in time, giggling uncontrollably. "...howoldisyoursisterToshiro? Isshetheonewiththesqueakycleaneyesandthewonderfultits?"

"All I know is that she said she popped something...she was walking funny, so I assume she meant a muscle...maybe she had to lift you or something? As for her age, she's 15, but looks older, everyone says...and what are 'tits'?"

Lain stared piercingly at Reis. "You were party to this, love?" Nothing but woundedness to his expression. "Toshiro, I am twenty-six. If she molested me, it could be a serious problem for me. Legally." Lain wasnt one who cared much for law, but screwing girls eleven years younger than him was... creepy...

Toshiro blinked. "Ne? Why?"

Reis cackled, and leaned up to lick Lain's cheek. "AlwayspartytosexingwithyouLainalways... youreevengoodwhenunconsciousyouknow..." She winked at Toshiro. "Titsarethethingsonmychestthatbouncesobuxomly... love." A mimicry of Lain's polite accent.

Toshiro blinked. "...Oh, even my LITTLE SISTER knows what this sex stuff is like?"

"Seems like." Lain looked a bit sour. "I just wish she didnt know about it by way of molesting me, is all."

Toshiro blinked. "Actually....she said they ALL got 'popped'...all six of them."

Reis nipped at Lain's jawline, and smiled broadly. "SheloveditandIthoughtitwasthemostadorablethingever, youcheatingannotevenknowingwassocute! AndIlovewatchingyouatworkandyougottometooandshewas..." Reis coughed. "Shegivesgoodhead."

Toshiro looked at Reis. "What is 'giving head'?"

"...gives good head..?" Lain was even paler than usual. "She didnt..." A pause, and he explained to Toshiro, "Giving head is oral sex, Toshiro."

Reis giggled. "Shedidshedid! Meandyouboth, youalldrunkandbarelycoherentwassocute! Sheshouldbebluevideostar! Evenwascutewithyouroilonherface!"

Toshiro looked to Lain curious. "Did all six of them give you head, or just get 'popped', whatever that means?"

Lain fell to his knees at these next two statements, staring up at the sky. "...Toshiro, this is going... too far. If this is a joke it is in extremely bad taste..."

Reis knelt down by Lain. "Itisntjoke, Iwasthere, thereIwas!" She giggled brightly. "...allsixofthem, sevenwithme. Fourgaveheadifyoucountmeandyoupoppedthemall... it wasadorablereally..."

Toshiro blinked, in surprise. "I was told sex was a good thing...and she also stole a video disc of it...said it was the only copy of the security cameras there was...I didn't know why until now."

Lain paled even further. "...its on video?" He looked on the verge of tears. "Sex... sex is wonderful, Toshiro, but not when its a bunch of fangirls molesting me... and my fiance... fucking... HELPING them!"

Reis giggled. "FuckinghelpthemIdid. Helpedthemfucking... too..."

Toshiro was confused... "...Maybe I should look at the copy she gave me sometime...she said I could look at it when I was just a bit older..."

Lain struggled slowly to his feet. "...can we just... get to the shuttle... and forget this ever happened?"

Reis helped Lain rise, but wasnt about to let him forget it now that she had video evidence. "Captainletsmakesurethewholecrewseesthevideo! Theyllloveitanditwillhelpyou too! Moralewillberecordhigh!"

Toshiro shrugged. "Okay then...I don't understand why you're so upset, though...I was just thinking I might try something like that someday, if I learned more about it...but if Lain doesn't want the video to be seen, maybe I should destroy my copy..." With that, he kept walking to the shuttle, more confused than ever.


Shaun was working with a hand torch and putting the new frame together when he suddenly stopped and pulled his goggles up and looked around the room. "Hey Eve..." He said. Which was quickly replied with "Yeah?"

Shaun looked around again. "Why do I get the feeling something really weird just happened involving the rest of the crew?"

"Wow you got the same eerie feeling?" Retorted Eve.

After boarding it, Kairi sat in the shuttlecraft with her chin resting on her palm. She couldn't do anything but gawk at the hyperactive sex-queen who talked at a mile a second. "Reis. I need you to slow. Down. I can't understand you, and I can't handle that. Get it, baita?"

She sighed and telepathically told Toshiro, I don't like her, Toshi-kun.

Toshiro had a small sweatdrop on his head as he held his communicators. He replied to Kairi telepathically, as he waited for the others to board.

Well, I can understand what she's saying easily enough...though I can see why you'd have trouble, Kairi-san. I do have large concerns using her as communications personnel, though. I may just have Lain be the sole communications personnel and let her tag along...I can't have her anywhere NEAR the communications console with a speech manner such as that. Until I can find something she is good at, I'll just have her be a passenger...I don't know if I can pay her or not, though. I'll have to give it some thought. I wish Lain had telepathic capacities, or I could talk to him right now.

Toshiro waited for the others to board, and for any replies from Kairi.

Kairi shrugged inside the shuttle. Are you sure she should even tag along if she can't fulfill her duty that she signed on for, Toshi-kun?

Toshiro smiled, still waiting on the others, and looking at the Frankengun, which was quite similar to the one he'd gotten from the Kylie pilot.

Actually, Lain was the one who volunteered. He just used plural pronouns...and I don't want to split them up. I have the room, so I'll likely let them stick together, as long as at least Lain can do the job.

"Slowdownneedtoslowdownyousay..." Reis blinked, idyllically, staring at the woman who made that VILE demand of her. After a moment of Herculean focus, she parted her lips and, obviously taking great pains to speak as slowly as she could manage, offered up a new line. "Canyou..." A long pause. "Understand..." Another. Long pause. "...menow?" Notably the words came just as quickly, but with the breaks between spurts of speech, she was probably a little more understandable.

She resolved immediately to hate Kairi forever, and resolved just as immediately to be as sweetly fawning towards her as she could until the chance came to exact revenge.

Kairi thought for a moment. That was probably good enough for now... Best to just leave trouble be for now. She pulled out the box holding her eyepatch and opened it carefully, tapping it to turn it on. Putting it over her eye, she switched through the modes curiously. She looked back over to Reis with X-ray on... No panties. No surprise there... She moved on to the conduits in the ship and examined the current carefully. She noticed one of the power mains to the engine had a few loose connections, and piped up, "Toshi-kun, we need to fix the power main when we get back to the Ygg, somehow some connections are messed up, ne? Check my eyepatch..."

Toshiro blinked and looked through the eyepatch, seeing what Kairi had noticed.

"You're right...We'd best fix that now, though. Before we're a few hundred miles above the planet and start freefalling. The Aux would kick in before that happened, but I can fix it here."

With that, Toshiro pops a panel and gets to work...

Ken showed up around then, carrying a couple of duffels. "hehe...I love my dear cousin Ichiro."

Toshiro looks up as he repairs the shuttle, and smiles as he sees Ken.

"Hmm? Cool, did you get the shotgun and stuff? I got another 10mm and a Zen Little Killer."

Ken nodded. "Of course. There were more then one of each, weirdly."

Toshiro stopped momentarily, looking confused.

"...What exactly did you wind up getting, then?"

Last edited by Toshiro on Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:36 am, edited 1 time in total


Kylen Phylar

"A Type 28 Submachine gun, 10mm Submachine Pistol, and a few more shottys and the same kinds of rifles. heh, almost like he though we were going to be boarded." Ken chuckled.

Toshiro was quite surprised.

"Wow...between us we have more firepower than people to use the firearms, then...perhaps I can stock the stations with firearms. I did put locked drawers and metal bullet-resistant components into the bridge's chairs for just that...wow..."

Ken nods. "Good idea."

After a few minutes, Toshiro managed to fix the connections easily enough.

"It seems like someone on Nepleslia saw fit to play a little joke...that or they tried to steal parts of the shuttle, but were run off...everything checks out, though...we're ready to go, Ken! Start the pre-flight checklist once we're all on board, okay?"

With that, Toshiro entered the shuttle.

(While the repair was a good test of the eyepatch, I'd prefer not to have anything ICly or OOCly slow us down any longer until Serenity is on board...okay?)

Suddenly Eve came over the shuttle com system. "Hello Thar! Shaun was wanting to know how long you all are going to be away from the ship." She said in a playful voice.

"We are returning now Eve." Ken said, firing everything up and closing the door behind the two new crew.

Lain gave a delicate sigh at the tension between Kairi and Reis, though he did not intercede, instead seizing the opportunity presented by her distraction with the problems of the shuttle to whisk Reis off to the side. A hand to her cheek, a slight smile, a slowly murmured whisper at her ear.

"...you really should make more of an effort to get along with people, Reis. Even if they are army fucktoys." Lain certainly didn't hate Neko, he just found them to be somewhat unnerving, and a clear show of Yamatai's utter disregard for life. Yamatai's ability to spontaneously generate breathing souls, however, did explain why they were so very willing to engage in acts of outright genocide. "Army fucktoys may not agree with you much. But if you get yourself killed by one, I swear I will fucking kill you."

Ken was wincing at this, (but only if he can hear it. If not, I'll edit this post out or something.) not liking it. "Not all nekos are fucktoys, like not all Neppys are stupid druggies."

Smiling lightly, Lain drew Reis close against him. She responded in kind with a knowing grin towards her lover, a feckless glance showing no real care for the immediate dislike she had earned, or for Ken's intercession.

"I am well aware of that. And not all druggies are stupid, incidentally." Burnishing hazel eyes showed a certain level of menace, and at once, challenge. "The reputation Neko have made for themselves is quite well-earned, Ken. However, it is not nearly so relevant as the morality of creating them in the first place."

Did he particularly care that there was a breathing Neko right there? No, not really. Lain didn't care who his philosophical positions offended. If he cared about offending people, he would have been a geneticist. Or a soldier, Lord forbid.

Toshiro looked to Lain.

"...While I don't demand one to change their beliefs, I do expect a level of tolerance for your fellow crew. You WILL serve with a Nepleslian, as well as Kairi. Also, while the creation of war machines is debatable im MANY cultures, if that were truly all Nekos were, the fact still remains that the blame would be placed on those specific people who created them...NOT the Nekos themselves. We don't ask to be born as what we are...at least not the first time around. All that is also assuming that being a Neko is a bad thing, which is also a matter of opinion. Personally, save the physical and mental upgrades, I see no difference."

Toshiro smiled.

"Besides...as a Geshrin, your race was created by the same group at the same time...you have a common origin, and your opinion is degrading of your own race as well, to a degree...ne? You were created for a different purpose, but are still interchangable from a biological and historical standpoint."

Last edited by Toshiro on Thu Feb 01 2007, 08:10 pm; edited 2 times in total

Lain raised a brow.

"You'll find me far from intolerant, Toshiro-san. And you'll find, if I question the morality of their creation I am never laying the blame on the created." A musing smile, brighter than polished brass. "Though you perform delightfully well in the arts of taking words out of context and misconstruing statements. I applaud you."

A fine propagandist the boy would make, Lain noted. "Cough syrup. Nothing else we need."

The shuttle reached the ship in record time. "I'm going to go put weapons in stashes and stuff." Ken said, hefting the duffels.

Toshiro nodded. "Please stock the bridge stations especially...now...where is Shaun?"

Eve came on over the ship's comm systems. "Welcome back Captain. I hope you didn't get shot at or anything during your trip. If your looking for Shaun he's in the men's bunk bay installing that thingy he made."

Toshiro smiled.

"So he finished, ne? That's good...We'll likely be headed out when he's done...also, I'd like everyone to come to the bridge soon...I have communicators to hand out and chair-safe passwords for the electronics locks at the stations. They will likely contain emergency tools and weapons. Can you tell Shaun to come to the bridge when he's done? Everyone else is pretty much assembled with me."

All that Kairi showed outwardly at this defamation of her character was a slight tic of her eye, and only once. Inside, however, her heart sunk. She merely told Toshiro telepathically, "I have been raped," and then slunk into an ironclad wall of mental defense which she could hide behind, blocking out all communication.

Toshiro looked at Kairi, a look of sympathy, and looked to Lain and Reis.

"While you are open to your opinions. I will not have you further offend my friends on my ship...don't say such things in front of those who you'll offend."

Ken tosses the pistols into the holding areas at the stations, saving the sub-pistol for himself, and stashing the rest elsewhere.

Shaun came walking down the hall cleaning his hands off with a rag. "You wanted to see me for something?"

Toshiro nodded.

"Firstly, Shaun, Eve, these are Reis and Lain...new members of our crew. These two will be rooming in the third quarters area. Lain, Reis, this is Shaun. The voice you heard before over the intercom is Eve, an advanced AI he has in his possession. She's considered a passenger/resident rather than the ship's AI, so don't order her around.

Secondly, I've obtained some communicators for you all...Shaun, I'll be working on a way to get one to connect with Eve's systems, okay?

Lastly, we're headed for Lor next...I've always wanted to see what kinds of technology they possess, as well as their culture. In the computer databanks, you'll find a digital magazine, a beginner's guide to their language...feel free to familiarize yourself with it. We'll be leaving as soon as Shaun is done with his project, and Reis and Lain are settled in."

Toshiro smiles and begins to hand out the communicators...fairly high end ones with a holographic 3-D screen.

Last edited by Toshiro on Thu Feb 01 2007, 08:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

Shaun shrugs "I'm ready to head out now. I just told Eve I wasn't done so she would stop bugging me about it."

Shaun looked over at the new crew members and gave a small wave. "Yo."

Lain offered, delicately, a curt nod.

"I've never, for anyone, censored myself, Toshiro, nor would I expect any other to ever do such. But I will choose my words more carefully."

Attention turned to the new introduction, to which he offered a flashy smile, a tilt of his head to one side, then to the other. "Shaun. Lain Irokawa. Rightly pleased to meet you, I suppose. Particularly considering there was an actual introduction."

A click of the teeth.

[H'okay, my apologies for the delays. I can't guarantee lots of fast-paced activity here, but I will keep it moving until Toshiro gets back. Godspeed, Toshiro. We need more tall, cute, and awkward guys in the universe. This post written with input from Orion Moony regarding use of his character, and with permission from Erik to make use of Toshiro in his absence.]

Toshiro nodded. "Then I suppose we can move out once Lain and Reis settle themselves."

Reis took the hint quite happily and proceeded to drag Lain away to the quarters they had been assigned. Lain gave a sigh, a roll of the eyes, a murmured comment of "...always work, work, work...", and followed quite happily.

That said, Toshiro nodded again. "Bring us out."

"Aye, capt'n." Ken says, going through all procedures and taking off from the station.

Nodding Shaun made his way to his own station. Taking his seat he activated his scanners and went back to keeping on eye out for possible threats to the ship.

Toshiro settled himself into his own place as Ken brought the Yggdrassill away from the station, breaking out of orbit. At last, they would be underway to Lor, where the salvaging laws made Mizuho and Kotori look simple to understand. At least they weren't grounded here anymore.

"How long will it be to Lor, Ken?" A few hours, certainly, though it was good to know. And for once, Toshiro had other people to tell him such things. He would need Lain to handle communications once they reached Lor, however.

((That's one thing I don't know.))

Shaun suddenly got up from his seat and turned to the others. "I'll be back in a few minutes. There's something I need to do." He hit a few keys on the console and tapped his right ear piece. "Eve you take care of things here. "

Without another word he silently made his way out of the room and headed off for the men's bunk room.

(OOC: Still not permanently on yet. Yggdrassill travels at 1/8 LY/M, top FTL speed. A trip from Yamatai to Lor is roughly 4 hours. Use the star map to determine distances and ETA using the 1/8th constant.)

Last edited by Toshiro on Thu Feb 01 2007, 08:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

(*brain explodes from the dimensional/distance math needed)

"4 Hours at top speed, capt'n."

"Four hours. Alright." Toshiro watched Shaun take his leave, somewhat surprised, but said nothing. Instead, he settled away and waited for journey's end, eyes occasionally idling towards Ken. "When we're within good communication range, let me know. I'll call Lain up."

He smiled slightly, as he glanced at the plaque bearing his brother's name. And waited out the journey...

(The following is JPed between Seki Tanaka and Orion Moony)

Reis, meanwhile, was shrieking loud enough to be heard throughout half the ship, were it not for the magic of soundproofing.. It wasn't, of course, what some would assume - it was rather a manner of shrieking for the sake of shrieking, or perhaps shrieking to determine precisely what Lain's reaction would be. Also, what Lain's reaction would be to her frenzied bouncing on the foot of the bed as the boy curled up tightly, wishing sleep.

Lain buried his face in the pillow, Reis' yelping cries of what seemed a mix of ecstasy and crack addiction making it very difficult to rest, and he knew he did not have, precisely, long to rest. If Lor was their next stopover, that meant less than six hours even in the slowest Yamataian vessels. Sighing, he rose. "...Reis... did you need something?"

Reis leapt upon him rather suddenly, still sporting very little clothing following activities of some few moments before (most notably, she lacked a bra (though did she ever wear one?), and seemed to in fact be clad in nothing more than rather too-loose panties. "...musicandanshinganalcoholanhappiness!" This bubbly cry was coupled with a tongue to Lain's face.

"...how bloody drunk are you?" Lain couldn't help but smile. Reis could be outright obnoxious at times, but that was, so far as he was concerned, a good bit of her charm.

"Notverynotverymuchatalldrunk!" She bit down on his cheek. "MusicmusicIhaveourinstrumentsallherewellmostofthem... atleastIthinkmostofthem..." She trailed off, eyes falling on the dash of instrument cases stacked haphazardly across the room.

Lain sighed, sat up, setting Reis aside like one might set aside a ragdoll, and rose. Across the room, he sorted out his favorite guitar, the one he had dubbed Satori. "...alright, I'll sing a bit with you. Then you need to let me sleep, okay?"

Reis nodded with unmissable excitement, dashing across the room to seek, as it were, her cello. She settled herself back to a sitting position, working the instrument from it is case then letting it rest to cling between her legs in that most, ahm, ladylike manner that the cello is held.

Lain gave a sigh, and played a slow rasciado strumming pattern on Satori, watching as Reis veritably purred. Somehow, life felt a little blanker and greyer than usual...

(I'll have us in Lorath space shortly. If you wish to do anything between now and then, now is your time. Thanks.)

Ken nodded. "I'll let you know when we get 3 bars." he said, making a cell phone joke. He leaned back, and too a small nap during the trip.

Shaun closed the door to the bunk room and made his way over to the pod he had been working on earlier. He grabbed his backpack which had been lying on the floor next to it.

Shaun pulls open the pod and sits down inside and leans his head back for a moment closing his eyes. He takes a couple minutes to gather his thoughts before opening his eyes and pulling open the backpack and reaching inside. He pulls out a small metal picture frame. He sits it down in front of himself as he stares at it. The sounds and smells of that day never truly leaving him. He began to feel lightheaded right before he suddenly heard those five words that haunted him to this day. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW? it came loudly as Shaun banged his head on the top of the pod startled.

He looked down to where the picture should have been and it wasn't there. He reached into his bag and there it was. must have dozed off....haven't slept much lately...I guess its bound to happen. He sat the backpack down on the floor and leaned back in the pod to rest.

(JP with Fredrick)

Toshiro rose from his seat once they were underway, thinking for a moment, before going to Lain's station and switching on the line to Engineering. "Kairi-san, if you're there, can you please report to my quarters? I wish to speak with you..."

He looked to the pilot's station and addressed Ken. "Ken..I'll want to speak to you in private too, once you have everything set properly for our journey..." he then left the bridge, walking to his quarters just off the bridge.

Kairi blinked, her ears perking. I wonder what it is.... "Hai," she called, and floated quickly to Toshiro's quarters. Se gave a tentative knock on the door.

Toshiro opened the door with a smile. "Come in, come in...take a seat, please...want some coffee or tea?"

Kairi thought for a moment, then said neutrally, "Tea. Green, if you have it, thank you."

Toshiro nodded, and began to prepare the tea. He handed it to her with a smile. "Relax...you're not in trouble or anything...have a seat, okay?"

Kairi's face brightened a bit as she took the tea. "Ah. Well then, Toshi-kun, what do you need?"

Toshiro smiled. "Kairi...now that there are a half-dozen people on this ship, I need to make a second-in-command position...an Executive Officer...and you and Ken are the two prominent choices right now...I want to know if you think you could handle such a position...with some training, of course."

Kairi's eyes widened. "Aaa... wow." She thought for a moment, chin on her fist, and then murmured something unintelligible in quiet Japanese.

Toshiro blinked. "Could you repeat that?'

Kairi nodded slowly. "I think I could do that... I would really like to, but I'm worried that my anger at some of the newest crew members would get in the way of my judgment."

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Kairi...I know...but you seem able to handle yourself well. You are the most dedicated to make this ship work next to me, you handled yourself well in that skirmish in Kyoto...and as an engineer, you will be more likely to understand what this ship can do."

Kairi nodded again, slower this time. "Couldn't Ken, who has piloted both Vampires and Equines, also do this job?"

Toshiro nodded. "He's had pervious experience in not only piloting those vessels, but also in command in general, and the trading and sale of goods...but you two are pretty even. You each have something the other lacks...you have the drive and technical knowledge, and he has connections and experience...but I think you could get the experience easily, though."

Kairi nodded. "I think I could do the job."

Toshiro smiled. "I could consider Shaun due to his military experience...but his dislike of Yamataians...to the point of staying off of certain planets like Yamatai...is something I simply can't have in an Exec...same with the racism, mild as it is compared to the others...Kairi, I want you to answer a few questions for me, okay?"

Kairi nodded, and crossed her arms. "Hai."

Toshiro smiled, and handed her a sort of quiz paper...with questions on it.

"Ken will get the same quiz later...don't warn him, or share your answers with him...you ARE allowed to check with any technical schematics or Star Army rules and laws you wish.


1. You find a Star Army vessel in space...it is adrift, and seems to have minimal power...what do you do?

A. Try to initiate contact, scan the vessel, board to check for life, contact the Star Army.
B. Scan the vessel, board to check for life, take the ship for your own.
C. Try to initiate contact, do NOT scan the vessel, contact the Star Army.
D. Tow to the nearest Star Army base.

2. What is standard procedure for discovering a new planet?

A. Log its location and endeavor to update the public starchart database.
B. Initiate first contact, with a show of force if needed.
C. Initiate first contact, in as diplomatic a way possible.
D. Report planet to the Star Army, perhaps asking to participate in first contact.

3. An antimatter mine is located in Star Army space...what do you do?

A. Log its location and endeavor to update the public starchart database.
B. Use your Graviton Beam Projector or Pulser to move the mine.
C. Use your Grappler to move the mine.
D. Detonate the mine from a distance of 0.35 AU minimum
E. Contact the Star Army and ask for assistance.

4. Which of these items fall under the designation of restricted technology?

A. Yamataium Armor
B. Antimatter Missiles
C. Aether-based Weaponry
D. LAMIA and Kylie Power Armors

5. What is Neutronium's Impact Tolerance on the standard Hull Density Scale?

A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 9

5. What is Zesuaium's Impact Tolerance on the standard Hull Density Scale?

A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 9

6. What is the hull of the Yggdrasill made of?

A. Diamond Composite/Adamant
B. Neutronium
C. Yamataium
D. Zanarium
E. Zesuaium

7. What is the top speed of the Yggdrasill, both STL and FTL?

A. 0.89c, 67,000c
B. 0.71c, 123,000c
C. 0.89c, 123,000c
D. 0.71c, 67,000c

8. At what speed does light travel?

A. 0.5c
B. 1c
C. 2c
D. 5c
E. 10c

Toshiro continues. "Don't worry about if you don't get many right or not...it is just to see where you are so far in a couple areas, and where you need training in....okay?"

Last edited by Toshiro on Thu Feb 01 2007, 08:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

((OOC: Unfortunately the writer for Ken is deficient...good to see you again though Tosh.))

Ken waited for Kairi to walk out, before he goes in. "Wonder what he wants." he asks himself out loud, pacing patiently. All the auto's were set up. At the moment, the only things that could stop the ship were a well placed, lucky ass shot, a time-grav anamoly, or a mine.

Toshiro saw Ken enter and smiled. "Hi, Ken...want some coffee before we begin?"

Ken shook his head. "I'm good, thanks."

Toshiro nodded. "Well...I'll get to the point then....we have more crew, as you know, and I need to appoint an Executive Officer, a second in command...you and Kairi are to be considered...think you could command a crew as well as a ship?"

Ken thought on this for a second. "I could, yes. I mean, it is been a while, so I'll be a bit rusty.."

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Well...did your last Vampire have a crew?"

Ken nodded. "Though, it was only 2 other people...and the Vampire was NOTHING like this one."

Toshiro nodded. "Yeah...this ones pretty special...also, even if one of you doesn't get the position, they may get command of the Alucard after her refit...I have similar plans for her."

"Nice...though it is only a one person vehicle..." Ken replied.

Toshiro nodded. "Well...two can pilot it if needed...heck, I could control the Yggdrasill without a crew if I HAD to, it is how I started. Besides, the Alucard will have a Yggdrasillian Grappler and Pulser by the time I'm done with it."

Ken smiled. "it is just that it is too cramped for more then 2 people."

Toshiro smiled back. "Well, that's because the cargo bays are normally not accessible in space...this design will change that and add 1920 cubic meters one can access at any given time."

Ken nodded. "Sounds good to me."

Toshiro nodded. "Because of this, both of you are to receive training in command and basic engineering...you'll need to learn how this ship, and the Equine, work. I don't expect you to be able to change out components and the like yourself like I will Kylie...just get an understanding of the ship's abilities. To determine where you are in understanding, I have a simple written test for you to fill out...don't worry if you don't do too well...it is to give me an idea on what to teach you."

Ken nodded again. "Bring it on, boss man."

Toshiro handed him the exact same test as Kairi. "it is only 8 questions...part of the command process is knowing how to fill out paperwork, evil as it is."

Ken chuckled. "That it is. Almost as bad as those aliens the Army is fighting."

Toshiro shrugged. "I wouldn't know....I've never seen a Mishhu...in any case, please return to your station on the bridge and work on the test. You're in temporary command until we get there...I'll be listening through the communications systems to what you say and do. I'll have Kairi relieve you at 1200 hours."

Ken stood, did a minor salute, and left the room.

Toshiro reclined back in his chair, and began to go over the Alucard's design, and then studied the Basic Lorath e-book again...

Last edited by Toshiro on Thu Feb 01 2007, 08:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

Shaun was lying in his new bed. It was quiet. He opened his eyes and sat up looking around. it is quiet....why the hell is it quiet!? He pushed his right hand against his ear Eve what's going on... There was no reply. He quickly reached inside the pod and pulled his pistol from it is compartment.

A shadowed figure moved from behind Shaun's pod and out of the room while he was getting his weapon.

Shaun climbed out of his pod and looked around the room for a moment. He held his gun down low as he stepped out into the hall. He kept his eyes and ears open as he slowly made his way towards the control room.

Shadows moved across the walls around Shaun. As he got half way down the hall the door to the men's bunk room suddenly slammed shut.

Shaun spun around aiming down the hall. He didn't like this. Whoever was doing this was pulling it off without giving themselves away in any way.

A cold gust of air suddenly brushed against the back of his neck.

Shaun's body spun sending his right foot pivoting to the source of the breeze in a powerful roundhouse kick only to hit nothing but air. A single drop of sweat ran down his face as he picked up his pace and rushed to the control room. As the door slid open he walked in, gun out in front. Captain?.....Anyone?

As he walked into the room the door quickly sealed shut behind him like the bunk room door had. The control room was empty. At least it seemed so for a moment, but at the far end of the room at the weapon systems station someone was sitting in Shaun's chair with their back turned to him.

Shaun looked around the room as he made his way over to his station. Ken? Is that you? Shaun grabbed the chair and spun it around to face him.

As the chair spun around Shaun was greeted with a horrific site. It was a soldier with the majority of his face blown away. Shaun wasn't even given a chance to react as the corpse shot up from the chair grabbing him by the face.

Shaun's heart skipped a beat as he immediately recognized the faceless specter. He yell in terror as the corpse shot forward grabbing him by the head and lifting him off the ground. By instinct he jammed the barrel of his gun to it is throat and pulled the trigger.

The corpse exploded as the bullet passed through it is flesh. Blood and gore spraying Shaun down as he hit the floor. As he landed on what have been the floor something broke his fall. whatever he landed on was damp.

Shaun quickly hit whatever it was he landed on and jumped to his feet, but slipped in the blood and slammed into the floor next to it. He slowly turned his head to see what he had landed on before.

As the former soldier turned his head, what laid next to him was a thing of pure terror. His old allies from the army as they were at the end of their final mission together. Mutilated bodies turn apart thrown in a pile. His allies...his friends. It was there they lay as he had found them that day.

Shaun lost control of his stomach and spilled it is contents as he knelt there vomiting. He slowly tried to stand up. Why me....why did I survive... He said to himself as he pulled the assault rifle from the hands of one of his friends.

As Shaun stood up the door to the control room opened and the sound of several sets of boots could be heard moving quickly through the hall. A group of masked soldiers poured into the room through the door towards him. As they did everything seemed to slow down.

Shaun spun to his feet rushing towards the door screaming. He rushed forward firing round after round into the crowd as shells and beams of energy buzzed past him. As he got closer a red beam of burning energy burst through his chest going right past his heart coming less then an inch away from catching it. Shaun hit the floor dropping the gun.

The soldiers continued into the room and as they rushed by a familiar voice hit Shaun. Shaun! get up! It was Eve.

Shaun suddenly sat up sweating and breathing heavily. He was still in the pod bed. He looked around the room holding his chest as Eve spoke again. Shaun are you alright? You were sleeping and your heart rate increased dramatically. I was afraid you were going to have a heart attack. Shaun leaned back and pulled his shirt off. The scar on his chest where he had been hit years ago was sore. Are you going to be alright? Asked Eve.

Shaun cleaned the sweat off his face before answering Yeah Eve....just a bad dream....that's all...


Ken sat there, nodding off in his chair, after working on the test, he was mentally wiped. Some of the questions he SHOULD know, but couldn't remember, and others were just over his head. In his lap sat his prized pistols, shiny from polishing and cleaning.

In his dream, he saw nothing much. he was running down a alley, as if he was being chased. But it wasn't fear he felt. It was excitement, exhilaration.

The Yggdrasill, at 1200 hours, dropped below FTL speed in the vicinity of Lor...Toshiro sent a signal to Lor and its moon, identifying the ship and their mission... "Kairi...please report to the bridge for Command Training...you'll be giving orders for this one, okay?"

Toshiro looked at the sleeping Ken, mildly irritated...to nod off while on command watch, regardless of how boring the tasks involved, wasn't an option for a Captain with a crew to look after...they were dangerously close to Mishhu space, after all. "Ken, wake up...your watch is over...next time, try to stay awake, okay? To fall asleep while you're on watch isn't excusable for an Executive Officer."

Kairi blinked and called, "Hai!", then began her walk to the bridge. "Salvage mission, Captain?"

Toshiro nodded. "Right. We are at Lor, so there is Yamataian, Lorath, and Mishhu debris here...there have also been Antimatter Mines and Globs known to be in this area...as well as Weapon pods...so be mindful of these things, and be careful. If you get in over your head, ask me what to do...understood?"

Last edited by Toshiro on Thu Feb 01 2007, 08:21 pm; edited 2 times in total

Shaun walked into the command center. He was now clean shaved and was wearing his old uniform. The only thing that was off was his blood shot eyes. As he entered the room he spoke and stood at attention "Permission to return to my post captain?"

Ken woke right up. "Oh...sorry capt'n....I haven't slept since you picked me up...so I guess I'm a bit tired. I'll remember to grab sleep next time I'm not on watch." he said, as he sat straight up. "Not that I'm using it as an excuse, just the way it was. Won't happen again unless I ignore my mattress again."

Toshiro nodded, understanding. "Okay, make sure you're well rested next time we go out...Permission granted, Shaun-- Toshiro looked at his uniform.

"...Shaun, I understand your pride in the armed forces of your planet, and may even permit the wearing of that uniform, at least in part, on the ship, but you must take care not to make other governments or beings think you are impersonating a Nepleslian Soldier. That could result in legal charges being brought against you and this ship as a whole...I am hesitant to permit you to wear that on the bridge where it can be seen in communications, though I have every respect for the uniform and what it means...it could accidentally make someone attack us, worst case."

Last edited by Toshiro on Thu Feb 01 2007, 08:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

Around the time Shaun came onto the bridge, a window popped up. A rather young looking blue haired male came up on the screen, his deep sapphire eyes staring at the others with a little more then bored disinterest.

"Greetings, I am Pursuit of the Occhestan house government. Please present your authorization papers, and anything else that should be noted. Also, all formal requests for planetary visits must be made now."

A smaller screen came up in front of Toshiro, one that requested permits, authorization numbers, and a side page that showed forms to fill out for a formal planetary visit.

Toshiro bowed. "I am Yuki Toshiro, Captain of the Yggdrasill. Nice to meet you, Pursuit--" The paperwork popped up, which he began to fill out...he'd spent over 50,000 KS for the salvage and access rights, after all. A few minutes later...

"...There...that should do it. Also, visiting the planet would be quite interesting, if it is permitted. I would like to issue such a request for once we have concluded our salvage operations. As you can see from the included data, we have already purchased salvage rights in your system."

Pursuit looked over the data and checked it with the computer. After a few moments the Occhestan nodded, giving him a small smirk.

"Very well sir, everything checks out. Have a pleasant time salvaging and please be careful. Also remember it is our duty to check any salvaged items you have retrieved and confiscate anything that is outlined by the Star Army guidelines. When you are done please message me again so we can send a ship out to look over your cargo. So long as you agree you are free to begin your salvaging."

Shaun brushed his hands down the front of the suit. "I took the liberty of removing the insignias and identification tags from it. I was going through some things and it was somewhat nostalgic. Although....it does feel weird wearing a suit again...

Eve came on the overhead "At least you're wearing clothes today."

Shaun looked at the speaker "Oh would you stop?"

Eve replied "Nope, hee!"

Ken was busy gathering the data for different salvage runs, and inputting them into the computer.

Shaun sat down at his console placing a wire from the terminal connecting to the piece around his ear. Eve remained silent as he went about his work.
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