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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill (PG-13) Salvage Run 3: Nepleslian Ring/Crew Recruitment

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"Four hours. Alright." Toshiro watched Shaun take his leave, somewhat surprised, but said nothing. Instead, he settled away and waited for journey's end, eyes occasionally idling towards Ken. "When we're within good communication range, let me know. I'll call Lain up."

He smiled slightly, as he glanced at the plaque bearing his brother's name. And waited out the journey...

(The following is JPed between Seki Tanaka and Orion Moony)

Reis, meanwhile, was shrieking loud enough to be heard throughout half the ship, were it not for the magic of soundproofing.. It wasn't, of course, what some would assume - it was rather a manner of shrieking for the sake of shrieking, or perhaps shrieking to determine precisely what Lain's reaction would be. Also, what Lain's reaction would be to her frenzied bouncing on the foot of the bed as the boy curled up tightly, wishing sleep.

Lain buried his face in the pillow, Reis' yelping cries of what seemed a mix of ecstasy and crack addiction making it very difficult to rest, and he knew he did not have, precisely, long to rest. If Lor was their next stopover, that meant less than six hours even in the slowest Yamataian vessels. Sighing, he rose. "...Reis... did you need something?"

Reis leapt upon him rather suddenly, still sporting very little clothing following activities of some few moments before (most notably, she lacked a bra (though did she ever wear one?), and seemed to in fact be clad in nothing more than rather too-loose panties. "...musicandanshinganalcoholanhappiness!" This bubbly cry was coupled with a tongue to Lain's face.

"...how bloody drunk are you?" Lain couldn't help but smile. Reis could be outright obnoxious at times, but that was, so far as he was concerned, a good bit of her charm.

"Notverynotverymuchatalldrunk!" She bit down on his cheek. "MusicmusicIhaveourinstrumentsallherewellmostofthem... atleastIthinkmostofthem..." She trailed off, eyes falling on the dash of instrument cases stacked haphazardly across the room.

Lain sighed, sat up, setting Reis aside like one might set aside a ragdoll, and rose. Across the room, he sorted out his favorite guitar, the one he had dubbed Satori. "...alright, I'll sing a bit with you. Then you need to let me sleep, okay?"

Reis nodded with unmissable excitement, dashing across the room to seek, as it were, her cello. She settled herself back to a sitting position, working the instrument from it's case then letting it rest to cling between her legs in that most, ahm, ladylike manner that the cello is held.

Lain gave a sigh, and played a slow rasciado strumming pattern on Satori, watching as Reis veritably purred. Somehow, life felt a little blanker and greyer than usual...

(I'll have us in Lorath space shortly. If you wish to do anything between now and then, now is your time. Thanks.)
Ken nodded. "I'll let you know when we get 3 bars." he said, making a cell phone joke. He leaned back, and too a small nap during the trip.
Shaun closed the door to the bunk room and made his way over to the pod he had been working on earlier. He grabbed his backpack which had been lying on the floor next to it.

Shaun pulls open the pod and sits down inside and leans his head back for a moment closing his eyes. He takes a couple minutes to gather his thoughts before opening his eyes and pulling open the backpack and reaching inside. He pulls out a small metal picture frame. He sits it down in front of himself as he stares at it. The sounds and smells of that day never truly leaving him. He began to feel lightheaded right before he suddenly heard those five words that haunted him to this day. "WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?â€
(JP with Fredrick)

Toshiro rose from his seat once they were underway, thinking for a moment, before going to Lain's station and switching on the line to Engineering. "Kairi-san, if you're there, can you please report to my quarters? I wish to speak with you..."

He looked to the pilot's station and addressed Ken. "Ken..I'll want to speak to you in private too, once you have everything set properly for our journey..." he then left the bridge, walking to his quarters just off the bridge.

Kairi blinked, her ears perking. I wonder what it is.... "Hai," she called, and floated quickly to Toshiro's quarters. Se gave a tentative knock on the door.

Toshiro opened the door with a smile. "Come in, come in...take a seat, please...want some coffee or tea?"

Kairi thought for a moment, then said neutrally, "Tea. Green, if you have it, thank you."

Toshiro nodded, and began to prepare the tea. He handed it to her with a smile. "Relax...you're not in trouble or anything...have a seat, okay?"

Kairi's face brightened a bit as she took the tea. "Ah. Well then, Toshi-kun, what do you need?"

Toshiro smiled. "Kairi...now that there are a half-dozen people on this ship, I need to make a second-in-command position...an Executive Officer...and you and Ken are the two prominent choices right now...I want to know if you think you could handle such a position...with some training, of course."

Kairi's eyes widened. "Aaa... wow." She thought for a moment, chin on her fist, and then murmured something unintelligible in quiet Japanese.

Toshiro blinked. "Could you repeat that?'

Kairi nodded slowly. "I think I could do that... I would really like to, but I'm worried that my anger at some of the newest crew members would get in the way of my judgment."

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Kairi...I know...but you seem able to handle yourself well. You are the most dedicated to make this ship work next to me, you handled yourself well in that skirmish in Kyoto...and as an engineer, you will be more likely to understand what this ship can do."

Kairi nodded again, slower this time. "Couldn't Ken, who has piloted both Vampires and Equines, also do this job?"

Toshiro nodded. "He's had pervious experience in not only piloting those vessels, but also in command in general, and the trading and sale of goods...but you two are pretty even. You each have something the other lacks...you have the drive and technical knowledge, and he has connections and experience...but I think you could get the experience easily, though."

Kairi nodded. "I think I could do the job."

Toshiro smiled. "I could consider Shaun due to his military experience...but his dislike of Yamataians...to the point of staying off of certain planets like Yamatai...is something I simply can't have in an Exec...same with the racism, mild as it is compared to the others...Kairi, I want you to answer a few questions for me, okay?"

Kairi nodded, and crossed her arms. "Hai."

Toshiro smiled, and handed her a sort of quiz paper...with questions on it.

"Ken will get the same quiz later...don't warn him, or share your answers with him...you ARE allowed to check with any technical schematics or Star Army rules and laws you wish.

Toshiro continues. "Don't worry about if you don't get many right or not...it's just to see where you are so far in a couple areas, and where you need training in....okay?"
((OOC: Unfortunately the writer for Ken is deficient...good to see you again though Tosh.))

Ken waited for Kairi to walk out, before he goes in. "Wonder what he wants." he asks himself out loud, pacing patiently. All the auto's were set up. At the moment, the only things that could stop the ship were a well placed, lucky ass shot, a time-grav anamoly, or a mine.
Toshiro saw Ken enter and smiled. "Hi, Ken...want some coffee before we begin?"

Ken shook his head. "I'm good, thanks."

Toshiro nodded. "Well...I'll get to the point then....we have more crew, as you know, and I need to appoint an Executive Officer, a second in command...you and Kairi are to be considered...think you could command a crew as well as a ship?"

Ken thought on this for a second. "I could, yes. I mean, it's been a while, so I'll be a bit rusty.."

Toshiro thought for a moment. "Well...did your last Vampire have a crew?"

Ken nodded. "Though, it was only 2 other people...and the Vampire was NOTHING like this one."

Toshiro nodded. "Yeah...this ones pretty special...also, even if one of you doesn't get the position, they may get command of the Alucard after her refit...I have similar plans for her."

"Nice...though it's only a one person vehicle..." Ken replied.

Toshiro nodded. "Well...two can pilot it if needed...heck, I could control the Yggdrasill without a crew if I HAD to, it's how I started. Besides, the Alucard will have a Yggdrasillian Grappler and Pulser by the time I'm done with it."

Ken smiled. "It's just that it's too cramped for more then 2 people."

Toshiro smiled back. "Well, that's because the cargo bays are normally not accessible in space...this design will change that and add 1920 cubic meters one can access at any given time."

Ken nodded. "Sounds good to me."

Toshiro nodded. "Because of this, both of you are to receive training in command and basic engineering...you'll need to learn how this ship, and the Equine, work. I don't expect you to be able to change out components and the like yourself like I will Kylie...just get an understanding of the ship's abilities. To determine where you are in understanding, I have a simple written test for you to fill out...don't worry if you don't do too well...it's to give me an idea on what to teach you."

Ken nodded again. "Bring it on, boss man."

Toshiro handed him the exact same test as Kairi. "It's only 8 questions...part of the command process is knowing how to fill out paperwork, evil as it is."

Ken chuckled. "That it is. Almost as bad as those aliens the Army is fighting."

Toshiro shrugged. "I wouldn't know....I've never seen a Mishhu...in any case, please return to your station on the bridge and work on the test. You're in temporary command until we get there...I'll be listening through the communications systems to what you say and do. I'll have Kairi relieve you at 1200 hours."

Ken stood, did a minor salute, and left the room.

Toshiro reclined back in his chair, and began to go over the Alucard's design, and then studied the Basic Lorath e-book again...
Shaun was lying in his new bed. It was quiet. He opened his eyes and sat up looking around. "It's quiet....why the hell is it quiet!?â€
Ken sat there, nodding off in his chair, after working on the test, he was mentally wiped. Some of the questions he SHOULD know, but couldn't remember, and others were just over his head. In his lap sat his prized pistols, shiny from polishing and cleaning.

In his dream, he saw nothing much. he was running down a alley, as if he was being chased. But it wasn't fear he felt. It was excitement, exhilaration.
The Yggdrasill, at 1200 hours, dropped below FTL speed in the vicinity of Lor...Toshiro sent a signal to Lor and its moon, identifying the ship and their mission... "Kairi...please report to the bridge for Command Training...you'll be giving orders for this one, okay?"

Toshiro looked at the sleeping Ken, mildly irritated...to nod off while on command watch, regardless of how boring the tasks involved, wasn't an option for a Captain with a crew to look after...they were dangerously close to Mishhu space, after all. "Ken, wake up...your watch is over...next time, try to stay awake, okay? To fall asleep while you're on watch isn't excusable for an Executive Officer."

Kairi blinked and called, "Hai!", then began her walk to the bridge. "Salvage mission, Captain?"

Toshiro nodded. "Right. We are at Lor, so there is Yamataian, Lorath, and Mishhu debris here...there have also been Antimatter Mines and Globs known to be in this area...as well as Weapon pods...so be mindful of these things, and be careful. If you get in over your head, ask me what to do...understood?"
Shaun walked into the command center. He was now clean shaved and was wearing his old uniform. The only thing that was off was his blood shot eyes. As he entered the room he spoke and stood at attention "Permission to return to my post captain?"
Ken woke right up. "Oh...sorry capt'n....I haven't slept since you picked me up...so I guess I'm a bit tired. I'll remember to grab sleep next time I'm not on watch." he said, as he sat straight up. "Not that I'm using it as an excuse, just the way it was. Won't happen again unless I ignore my mattress again."
Toshiro nodded, understanding. "Okay, make sure you're well rested next time we go out...Permission granted, Shaun-- Toshiro looked at his uniform.

"...Shaun, I understand your pride in the armed forces of your planet, and may even permit the wearing of that uniform, at least in part, on the ship, but you must take care not to make other governments or beings think you are impersonating a Nepleslian Soldier. That could result in legal charges being brought against you and this ship as a whole...I am hesitant to permit you to wear that on the bridge where it can be seen in communications, though I have every respect for the uniform and what it means...it could accidentally make someone attack us, worst case."
Around the time Shaun came onto the bridge, a window popped up. A rather young looking blue haired male came up on the screen, his deep sapphire eyes staring at the others with a little more then bored disinterest.

"Greetings, I am Pursuit of the Occhestan house government. Please present your authorization papers, and anything else that should be noted. Also, all formal requests for planetary visits must be made now."

A smaller screen came up in front of Toshiro, one that requested permits, authorization numbers, and a side page that showed forms to fill out for a formal planetary visit.
Toshiro bowed. "I am Yuki Toshiro, Captain of the Yggdrasill. Nice to meet you, Pursuit--" The paperwork popped up, which he began to fill out...he'd spent over 50,000 KS for the salvage and access rights, after all. A few minutes later...

"...There...that should do it. Also, visiting the planet would be quite interesting, if it is permitted. I would like to issue such a request for once we have concluded our salvage operations. As you can see from the included data, we have already purchased salvage rights in your system."
Pursuit looked over the data and checked it with the computer. After a few moments the Occhestan nodded, giving him a small smirk.

"Very well sir, everything checks out. Have a pleasant time salvaging and please be careful. Also remember it is our duty to check any salvaged items you have retrieved and confiscate anything that is outlined by the Star Army guidelines. When you are done please message me again so we can send a ship out to look over your cargo. So long as you agree you are free to begin your salvaging."
Shaun brushed his hands down the front of the suit. "I took the liberty of removing the insignias and identification tags from it. I was going through some things and it was somewhat nostalgic. Although....it does feel weird wearing a suit again...â€
Shaun sat down at his console placing a wire from the terminal connecting to the piece around his ear. Eve remained silent as he went about his work.
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