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Approved Submission Phantasm Mk. 2


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Warship
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=freespacers:phantasm_2

Faction: Freespacers
FM Approved Yet? Yes. Sigma and Kampfer, today.
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? no
Contains New art? New art has been requested but artist is dealing with a backlog and will come to it when available. Original art is used a placeholder.
Previously Submitted? No


While it is called the Mk. 2, it is essentially a much larger version of the original. A frigate instead of a gunship. I made the mistake of naming it when I misread the original's dimensions. Only realized it after all the work had been done and decided to leave it as is. Putting it down to the Spacers being idiosyncratic.

As it is more of a new submission and not an update of the original, I have not listed changes made. If so desired, I can provide them on request.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
You're not using the Failover System? Remember, Freespacer ship designs were built for redundancy and to be as efficient as possible with what materials were on hand. So overloading it on systems or weapons may not jive with that philosophy.
I hate to admit it in fear of causing tension, but I've been eyeballing this to see how it goes. The reason for that is because I want to learn more about the Freespacers besides from what I can get from reading articles, but am uncertain as to who even knows what and how much about them given what has happened in the past. What had happened IC had also occurred to some degree OOC.

What else is out of place, and what is done right @Soresu ?
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I've added the Failover as per Soresu's suggestion. The only reason for its omission was that I was unaware of its existence.

I have retained as many Freespacer systems as possible where I have judged them to be equal or superior to a Nepleslian equivalent for the purposes of a small patrol vessel. The one thing that Soresu pointed out on IRC was where the positron for the MPAs come from. I don't know, quite simply. My knowledge of chemistry and physics is limited but my only solution would be to draw it from the capacitors.
Thanks? I wasn't aware I had a soul. You may have it so I may return to status ante-soul
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