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RP: Taking It Back [Phase I] Assembling the Team

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Dimitri chuckled out loud. He kept his feelings about the mission in his mind. Heheh! Louie wants to kill me, doesn't he? This sounds friggin ludicrous. A chronic stalker is trying to get me to fight power-armored squids all over a planet I hate the most. When Rennik mentioned the rifle rounds, Dimitri chuckled again but promptly voiced his opinion.

"Rifle rounds? Heh. Try Hostile suits. Got those lying around somewhere?" Of course, Dimitri's sarcasm always made a great addition to any conversation. He hoped his opinion would bring home a point: what were rebels with guns going to be doing against a fully armored military? Not much, he expected.
"We will have to play it safe for a while, I admit." Alex replied, scratching at his temple again, "But we will be slowly picking up bits and pieces of an army as we go. Our first stop is to meet with our sponsors-- both Government and corporate. From there, we'll have the resources and manpower needed to acquire our first true weapon in this conflict: a submarine. Lucas and I have both been on it before. Lucas, as a Red soldier, and myself as a courier for the Blacks. It was abandoned by the Reds some time ago. Only one man at this table knows where they left it."

Alex didn't mention any names, but his cybernetic eye twisted around and focused on Lang. His other eye turned slowly to join in its gaze. "There will be guns, and there will be money. Anyone who is in it for that reason alone will not be dissapointed. However; those who also want something extra out of the deal... Will be quite satisfied. Does anyone have anymore trifling inquiries, or can we leave now?"

Alex sighed as he finished his statement, and after that his cigarette. He stamped the smoking butt out on an ashtray in the center of the table before holstering his weapon, returning Lang's, and standing.

"On second thought, just wait until later if you've got an unsubstatial question, as I'm sure you all have far too many for our time here."

With that, he lead everyone out into the street and to an alley adjacent to the store. Those that followed him saw that parked within it was a Type 31 truck with a flat black paint scheme. They all loaded up in the beat-up vehicle and Alex brought it out onto the road. On the way to their destination he leant back to speak to everyone.

"If you brought your own vehicle, we'll come back and pick it up on the way to our first target-- we'll need all the firepower we can get, then. Also, my airbike is back there. Don't touch it."

He remained silent for the rest of the trip, which didn't take very long. They arrived at their destination about three miles down the road. They were at the base of an impossibly tall skyscraper, and the streets were covered in sludge. The tenement building across from it was smoking from having recently been set ablaze more than once. The smell of burning flesh was evident in the air, and at least one body could be scene sprawled across the pavement in front of the charred structure. Alex ignored this and parked in an alleyway next to the tower, instead. The sun was beginning to set.

"Now, we wait." Alex said softly in the silence of the death hanging in the air. "Our contact from the IPG should be here in exactly one minute and thirteen seconds. Once we retrieve the package from them, we'll make our way to the roof of this tower to meet with our benefactors."
“Charming neighbourhood, wot.” Said Archie, sticking his head between the front seats from the back. “I say. This meeting on the roof business wouldn't be as terribly easy as you make it sound would it?” white moustache tweaking from side to side, eyeing the recent signs of fighting, although that could be from anything in this city.
Sitting in the back, wedged in between two of the larger members of the crew, Ally tried very hard not to look at the awkwardly placed ass of the middle-aged game hunter waggling in front of her. In the end, Ally extricated herself from the small group and stood up, folded her arms over one of the truck's thick, black rollbars, and looked out over the wreck that was Funky City.

The dry wind through the empty streets tustled her hair a little so she held the wild, pale mess back out of her face with her hand. She almost wished she hadn't - the wind stank and she much preferred the smell of her own hair over that of the area immediately around her. But, then again, very few things in FC did not stink. Ally had stopped noticing it after a while, but the Mishhuvurthyar had brought a new smell to the area, that overcame any other; blood. The sweet, tangy, shitty smell of blood and death.

Interested in Archie's question, but not really willing to show it, she slumped forward onto her arms and murmured into them a little discontentedly.
Chrys was enjoying a ride. For once she didn't have to walk and that was nice. Loosing everything except what she was able to grab before bombardment was not fun.

When Alex talked about airbike, Chrys shifted her vision towards the canvas covering something bulky under it. She couldn't force her curiousness aways and party uncovered her. "Nice machine," she said. She also like daring so she sticked her finger out and touched cold metal covering Bike's engine. "Must be great for moving around the city," she added.

When they got to meeting point and and Alex described current situation CHrys just smirked and opened her bag. She took out long Styrling Shot 12 and cocked it. "Better safe then sorry," she said and jumped of the lorry. "Hey grandpa-hunter-person. How about you took your gun and hid between the rubble. I don't think we can afford to trust anyone at this moment. Deals with IPG sound fishy after all." She said looking at Archival.
Rennik hadn't said much on the trip. He was on the seat closest to the cab, and as such wasn't afforded much of a view of the city as they rolled along. His bag was under the seat; he didn't want to lose it in case anything went down that shouldn't have.
"We arn't expecting any trouble in this meeting, are we?" he asked, concerned that some of the members of this "team" had started pulling weapons
“It's IPG after all,wot. I shan't be surprised if there's enough firepower aimed at this vehicle right now to level a small dwelling.” Said Archie, hand going back to its habitual moustache twirling, but he nudged his new rifle case with his foot as if checking it was still there.

"I suppose" Rennik replied with a sigh, reaching down and unzipping his bag. He shifted the contents aside and pulled out a secondary case, equally as long as the first bag. He unzipped that, and a very obviously custom-built weapon appeared. He uncapped the scope on both ends, placing the caps in a special pouch on the inside of the case. He picked up a magazine, which was in a special slot in the case, and loaded it into the rifle.
"Don't suppose those sharp eyes of yours see anyone lurking about?" he asked Archie as he also checked to make sure his hidden pistol (standard 10mm) was also loaded
Alexis snorted, and snickered a little bit, like she was choking on something for a couple of seconds. Then she laughed, an oddly lighthearted sound against the area's tepid silence, and propped a boot up on the seat in front of her, adopting a fairly comfortable position leaning, arms spread, on the next rollbar back.

"You're all acting silly," she remarked, somewhat airily, "The I-P-G aren't all that smart, they're pretty regular people, I think. Regular people are pretty, you know, stupid too. They is probably only one or possibly, like, two tops. Don't you know, iron makes nervous people real skittish?"
"They're late." Alex frowned. The alleyway was dead silent, and there was no one in sight. "This does not bode well for our money situation. Let's hope that our benefactors can provide some for us in light of this. Follow me."

And so, Alex shut off the groaning truck and slid out of the tall vehicle, lending deftly and silently below in a crouched position. He signaled the rest of the team to follow behind him as he kicked open a metal gate on the side of the tall building next to them. Inside, there was a dark hall. Those without any form of light amplification could just barely make out the walls and silhouettes of furniture as they crept inside until Alex's eye made a sharp 'click' and brightened exceedingly. Suddenly, it was as if they were following a grounds-keeper with a lantern, the room bathed in a soft blue light which show detail in the form of thick shadowy outlines. Ahead, there was a set of double doors with a small red light flashing slowly above them.

"Cargo Elevator." Alex labeled them. "The only way to get to the roof. Everybody get inside and keep quiet. There are zombies on the middle floors. We keep moving the meetings between the top and bottom floors whenever they get close on the stairs. Once we're done here, we'll head down and kill them. But for now, let's try to be stealthy."

Having briefed everybody, Alex kicked a panel from the wall and pinched a few of the wire behind it. Finally, with one particular snip, the doors before them opened, and a small light flickered to life inside.

Alex ushered everyone into the large elevator car and thumbed the 'R' switch. With a shudder, the car came into motion and the doors lid slowly shut a the car started to make its way quietly up. Lucas shuddered as they started to pass through the middle floors.

"I don't like sneaking around like this, Alex." He explained, unholstering his Gyro 500.
Chrys waled casualy a step behind Alex on the way to the elevator. She put her shotgun on her back, prepared to draw her pistol quickly or just use her firsts. Her eyes checked every corner, as she was remembering everything her time in security bussiness taught her.

When they walked in the elevator she stoof near the entrance to get quickly should it be neded. She also checked it for any roof entrance. "So Mr. Stalker. Two questions. First." She started while they were on the way up. Shifting her eye to her soon-to-be employer. "The zombies, are they the stupid kind or the kind that can shoot back. Second how much do you trust our benefactors." SHe then paused for a while before smirked. "Oh and third, why didn't they just meet us out there in the street, so we would not have get in building full of zombies. I know you said we will be cleaning them out next, but I would rather if the zombies didn't know about us beforehand. I mean this elevator is pretty loud."
Rennik never put his rifle away, though he did slip on a belt of extra magazines and sling his bag over his back. He had tightened the straps so that it was snug on him, not going to sway any which way.
Lang stood at the back of the group, his STAR shouldered and loaded. He'd screwed the 45's suppressor back on the pistol during the trip over to the meeting site, no need for two loud weapons on his person.

Staring at the backs of the group Lang spoke up, "So.. the IPG don't seem interested, I hope your benefactors have deep pockets mister Alex."
Archie followed the others carrying his new case, and a slim backpack on his back. As he entered the elevator he put down the case and watched as the others pull out weapons. He sighed and reached into this jacket.

Pulling out a mirror and a small brush. He quietly began grooming his moustache to give it a little extra fluffiness, if he was meeting his employers he may as well be presentable. “It's never so simple as they say it will be.” he muttered as he worked, when he was satisfied he wriggled his moustache a little before putting the mirror and brush back in his jacket and straightening his front.
There was a tone sounded just as Archie was finishing up the last few strands of his 'stache, and the doors of the elevator opened to an empty hall. Alex frowned. "This isn't far enough up... I'll have to reset the controls."

He knelt down to pry the face off of the row of plastic buttons in the elevator and began plucking the wires in the dilapidated panel as if he were tuning a piano. Each wire he plucked made the lights inside the elevator car flicker, similar to the lights in the hallway outside. The empty corridor was was dimly lit, and the floor was covered with papers and the occasional body. Lucas chuckled to himself when he noticed that there were two bodies laid in a provocative position on the right side of the hall.

"Check out the lovebird over there, eh, boys and girls?" He snarked, "Looks like they went out in style, right?"

In response to this, the two bodies on the floor twitched and slowly began to rise. The one that was on top looked angry. The one on bottom looked a little less angry, but still unhappy about the interruption. Slowly, they shuffled onto their feet and towards the elevator. Lucas was quick to send a shot from his revolver in their direction. The first shot punctured a shoulder and sent the male-half of the zombie pair flying down the corridor. Other zombies began pouring into the corridor from surrounding offices and stairwells as this happened.

"You people, take potshots from inside the elevator." Alex commanded, "I need you to all be inside the car when this goes through-- These doors will slam shut."

With that, Alex shut his mouth and kept to plucking wires. Lucas fired another shot into the now growing crowd of leg-draggers, this time removing most of a head. The burly ID-Sol knelt down to take his next shot, leaving room for those behind him to take shots over his shoulders.

Alex, meanwhile, was struggling with a pair of pliers and one of the more precarious wires, his teeth grit as the sound of shuffling feet came nearer and nearer.
Lang had already moved to the left side of elevator the moment doors opened, when the two corpses returned to life he pulled a grenade from his armor's web gear. Alex's brief explanation and solution left the mercenary laughing on the inside, the humor of being caught in a typical plot action. He popped the fuse off and shouted "Fire in the hole!". Leaning out he chucked the small bomb so that it rolled into the steadily gathering mob of semi-decaying bodies before ducking back into the elevator.

(Edited due to late night failism.)
Chrys had her hand on her Bayonette ready to take zombies that just rose from dead. THen suddenly Lucas took out revolver and started firing. "Oh yeah just make more loud noises so all zombastards on this level can heair it you bloody wanker," she shouted at Lucas and raised her own shotgun to fire, when suddenly grenade flew above her shoulder.

"Oh bloody fucking hell of all insanity" she said, left her shotgun to fall on sling. She then stood in front of Alexis back towards the explosion to cover that delicate flower. Chrys had her coat and everyday armour after all. She also breathed out and covered her ears. She hated grenades.
Rennik was scrunched in the back of the elevator. He would've loved nothing more than to bring up his rifle and begin unloading rounds into the veritable horde that was now bearing down on the elevator, but his position and room given to move was not conducive to such a move. So, with one arm he kept his rifle in check, and with his other he reached to the waistband of his pants where his pistol was hidden. He pulled it out and aimed over the shoulders of whoever happened to be in front of him, which turned out to be both Chrys and Alexis.
"Sorry for the noise" he said, then began discharging 10mm rounds into the pack of zombies
Archie turned as the elevator opened and raised an eyebrow at Lucas's lewd comment. He noticed Langs grenade rolling out of the elevator. “Not the 'stache!” he exclaimed, trying to press himself against the wall of the elevator and covering himself with his jacket.

It was the sound that the cylinder of Ally's revolver made when she finished loading the bullets and, with a flick of her wrist, locked it back into place. The otherwise cheery girl had pulled it from where she wore it on a concealed holster that wrapped around her upper torso even more snugly than the jacket itself did. Now, she took a deep breath, and sighted it down.

The next five shots went quickly.


A zombie fell.

Pow, pow. Two more zombies bit dust. There were no giant explosions - no gore splattering everywhere to paint the walls with murals of violence. The sound of the discharge wasn't even very loud, compared to the other guns being fired in the immediate vicinity. But, despite the low calibur of the bullet, the zombies still died. Well, not dead exactly; their mouths still moved, their eyes still pivoted, and maybe even they could move their fingers. But, they were out of commission.

Ally sighted down again, aligning the hardpoint sights, picking her targets with a slight frown and one eye firmly closed. The zombie was almost to the door.

Pow. The target kept walking. Then, a half second later, pow.

A small ooze of blood leaked from the barely visible black hole in its adams apple, and it managed just one more step before collapsing, uselessly, on the ground, its spinal communication severed, and another bullet through its left retina.

Ally gasped, quietly, and began to breath steadily again. The five casings tinkled on the floor of the elevator all at once, and she fished in her jean pocket for more.

"Oh my god," Ally cracked, "Can we like, get moving or something? It's an elevator! Like, really, how complex can it be?"
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