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RP: Taking It Back [Phase II-A] Arming the Pack

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Rennik's fall was followed by the ID-Sols from the windowsil. They all smiled amongst themselves as they watched his spectacular crash to the ground. Then, one by one, they started to climb out a seperate window to a fire escape nearby. As they began their descent, they all paused at once, as if being beckoned by Sirens, and then quickly dashed for the window all at once. Even as the final ID-Sol disappeared into the window, his leg faded from view before it even hit the threshold. They had gone invisible again.


As Alexis reached the mouth of the alley, the source of the engine was finally revealed. 'Princess Hanako' rode up on his motorcycle, with his loyal husband 'Luca' still fast asleep under a tarp in the sidecar. He didn't even utter a word to Alexis as he snatched her up and opened fire with a comically large revolver on the approaching ID-Sols, who turned and began to fade out in the face of the oncoming fire.

'Hanako' holstered his giant revolver and casually tossed a grenade into the alleyway before driving off with Alexis tossed over one shoulder.


The Brown fighting Chrys caught her blows to his stomach with a slight flinch and moved in closer, this time with his hands low and reaching for her own. His face showed pure concentration.
Chrys was still lower then Brown and he was trying to move closer. HE wanted to catch her hands and once he would accomplis that, she woudl most like loose. She had immense strength, but he had weight and he could use it to overpower her. She could deal strong blows, but his force was most likely greater. That said, he seemd to be trained in some sort of fighting style, when she was just brawler. Chrys new and liekd to utilize dirty tricks and sneaky hits.

As he went for her hands, she moved them back out of her reach. Yes he could kick her now, but her armored vest should protect her, she meanwhile raised up, going with her head against his face. Not the strike, many would expect. Foreead is harder then nose, every brawler knows that.
Chrys' gambit failed this time around, as the burly Mr. Brown ducked under her headbutt, taking her forehead to the top of his skull rather effortlessly. As she slammed her head against him and tasted his hair, Chrys would soon find herself wrapped in his arms and being thrust towards the wall.

Vicelike arms clenched around her waist just above the hip, and with each step towards the wall, a firm strike came from alternating knees. Mister Brown showed no sign of stopping aside from the minor grunt he'd let out when she'd hit him in the stomach before.
Faced with an improbable and exceedingly fortuitous situation, Alexis did the only thing that came to mind.

“My bike’s back there,” she whined, staring down at the asphalt bare feet in front of her face beneath the speeding bike. “And my guns! Those motherfuckers are gonna’ take my guns.”

But she didn’t really mean it.

The world spun lazily around in a kaleidoscope of color and sound and gas fumes. For a moment she had extreme vertigo – worse than she’d had before – and thought that she was going to dry heave herself to death. But the seat was digging into her stomach painfully and she stopped that right quick when she realized she was going to probably slip off and kill herself, fall and be destroyed by that absurdly fast strip of blackish stone-looking goop that people called road. She was terrified, actually.

That was how it was gonna’ end – she’d just fall off to one side or the other, never mind the people throwing lead at her, and end up crushed and broken roadkill.

Thinking that, she hugged the seat for dear life, and that was about the same time she fainted.

At that point it didn’t matter anyway.
Princess Hanako kept on driving, despite Alexis' protests, and held her tight with one arm as they swung around a turn.

"Donchu worry, Cap'n, your airship is gonnana be jess fine. Freddy boy gonna put his hands on it and let ole' Hanako do the crushan'." He babbled loudly, "You been rescued by a smooth Princess. Nekovalkeeria Warrior Princess Hanako leaves nothin' behind!"


As if directed by the fates, Alex was peering out the back hatch of the prisoner transport at Alexis' bike, seemingly unattended in the alleyway beyond them. He also took note of Rennik crumpled on the pavement.

"Rennik Cage is disabled." He told Archie below, "Also, it would seem that 'Alexis' Arms' girl is currently missing as well."

He hefted himself out of the hatch and hopped down to Rennik's crumpled form.

"It would seem he threw himself out, based on impact angles and approximate velocity at time of impact."
"Hngh!" Went Chrys as she got clenched. It was not good, when someone hold you. On the other hand, he could go better at it. Right now, her arms were free and that give her much freedom to attack, while he was busy trying to crush her. She knew he was goign to slam her against the wall so she had to react fast.

Chrysanthe clenched both her hands into fist and swinged at his head. Her target was his ears, using a strike used to disorientate the enemy. Both ears get hits with one hand.
Archie booted away a loose tentacle before following Alex out of the hatch, he stood on top of the vehicle and looked down at Rennik before turning back up to the building the man had jumped out of.

“Probably the same trick that lady from earlier got me with.” he said, eyes narrowing. “Perhaps we should invest in enhanced optics in future outings.”

Finally he jumped down and walked towards Alexis's battered airbike. “You look after the princess, I'll find the girl.”
Alex simply nodded and once again the mysterious medical supplies appeared in his hands, working on Rennik this time. As Archie approached the alleyway, he'd be presented with something not unlike an untouched crime scene. The glistening blood and charred remains of Alexis' grenade stood as the only evidence that she'd escaped, what with her airbike hovering lightly above the ground over a discarded energy rifle. The alleyway she'd run into was dusty and seemingly empty. In the distance, the sound of a motorcycle echoed closer.


Finally, Chrys seemed to get some sort of reaction out of the ID-Sol. Brown dropped her rather harshly to the ground and snapped his hands up to his ears, stumbling backwards all the while. The whole event left him wide open from all sides, unable to protect himself from even the most sluggish blow.
When CHrys was released she fell on the ground. There was really not much to change that. At first she wanted to crawl back and get on her feet againg, but she noticed her striked hit its mark and dazed Mr. Brown. She saw a chance and was will to risk attacking from the ground. ID-SOLs were male and all males had one big weakness. Right from the ground she pulled on of her legs in and kicked off with her foot against ID-SOLs crotch.
Due to the low inseam on the NMX uniform he was wearing, Mr. Brown's good news was that his balls would remain intact. The bad news was that he stumbled into a powerful piston-like booted heel slamming into his pelvic bone at full speed. It wasn't certain to anyone involved if the bone was broken, but it was most certain that at this point he was suffering from a lasting injury. This was indicated by him collapsing into a moaning and crumpled heap on the floor next to Lucas, who was only now waking from his forced slumber.
Chrys stood up as fast as she could. She was not sure if ID-SOL was not faking it at first. Second glance told her, he probably did not. She stepped closer, variously, before kicking him in face to be sure. He was better of unconsicous anway. She then walked to Lucas and patted him across the cheek.

"Wakey, wakey sunshine." CHrys said, she was brething heavily. This was good fight and they got prisoner of it too. "I had to beat up Mr. Brown while you took a nap." She then said, picked up her shotgun and went to watch over mr. Brown, making sure none of the cops will get to him. "Coul you tie him up for me luv?" SHe asked Lucas then.
Rennik was very warm, though he couldn't imagine why. In fact, he was finding it very hard to imagine anything, as everything was all dark.
"mmmmmm" he grumbled as he began to rouse.
Then reality hit him like a shock, his eyes flying open as he lurched, the pain from the fall hitting him all at once. He couldn't see very well, and immediately mistook the large figure of Alex for an ID-Sol.
"Vont le bâtard parti que je vous combattrai" he yelled, beginning to flail (uselessly) in an attempt to hit his phantom attacker.
"Was..." Lucas shuffled a bit on the floor, leaving a perfect half-face bloodstain behind, "Was I a gentleman last night?"

He moaned the question out while he took stock of his situation, as well as the ID-Sol he was now sharing the floor with, "Oh, so it's still yesterday right now, huh? Last night hasn't happened yet."

Lucas grunted and rose to a sitting position, grasping Chrys' arm to steady himself. He gathered a cargo strap from the floor nearby and slipped it around one arm before tugging on Chrys' arm again to pull himself to his feet.


Alex twitched his face over Rennik's antics.

"Become calm, delivery boy. The day has been won." Alex informed him, pressing a needle against one flailing arm that he'd deftly snatched from the air and held still. "You will have to be awake and alert in order to meet your father and execute familial satisfaction, otherwise you will not enjoy the completion of the assignment."
"OY COPPERS!" Chrys shouted. "Anybody got a first aid kit and pair of cuffs?" She asked out louad as she moved to Lucas. Mr.Brown did not seem to go anywhere. Lucas caught her arm, tryign to right himself up. Chrys let her shotgun fall and helped him stand up.

"Yeah sorry hun," she said with caring coice, as she looked at his face. "Last night did not happned yet. Are you okay?" She asked with caring voice, holding him, so he won't loose balance.
Archie walked over to the scene carefully, he saw the damage and bloodstains on the bike, the scorched concrete and bullet holes on the walls, and the strange blue substance on the ground.

He looked over into the alleyway where Ally had fled before leaning down and putting a finger experimentally in the blue substance and giving it a sniff. His moustache twitched in displeasure at the smell and he quickly wiped his hand clean with a cloth.

He peered up at his surroundings once more, listening to the engine noise. "Motorcycle?" he whispered to himself as he stood up.
One of the Lieutenants wandered in from outside with the requested medical kit at Chrys' demand. Behind him, out in the yard, Chrys could see a heartwarming sight beyond the doorway. One of the criminals who'd been trapped with the officers was fearfully holding an ID-Sol from behind while the Chief Inspector punched him over and over again; occasionally stopping to wipe his hands on the ID-Sol's uniform. The Police Chief sat nearby on a tire with a lit cigar, sharing stories with a mobster who was cleaning the recoilless rifle they'd used earlier to destroy the Demon armor.

Lucas smiled in spite of himself as he made it to his feet.

"Don't worry about it, Lady." He told Chrys. Even after he stood, he didn't let go of her arm, "It's just a lil' scratch. I don't need no stinkin' med kit. Now let's get this fucker restrained and drag him out to Alex along with the computer."


Having already identified the vehicle approaching, Archival would only find half of the surprise most would've when 'Hanako' pulled into the alleyway with Alexis over one shoulder astride a sidecar motorcycle.

"Special Delibery!" He declared in a dismount, with Alexis still held slumped over him. "I gotta airship cap'n with puh-retty eyes and puh-retty hair right here for you, Mister Man!"

'Hanako' closed the distance between them on foot and shoved Alexis forward onto his arms, bridal-style. Alex, meanwhile, at the approach of the bike had left Rennik to his own devices freshly filled with anesthetics and jogged over to the scene.

"Jake." He said in a demanding tone, "Tell me what you're doing here. Why are you not back at home? Why do you have my old bike?"

"You mean the YSS Nozomi?" 'Hanako' called back, flicking his head towards the bike, "Me an' Luca decided it would make sense if I drove, cuz he's a radish!"

Alex sighed. "Right, I had forgotten. You are absolutely insane."
Archie looked on in mild incredulity at the sight of the two apparent different occurrences of madness talking to each other, almost forgetting he had an armful of blonde-haired girl against his chest. He looked from one to the other and ventured cautiously. “You two seem to know each other well?”
Chrys frowned when Lucas started playing tough guy. She rolled Mr. Brown on his belly and put cuffs on his wrists, tightening them as much as was possible. ID-SOL might be able to rip them, especially if he was pure one. She then took the medkit and thanked the policeman with a nod. She could not care less about the Id-Sol that was being tortured outside. She herself was not fan of Torture. Seemes like lowering to he level of her enemy to Chrys. She shook her head and walked back to Lucas.

"Unles you love blood in your eyes, you will let me bandage your forehead you stubborn bastard." Said tall woman as she went through the medkit for bandages and something to clean the bruises with.
"Sure we knows each other!" 'Hanako' threw his arm around Alex and threw Archival a quick thumbs-up with his free arm. "Freddie-boy here is my daddy! He made me in a jar with rocks and sand and some lady's rib!"

Alex calmly removed the arm from his shoulder and gently pushed the insane man away. He removed the final cigarette from his pack and stuffed it between his lips before discarding the empty pack on the ground with the blood and char.

"As I'm sure you can imagine, Archival, that is a very twisted perspective of the truth." Alex began one of his typical lectures, "In reality, this man is my progeny only in that I oversaw his manufacture. He was created from the genetic material of Jacob Foster; my brother. Unfortunately for the late Jake, the cerebral chip he had hoped to ensure his survival was corrupted at the time of death. I attempted save the data and create this clone by supplementing the missing genetic material with my own."

Alex stopped there and crossed his arms. It was plain to see that the results of the project were less than favorable. Especially considering that at that precise moment, Jake Foster was making a walrus face with two bullet casings stuck underneath his upper lip.

"I'mf fa falruff!" Jake declared to the two of them, seemingly oblivious of the conversation. Alex sighed and lit the cigarette between his lips.


Lucas smiled at Chrys and her almost motherly insistence that his wounds be dressed.

"Alright, alright." He gave in, "You can at least wipe it off. But after you finish bein' a doctor, let me at least go put on a shirt. I don't want to be around these cops with these lethal weapons on display any longer than I have to."

On cue, Lucas flexed his muscles appropriately, bulging out his biceps and thickening his neck. "I like to at least pretend they can think for me too, sometimes."
Rennik got up a little woozy and extraordinarily numb. The world was a huge rainbow of color, shining bright and blazing. He pulled his 10mm as he stumbled over to Alex and group.
"Guys, hey, guys, did we win yet? I still got my pistol, we can totally take on that prison"
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