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Phoenix Arms' CG-4 "Diamondwind" Light Fleet Carri

Derran Tyler

Inactive Member
Phoenix Arms Corporation's CG-4 "Diamondwind" Light Fleet Carrier

Version 1.0 - Saturday, March 17, 2007

1. Background Information

The Diamondwind-class fleet carriers are the complementary vessel of the mighty DD4 series destroyers employed by the Nepleslian Star Army. Considerably fast and stealthy, the Diamondwind excels where the DD4 does not: force projection, sensor ability, and electronic warfare. In practice, the Diamondwind carriers are not suitable for stand-alone combat against another vessel, where it's lack of anti-starship cannons make it vulnerable. Instead, the Diamondwind relies on its speed and stealth along with it's complement of fighters, bombers, and anti-ship missiles to bring the fight to the enemy.

II. Historical Information

The budding alliance between the Nerimian Confederation and Nepleslian Empire has brought forth a sharing of mutual technologies and the rise of Phoenix Corporation as the major defense contractor in the Nepleslian Empire. Phoenix Corporation immediately began to evaluate the fighting prowess of the Nepleslian Star Army and alongside Confederate military advisors began to realize that the Nepleslian Empire was vastly incapable of defending against any serious attack.

With the deployment of the DD4 destroyer, a sister vessel was also developed, albeit considerably more advanced in terms of its 'secondary' abilities - sensors, electronic countermeasures, and an active stealth system. While a larger vessel than the DD4, the CG-4 carrier design was not designed for direct anti-starship warfare. Fleet planers within the Nepleslian Star Army envisioned groups of DD4 destroyers serving as the vanguard for what would turn out to be the centerpiece of the fleet, the Diamondwind.

2. Statistical Information

Organizations using this vessel:
Star Army of Nepleslia
Unit Type: Interstellar Fleet Carrier
Class: CG-4-2781 Diamondwind
Designer: Phoenix Corporation
Manufacturer: Phoenix Arms Corporation
Production: 2 out of 25 planned vessels.

Crew: 144 enlisted personnel, 16 officers
Marine Complement: 1,580
Maximum Capacity: Standard accomodations are for 3,200 persons. The ship can covert its internal storage space for additional living space for up to 4,358 persons.

3. Dimensions

Length: 478.33 meters
Width: 185.64 meters
Height: 79.34 meters
Decks: 10
Mass: 8,488,081 kilograms

4. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): .99c (theoretically possible, though practical limits top out at around .45 to .51c due to energy bandwidth issues)
Speed (Hyperspace): 9 LY/minute (Note: Nishida Inter-Phased drives are typically capable of much faster speeds, but a speed governor has been installed on all Nepleslian warships that use this drive to limit functional speeds)
Speed (Hyperstream): ~75,000c cruise, 145,000c overdrive

Note: Confederate produced hyperstream drives produce a highly unstable propulsion field that becomes progressively more dangerous as speed increases. As such, use extreme caution as hyperstream drive failure can result in damage to the vessel's other propulsion systems, namely the gravimetric drive system.

Range is only limited by the lifespan of the vessel, though the drive core of the Nishida inter-phased drive should be changed every five years or every 1,000 hyperspace jumps. The vessel has very advanced air and water recycling systems along with AI-maintained hydroponics farms to allow it to remain largely self-sufficient.

Refit Cycle: Varies. The Diamondwind is largely self-sufficient, capable of maintaining itself using its internal repair systems, which allows it to stay away from Confederate bases for an indefinite period of time without coming into port.

5. Ship Systems

Armored Hull and Integrated Systems -

Armor: The Diamondwind's hull is composed primarily of Hephestium, a very dense and durable material that in and of itself is a sturdy material. The Hephestium is arranged in a skeletal like nature, with more malleable and lightweight materials such as Solanium and Neo-Titanium alloy forming the intermittent areas. The entire exterior of the carrier is made of a 50-inch thick layer Leptonium alloy, an advanced armoring material that is highly resistant to all forms of attack save for antimatter type weaponry. Furthermore, the Diamondwind is also outfitted with an additional 3-inch thick layer of Zanarium stealth armor to provide inherent stealth ability to the warship.

Automated Damage Control System: The Diamondwind is constantly maintained by its internal AI system and during times of battle when damage begins to degrade the ship's fighting ability, hundreds of mobile nanolathe units inside the warship work feverishly to repair any and all damage as soon as it occurs. Depending on the degree of the damage, the system can repair fairly quickly.

Escape Pods (20): The ship's escape pods are found near the bridge, the primary, secondary, and tertiary fighter bays, the shuttle and bomber bay, the power armor bay, and the naval aerospace command bay to provide escape for crew members on a doomed vessel. The escape pods are autonomously-controlled by advanced piloting AI that has a single-use inter-phased hyperdrive to allow the crew to escape to safety. The AI will download hyperspace coordinates from the mother ship's main computer just before it launches to the nearest friendly world. In the event a hyperspace jump isn't possible, it also has ion impulse drives to allow STL travel. The pods are capable of sustaining life for 120 hours (five days), and over a century of cryogenic stasis if needed. Each pod has a homing device that must be manually activated. The pods will automatically put themselves into a safe descent if there is a habitable planet nearby (rather than burning up in the atmosphere).

Propulsion and Power Systems รขโ‚ฌโ€œ

Argus Macrotechnologies Orlando Series Hyperspace Tap Generator: Located in the guarded center of the vessel, the ship's primary source of power is a powerful hyperspace tap generator, a device that can tap into hyperspace and harness the near-infinite flood of energy found within. It does this by using meticulously-controlled gravimetric fields to create a constant and stable access point between hyper and real space which remains open at all times.

Secondary Generators: The Diamondwind also maintains two secondary hyperspace tap generators that are limited by their lack of significant power conduit to transmit power, as such, these generators are used primarily to provide power to the inter-phased drives and auxiliary power wherever it is needed on the ship.

Argus Macrotechnologies Reno Series Quantum-Gravitic Reactors: The twelve smaller Q-G reactors serve as the ship's tertiary, emergency reactors. It uses a series of complex graviton beams to mimic the destructive power of a black hole on a local scale, creating an artificial quantum singularity. This self-sustaining reactor destroys all matter introduced into the singularity, creating a near 100 percent energy release. In addition, a key byproduct of this reaction is anti-matter, which can be used as a weapon or a secondary power source. Should this form of reactor breech, the singularity will simply collapse with almost no adverse effects.

Argus Macrotechnologies Kiera IV Series Power Transmitter: Now standard on all newly-produced NDI and Nepleslian warships, the Kiera IV series power transmitter is capable of increasing power transmission throughput in upwards of 50 percent. Connected directly to the main hyperspace tap generator, this transmitter more efficiently distributes power to all of the ship's systems utilizing Argus' patented 'Hyper-Burst' technology.

Genesis Propulsion Systems Nehron-G Gravimetric Drive: The Diamondwind is equipped with four gravimetric drives that manipulate superstrings and zero-point field to maneuver and accelerate the vessel to a far higher degree than other ships. By manipulating and bending these superstrings, the drive is able to create distortions in space-time that can be used to push and pull a ship in any given direction very rapidly. An important byproduct of this movement is that the effect of inertia is also negated, allowing the carrier to accelerate, stop, and maneuver at velocities that would crush a person using conventional propulsion methods.

Genesis Propulsion Systems Eteria Series Ion Impulse Engines: Long the standard sub-light engine of the Confederate military until the widespread usage of superior gravimetric drive systems, ion impulse engines ionize a gas such as xenon and accelerate the ions using a magnetic accelerator to near the speed of light, which produces thrust. While ion engines provide a decent amount of acceleration, they soon became relegated to auxiliary engines as newer technology became available.

Nishida Inter-Phased Hyperspace Fold Drive: The biggest and most important discovery of the past 2,000 years of Human history is the ability to travel faster-than-light, which made interstellar travel possible. Professor Kyoshiro Nishida developed the first FTL drive, which pushed a vessel into a dimension adjacent to our own dimension but where distances are far smaller. With this device, speeds in excess of 10 million times the cosmological constant (hereby referred to as 'c'), were possible. Kyoshiro's son, Gendo Nishida, expanded upon his father's work and developed the inter-phased drive, which created a series of asymmetrical dimensional fields around the ship as it traveled through hyperspace to allow it to achieve even higher speeds in excess of 100 million times c. It has been theorized that the Nishida Inter-Phased Drive can propel a vessel through hyperspace many times faster (speeds up to 1 billion c have been achieved utilizing small probes) than this, though the higher the speed, the more perilous hyperspace travel becomes.

Argus Macrotechnologies Kalmedia Class Type A Hyperpulse Drive: The hyperpulse drive is a drive that creates particular distortions in space-time around the vessel, completely enveloping it in asymmetrical fields that allow it to propel the ship at superluminal speeds without entering hyperspace. The Confederation's understanding of this technology is somewhat limited, though their tendency to push their technology to its limits provides for hyperpulse speeds exceeding 500,000c, though safe limits are closer to 75-125,000c for a vessel of this size.

Defensive Systems รขโ‚ฌโ€œ

Argus Millitech Type C Electrostatic Shield: The Type C Electrostatic Shield is the NDI Spacy's standard force field system and provides the primary defense against all forms of attack. It is a potent force field that is created by generating powerful electrostatic fields that can absorb, disperse, and re-radiate energy from enemy weapons in order to sap their destructive power. This shield is functional at all times, though in non-combat situations it is in a low-power setting that allows it to repel micro-meteors and other debris away from the hull. At full-strength, the shield can turn away the equivalent of a fifty teraton detonation before failing.

Argus Millitech Type C Distortion Shield: Known colloquially as the รขโ‚ฌหœHard' shield, the Type C Distortion Shield creates a very specific space-time distortion that prevents teleportation or phasing across the barrier it creates. When used in conjunction with the Electrostatic Shield it is particularly effective.

Argus Millitech Type C Lightning Field: This shield is an ionized scalar energy field that is useful against any penetrating target. Intense plasma heating will fuse and vaporize metallic bodies on impact. In addition, any target encountering this shell is subjected to intense electromagnetic pulses arising everywhere in its circuitry, making EM shielding of no use. Furthermore, explosive materials are exploded when such interference is encountered and any and all combustible materials are instantly consumed.

Argus Millitech Type D Damper Field: This shield is a by-product of antigravity (repulsor) technology; the damper field has been heralded as the best defense against scalar electrogravitational pulse weaponry, which is notorious for their ability to destroy ammunition, electronics, and organic life forms. While scalar EM waves penetrate conventional shielding because they can travel wherever gravity can go, the damper field uses a low-power antigravity field that negates the force of gravity and consequently provides an effective shielding system against scalar EM weapons systems.

Argus Millitech WS-488 Interdiction Field: The interdiction field is an offshoot of gravimetric and hyperpulse propulsion technology that creates widespread distortions and disruptions in space-time that make the transition to hyperspace and movement at superluminal velocities near-impossible in its area of effect. This field can be centered upon the carrier itself or projected outward to affect an area approximately 100,000 cubic miles.

Electronic Systems -

Dynamic Electronic Integrated Military Operating System (DEIMOS): The most advanced combat computer suite available to Confederate and Nepleslian military forces in the field, DEIMOS is a highly advanced computer system with near-infinite processing power operating on yoctotronic computer technology. All communications and electronic sensor systems are under the direct control of DEIMOS. The processing and information load capacity of the DEIMOS system is near infinite, using a combination of high-powered electronic components coupled with psychoactive crystal arrays that allow for incredibly high volumes of data to be processed simultaneously on practically limitless separate and complex tasks (an upper limit has not been theorized).

DEIMOS, like its predecessors Oracle and GoldenGate, is completely self-aware within the parameters of its core operation principles. DEIMOS exists solely for the purpose of defending its home country and all of its citizens and will perform whatever operations are necessary for that task. Because DEIMOS' loyalty rests completely with its country, it will never turn against them under any circumstances. Onboard the ship, DEIMOS manifests itself as a cybernetic female humanoid with distinctive features and personality traits. Holding the rank of Lieutenant Commander, DEIMOS is second only to the ship's commander and his executive officer. DEIMOS oversees all operations of its parent vessel and can instantly access the operational systems of every ship subordinated to it. In this way, the DEIMOS can coordinate the operations of entire squadrons, battle groups, task forces, and even fleets seamlessly and without delay. All information from subordinate ships immediately moves through the Tactical Information Web where to DEIMOS, who translates all data into a form the ship's commander can understand.

Integrated Sensors Suite: The integrated sensor suite of the Nerimian Defense Initiative is actually a subsystem of the Oracle and DEIMOS computer systems on the ship in question, tying directly into the computer's vast resources and processing power to facilitate operations. A wide array of sensor systems are supported, the primary of which being the WydeSCAN hyperwave radar array which operates like standard radar and like a hyperspace communications array, sending intensely powerful radar pulses as far as five parsecs away. The speed at which these hyperwave pulses travel is many thousands of times faster than even a inter-phased drive, which means that even at the instrument's maximum range, the operation takes only a matter of microseconds. Other systems include a dual tachyonic/neutrino wave sensor system that serve to detect ships who are cloaked or phased and can also detect vessels who are traveling through hyperspace with relative ease. The ISS' passive sensors include: full-spectrum optical and electromagnetic spectrum sensors, zero-point field distortion and interferometry sensors, magnetic resonance, gravitic distortion sensors, and sub-quantum particle wave sensors. All of these systems work in tandem with each other and propagate and process data far beyond the speed of light.

Integrated Countermeasures Suite: The Nerimian Defense Initiative's integrated countermeasures suite is another subsystem of the Oracle and DEIMOS computer systems, tying directly into the computer's vast resources and processing power to facilitate operations. The primary purpose of the ICS is to defeat enemy sensor systems using active electronic countermeasuresโ€”primarily using jamming techniques. The ICS can successfully jam all forms of radar, tachyon, neutrino, and quantum-based sensors, though it is not 100% efficient at this operation.

CH-8 "Hermes" Hyperspace Communications Array: Based on the same technology as the space fold system, the hyperspace communications relay allows near real-time communication between NDI Spacy starships and other vessels or planetary bases. As with all NDI communications, the hyperspace communications array utilizes a proprietary set of signals that changes periodically, allowing secure communications between NDI warships without the fear of enemy interception.

6. Weapons

Phoenix Arms Type 20 Energy Wave Projection Cannon, Mod 2 (10): The energy wave projection cannon is considered by many as the most reliable anti-warship gun available. Based on the same technology as the hyperspace tap reactor, the energy wave projection cannon draws power from the hyperspace tap and focuses it in a destructive beam of energy that is only limited by the ship's available power transmission bandwidth. A brute force weapon, it forces its way through normal shielding with relative ease.

Location: 6 forward-facing turrets, 4 rear-facing turrets
Primary Purpose: Anti-starship
Secondary Purpose: Orbital bombardment
Damage: Absolutely devastating against non-capital ship targets, capable of gutting smaller vessels.
Range: Theoretically unlimited, though it is at its most effective within 1 light-second (186,000 miles)
Rate of Fire: Once every five seconds.

Phoenix Arms MVD-1b Mobile Turrets (12): Originally jointly-developed by Phoenix Arms and QLS, the MVD-1b is a heavy mobile turret system that is designed to serve as the secondary anti-warship weapons of the cruiser. When these turrets are deployed, they move fully out of the ship's hull using EM fields to move along the surface of the hull freely and adjust their position depending on the combat situation.

Location: Hull
Weapons: Particle Disruptor Cannon/Condensed Plasma Beam/Condensed Anti-Plasma Beam
Primary Purpose: Anti-starship
Damage: Heavy damage against all starship targets. The unit will typically alternate its fire patterns, utilizing the disruptor to break shields, following with plasma and anti-plasma strikes to deal maximum damage.
Range: Theoretically unlimited, though it is at its most effective within 1 light-second (186,000 miles)
Rate of Fire: 100 shots a minute (disruptor), 5 12-second duration beams per minute (plasma beams)

Phoenix Arms MVD-2b Mobile Turrets (56): Originally jointly-developed by Phoenix Arms and QLS, the MVD-2b is a light mobile turret that is designed to serve as tertiary and point-defense weapons for the cruiser. When these turrets are deployed, they move fully out of the ship's hull using EM fields to move along the surface of the hull freely and adjust their position depending on the combat situation.

Location: Hull
Weapons: KRM-2 Nightflower Missile Launcher, Phased Energy Pulse Cannon
Primary Purpose: Point-Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-starship
Damage: Heavy damage against all power armor and strike craft targets. The KRM-2 Nightflower missile is a long-range option against enemy craft and utilizes a multiple-warhead transphasic aether warhead that is highly effective against these targets. The phased pulse cannons are rapid-fire weapons that are deadly to missiles, mecha, and fighters, though are limited by their speed.
Range: The KRM-2 has an effective range exceeding 1 AU, the pulse cannon is limited to one light-second effectiveness.
Payload: Carries up to 180 missiles per turret.

Phoenix Arms MF-10 Anti-Warship Missile Launchers (24): These launchers are completely flush with the hull, covered up by armored covers until they are ready to launch. Using electromagnetic acceleration technology, these launchers can accelerate a missile at close to .98c before the missile activates its own propulsion systems. When the warship's hyperstream drives are engaged, the missile's integral hyperstream sustainer allows it to maintain the FTL speed the ship was traveling at when the munitions were fired.

Location: Hull
Rate of Fire: Once every two seconds.
Payload: Ship's magazines hold 500 missiles of each type
Missile Types: XRM-1G "Starhammerรขโ‚ฌ
I skimmed over this entry and nothing jumped out to my attention as being particularly bad. I don't claim to understand the entries for the DEIMOS, nor do I really understand the whole import of the power systems and the somewhat redundant shield systems (seriously, couldn't this be summarized under one entry that would just explain that it is a combination of generators which protect from [insert list here]?).

Given the weapon loadout and the amount of fightercrafts inside, I must point out I feel the vessel's size is insufficient to pack that much weaponry and the amount of fightercraft and lodging it has right now. The Diamondwind's dimensions are very close to the Miharu's and unless it happens to be a big cube, I cannot see how this all fits in.

I'd heartily suggest tripling the size, at the very least, or dramatically chopping through the crew, marines and fighters carried. Just the Urikos themselves take a sizeable amount of space and the Miharu can stuff two inside.
Not sure about that guy....

At the dimensions I've listed, the Diamondwind has 7,045,168.357 cubic meters of internal volume.

That's not enough?
A rough calculation based on the XF-14 stats (which aren't currently availa on StarArmy - you edited the post out despite it being approved) puts the volume of those fighters at 117,235.621 cubic meters, or about 1//60th the volume Derran posted.

Then again, Derran's 7045168 is if the ship was a big cube (I did the fighters the same way though).
Hence my point. It is not likely your fightercraft will be bundled up together like sardines either so if you try to calculate the total square volume they'd occupy, it'd be a good idea to make sure the ship itself would be 3 to 4 times that size and probably more.

I'm not trying to diss you over this Derran. Just pointing out that your light carrier might not be all that 'light'. ^_^;

Hmm. Actually, as the XF-14 is a drone fighter (meaning you don't have to worry about getting pilots on them and whatnot), and most fighters aren't that tall, they could be packed together with relative ease. Of course, that's up to Derran.
Also, NDI armors are all constructed just before combat, so you don't need to worry about storage room for them, just for the constructors, which from what I've gathered aren't super massive.
which aren't currently availa on StarArmy - you edited the post out despite it being approved

Which occurred after having to deal with incessant crying and bitching about the DD4.

Anyway, the dimensions of the XF-14 are as follows:

Length: 5.67m
Width: 4.22m
Height: 2.98m

Good point, that does save some space... but you still need room to be able to fix the crafts themselves, to load them up with armament and to launch them out of the ship. All that takes space. The matter used to make the PHALANX armors also needs to be stored somewhere. The raw material might be more compact, but you still need it around like raw material for the nodal system, right?

Note: I'm only broaching the matter of the fighter/power armor payload. I haven't even begun to address the large numbers of marine and the apparently ridiculous max capacity of the ship. Honestly, I could be a lot more nitpicky than I am being right now.
No, say what you have a problem with -

Why is the maximum capacity of the warship ridiculous? Take this into account:

The Nimitz-class Aircraft Carriers of the U.S. navy are 317 m x 40.8 m x 11.9 m, which is significantly smaller than a Diamondwind and it has nearly 6,000 people onboard, plus enough room for up to 90 aircraft, weaponry, power and propulsion systems, and all of its other gadgetry.

Keep in mind that while the Diamondwind carries significantly more fighters and bombers, the XF-14 is significantly smaller than its modern-day counterpart, the F-15, which is over three times bigger in dimensions when compared to the XF-14. Now, yes, the Uriko is a beast, but to say that there isn't enough room on this ship for what I have on it is ludicrous.
Fred has a point, unless the marines are just kept in cryo sleep and their tanks are piled in a hold of some sort, the soldier compliment is massive.
The ship is fuckin' massive. You can hold SIX THOUSAND PERSONS on a modern-day aircraft carrier, yet for some reason, it's outlandish to think you can have just under 2,000 on a starship of this size?
After the aircraft carrier stats, I'll have to go with Derran on this one.
Does the aircraft carrier has as many turrets and other weapons? hyperpulse generators? Fold jump systems? Zero-point generators? Is it sealed for vaccuum? Does it have heavy armor? Sublight reactors? Sensor arrays? Shield generators? Big super-performant computer systems?
Of course not, but remember, the NDI is seven hundred years ahead technologically from modern-times. Also factor in that this ship is significantly larger than a modern-day Nimitz carrier.

It has all the basic types of systems as a modern-day carrier, just more advanced.

All in all, the argument that this ship is too small for what it has on it is stupid unless you assume that a Nishida inter-phased drive should take up a third of a ship's volume.
Before calling arguments 'stupid' Derran, you might want to offer proper perspective here. I have not gone out of my way to pour any amount of animosity over your submission; only to offer that I found the size of the vessel mind-boggling and that I suggested that your vessel could gain to have an increased size instead.

I did not devalue anything else in it. Personally, I see a ship smaller than a Star Trek Galaxy class starship that carries even more people and shuttlecrafts/fighters inside it, so, I acted on it and suggested you increase the scale of it.

It wasn't a question of "RAWGH! TOO POWERFULL!" It was more a question of my difficulty in picturing just how that was possible - I'm no expert on how army boats operate. All I have for experience are the ships I've seen here whom have internal layouts like the Sakura, the Nozomi and the Miharu... and I'm pretty sure the Miharu's internal volume, if you filled it with 90 fox shuttles (Fox shuttles aren't that big) and nothing else, would be insufficient - let alone facilities to maintain them, cargo space to hold spare parts and amuunition... I could go on...

Since you have no sections dedicated to such, perhaps you could help us understand by describing the interior of the vessel? How are the fighters stored? What are they launch facilities? Where is the payload stored and how do they load it up? What sort of crew quarters are available? Are the corridors very cramped? Do they save space by combining toilets and showers into 'wet rooms'? Are some of the fighters actually anchored on the surface of the craft to save internal space?

Details like those help make us understand your work better and also makes your ship submission shine all the more.
That's a good point and I can't believe I missed it. Section 5 (Interior) is completely missing!
I have offered proper perspective. Yeah, I could take the added time to describe what the fucking mess hall (among other things) looks like on the ship, but why?! That shit is largely unnecessary for approving a warship submission other than for simple vanity purposes.

I don't have images of any of this shit, if I did, I'd fucking show you a diagram of what goes where and whatnot. But guess what? I'm not an artist or graphic designer, so I'm so fucking sorry IF YOU DON'T HAVE A DAMN PICTURE OF WHAT THE SHIP LOOKS LIKE.

With that said....

If you're ever in Dallas, I'll buy you a drink at the club.
It'd be easy to centralize the descriptions, like I've been doing - basically, write one standard NDI mess hall/armory/crew quarters/whatever room description and then just have all the ships that use it link to it. This lets you keep the description up to date for all of them and eliminates extra work on interiors.
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