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Approved Submission [Phoenix Service Group] - IH-NoN Device


The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Communications Device, External Combat Calculation Processor
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=isc_phoenix:phoenix_service_group:ih-non

Faction: ISC Phoenix/Phoenix Service Group
FM Approved Yet? I AM THE FM (am I?)
Faction requires art? Yes.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes, Origin's NATE system, plans dug up during development.
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Due to my ineptitude at writing Technobabble, I have no idea how I've gone about writing a more intensive piece of software/hardware, as I drew the images you see first, then wrote the article. I actually attempted to draw the internals and circuit diagram, but gave up when I realised I had no idea how computing in SARP worked.

I also need to write up the history, and hit a few mental stumbling blocks I hope to rectify soon.

I may need a hand with this one. I did get a bit of help from DocTomoe for writing.

EDIT: I've added a history and development section.
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This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Can you explain more about how the memory module works? A "micro-FTL field" seems a little mad-powered.
The memory module was Doc's idea. I think we were on a power trip about how amazing things could be because ITS THE FUTURE. I thought it was ridiculous, but rolled with it because FUTURE. I'll revise it a bit and just say good materials engineering co-pioneered by PSG and Origin instead of a tiny FTL field controlling it. I could change the analogy to crystal and fluid intelligence, pioneered by Raymond Cattell, developed further by John L. Horn, and utilised in Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories.

Though, if something like this did have a tiny FTL field in it, you'd have an excellent weapon in handy radio form to launch out of torpedo tubes. Use it to catch up with friends - faster than the speed of light. I think what Doc was going for was fibre optics with the light/signals going even faster thanks to FTL.

I'll revise this soon. SARP's connection is a bit funny at the moment.
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I've updated the Memory Module description.
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