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Sargasso Community Radio Phoenix Service Group makes waves

Good evening, and welcome to another instalment of Sargasso Community Radio, only on 130.33. Tonight, I, Lina, of the Palace - The place for drinks and hugs in Sargasso, will be leading you through the top headlines this evening. The Phoenix Service Group has taken residence in The Rigs, and they have firmly established themselves as a group not to be trifled with. We'll interview one of their members very shortly, so stay tuned~

♫ Sargasso Community Radio - Interlude: Tuesday ♫

So over the last few months you may have noticed that Sargasso's Rigs, out in the ocean to the wst have been changing. We sold them to the ISC Phoenix group, the mercenaries - you may recognise them from the energy drink advertisements, or from seeing them walk around this city. Indeed, we have had need of some of their services in regards to civil planning and infrastructure here in our lovely little town.

Ah, but civil planning? That doesn't sound like what the Captain of the outfit's good at doing, but he happens to employ people who are. Tonight I'm joined by Servicewoman Andrea Carver. Say hello~!

LINA: So, Ms Carver, you are employed by the ISC Phoenix.
ANDREA: That's correct. I work as an aerospace craft repair person, though recently I've been tuning up our jeeps to be a bit more resistant to the ocean conditions. Salty air does hell to the gearbox.
LINA: Ah, wonderful. Do you enjoy your work? Are the conditions good?
ANDREA: Well, in return for making it through the training regimen we're given room, board, square meals, and access to further learning programs. We get a salary and we're given incentives to upskill.
LINA: I do recall seeing people in your uniform running around, navigating our forest, and swimming in our beaches. I may have even saw you crawling through the tidal flats at low tide~
ANDREA: Yep, that's us. I used to be in the Navy as a starship technician, and reskilled to work on a bit of everything.
LINA: Ooo, fascinating, no wonder I see you all at my place on a Friday~ Are you saying its like a university, then?
ANDREA: I hadn't thought of it that way, but yeah I guess.
LINA: How appropriate~ Have you heard that the NSMC may be putting a garrison here in Sargasso soon?
ANDREA: Echelon told me, yeah.
LINA: Do you think there may be any friction between the Service Group and the Space Marines? I'd hope there isn't, because you're darlings to us, training our police.
ANDREA: Nah, there's no reason for us to get angry at them, and vice versa. Luca's still working out the terms with them, but I don't think there'd be any drama.
LINA: Good to know your captain's so diplomatic, and so dreamy. I'd love to ask you more but that's all we have time for. Ladies and gentlemen, Andrea Carver, Phoenix Service Group.
ANDREA: Thanks for having me.

Let's have some music and move on to our normal programming~

♫ Balloon/Super Earbrickers Unite - WarpWorld and the Rise of the Foots (Condensed Brickmix #2) ♫
♫ Lost and Found - N O B O D Y T H E R E / BABY ♫
♫ Aoi Tanaka - The Mall Feeling ♫

Ahh, such a relaxing feeling listening to that music. So airy, and yet it always evokes memories of times you may not have had. Anyway, since my interview with Ms Carver went for so long, I'll be brief on my normal segments today. Less time to listen to my lovely voice. What a shame~

First, notable alcohol in town. I've had a traveller arrive recently with several cloudy-grey glass bottles of spirits. I think they were made on Majestic, judging by the name 'Gunstar Vodka'. I'll be serving this for a limited time tomorrow night, and we'll see if you can taste the difference.

Speaking of, David's got discounts on whitegoods till this time next week. He got a surplus shipment of household appliances and he needs to offload them to make room for more stock. Karl, I think, is offloading .45 Zen Arms bullets on the cheap so get your plinkers. Meanwhile the Pan-CHOW at the spaceport is giving discounts to sweetheart couples in preparation for that holiday Love Day~ Tell you what, there'll be plenty of loving in the Palace because we'll have rooms for everybody~

Finally, our pharmacy in Sargasso is offering discounts on a variety of headache medicines and wrapping plasters, and I've been told to encourage people to go out and get injured. I believe the nature trail by Mt Sargasso's good way to do so, or a night out with Kinky Kassie could do the same~ Wherever you get your hard knocks from, I, Lina, wish you all a wonderful evening and remember: We're a beachside beginning~!

♫ Super Earbrickers Unite/Divirals - freelove popsound YE10 ♫