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Phone chip in tooth


Inactive Member
Jaw-implanted radio reciever "Tooth phone"

Designer: Kessaku Electronic Systems

Information: Projects sound via the implantee's jaw. Inaudible (to surroundings) unless teeth are clenched, in which case normal speaking volume can be reached. Also acts as a personal microphone. Can be controlled via any wireless data transmission, but is usually encrypted to prevent anything but a designated base station (generally a PDA) from affecting it.

Technical Information: For speaker component, vibrations are directly transmitted to the eardrum via the bones in the head. Clenching the teeth causes them to vibrate against each other which produces a publically audible sound. For the microphone, vibrations from the larynx are the most pronounced, so only the implantee's voice is regarded.
This has led to the popular open source 'Chord OS' module which greatly accelerates computer input for those who are not tone-deaf and are dedicated enough to learn to use it. The chip draws its power from the random firing of synapses near it, and as such only powers down if the host is killed or struck by some sort of nerve inhibitor (such as a scalar wave).

Security: Having something in your head that makes sounds on a whim can be dangerous if someone doesn't like you or is simply angry. So, KES have incorporated the "latest" (consumer-level) two-way encryption available. A 4 kilobit key is set into the chip, though it can be changed if physical access to the chip can be obtained. A base station (usually a PDA) has the key compiled into its operating system, such that it is basically impossible to obtain without intricate knowledge of the PDA itself. To crack the code by brute force (ie trying every combination) would take approximately 1.044e1233 calculations (2 to the power of 4096); in effect, if the transmission is encrypted with a key that is different by even 1 digit, it will be ignored. The Chord OS module also has a 'hibernate' melody for the chip (though it is fairly complicated) in case someone gets ahold of your PDA and decides to toy around with it.
I noticed you using this in-character before it's approved.
Well, I've changed the specs a bit and added the details you requested... (Sorry, I thought that since it was approved in my bio it was OK)
The 4k encryption is what keeps it from getting approved. ^_^;
current wireless networks are phasing from 256 into the new 512-bit encryption...I figured it would be better in Yamatai Starships, where the AIR breathes YOU ;P
I don't think this ever made it onto the wiki. What do you guys think about adding it?
It’d make sense as an export model, but honestly seems a little low tech for Kessaku Systems to make for Yamatai specifically. Maybe they made it back before Geshrins got mass upgraded to have telepathy and thus has become generic tech at this point, and is produced by a bunch of small time manufacturers who slap a new logo on it to sell on NepAzon.com for $4.99 with free shipping.
yeah seems like something former Nepleslians in their 40s and 50s would remember from their childhoods before 22Cs
Reactions: Wes
Considering how basic it is, it could just be generic tech as Raz points out. Could see it commonly used in Nepleslia and the Reds. Very cyberpunk
Technology has come a long way since 2005. Look at some of the specs on early ye30's vintage electronics.
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