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PHPBB Updated

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I'm going to update the boards to PHPBB v2.0.10 in order to fix some security vulnerabilities.

I will back up the database first, of course.
Upgrade Complete.
The board was upgraded to version 2.0.11 tonight.

Everything appears to have went successfully. ^_^

The only problem is we may have to find/make a new template.
The Solaris theme we're using now doesn't support visual confirmation (requiring users to type something they see on screen to prevent bots from signing up) and you've probably noticed the private message pop-ups don't work correctly, either

So, the boards will probably have to find a new look soon.
I've never used the PM system on the boards myself so I wouldn't know. And as for the solaris template? how about replacing it with something seasonal for xmas? ^_^V
I edited in a mod that would keep guest users from getting session IDs in URLs. This should make the forums show up much more on Google and other search engines.
A new update for phpBB came out today, and when the mailing list notified me, I upgraded the boards to the latest version, 2.0.16. This involved making a number of changes to the code, which I did manually. I don't expect any, but if you notice any unusual behaviors or errors on the board, let me know.
Today, the forum was upgraded to the latest, most secure version of phpBB. I think service was only disrupted for about a minute (when I had to recreate the install directory to run an update script), so things went very smoothly.

If you see any errors, let me know.
Update: The outage will be on the 10th instead:

Dreamhost said:
I apologize for the lateness of this update. Due to a conflict we need to reschedule the previously announced Ubuntu upgrade. The new upgrade window for your VPS host machine...is from 6pm-8pm September 10th, PST.
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