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Abandoned Character Phylen Rejio

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Looks pretty solid to me. I was wondering how he got his ship. The standard is for characters to start with 3,000 KS or the equivalent and a ship would probably cost a lot more than that, so maybe you should put that he's in debt or something. Also, you may want to choose an existing type of ship so that you don't end up having to write stats for a new model.

Ragnarok's GM, @Gunhand4171 will post the review/approval.
Whoops! I meant to include that he inherited the ship, but has made extensive modifications. My friend will also be RPing as Hierro, because that's the character he's made. We purchased the modifications together, and went in together creating to create T&R Bounty Solutions. I fully intend to balance and create the ship, in fact, I already have the model done in DOGA L3. I don't know what their position is on this forum, but LittleWasp was insanely helpful. I just have to write the stats. If you have any other advice, it would be greatly appreciated!
Whoa, I see you're not unprepared. Nice. That all sounds good to me. Proceed, then!
You may want to fix the '...is played by...' part with your forum username!
I did the same thing when I joined ;^-^
Since this thread has been sitting for a couple months and the original character wiki is no longer in existence, I am considering this application dead. I am moving it to the appropriate forum. I hope that this player will decide to remake his character sheet and join us at a later time.
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