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Physical Alteration Device.


Inactive Member
External and Internal, Physical and Genetic Alteration and Adaptation Device.

Designer: Miles Gunn.

Information: The Genetic Alteration and Adaptation Device is intended to be used as a tool for allowing the subject the device is used on to be able to physically adapt to an environment, or be able to internally adapt to illness. These changes range from simple cosmetics, to extensive organ changes.

Technical Information: The Genetic Alteration and Adaptation Device is able to be applied to life forms that contain DNA and RNA that serve as the primary "blue printâ€
The simple USE of this device is likely to cause death. 1% chance of SURVIVAL is more likely, using mods on genetics in a grown multi-cellular organism.
Deep genetic alterations would only be attempted under the watchful eye of a medical professional in a well stocked hospital or medical bay. Thus the subject would be connected to various life support devices to ensure all of their most essential life functions would be maintained.
Uhm ... that wouldn't work I don't think. You don't modify an already developed organism, except by a very advanced nano-bot.
You CAN'T modify developed organisms. Changing the DNA of a cell of any kind but prokaryotic single cells or eukaryotic stem cells results in catastrophic damage, usually through the rejection of the new cell , and the difference in the products it generates.

How would you like your kidneys to suddenly start producing insulin? Your brain to make blood cells? these are obviously out of proportion examples, but the net effect is the same - death.

it's even CHEAPER to transfer to a new body over modifying your own with lethal techniques. Stick to surgery.
the advanced nano-bot is already available, the nodal system, just create a new nano-machine designed with the same technology type, but focused on organic manipulation.

The side effects are clearly stated. As for the lethality of it, the organ alteration would be done by a combination of surgical efforts and nanomechanical efforts. The genetic alteration is intended mostly for changing an individual over time, thus preventing instant rejection. Also through the use of immune suppressants the odds of rejection can be made minimal. Also if rejection of a major organ does take place, mechanical means can be used to sustain the life of the patient.

The genetic alteration procedure is not intended to be as simple as putting dye into one's hair, it is meant to be a very involved medical procedure, at least for regular "humans". as for the physical alteration, the procedures can be done as a temporary means, or as a nearly perminant one if applied properly.
Taking ideas from another post in which I'm arguing against them may seem evil, but in this case, I think "simple is best" applies. This is an unnecessary thing. This is dangerous. No matter how many nanites you throw at someone, and no matter how many mechanical aids you have in place to save the subject's life, a fully grown organism is simply too complex to modify at the genetic level.

Anyway, the nodal system is not designed for this sort of thing... it's too small - femtobots, not nanobots.
Going to have to say, that when the SA wants to do something like that it synthesis a new body with the relevant genetics (a MUCH easier thing to do), and then ST's the persons concsiousness into that body.

Unless you want this to be out of SA, and it'll likely kill people who use it.
Or give them cancer.
Or turn their face into mush! (See Minority Report or, for that matter, practically any Spielberg film.)

Seriously, though, I think the idea of a gradual evolution of the individual cells comprising an organism is somewhat feasible, just not instant facial modification. I'm thinking something along the lines of Bungie's Oni, in which people are seeded with hyperevolved versions of themselves which gradually replace the basic human cells as they divide.

Immediately useful applications seem to include resetting of the Hayflick Limit (essentially acting as an elixir of youth, returning a person's body to a healthy 20 years old) as well as those which Tomoe has already described. Realistically, though, this process would take several months or even decades, in the case of extreme alterations, rather than days or weeks. I'd expect the ID-SOL to have originally been produced in this manner. So, yeah, it would be easier to just grow a new body, but if the risk is minimized (and Tomoe's statistics seem inflated to me) then it could provide a low-cost alternative to the low end of the socioeconomic spectrum (and the criminals.)

It is unlikely that any such process could be initiated by a handheld device, but then again, who knows?
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