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Physical Displays

Added sexytimes.
I saw that, I will be changing it to something more appropriate. As it stands now it is rather derogatory
It's just mimicking natural lordosis, which is exhibited by wolves. I figured you'd like it since it was wolf-y.
Members of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo, are not animals, definitely not wolves. They walk upright, the only time they move on all fours is as children or when necessary like in a maintenance conduit. They do not have sex like cats.

While I intend to include a come hither display it is not going to be what you added.
Oh well. I'll just have to use that gesture as part of Nekovalkyrja culture instead.
Tails wrapping around each other :: sign of extreme friendship, comradely if same gender / different genders - love and trust. Closeness between sibling/kin, regardless of gender.

Tail hold :: Parental method of keeping track of their baqli in large crowds, starting with the youngest closest to parent to the eldest near the tail tip

Paw'speak - Sign Language of various organizations in communicating intent or give orders to others.
or in Murr's case- to communicate in adapting it to her needs to communicate.
Actually Sam, entwined tails or holding tails is already on the Displays page.

As for tail hold that can be added, basically tail holding a baqli's hand.

Sign Language... I will work on a separate page. There would be more than one type.
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