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RP Picking Up the Pieces


Well-Known Member
RP Date
Ye 41
RP Location
New Dusk Conclave, Obsidian City
Hati lay unconcious in one of the hospital beds, hooked up to various machines and tubes to monitor the young wolf's vitals as the anaesthesia slowly worked its way out of his system - a slight spark in his heartrate prompting one of the nurses to come check on him and while she was there the raven-haired man's crimson eyes slowly dragged open, left arm mostly obscured by the sling that bound it to his chest but the hand was clearly some kind of synthetic rubberized material.

The nurse could be heard explaining that the arm would remain deactivated for a few days as his body acclimatized to it, the lupine male saying little beyond requesting help putting on his hoodie, which was agreed to after a short moment - his skinny organic arm carefully slipping in and the hood being pulled down enough to obscure most of Hati's scarred and disfigured face in shadows as the nurse left.

It took a groggy moment but eventually Hati's senses alerted him to a presence in the room, faintly glowing eyes slowly drifting across to the green-haired woman as the boy cleared his dry throat, "I'm not going to be loud or particuarly annoying, you don't have to worry about that~" he assured her, moving to down a pill the nurse had given him with a small cup of water before settling back into the bed, tail visibly shifting beneath the insulating layers of bedding to get into a comfier position with a forlorn sigh.

His roommate would be silent for the most part as she sat up in her bed. She had awoken a few days before him and had already gotten her fair share of bad news. Harmony sat up in her bed as she let her thumb gently stroke the palm of her other hand, eyes swollen red from crying. Most of her body was wrapped in bandages, hair of her hair had been shorn short on the left side of her head with a bandage wrapped around her head and covered over her left eye.

She looked an absolute wreck, though thankfully there were no casts on her. Her time in her coma had given her time to heal her bones, but there were still other lingering issues. Torn muscles and ligaments, skin that still needed to heal shut from multiple surgeries, everything on the poor Lorath girl was still a wreck but worst of all, she could feel nothing.

For the girl who was usually so enamored with nature, Harmony had the windows shut and the blinds drawn closed to block her vision of the outside world. When she had awoken she could notice she felt nothing after a bit and it had crushed the usually happy girl as she moped and wallowed in her own pity.

Still, silently, almost ignorant of her now awake roommate she just rubbed the palm of her hand as if the repeated motion would coax her nerves to feel the sensation again.

Hati's free hand moved up to scratch at his shoulder before the boy stopped himself, not wanting to go through the whole ordeal of purging infection from his body a second time the pale thing was forced back down to the bed with a sigh - slowly looking back across to Harmony with a faint frown mostly hidden by his hood, eyes zooming in on the name tag at the end of her bed, "...yeah, cool~" he murmured a little awkwardly, shifting to get a better look at the heavily bandaged woman, her scent not being a familiar one to him.

"~let me know if you need anything though, it's only the arm that is out of commission for a while..." he nodded slowly before letting out a hollow breath, not really expecting an answer from his clearly troubled room-mate, he understood that - not really being much of a talker himself anymore, not that he ever was an overly social creature, just now even less so.

Harmony's yellow eyes would blink a few times as her ears twitched and finally recognition seemed to blossom that she wasn't exactly alone anymore. She turned her gaze from her hands to Hati and gave him a half-hearted smile. Eyes shut and head tilted a little to the side she tested her voice which croaked for a moment. "He-Hey... Sorry about that was thinking about something..." A hand reached up a little to quickly to wipe any tears away, not that she could feel them, but she tried anyways and was rewarded promptly with the back of her wrist that smacked her just under her eye.

She winced and touched her face for a moment before she opened her one good eye. "My...Uh My name is Harmony. What's yours?"

"Harmony~" the young wolf repeated, rolling her name around in his mouth a bit and surprised she'd actually spoken back before he moved to do the same, "I-it's fine, really - I'm Hati... correct me if I'm wrong but~" his nose sniffed a few more times, pulling at the slight cleft of scarred flesh over one of his fangs as the boy sampled her scent once more with a hidden frown, "....you're a Lorath, right? or an Elysian perhaps? my nose... isn't what it used to be~" the last bit was mumbled under his breath as Hati's red gaze drifted to the floor.

"That's a pretty good nose... Or was the wing a give away?" Harmony asked with a touch of force humor as she turned her head a little to her left to look at her bandaged wing. "I'm a Lorath, though I have to say I have no idea what you are..." Harmony squinted her eyes a little at the man before her and gave him a once over. "So... What happened to you?"

"~couldn't see the wing..." Hati grumbled to himself before sighing, his eyes returning to the heavily bandaged woman, "I'm... a mix of a lot of things, really - but the base template was a Human, so just figure something out from there~" the young wolf continued, boney hand carefuly carding up and down the bicep of his bound arm with another forlorn and hollow sigh, "Today? just getting a replacement for a... butchered limb, what happened before that I...?" he shuddered slightly, gripping the bicep tighter.

"...I fucked up, that's the long and short of it... you?"

"I guess a lot of the same? I fucked up..." Harmony went back to her hands and let her thumb brush over the palm of her hand. "I was in a coma for a few... Weeks I guess? I forget how long they said, my mind is kinda hazy right now. I was attacked and... well ended up here like this." The Lorath girl shrugged and winced a little. "They said I'm lucky to be alive right now."

Hati nodded slowly as she spoke, his tail shifting again beneath the sheets to lay off to one side as the boy swallowed thickly, breifly scratching at his neck, "Well... you're still here... that's something~" he offered with a forced smile that had good enough intentions behind it, knowing full well that simply being alive didn't make things any easier.

"My Mum died and I... fell off the grid a bit after her funeral, got involved with the wrong people who knew even worse people and they~" he choked up a little, whining faintly before turning away from Harmony once more, "I was out for a few days when I got back... gave the doctors time to flush my system of all the crap that was in it~"

Harmony frowned but nodded as she knew just what that was like. "I went through something like that a few years ago. Not quite the funeral and all, but I got into trouble with some bad people on another planet. It's where I lost my other wing." Harmony nodded slowly to her other shoulder where there was a distinct lack of a wing. "I lost my best friend there too. Worst cruise I ever took." She chuckled a little in spite of herself as she recalled her time on the Iroma homeworld.

His sad red eyes noticed the missing wing with a sympathetic look, Hati's thin neck swallowing thickly as he heard the Lorath's tale, finding a little bit of hope in the fact she could laugh at it even if that laughter was stained black with sadness, "I'm... well, sorry to hear all that~ don't imagine any of it was... any of it is easy to deal with~" he reciprocated, a knowing and solemn tone.

"It's gotten better... I miss him but I know he isn't suffering or anything." Harmony frowned a little as she thought back on peace and her eyes fell back to the palm of her hand as she continued to simply pet it. She swallowed as well and cleared her throat before she looked up to her new room mate. "So, how long are you here for?"

"Uh~ a week or so~ enough for the nerves to bond and to make sure I don't have a reaction to the materials grafted into my body~" he explained a little, using his free hand to pull the other hand into view, letting Harmony get a better look at the synthetic black material and then letting go - the hand falling back down to his lap with a gentle thud followed by a small wince, "~I forgot it'd be tender~" he chuckled a little, a quiet little sound.

Harmony's one good eye narrowed a little at the arm as a small smile threatened to break across her face. She couldn't seem to muster the strength of will to actually bring it to light. Instead she looked back to her hand and continued to rub the same spot.

"Be careful of the claws. Lynn and I had issues making it so the skin didn't tear, But I think we figured it out. And make sure you upkeep the maintenance or it's going to be hell..."

"You... helped sis? she did seem less overworked than usual~" he huffed slightly in response, working hand carding over his own inert limb almost mirroring the injured Lorath's movements as he looked across to her proper, "I will be careful though~ thank you for this... it might just be a stupid arm... but it means a lot~" he offered as a token of his appreciation, along with a weak smile.

"Lynn is your sister? She's really smart, a genius. I helped, but not as much as she did." Harmony did let the smile work over her face finally as Hati thanked her and she nodded as best she could. "I like helping people, it took a bit but it was nice to do. I don't reslly know what all else she did to it after I was attacked but..."

"Oh my bad yeah uh~ surname Pine..." he offered back, slight smile turning sympathetic as the Lorath trailled off, causing the young man to swallow thickly and gather his thoughts for a few moments - hesitating before continuing, "...I~ I understand if you don't want to talk but~" he cleared his throat, "if you do... I'll be here a few days~"

"I'll... I'll take you up on that... But I'm going to get some sleep." It was painful for her to eventually get back into a laying position, but after a few moments of a struggle, Harmony was under her covers and on her side devoid of a wing, eyes shit and silent as she tried to fall asleep.

"Oh uh... of course~ I'll leave you be for now then," he nodded with that faint smile before relaxing back into his pillow with a sigh, finding the company of his fellow bed-bound patient comforting and even pleasant despite them having only shared a few words, his own red eyes shifting to the green of a Geist overlay as Hati decided to check his emails lazily.
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